How can i optimize the creation of meshes? - babylonjs

I've added a functionality that let's you create meshes when you click on the ground. But for some reason when I walk near the mesh the browser lags a lot. It doesnt't happen with the meshes I make when i create the scene.
This is how i create the object
scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {
window.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {
var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, evt.clientZ);
if (pickResult.hit) {
createBlock(pickResult.pickedPoint.x, pickResult.pickedPoint.y, pickResult.pickedPoint.z);
function createBlock(x, y, z) {
var box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box", { height: 3, width: 3, depth: 3 }, scene);
box.position.x = x;
box.position.y = y + 1;
box.position.z = z;
box.checkCollisions = true;
I believe It's something related to the onClick event as I tried the same method on a keyPush event and it works just fine

I have just found out. I deleted
scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {
and now it works fine

Just my two cents for this -
The reason it lagged is because you registered a click listener after every frame rendered. meaning, technically, 60 callbacks were registered every second. So when you clicked after a few seconds, hundreds of callbacks were called one after the other. No fun :-)
Your solution was the right thing to do - register the click even one time, and execute the box creation when you click.
To save a bit of work, and do it "the babylon way", you could instead do this:
scene.onPointerDown = function (evt, pickResult) {
// if the click hits
if (pickResult.hit) {
// do your thing here
function createBlock(pickedPosition) {
var box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box", { height: 3, width: 3, depth: 3 }, scene);
box.checkCollisions = true;
This way babylon takes care of handling the event registration for you, so pick and touch events are also registered (and not only clicks). It also takes care of removing the event listeners when the scene is disposed.


Clarity Datagrid column input filter losing focus on first keypress after moving to next page in paginated grid

Using a clarity datagrid version 2.3
Seeing an issue where if the user starts typing into the input field of datagrid column filter, the filter input focuses out automatically as soon as a key is pressed.
Since the datagrid is paginated and server driven, this causes the API to get fired as soon as a
key is pressed after the debounce time.
The automatic focus out of the input field cause the filter to only have a single character and the API gets triggered since the debouce is only 800.
Have looked at clarity github for any reported issues, doesn't look like its reported or anyone having similar issue.
Expected behavior should be the input focus out should not happend until the user moves the cursor away or presses enter, which is when the debounce should kickin after which the api should be called.
(clrDgRefresh)= refreshDataGrid($event)>
TS Component:
debouncer = new Subject<any>();
ngOnInit() {
).subscribe(state => {
// do something here.. like call an API to filter the grid.
refreshDataGrid(state) {;
Any help is appreciated.
Currently I'm hacking my component, to make sure the focus is not lost on the input field until done so by the user.
refreshDataGrid(state) {
const isClrFilterInputField = document.querySelector('.datagrid-filter .clr-input');
if (isClrFilterInputField instanceof HTMLElement) {
This is still not a clean answer, but as far as I have searched, this seems like an issue with clarity datagrid itself, until I hear from someone with a cleaner answer.
Most likely the upgrade version might have this fixed.
Yet to check that.
Unfortunately I think we designed the datagrid to emit the changes on each filter value change with debouncing intended to be done on the app side as consumers see fit.
That said, it is possible to accomplish what you describe. I've implmented a quick and dirty guard based on events but there may be better ways. I'll add code snippets here and a link to the working stackblitz at the end.
You are on the right track with the debouncer. But we don't need to debounce with time, we only need to 'debounce' on certain events.
Instead of debouncing with time, what if we debounce with an #HostListener for clicks on the filter input? (I'll leave it as an exercise for you to implement a HostListener for the focusin event since focusin bubble's up and blur does not). To do that we need:
A Hostlistener that can hear keydown.enter event on the filter input
A guard to prevent requests
A property to store the datagrid state as user enters text
In general the code needs to:
Fetch data when component inits but not after unless directed
Keep track of state events that get emitted from the datagrid
listen to keydown.enter events (and any other events like the filter input focusout - becuase it bubbles up, unlike blur)
Check that the event was generated on a datagrid filter input
dismiss the guard
make the request
re-enlist the guard
Here is a rough attempt that does that:
export class DatagridFullDemo {
refreshGuard = true; // init to true to get first run data
debouncer = new Subject<any>(); // this is now an enter key debouncer
datagridState: ClrDatagridStateInterface; // a place to store datagrid state as it is emitted
ngOnInit() {
// subscribe to the debouncer and pass the state to the doRefresh function
this.debouncer.asObservable().subscribe(state => {
// a private function that takes a datagrid state
private doRefresh(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface) {
// Guard against refreshes ad only run them when true
if (this.refreshGuard) {
this.loading = true;
const filters: { [prop: string]: any[] } = {};
console.log("refresh called");
if (state.filters) {
for (const filter of state.filters) {
const { property, value } = <{ property: string; value: string }>(
filters[property] = [value];
.sort(<{ by: string; reverse: boolean }>state.sort)
.then((result: FetchResult) => {
this.users = result.users; = result.length;
this.loading = false;
this.selectedUser = this.users[1];
// Set the guard back to false to prevent requests
this.refreshGuard = false;
// Listen to keydown.enter events
#HostListener("document:keydown.enter", ["$event"]) enterKeydownHandler(
event: KeyboardEvent
) {
// Use a host listener that checks the event element parent to make sure its a datagrid filter
const eventSource: HTMLElement = event.srcElement as HTMLElement;
const parentElement = eventSource.parentElement as HTMLElement;
if (parentElement.classList.contains("datagrid-filter")) {
// tell our guard its ok to refresh
this.refreshGuard = true;
// pass the latest state to the debouncer to make the request;
refresh(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface) {
this.datagridState = state;;
Here is a working stackblitz:

Detect background events

I am using FullCalendar in my project. I used background events, rendering="background". How can I detect if user click on the background events? I try this but it doesnot work since all dates cannot be clicked.
dayClick: function (start, end, allDay, jsEvent, view,color,calEvent) {
if (calevent.rendering==="background") {
alert('Click Background Event Area');
if (start.isBefore(moment())) {
return false;
Since fullCalendar doesn't expose an "click" type event on background events, the only way I can think of to do this is essentially a DIY approach. The basic idea:
Handle the "select" event
Fetch all the events currently in fullCalenar's memory, using the "clientEvents" method.
Loop through them all and check whether any of them are background events, and if so, whether they overlap with the selected time period. If they do, then that's the event that was clicked on.
I haven't tested this, but it's based on some old code I found, so hopefully you get the idea:
select: function(start, end, jsEvent, view) {
var cal = $("#calendar"); //put the ID of your calendar element here
var evts = cal.fullCalendar('clientEvents'); //get all in-memory events
var selectedEvent = null;
for (i in evts) {
if (evts[i].rendering == "background" && start.isBefore(evts[i].end) && end.isAfter(evts[i].start)) {
selectedEvent = evts[i];
The only flaw in this is that "select" allows selection of a time period, not just a single click, so it could be that the selection is overlapping the background event, and not wholly contained within it. You might be able to adjust the logic a little bit if that doesn't suit you - e.g. to require that both start and end are within the event's boundaries.

Select a game object and perform actions using GUI.Button (EventTrigger)

I am currently working on a strategy game and I want to preform actions using GUI.Button on game objects. I am using ray cast and mouse click to select the object however when I click on GUI.Button to take out another action the button disappears. I want to use that button to open up another GUI.Box to show some descriptions.
I know why the button is disappearing, it is because I am projecting the ray cast to my button clicks in the update function but how can I avoid this? I also know that I have to use EventTrigger however I am not familiar with javascript event trigger, I searched online but I couldn't find any helpful javascript.
Here is my script:
var isCalled:int = 0;
var scWidth:int = 0;
var scHeight:int = 0;
function Start () {
scWidth = Screen.width;
scHeight = Screen.height;
function Update () {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit)) {
if (hit.collider.tag == "House") {
isCalled = 1;
} else{
isCalled = 0;
function OnGUI(){
GUI.Button(Rect(scWidth/2,(scHeight/2)+(scHeight/4),120,120), name);
If I understood you right, the problem is that when you click on button the raycast is fired up before button click and you select different object or no object at all and button disappears or reappears but for another object, what you need to do is check if you clicked on GUI and if yes don't project the raycast that selects the objects. Here is how you are gonna do it.
var selectedUI : GameObject = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && selectedUI) {
var ray : Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit)) {
if (hit.collider.tag == "House") {
isCalled = 1;
} else{
isCalled = 0;
I work in C#, so I might have done some syntax errors, but the logic is right.
There is a good trick when using legacy GUI system to avoid raycast when mouse is over GUI elements. Using tooltip to controll if you may cast your ray =)
Something like this (I also don't work with US so may I it needs some work):
var hover : String;
function OnGUI(){
if(GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,100,20), "My Button"));
hover = GUI.tooltip;
function Update () {
if(hover != "") {
// raycast logic
If you need to avoid raycast when your "popUp" window/panel is shown but you don't want a tooltip on it you may approach using a MouseOverGUI manager too.
It is just a static or singleton holding a boolean that you will set true when your mouse is over some rect that you don't want to cast rays using Rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) and to false whenever it runs out of this rect.
Use this bool with or without tooltip var to allow raycast:
if(!MouseManager.MouseOverGUI) {
// raycast logic
Note that creating your rect on each OnGUI cycle will difficult to catch it and control the MouseOveGUI. Also it is a bad practice for performance because OnGUI runs more than once per frame so I'll suggest you to create you rects just once (recalculate it just when needed) and pass it to your GUI elements ;)
I think the easiest way is to create a GameObject(input blocker) which is not visible but have a collider. Place it in between the camera and level objects and deactivate it. When you select a GameObject using Raycast you enable that input blocker GameObject and place it around the area of selected GameObject and GUI. Then you have to ignore the selection if raycast is collided with Input Blocker. When you deselect the Gameobject then you deactivate input blocker
You should also maintain current state of the game for example:
enum State
NothingSelected = 0,
State currentState;
So according to state you can define the behavior on mouse click. Like if Full screen menu is Open then raycast does not fire.

Flex: Popup Window - Get [ok] or [cancel]

I've done a lot of C# programming with both Winforms and WPF. I'm working on a Flex/Air app now for cross platform support. But this is my first flex project, so I'm learning as I go.
I've got a window that I want to popup, that the user will fill out a form, then hit OK or CANCEL. I set it up the same way I would've in C#, but it doesn't work, and I can't really see a way to make it do what I want.
So I'm trying events now, the events just don't seem to be handled...
EDIT again:
Oh, It's because the popup manager seems to create a new instance of the Form object, rather than using the one I created already.
so in the showWindow method, I put in this code rather than the popup manager:
then I remove it when I close it. The only problem is, it doesn't disable the rest of the parent like the popup manager does. Any suggestions on that?
private function btnAdd_Clicked():void
var form:Form = new Form();
form.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onFormClosed, false, 0, true);
private function onFormClosed(e:CloseEvent):void
//none of these Alerts are ever shown. I also tried breakpoints in debug to try an follow the code, with no luck"Closed");
if(e.detail == Alert.OK)
else if(e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
private function btnCancel_Clicked():void
okClicked = false;
public function closeWindow():void
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
public function showWindow(parent:WindowedApplication):void
var window:IFlexDisplayObject = PopUpManager.createPopUp(parent, RecipeForm, true);
You can do this at least two different ways:
FIRST WAY: Using events
Let your Form class dispatch an event when either of the buttons is clicked. After Form is instantiated from the parent view, add an eventListener for the event(s) it's known to dispatch. When the Form dispatches the event, the eventListener will be invoked. You can even reuse Flex's CloseEvent and set the "detail" property to either Alert.OK or Alert.CANCEL before dispatching it.
In Form:
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
In parent:
var f:Form = new Form();
f.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onClose, false, 0, true);
private function onClose(e:CloseEvent):void
if (e.detail == Alert.OK)
// do something
else if (e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
// do something else
SECOND WAY: Using callbacks
Add a public var of type "Function" to your Form class and supply a callback function from the parent. This does basically the same thing as #1 except with little less abstraction / indirection.
I would recommend #1 since the event model in Flex is pretty well-conceived and more flexible than the callback.
In Form:
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
In parent:
var f:Form = new Form();
f.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onClose, false, 0, true);
private function onClose(e:CloseEvent):void
if (e.detail == Alert.OK)
// do something
else if (e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
// do something else
Not sure if this is still an open issue. I ran into this very same problem and I think I figured out what is wrong. At least I did for my problem.
I implemented things exactly as you did. I also have the close attribute set to closeWindow (I'm using a TitleWindow for my dialog).
So when the window is closed via the X at the top, it will call closeWindow, also if you click on the Cancel button, it will also call closeWindow.
The problem for me was that clicking cancel, dispatches a CloseEvent which seems to be caught by a Listener which calls closeWindow again (possibly via the close attribute which probably creates its own internal listener). I'm not sure if its an infinite loop but Flex does not like this.
My solution was to create two functions, one for the X close window to call and one for the Cancel button to dispatch a CloseEvent of its own. This seemed to work for me. Hope it helps you.

Events Overwritten in ASP.AJAX on IE7

I'm calling a Web service from Javascript when a user clicks on a link. I need to get the coordinates where the user clicked so that I can display a DIV in an appropriate location. My client-side script looks like the following:
var g_event;
function DoWork(event, theId)
if (IsIE())
g_event = window.event;
g_event = event;
Acme.WebServices.Worker.GetInformation(theId, DoWorkSuccess);
function DoWorkSuccess(result)
var l_elemDiv = document.getElementById("content-area-div");
DisplayAreaDiv(g_event, l_elemDiv, result);
It's used like this:
This works great in Firefox, Safari, and Opera. In IE7, not so much. For example, if I place the following code at the end of both the DoWork() and DoWorkSuccess() functions:
alert(g_event.clientX + ", " + g_event.clientY);
In IE, I'll get two alerts; the first one has correct coordinates, but the second one (which displays on top of the first one) is simply "[object]". Since that "[object]" one is the last one, my DIV is incorrectly displayed in the top left of the browser window. Is there a way I can prevent IE from giving me a second "bad" event? Thanks.
Why not extract and save the coordinates in DoWork and simply use them in DoWorkSuccess rather than saving the event. Of course this won't work if there is more data you are extracting from the event.
var client_x;
var client_y;
function DoWork(event, theId)
var g_event;
if (IsIE())
g_event = window.event;
g_event = event;
client_x = g_event.clientX;
client_y = g_event.clientY;
Acme.WebServices.Worker.GetInformation(theId, DoWorkSuccess);
function DoWorkSuccess(result)
var l_elemDiv = document.getElementById("content-area-div");
DisplayAreaDiv( { clientX : client_x, clientY : client_y }, l_elemDiv, result);
Have you tried setting window.event.cancelBubble = true in your DoWork function?
If not, quirks mode has good article on events and event bubbling - that has helped me a lot with these kinds of issues.
