I want to upload a picture from react-native to PHP Symfony server. I pick the picture with ImagePicker.showImagePicker and send it with RNFetchBlob.fetch, but in Symfony the file seems to be empty. The $file->getMimeType() return "file does not exist or is not readable" and the content type of the file is octet-stream. It Should be image/jpeg.
Any Idea ?
Thanks for help :)
PHP code:
private function uploadFile(Request $request, $actualFilename = null)
$file = $request->files->get('userfile');
React-native code :
const options = {
title: 'Select Photo',
takePhotoButtonTitle: "Take photo title",
chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle: "Choose a photo",
quality: 1
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, response => {
deviceStorage.getItem('jwt').then(jwt => {
const endpoint = 'someEndpoint'
RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', endpoint, {
Authorization : "Bearer " + jwt,
otherHeader : "foo",
'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data',
}, [
{ name : 'userfile', filename : 'image.jpg', type:'image/jpeg', data: response.data}
]).then((resp) => {
}).catch((err) => {
You have passing the image data, so in the server you get a base64, to retrieve the image you will for example:
private function uploadFile(Request $request, $actualFilename = null){
$base64Image = $request->get('userfile');
$data = base64_decode($base64Image);
file_put_contents($imagePath, $data);
$imagePath is where you save the image.
If you use vichuploader to manage the images take a look here base64-image-to-image-file-with-symfony-and-vichuploader
I want to create a new document in Firestore using the REST API.
Very good examples here using Axios to send the POST request with some fields:
fields: {
title: { stringValue: this.title },
category: { stringValue: this.category },
post: { stringValue: this.post },
summary: { stringValue: this.description },
published: { booleanValue: this.published },
created: { timestampValue: new Date() },
modified: { timestampValue: new Date() }
).then(res => { console.log("Post created") })
And an example here using Python Requests:
Using the Firestore REST API to Update a Document Field
(this is a PATCH request but the field formatting is the same as in a POST request)
import requests
import json
endpoint = "https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/databases/(default)/documents/[COLLECTION]/[DOCUMENT_ID]?currentDocument.exists=true&updateMask.fieldPaths=[FIELD_1]"
body = {
"fields" : {
"[FIELD_1]" : {
"stringValue" : "random new value"
data = json.dumps(body)
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]"}
print(requests.patch(endpoint, data=data, headers=headers).json())
I am using Google Apps Script UrlFetchApp.fetch to send my requests. I am able to use GET requests with no problems. For example, to get all the documents in a collection (in Google Apps Script):
function firestore_get_documents(){
var options = {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/<PROJECTIDHERE>/databases/(default)/documents/myCollection', options);
var parsed = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
return parsed;
This works nicely. And changing 'method' to 'POST' creates a new document in myCollection as expected. Then I try to add a POST body with some fields (or just one field):
function firestore_create_new_document(){
var options = {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
payload: {fields: { title: { stringValue: 'newTitle' } } }, // If you comment out this line, it works as expected
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/<PROJECTIDHERE>/databases/(default)/documents/myCollection', options);
var contentText = response.getContentText();
var parsed = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
return parsed;
I get the following errors:
code: 400 message: "Request contains an invalid argument."
details[0][#type]: "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest"
details[0][fieldViolations][0][field]: "{title={stringValue=newTitle}}"
details[0][fieldViolations][0][description]: "Error expanding 'fields' parameter. Cannot find matching fields for path '{title={stringValue=newTitle}}'."
Documentation is available here:
The problem may be the formatting of my 'fields' object - I've tried several different formats from the documentation and examples
The problem may be that the fields don't exist yet? I think I should be able to create a new document with new fields
The problem may be with the way UrlFetchApp.fetch sends my JSON body. I have tried using payload = JSON.stringify(payload_object) and that doesn't work either.
I think UrlFetchApp is doing something slightly different than Axios or Python Requests - the body is getting sent differently, and not parsing as expected.
How about the following modification?
var options = {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
payload: {fields: { title: { stringValue: 'newTitle' } } }, // If you comment out this line, it works as expected
var options = {
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
payload: JSON.stringify({fields: { title: { stringValue: 'newTitle' } } }),
contentType: "application/json",
When I tested above modified request, I could confirm that it worked. But if other error occurs, please tell me.
Class UrlFetchApp
I am trying to add action buttons to the push notifications sent via the firebase admin SDK to my Ionic 4 app using the Firebase-X native plugin to handle push notifications. My app is running on android and ios.
Here's my current script that sends me successfully a push notification:
exports.sendDebugPush = functions.pubsub.schedule('* * * * *').onRun((context) => {
let promises: Promise<any>[] = [];
return admin.database().ref('/users/******').once("value")
.then( user => {
let todos = [];
for(let key in user.val().nextActions) {
if(user.val().nextActions[key].active != false) {
let todo = user.val().nextActions[key]
todo['todoid'] = key;
if(todos.length > 0) {
//currently we pick a random todo, later on the one with the highest priority
//todos.sort((a, b) => (a.priority/1 < b.priority/1) ? 1 : -1);
let randomTodo = todos[Math.floor(Math.random()*todos.length)]
let payload: any = {
notification: {
title: "Gossik",
body: "Hoiiiii " + new Date().toISOString()
data: {
title: "Gossik",
body: "Hoiiiii " + new Date().toISOString(),
target: 'todo',
todoid: randomTodo.todoid
Object.values(user.val().devices).forEach( (device) => {
promises.push(admin.messaging().sendToDevice(String(device), payload));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then( () => {
.catch( error => {
console.log('failed :(');
Of course, without action buttons. And this function handles the push notifications in my app (this.firebase = FirebaseX plugin imported from 'import { FirebaseX } from "#ionic-native/firebase-x/ngx";'):
initPushNotifications() {
this.firebase.getToken().then(token => {
this.db.saveDeviceToken(this.auth.userid, token);
this.firebase.onMessageReceived().subscribe(data => {
if(!data.target) {
let title = '';
if(data.title) {
title = data.title;
} else if(data.notification && data.notification.title) {
title = data.notification.title;
} else if(data.aps && data.aps.alert && data.aps.alert.title) {
title = data.aps.alert.title;
let body = '';
body = data.body;
} else if(data.notification && data.notification.body){
body = data.notification.body;
} else if(data.aps && data.aps.alert && data.aps.alert.body){
body = data.aps.alert.body;
message: title + ' ' + body,
buttons: [
text: "Ok"
}).then( alert => {
} else {
It does this also successfully. I achieved to handle the click on the push notification such that it redirects to my To-Do page for this kind of push notification (one with a 'target' property). But now I'd like to add two action buttons 'Start' and 'Skip' on the push notification to start or skip the corresponding to-do. To be clear, I am talking about a background push notification, so the app is not open. The user then gets a standard push notification on his phone and there I'd like two action buttons to take an action without opening the app itself.
I tried various things with the payload to first even show me action buttons, but didn't achieve it. For example, the following is not working for me:
let payload: any = {
notification: {
title: "Gossik",
body: "Hoiiiii " + new Date().toISOString()
data: {
title: "Gossik",
body: "Hoiiiii " + new Date().toISOString(),
target: 'todo',
todoid: randomTodo.todoid,
"actions": [
{ "icon": "approve_icon", "title": "APPROVE", "callback": "AppComponent.approve", "foreground": true},
{ "icon": "reject_icon", "title": "REJECT", "callback": "AppComponent.reject", "foreground": true}
Thanks a lot in advance for your help and let me know if something is still unclear. :)
I have found many solutions for uploading images and audio to Firebase storage from Ionic 3 but not a single solution for uploading video file from gallery to Firebase storage. I have been going around Camera, File, File path, Plugins,etc but not seems to find a valid solution for uploading mp4 file from my gallery to Storage.
I have tried this at first (but it has not worked):
async selectVideo(){
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
sourceType: this.camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
// encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType,
mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.ALLMEDIA
let result = await this.camera.getPicture(options);
result.then((uri) => {
this.selectedVideo = uri;
}, (err) => {
// Handle error
//Upload video
//upload task
let upload= this.api.uploadVideo(this.selectedVideo)
upload.then().then(res => {
let otherData={title:this.title,category:this.type, thumbnail:this.thumbnail}
this.api.storeInfoToDatabase(res.metadata, otherData).then(()=>{
uploadVideo(data): AngularFireUploadTask{
let newName = `${new Date().getTime()}.mp4`;
let footballerId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('data')).uid;
return this.afStorage.ref(`videos/${newName}`).putString(data);
storeInfoToDatabase(metaInfo, data){
let toSave={
url: metaInfo.downloadURLs[0],
fullPath: metaInfo.fullPath,
contentType: metaInfo.contentType,
title: data.title || '',
type:data.type || '',
thumbnail: data.thumbnail || '',
toSave.footballerId = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('data')).uid;
return this.addVideo(toSave);
My components.ts is,
getHomePageData() : void{
data => {
//console.log("response status ################### "+data.status);
//console.log("getUserData response ************ \n"+JSON.stringify(data));
this.defaultFacilityId = data.response.defaultFacilityId;
this.defaultFacilityName = data.response.defaultFacilityName;
this.enterpriseId = data.response.enterpriseId;
this.enterpriseName = data.response.enterpriseName;
this.facilityList = data.response.facilityList;
this.userName = data.response.userName;
error => {
//this.errorMessage="Technical error - Contact Support team !" ;
So my component.spec.ts is ,
it('getHomePageData with SUCCESS - getHomePageData()', () => {
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
let options = new ResponseOptions({
"request": { "url": "/getUserData" },
"response": {
"defaultFacilityName":"3M Health Information Systems",
"enterpriseName":"HSA Enterprise",
"defaultFacilityId": "55303.0",
"error": ""
status : 200
connection.mockRespond(new Response(options));
backend.connections.subscribe((data) => {
service.getHomePageData().subscribe((data) => {
component.defaultFacilityId = data.response.defaultFacilityId;
component.defaultFacilityName = data.response.defaultFacilityName;
component.enterpriseId = data.response.enterpriseId;
component.enterpriseName = data.response.enterpriseName;
component.userName = data.response.userName;
When i try to run test case. It got passed. But while I look into the code coverage, it doesn't cover the code shown in red below
Please help to get the full code coverage. Thanks.
In the test you've shown here you don't seem to be calling getHomePageData() from your component
Try building your test like this:
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '#angular/core/testing';
it('getHomePageData with SUCCESS - getHomePageData()', fakeAsync(() => {
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
let options = new ResponseOptions({
"request": { "url": "/getUserData" },
"response": {
"defaultFacilityName":"3M Health Information Systems",
"enterpriseName":"HSA Enterprise",
"defaultFacilityId": "55303.0",
"error": ""
status : 200
connection.mockRespond(new Response(options));
// If this function is not automatically called in the component initialisation
//you can call expects on your component's properties now
FakeAsync allows you to write tests in a more linear style so you no longer have to subscribe to the service function to write your expectations.
In a FakeAsync test function you can call tick() after a call where an asynchronous operation takes place to simulate a passage of time and then continue with the flow of your code.
You can read more about this here: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/testing/#!#fake-async
EDIT - Error Case
To test the error logic you can call mockError or set up an error response using mockRespond on your connection:
it('getHomePageData with ERROR- getHomePageData()', fakeAsync(() => {
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
if (connection.request.url === '') {
// mockError option
connection.mockError(new Error('Some error'));
// mockRespond option
connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
status: 404,
statusText: 'URL not Found',
//you can call expects now
expect('you can test your error logic here');
What we're doing inside the subscription is making sure that anytime the GetUserData endpoint is called within this test method it will return an error.
Because we test errors and successes separately in the success test there's no need to add the error related settings in the request options.
Are you using JSON data? Then you should probably use map() before using .subscribe().
.map((res:Response) => res.json())
Try organizing your code like this:
ngOnInit() {
getHomePageData() {
.map((res:Response) => res.json())
data => {
this.YourData = data
err => console.error(err),
() => console.log('ok')
Hope it helps,
I have an application that consumes a webservice. My app send request to webservice like this:
Request example:
So I receive just a slice of result, not the complete array, else I could use ArrayAdapter to paginate in my controller. I wanna use just the twig extension to generate DOM elements in my views.
Response example:
title: 'Nice title',
body: 'Nice body'
title: 'Nice title',
body: 'Nice body'
total: 1350,
limit: 30
What's the way, maybe using FixedAdapter?
As you say, the FixedAdapter should do what you need here. Here's some sample controller code you could adapt:
public function someAction(Request $request)
$page = 1;
if ($request->get('page') !== null) {
$page = $request->get('page');
$totalResults = // call your webservice to get a total
$limit = 30;
$slice = $this->callMyWebserviceInterestingRoute($page, $limit);
$adapter = new FixedAdapter($totalResults, $slice);
$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta($adapter);
return $this->render('default/pages.html.twig', [
'my_pager' => $pagerfanta,
Hope this helps.