Async Await with four nested loops - asynchronous

I am currently trying to return a JSON object array that requires me to do one asynchronous function and then four nested asynchronous map functions in order to populate an array of entities. Basically, each user has an array of orders, each order has an array of items, each item has an array of options and each option has an array of values. I am using loopback4 framework and therefore cannot do res.send once all things have been populated. The function seems to return on the first await, but any await after that, it does not wait on it and instead runs to the end of the function. I have tried using Promises and .thens(), but cannot seem to figure out how to populate each entity fully nested, and then return the array of populated entities. I keep getting an empty array. Below is only one nest of maps, but I cannot get it to even populate up to the first nest and return this, so I decided not to go any further. This is the code:
async getUserOrders2(#param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise<any> {
if ( !this.user) {
throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
else if ( != id) {
throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
else {
let restaurantId = this.user.restaurantId
let orderFrameArray = new Array<OrderFrame>()
return this.restaurantRepository.orders(restaurantId as string).find()
.then(async orders => { (val, key)=> {
let orderFrame = new OrderFrame(val)
orderFrame.itemArray = await this.orderRepository.orderItems(
orderFrameArray = await Promise.all(orderFrameArray)
return orderFrameArray
The function is returning before the orderFrameArray has been populated. I need four nested map loops and this first one is not working, so I am not sure how to do the rest. Any help would be extremely appreciated.
Based on #Tomalaks solution I tried the following, but its still only returning the top level array and nothing is nested:
async getUserOrders2(#param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise<any> {
if ( !this.user) {
throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
else if ( != id) {
throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
else {
let restaurantId = this.user.restaurantId
let orderFrameArray = new Array<OrderFrame>()
return this.restaurantRepository.orders(restaurantId as string).find()
.then(orders => {Promise.all(
order => {
let orderFrame = new OrderFrame(order)
orderFrame.itemArray = new Array<Item>()
.then(orderItems => Promise.all(
orderItem => {
let itemFrame = new Item(orderItem)
itemFrame.options = new Array<Option>()
.then(orderItemOptions => Promise.all(
orderItemOption => {
let optionFrame = new Option(orderItemOption)
optionFrame.values = new Array<Value>()
.then(orderItemOptionValues => Promise.all(
orderItemOptionValue => {
let valueFrame = new Value(orderItemOptionValue)
return orderFrameArray})
I apologize for the formatting I wasn't sure how best to format it. Is there something else I'm doing wrong?
Thanks to everyone for their response. The answer that was posted by #Tomalak was correct. I just had to surround the entire function in brackets, and put a .then to return the populated entity I had made

You only need to use async when you are using await in the same function. If there's await in a nested function, the parent function does not need async.
However, in your case, there is no function that should be made async in the first place.
There is no benefit in awaiting any results in your function, because no code inside depends on any intermediary result. Just return the promises as you get them.
There's no need for intermediary result variables like orderFrameArray, you're making things harder than they are with your approach of awaiting individual orders and pushing them to a top-level variable.
Using await in a loop like you do inside your .map() call is bad for performance. You are basically serializing database access this way – the next query will only be sent after the current one has returned. This kind of daisy-chaining nullifies the database's ability to process multiple concurrent requests.
getUserOrders2 is not Promise<any>, it's Promise<Array<OrderFrame>>.
throw terminates the function anyway, you can do multiple checks for error conditions without using else if. This reduces nesting.
So a fully asynchronous function would look like this:
getUserOrders2(#param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise<Array<OrderFrame>> {
if (!this.user) throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
if ( != id) throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized(AuthErrorKeys.ClientInvalid);
return this.restaurantRepository
orders => Promise.all(
order => this.orderRepository.orderItems(
order => new OrderFrame(order)
The async/await equivalent of this function would be more complex.
You then would await the result in the calling code, as you would have to do anyway:
async test() {
const orders = await foo.getUserOrders2(someUserId);
// ...
// or
test() {
foo.getUserOrders2(someUserId).then(orders => {
// ...


Add new function in promise.all runtime in node

I am not sure about this question if this can be implemented or not.
I am using node.js with express.js and MySQL database.
I have a few records in MySQL database. These records are updating continues.
So, suppose I fetch some records from MySQL and start operations on each record with Promise.all using demoFunction function which is returned promise.
In this function, I am trying to check for new records in MySQL database. If I got new records then I want to push this new record's operation into current Promise.all queue. Is this possible? If not possible then how can I achieve this goal with continues execution?
So, my code is like,
const demoFunction = (arg1, arg2) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Rest of my code is here for this function
// This function will be take around 5 to 10 mins
const dataFromDatabase = "Here i'm getting some data into array of object from SQL database";
let allPromises = => demoFunction(obj.arg1, obj.arg1));
const checkForNewData = () => {
const newDataFromDatabase = "Here i'm getting some new data into array of object from SQL database";
for (let i = 0; i < newDataFromDatabase.length; i++) {
allPromises.push(demoFunction(newDataFromDatabase[i].arg1, newDataFromDatabase[i].arg2));
return Promise.all(allPromises)
.then(() => {
// response
.catch((e) => {
In this function, I am trying to check for new records in MySQL database. If I got new records then I want to push this new record's operation into current Promise.all queue. Is this possible?
Nope, Promise.all takes a finite and set number of promises and waits for all of them to complete.
If not possible then how can I achieve this goal with continues execution?
Well, a promise is just a value - if you have a promise for something then execution has already started somewhere else. You can always execute a second .all but what happens if records were added in the meantime?
It's fine to do:
Promise.all(allPromises).then(() => Promise.all(allPromises)).then(() => {
But at that point you're better off just waiting for the checkNewData call to finish before calling the Promise.all since otherwise you're introducing a race between checkAllData and the Promise.all
A promise is a "one time" thing, consider using an async iterator if you want to process results (note, this requires Node 12):
async function* getRecordData() {
for await(const item in getPromisesOfInitDataFromDatabase()) {
yield item; // or process it
while(true) { // or how often you want
for await(const item of getNewDastaFromDatabase()) {
yield item; // or process it
await sleep(3000); // or some sleep timeout to not constantly poll
Then elsewhere:
(async () => {
for await(const item of getRecordData()) {
// items are available here one by one, including new items in the database

Return a complex object from page.evaluate using puppeteer?

I was asked to create a task that clicks random links on a website ( in order to test something).
So I have something like this :
await page.evaluate((a, shuf) =>
function shuffle(array)
return array;
//let's get the first one
let anchor = shuffle([...document.querySelectorAll('a')].filter(...)[0];
1) Notice that I had to inline the shuffle function , because otherwise , it doesn't know it. Is there any way to put this function outside page.evaluate , and "send" it to the evaluate function ?
2) I don't want to click the anchor ((anchor).click();) it in the evaluate function. I want to return the DOM object of anchor and to do some other manipulations then click it. The problem is that a DOM is a complex object which is not serialized , so I can't return it. Is there any way to do a workaround for this ?
1) You need to add shuffle() to the browser context:
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.shuffle = array => {
return array.reverse()
Now you can use it in evaluate:
let shuffled = await page.evaluate((array) => window.shuffle(array), [1,2,3,4,5])
2) Maybe something like this?
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.anchors = [...document.querySelectorAll('a[href]')]
return 'something else'
await page.evaluate(() => {

Convert multiple FirebaseObjectObservable into a FirebaseListObservable

The snippet is part of a bigger code. Generally I have an object on firebase database called users (it's not a list). I need to get some of them and then convert into Array or FirebaseListObservable.
]).subscribe(user => {
This return me user by user, however I need to get all users together. I need to do it in sync. Any ideas?
I have a similar problem and this is how I'm solving it for the moment:
getUsers(): Observable<any> {
let observables = [];
for (let user of users) {
return Observable.combineLatest(...observables, (...results) => { return results });
What I did not manage to do is to return it as FirebaseListObservable.

HTTP: Angular 2+TS How to use Observables in HTTP

I found an example from This example is very similar to my app, with same kind of methods. This example is using Promises, but I'm using Observables. If I use this example as a reference, I have every method working in my app, except the getHero method in the service, and the ngOnInit in the HeroDetailComponent. So I'm wondering if someone can help and convert this method to an observable, because I'm having trouble with the syntax. Here is the codes I need converted to Observable and the plunker
getHero(id: number) { // my id is String
return this.getHeroes()
.then(heroes => heroes.filter(hero => === id)[0]);
ngOnInit() {
if (this.routeParams.get('id') !== null) {
let id = +this.routeParams.get('id');
this.navigated = true;
.then(hero => this.hero = hero);
} else {
this.navigated = false;
this.hero = new Hero();
So I want something like this:
public getHero(id: string) {
return this.getHeroes()
.subscribe(heroes => this.heroes.filter(hero => === id)[0]); //BTW, what does this [0] mean??
EDIT: I had to actually retrieve the list directly, it didn't work with return this.heroes as suggested in answers below. Working example:
public getById(id: string) {
//return this.getHeroes() <---- didn't work
return this.http.get('someUrl') // WORKS!
.map(heroes => this.heroes.filter(hero => === id)[0]);
Now I'm still having trouble with my ngOnit, and I can't really understand why!
let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
//console.log("retrieved id: ",id ) <----- gives correct id!
.subscribe(hero => this.hero = hero);
//console.log("hero: ", this.hero); <----- gives undefined!
EDIT2, still getting undefined when trying to move to the detail page :( I think you had one bracket to much in your answer, tried to look and get the correct places for the brackets?
let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
.subscribe(heroes => {
// this code is executed when the response from the server arrives
this.hero = hero
// code here is executed before code from the server arrives
// even though it is written below
If you call subscribe() on an Observable a Subscription is returned. You can't call subscribe() on a subscription.
Instead use just an operator (map()) and use subscribe() on the call site:
public getHero(id: string) {
return this.getHeroes()
.map(heroes => this.heroes.filter(hero => === id)[0]);
let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
.subscribe(hero => this.hero = hero);
In contrary to subscribe(), map() also operates on an Observable but also returns an Observable.
[0] means to just take the first item of the filtered heroes.
let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
.subscribe(searchCase => {
// this code is executed when the response from the server arrives
this.searchCase = searchCase;
console.log("id: ", this.searchCase);
// code here is executed before code from the server arrives
// event though it is written below
This code is a function
searchCase => {
// this code is executed when the response from the server arrives
this.searchCase = searchCase);
console.log("id: ", this.searchCase);
that is passed to subscribe() and the Observable calls this function when it has new data for the subscriber. Therefore this code is not executed immediately but only when the observable emits new data.
Code that comes after subscribe() is executed immediately and therefore before above function and therefore this.searchCase does not yet have a value.
This is a way you can do it:
public getHero(id: string) {
return this.getHeroes()
.map(heroes => this.heroes.filter(hero => === id)[0]);
let id = this._routeParams.get('id');
.subscribe(hero => {
// your code here
The [0] is an array accessor. You're selecting the first element on array index 0 with it. You need this, because Array.filter() returns a new array with the filtered values, but you only want one hero.

React-redux project - chained dependent async calls not working with redux-promise middleware?

I'm new to using redux, and I'm trying to set up redux-promise as middleware. I have this case I can't seem to get to work (things work for me when I'm just trying to do one async call without chaining)
Say I have two API calls:
1) getItem(someId) -> {attr1: something, attr2: something, tagIds: [...]}
2) getTags() -> [{someTagObject1}, {someTagObject2}]
I need to call the first one, and get an item, then get all the tags, and then return an object that contains both the item and the tags relating to that item.
Right now, my action creator is like this:
export function fetchTagsForItem(id = null, params = new Map()) {
return {
payload: getItem(...) // some axios call
.then(item => getTags() // gets all tags
.then(tags => toItemDetails(,
I have a console.log in toItemDetails, and I can see that when the calls are completed, we eventually get into toItemDetails and result in the right information. However, it looks like we're getting to the reducer before the calls are completed, and I'm just getting an undefined payload from the reducer (and it doesn't try again). The reducer is just trying to return action.payload for this case.
I know the chained calls aren't great, but I'd at least like to see it working. Is this something that can be done with just redux-promise? If not, any examples of how to get this functioning would be greatly appreciated!
I filled in your missing code with placeholder functions and it worked for me - my payload ended up containing a promise which resolved to the return value of toItemDetails. So maybe it's something in the code you haven't included here.
function getItem(id) {
return Promise.resolve({
attr1: 'hello',
data: 'data inside item',
tagIds: [1, 3, 5]
function getTags(tagIds) {
return Promise.resolve({ data: 'abc' });
function toItemDetails(tagData, itemData) {
return { itemDetails: { tagData, itemData } };
function fetchTagsForItem(id = null) {
let itemFromAxios;
return {
payload: getItem(id)
.then(item => {
itemFromAxios = item;
return getTags(item.tagIds);
.then(tags => toItemDetails(,
const action = fetchTagsForItem(1);
action.payload.then(result => {
console.log(`result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
result: {"itemDetails":{"tagData":"abc","itemData":"data inside item"}}
In order to access item in the second step, you'll need to store it in a variable that is declared in the function scope of fetchTagsForItem, because the two .thens are essentially siblings: both can access the enclosing scope, but the second call to .then won't have access to vars declared in the first one.
Separation of concerns
The code that creates the action you send to Redux is also making multiple Axios calls and massaging the returned data. This makes it more complicated to read and understand, and will make it harder to do things like handle errors in your Axios calls. I suggest splitting things up. One option:
Put any code that calls Axios in its own function
Set payload to the return value of that function.
Move that function, and all other funcs that call Axios, into a separate file (or set of files). That file becomes your API client.
This would look something like:
// apiclient.js
const BASE_URL = '';
const makeUrl = (relativeUrl) => BASE_URL + relativeUrl;
function getItemById(id) {
return axios.get(makeUrl(GET_ITEM_URL) + id);
function fetchTagsForItemWithId(id) {
// Other client calls and helper funcs here
export default {
Your actions file:
// items-actions.js
import ApiClient from './api-client';
function fetchItemTags(id) {
const itemInfoPromise = ApiClient.fetchTagsForItemWithId(id);
return {
payload: itemInfoPromise
