Convert google form responses from Excel values into pdf images - google-forms

I have a google doc page that is a "slider" quiz. So for example, people rate themselves based on a scale on how comfortable they are with say Microsoft Word (0=weak to 5= strong). Then powerpoint, etc.
These responses are submitted and saved in an excel google doc "responses.csv".
Based on the response per column, I want to use the "document studio" add-on, for which I select "google slide" as the option. So it makes me a google slide from the responses.
But I want to make a function that pulls the replies in values 1-5 and gives me an image, so I made an if(A1=1, "", A1=2, ""). Then I referenced the column "image-slider-1".
However, the image is not pulling up in the google slide. And I don't know why. I tried to reference the slider value and import an image from google docs.


How can i visualize a customer journey with tag manager and google data studio?

I have a website where the customer can take a quiz to find the right products. I want to track the customer's journey on the quiz, to see what they choose and where people fall off.
The quiz starts at and for every step they take, the URL "expand" to e.g., next step etc.
I think I can do it with tag manager, by creating events for each step / URL. But my first issue is, that the events get to long. The other issue is, I cant figure out how to visualize the journey in either Google analytics 4 or Google data studio.
enter image description here
Does any of you have a great idea for how I can do it?
what exactly to you mean saying "the events get to long"? Do you mean the requests payload to the google analytics server?
Generally speaking, I'd recommend the following:
Create a generic event for all quiz steps
Add two parameter for the progress, one containing the steps name an one containing the index (e.g. "quiz_step_str" & "quiz_step_index")
Send the events to GA4
Visualize them using a bar chart. (
Additional information regarding step 2:
The parameter containing the step name can be generated using js and getting the value from the url. Just scrape the corrsponding part from it (e.g. "" -> "first_step").
For the parameter containing the steps' index, I recommend creating a lookup table.

How to export or retrieve Google Adwords data displayed in the main chart/graph?

I'm attempting to download a month's work of daily data (broken up by day - see graph) that is displayed in Google Adwords administration page, but having no luck. There are downloadable buttons, but only show data below the graphs, not data in the graphs themselves.
See the attached picture of a Google graph that shows daily clicks, impressions, etc. Where do I get the DATA for this? Is this possible without having to get involved with their API? (I need a report tomorrow)

Attempting to design a flexible reporting system. Getting stuck

I’m having some trouble coming up with a future-proof-ish design for reports for a company. Essentially the requirements are:
Be able to pull whatever data from the database
Generate formatted report from that data by populating a template (HTML, docx)
Export to Word and/or PDF
So initially I made an API endpoint per report (this is a web app), and had PDFs generated and formatted correctly.
But now I need to get the data into .docx/Word format, and I’m trying to figure out how I can design something as D.R.Y. as possible so that I don’t have to put in a TON of work every time the company decides they need another report (they’ve done this two, three times which is how I became aware that I had coded myself into a corner).
Every report I’ve done thus far has been done via a “brute-force” method: code the queries needed for the report, format the data, and then render to PDF (using HTML to PDF via phantomjs).
The complexity occurred when the company came back and said “Hey, we need all of those reports in Word format, also we have 3 other new reports that we need and a report that is a slight variation on the old one but +/- 2 fields”.
I am just having trouble coming up with a solid design/abstraction here, one that doesn’t send me down a week long hacking spree every time a requirement changes.

Is it possible to track actual affiliate sales in Google analytics

I have a website that I built and am getting sales everyday now via "affiliate window" I was curious if it was possible to track the commission in analytics so I am able to see what pages are performing the best?
You should look into purpose-built affiliate trackers. Voluum, Thrive, Adsbridge etc. has a lot of info about these.
You can also use these trackers to dynamically insert user data into your landing pages, and they are a lot easier than GA to use. Example:
After a clarifying comment: Yes, you can do this, although with some caveats (one of them that it might not be worth the effort unless you make a lot from your affiliate pages).
You can do data imports, and more specifically you can add data to urls (there are different kinds of data import and "content data" is one of them).
You need a dataset that contains a "key" field that is used to match external data to GA data and one or more fields with values you want to import.
Imported data is always dimensions, i.e. categorical data (that is per Documentation The interface allow to to select custom metrics, but I have not yet tried this and cannot give any guidance on how that would work). So if you try to import revenue you have the problem that new entries will not be added to existing entries, they will replace them
What I would probably do is to sort the data from the "affiliate window" into three categories (low, medium, high), and then prepare a csv file with the urls as first column and the categories as second column.
Then create a custom dimension with a name of i.e. "performance" (else you'd have to overwrite an existing dimension in GA and you probably not want that).
Both custom dimensions and data imports are created on a property level (however you can apply an import to a specific view and I would urge you to test this on a test view first). So in the property settings go to data import, new, content data. Key will be "page", Imported data will be the custom dimension you just created. Check "overwrite hit data" (else the data will not change after the first import, however note that this might make comparisons between different timeframes difficult).
Download the "schema" file (simply a template for your csv upload file in which you insert your data). Click finish.
Next go to data imports, "manage uploads" and upload the file. Processing will take a day or so (errors, if any, you will see shortly after the upload).
Then go to your content reports, select your custom dimension as secondary dimension and you will if the url in question was a low, medium or high performer.
You can automate this via the GA API, bit that's a bit beyond an SO answer.
---- (old answer)---
This is actually what campaign parameters are for. Your affiliate links should be tagged with campaign parameters, e.g.[[Affliate
Name]]&utm_campaign=[[Campaign Name]]
The things in the angled brackets are placeholders, you would replace those with the name of your affiliate and the name of your campaign.
Now you can look into the aquisition reports and group by source (values for all affiliate links), by source (breakdown by affiliate name) or campaigns, or combinations thereof.
However tracking the commission you pay out via Google Analytics is probably not a good idea, at least from the point of view of your affiliates - JavaScript based tracking is not necessarily accurate enough to track billable services (some people have js disabled or opted out of GA or use adblockers that block tracking etc).
Yes it's possible. You can use sub-id's and fill them with unique visitor data (Google Analytics Used ID). Once an affiliate sale is tracked in an affiliate network, you'll get the sub-id that generated the sale. You can now push that sale to google analytics and let google analytics match the visitor data with their data, showing you the full visitor reports (including landingpage info etc.). You need developer skills to get this working with your affiliate networks but there are complete easy to use tools that does the trick for you such as and Coincrack.

How to remove percentage of total from Google Analytics custom reports

My company is attempting to send scheduled custom referral traffic reports to some of our affiliates and we would very much like to hide/remove the "% of total" values that are appended below visits and transactions so that our affiliates don't have to know what our total site visits and transactions are.
The totals aren't included in the Excel versions of the reports, but we want to use PDFs.
At the top of your Google Analytics page you will find Customization you can create a custom report for this.
Under type: pick Flat table it wont display totals.
If you click on the link below you should be able to import the dummy report into your Google Analytics and see what I have done. If you try and save this report as PDF you wont see Totals. This is a simple example just using Referral path and visits. You can add filters to it as well so that you are only sending the information you want to the different affiliates.
