What Firebase Storage reference should be saved to RTDB/Firestore? - firebase

I'm trying to determine the best way to reference a Firebase Storage (Google Cloud Storage) file in a direct-read database like Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore. Since a read operation to this database does not benefit from a backend that can issue tokens and cache image URLs, it is not clear to me what the most performant way is to store these references.
I have come up with a few options and none of them are a clear winner.
Store a path like /images/foo.jpg to the database, and use Storage Client SDK to generate a tokenized path with storage.bucket().getDownloadURL("/images/foo.jpg").
Pros: Secure & simple.
Cons: Network call for every single image you want to display hurts performance considerably.
Store a tokenized path like https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/storage-bucket-823743.appspot.com/o/images%2Ffoo.jpg?alt=media&token=c6da1e33-f3ff-41e2-a6f0-bdb475a2f6d9 with a super long TTL.
Pros: No extra fetch on the client.
Cons: long string stored in expensive RTDB. What if that token is revoked by mistake? The database is now broken.
Store a path like /images/foo.jpg to the Database and use public storage rules. Reconstruct into a custom static URL like https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/storage-bucket-823743.appspot.com/o/images%2Ffoo.jpg?alt=media
Pros: Tiny database use, no extra client fetch, explicit public access, no token to lose.
Cons: URL encoding is super flaky, Storage could change their URL format and we'd be out of luck.
So, those are the options I've come up with, and there may be more. Any suggestions for how to solve this issue? The issue is unique because the Firebase databases don't have the benefit of a custom server to handle a token/caching layer to resolve this problem.

There is no single "best way" to store these paths. It all depends on your use-case, your preferences, and the context in which you're implementing it.
I typically use :
If I need access to the files to be secured, I store the image path (like in your #1), and then use the Firebase SDK to access the file.
If I don't need access to the files to be secured, I store the image path and the download URL. This way I can find the image easily based on the path, and use the download URL in non-secured clients.
The con's you mention for these are simply not affecting me. I'd recommend you take a similar approach, and report back when the problem actually occurs.


Firebase Storage Security Rules for Groups

I know there are several questions regarding this (e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/52808572/3481904), but I still don't have a good solution for my case.
My application has Groups, which are created/removed dynamically, and members (users) can be added/removed at anytime.
Each Group has 0..N private files (Firebase Storage), saved in different paths (all having the prefix groups/{groupId}/...).
In Firestore Security Rules, I use get() & exists() to know if the signed-in-user is part of a group. But I cannot do this in the Firebase Storage Security Rules.
The 2 proposed solution are:
User Claims:
but the token needs to be refreshed (signing out/in, or renewing expired token) which is not acceptable for my use case, because users need to have access immediately once invited. Also, a user can be part of many groups, which can potentially grow over 1000 bytes.
File Metadata:
but Groups can have N files in different paths, so I will need to loop-list all files of a group, and set the userIds of the group-members in the metadata of each file, allowing access to it. This would be an action triggered by Firestore (a Firebase Function), when a member is added/removed.
I don't like this approach because:
needs to loop-list N files and set metadata for each one (not very performant)
To add new files, I think I would need to set create to public (as there is no metadata to check against yet), and then a Function would need to be triggered to add the userIds to the metadata
there might be some seconds of delay to give files access, which could cause problems in my case if the user opens the group page before that time, having a bad experience
So, my questions are:
Is there a better way?
If I only allow the client to get and create all files when authenticated (disallowing delete and list), would this be enough for security? I think that there might be a chance that malicious hackers can upload anything with an anonymous user, or potentially read all private group files if they know the path...
If custom claims don't work for you, there is really no "good" way to implement this. Your only real options are:
Make use of Cloud Functions in some way to mirror the relevant data from Firestore into Storage, placing Firestore document data into Storage object metadata to be checked by rules.
Route all access to Storage through a backend you control (could also be Cloud Functions) that performs all the relevant security checks. If you use Cloud Functions, this will not work for files whose content is greater than 10MB, as that's the limit for the size of the request and response with Cloud Functions.
Please file a feature request with Firebase support to be allow use of Firestore documents in Storage rules - it's a common request. https://support.google.com/firebase/contact/support
I had similar use case, here’s another way to go about it without using file metadata.
Create a private bucket
Upload files to this bucket via cloud function
2a. validate group stuff here then upload to above bucket.
2b. Generate a signed url for uploaded file
2c. Put this signed URL in Firestore where only the group members can read it (eg. /groups/id/urls)
In UI get the signed URL from firestore for given image id in a group and render the image.
Because we generate the signed URL and upload file together there will be no delay in using the image. (The upload might take longer but we can show spinner)
Also we generate the URL once so not incurring any B class operations or extra functions running every time we add new members to groups.
If you want to be more secure you could set expiry of signed urls quite short and rotate them periodically.

Making Firebase Cloud Storage URL Unguessable?

I want a group of users to access files stored in Cloud Storage, but I want to make sure they are authorized. Do the unique ids generated by Firestore create enough protection to make them unguessable?
I have my files stored using this structure in Firestore:
I made sure that only authorized users can view uidOfProject and uidOfFile using Firestore Rules.
I store that actual files in Storage here:
But, I cannot lock down this path to only the authenticated user id, because other users can access this project.
Is the fact that I have two unique ids enough to prevent a user who doesn't have access from finding these files? What are the odds of a user figuring out both the uidOfProject and uidOfFile and manipulating that file? Is there a more secure way of doing this? I know cloud functions could offer a solution, but at a cost of speed.
Do the unique ids generated by Firestore create enough protection to
make them unguessable?
Security through obscurity is NOT security. Good reference to read.
Unguessable, probably. However, due to the somewhat public nature of URLs, logfiles, information leaks, "hey check this out" favors, etc. objects that are not properly protected will be discovered.
If only users of the project can access the files, can they also list the files? If yes, curiosity might take place browsing to see what is there.

Firebase Storage – getting static link based on filename

I have a situation where in Firebase Storage users store their avatar to /users/{uid}.jpg
If I then use the Storage API to get the download URL and display the image, it ends up being very slow to make the first request because the download URL is not cached anywhere.
So my solution is to get the DownloadURL when the user uploads the image and store that in Firebase allowing the client image provider to automatically cache the image which speeds up loads considerably.
However, there is one problem with this solution.
If a user replaces their avatar, the old link becomes broken instead of updated. I believe this is because a new token is generated each time something is uploaded for security reasons but these are of no benefit to me.
So my question is twofold:
1) How can I allow a user to upload an avatar to a path that is dedicated to them such as /users/{uid}.jpg, get a bare download URL that can be cached by the client, and have that URL remain the same even when the file changes at /users/{uid}.jpg
2) If this is not possible, what is the normal way to solve this issue?
Download URLs are opaque. The contents of the actual URL itself is an implementation detail of the system, and it's not supported to dig around in its contents. The URLs can't be dissected or composed.
You can use a storage trigger with Cloud Functions to automatically generate a signed URL whenever something changes in your storage bucket.
So instead of serving from a hard-coded URL, simply retrieve the URL from an updated value in the datastore (or any data storage system). Every time the user updates the avatar, simply store the new URL in the datastore and you can query for it when you need it.

Understanding the Firebase and purpose of google cloud functions

Let's say I'm developing app like Instagram: for iOS, Android and Web. I decided to use Google Firebase as it really seems to simplify the work.
The features user needs in the app are:
Uploading photos
Searching for other people, following them and see their photos
I come from traditional "own-backend" development where I do need to setup a server, create database and finally write the API to let the frontend retrieve the data from the server. That's the reason why it's unclear to me how it all works in Firebase.
So the question is how can I create such app:
Should I create my own API with cloud functions? Or it's ok to work with the database directly from the client-side?
If I work with the database directly why do I need cloud functions? Should I use them?
Sorry for such silly questions, but it is really hard to get from scratch.
The main difference between Firebase and the traditional setup you describe is that with Firebase, as far as the app developer is concerned, the client has direct access to the database, without the need for an intermediate custom API layer. Firebase provides SDKs in various languages that you would typically use to fetch the data you need / commit data updates.
You also have admin SDKs that you can use server-side, but these are meant for you to run some custom business logic - such as analytics, caching in an external service, for exemple - not for you to implement a data fetching API layer.
This has 2 important consequences:
You must define security rules to control who is allowed to read/write at what paths in your database. These security rules are defined at the project level, and rely on the authenticated user (using Firebase Authentication). Typically, if you store the user profile at the path users/$userId, you would define a rule saying that this node can be written to only if the authenticated user has an id of $userId.
You must structure your data in a way that makes it easily readable - without the need for complex database operations such as JOINs that are not supported by Firebase (you do have some limited querying options tough).
These 2 points allow you to skip the 2 main roles of traditional APIs: validating access and fetching/formatting the data.
Cloud functions allow you to react to data changes. Let's say everytime a new user is created, you want to send him a Welcome email: you could define a cloud function sending this email everytime a new node is appended to the users path. They allow you to run the code you would typically run server-side when writes happen, so they can have a very broad range of use-cases: side-effects (such as sending an email), caching data in an external service, caching data within Firebase for easier reads, analytics, etc..
You don't really need a server, you can access the database directly from the client, as long as your users are authenticated and you have defined reasonable security rules on Firebase.
In your use case you could, for example, use cloud functions to create a thumbnail when someone uploads a photo (Firebase Cloud Functions has ImageMagick included for that), or to denormalize your data so your application is faster, or to generate logs. So, basically you can use them whenever you need to do some server side processing when something changes on your database or storage. But I find cloud functions hard to develop and debug, and there are alternatives such as creating a Node application that subscribes to real time changes in your data and processes it. The downside is that you need to host it outside Firebase.
My answer is definitely NOT complete or professional, but here are the reasons why I choose Cloud Functions
You mentioned that you're writing an instagram-like mobile device app, then I assume that people can comment on others' pictures, as well as view those comments. How would you like to download comments from database and display them on users' devices? I mean, there could be hundreds, maybe thousands of comments on 1 post, you'll need to paginate your results. Why not let the server do all the hard work, free up users' devices and wait for the results? This doesn't seem like a lot better, but let's face it, if your app is incredibly successful, you'll have millions of users, millions of comments that you need to deal with, server will do those hard jobs way better than a mobile phone.
If your project is small, then it's true that you won't worry about performance, but what about security? If you do everything on client side, you're basically allowing every device to connect to your database, meaning that every device can read from/write into your database. Once a malicious user have found out your database url, all he has to do is to
With 1 line of code, you'll lose all your data. Okay, if you say, then I'll just come up with some good security rules like the one below:
This means that for each post, only the owner of that post can make any changes to it or read from it, other people are forbidden to do anything. It's good, but not realistic. People are supposed to be able to comment on the post, that's modifying the post, this rule will not apply to the situation. But again, if you let everybody read/write, it's not safe again. Then, why not just make .read and .write false, like this:
It's 100% safe, because nobody can do anything about anything in your database. Then, you write an API to do all the operations to your database. API limits the operations that can be done to your database. And you have experience in writing APIs, I'm sure you can do something to make your API strong in terms of security, for example, if a user wants to delete a post that he created, in your deletePost API, you're supposed to authenticate the user first. This way, 'nobody' can cause any damage to your database.

Storing Plugin Specific Data Securely

I want to store an API key for a service that the WordPress plugin I am developing needs to get information from an API. There are two options that I am aware of:
1) WordPress's options mechanism
2) Create a new database table
As far as I can tell, at the end of the day both are the same in that they are storing the information in a MySQL table and that data could potentially be accessed by another plugin.
Is there any way to store data so that it cannot be read by other plugins?
Is this even a concern I should be worried about?
A plugin can potentially dump your entire database and send it to it's authors through email, so one way or other to store it's pretty much useless.
This boils down essentially to 2 things, store it in an external database, where just your plugin have access to that or just do a two-way encode/decode with a salted key so your plugin it's the only thing can decrypt it.
If database access from other plugins is still a concern then store the API key within your PHP file. It won't be replaceable but you can take MySQL off the list.
On a personal opinion unless you are installing the worst and least known plugins on Wordpress you probably should be quite confident about the security of your website. To be fair probably caring about an API key to be stolen is the least concerning thing when you have someone that could access all your user details and passwords and potentially FTP access to your server.
