Can I call a Google cloud function from Firebase hosting - firebase

Can I call a Google cloud function from Firebase hosting?? I have a Google cloud function with memory store and I have others APIs in cloud run. These APIs in cloud run are to be called from Firebase hosting because I want to have the same base URL client. Is it possible to call from Firebase hosting the Google cloud function written in python ?


How to un delete a google cloud Function

while deploying a Firebase cloud function, I have deleted previously deployed Cloud Functions,
Is there any way to revert or roll back this deployment and get previously deployed Cloud Function back??
You can't recover the deleted cloud function.
I tried to delete a cloud function from my Google Cloud Console and got this message before proceding.

How to Firebase cloud function deploy privately

When i use firebase deploy --only functions to deploy cloud functions for firebase, i discover, that this functions are deployed with the authentication flag allUsers.
How can i deploy firebase cloud function with private by default as mentioned here ?
There is no way to set this access control level of Cloud Functions through the Firebase CLI. It currently indeed always sets the access to allow all users. It sounds like a reasonable request to allow control of this though, so I'd file a feature request and possibly a PR on the repo.
For now: if you want to set this access level, you will have to do so in the Cloud console as explained in the Google Cloud documentation on controlling access on a function.

Google Cloud Endpoint API works correct but there are no records in log

I use Google Cloud Endpoint API with Google cloud function backend.
I successfully call my functions as defined in the API "swagger" file and see all functions invocations in the cloud function log.
But Endpoint services of Google cloud console shows nothing. Also, there are no records in the endpoint log.
Any idea?

Could I use GCP infrastructure as a code to setup Firebase Auth, Firestore, RDB, Cloud Functions?

I know that I could setup Cloud Firestore and GCP Cloud Functions with infrastructure as a code, but I'm interested that it will be shown at the Firebase Console. I also can't find any way to deploy Firebase Auth and Realtime database with IaaC.
Any Cloud Functions deployed by either the Firebase CLI or gcloud will appear in both the Firebase console and the Cloud console.
Any data populated in Firestore will also appear in both consoles.
The Cloud console has no view into Firebase Auth or Realtime Database, as those services are unique to Firebase. You will have to use the Firebase console and its tools and SDKs to work with those products.
In fact, a Firebase project is just a Cloud project with extra APIs and services enabled on top. You might be helped by reading this blog series on the relationship between Firebase and Google Cloud.

Firebase Cloud Function trigger

As I know currently Cloud Functions doesn't support triggering functions from Firebase.
For now I'm planing to use an basic Engine instance to trigger the functions based on the queue.
Is this the right way to go? or should I trigger the cloud function directly from the clients device after the data is inserted in the db?
thank you
Cloud Functions for Firebase was just launched today! You can use the SDK to trigger cloud functions from your Firebase database, storage bucket, authentication, and analytics events.
