Hold added image position in R markdown - r

I want to add an image in the middle of R markdown report, but when I knit it to pdf, the image appears on the top of the page, not in the intended place. Here is what I use in R markdown:
Anyone knows how to fix it? I need the image at where I insert it, not on the page top.


How to add the background image only in first page of pdf output of rmarkdown? and how to add watermark in each page of pdf?

I want to add background image only to first page of pdf output of Rmarkdown also needs to set opacity of the image so that the text font color is visible clearly.
Secondly, I want to add watermark to each page of pdf considering plots/graphs in pdf.
How do I do that?
Any help in this regard will be very helpful.

Side by side images are not working in r markdown

I am trying to place side by side images in r markdown beamer using the code below.
```{r, out.width='.49\\linewidth', fig.cap='caption', fig.show='hold', fig.align='default'}
knitr::include_graphics(c('figures/yield.png', 'figures/boxplot_yield.png'))
However, the images somehow were vertically stacked, instead of horizontally. Please see the resulted plot below. Any ideas??
When I ran your code with my own pictures, they rendered side by side, you may need to make the pictures a smaller resolution and then your code should do what you want

Inline preview overlays on top of the Markdown document in RStudio

I'm using RMarkdown on a new installation with RStudio. I'm finding that the inline preview is taking up the top two thirds of the text editor for my rmarkdown file. It's appearing, in addition to showing up inline below each paragraph, on top of the paragraphs.
It makes it hard to code or see any of the other work that I'm doing. The preview is fixed to the top of the screen and it stays there even when I scroll up and down in the document.
I can get rid of the inline preview by clicking clear all output.
I think this is probably a bug, but maybe not. I tried restarting RStudio and the issue persists.
If you go to Tools -> Global Options, a window will pop up. Select "R Markdown" on the left and you should see something like the below:
Half-way through, make sure "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents" is unchecked.

R Markdown Knitting to PDF Format Question

This is a two-part question, both parts are probably simple:
Why do my comments appear between the code and the output? I'd rather it display as I type it. For instance:
Gives the output:
But I would prefer the "We have 7 classes of data..." line to go above the code in the PDF.
Using the second picture from above, why does the gray box containing the code in have a larger border above the code than below? I'd rather the top have the same size border as the bottom.
I'm assuming this is an easy setting to change but I can't figure it out.

Prevent R source code from export to html

I'd like to prevent the R source code of my R notebook not only from not being displayed, but I want it to disappear from the html file entirely. Same for the [CODE] button in the top right corner.
So far, I've only found
code_folding: hide
but it only collapses the code, or
in the chunk options, but this does not make the button at the top go away.
Any ideas?
