R: if_else, ifelse - r

Am new to R and getting to it after a long time as well.
I got the NFL week 1 data from the site and trying to execute a small ifelse and it doesn't work.
I want the team name in the result field
#this works only when condition is true and doesn't when condition is false
wk1$tm_won= if_else(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#this doesn't work - gives me the difference
wk1$tm_won1 <- ifelse(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#this doesn't work - gives me difference and not the team name
wk1 %>%
mutate(tm_won2 = ifelse (home_score < away_score, away_team,
ifelse (home_score > away_score, home_team, NA)))
#this doesn't work
wk1 %>%
mutate(tm_won = case_when(
home_score < away_score ~ away_team,
home_score > away_score ~ home_team,
TRUE ~ a ))# DRAW
My result dataset:
season week home_team away_team home_score away_score tm_won tm_won1 tm_won2
2019 1 CHI GB 3 10 GB 7 7
2019 1 CAR LA 27 30 LA 11 11
2019 1 PHI WAS 32 27 <NA> 14 14
2019 1 NYJ BUF 16 17 BUF 3 3
2019 1 MIN ATL 28 12 <NA> 9 9

What's happening here is that your teams are actually factors (which under the hood are just integer vectors) instead of characters. If the columns are characters, essentially all of your solutions work as expected. The reason the output is different is because dplyr tries to be clever about factors and keep them human-readable when it can.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
wk1 <- read.table(text = 'season week home_team away_team home_score away_score tm_won tm_won1 tm_won2
2019 1 CHI GB 3 10 GB 7 7
2019 1 CAR LA 27 30 LA 11 11
2019 1 PHI WAS 32 27 <NA> 14 14
2019 1 NYJ BUF 16 17 BUF 3 3
2019 1 MIN ATL 28 12 <NA> 9 9', header = T, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if_else(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#> [1] "GB" "LA" "PHI" "BUF" "MIN"
ifelse(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#> [1] "GB" "LA" "PHI" "BUF" "MIN"
wk1 <- read.table(text = 'season week home_team away_team home_score away_score tm_won tm_won1 tm_won2
2019 1 CHI GB 3 10 GB 7 7
2019 1 CAR LA 27 30 LA 11 11
2019 1 PHI WAS 32 27 <NA> 14 14
2019 1 NYJ BUF 16 17 BUF 3 3
2019 1 MIN ATL 28 12 <NA> 9 9', header = T)
if_else(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#> Warning in `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, i, value = structure(c(5L, 3L), .Label =
#> c("CAR", : invalid factor level, NA generated
#> [1] GB LA <NA> BUF <NA>
#> Levels: ATL BUF GB LA WAS
ifelse(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score, wk1$away_team, wk1$home_team)
#> [1] 3 4 5 2 3
Created on 2019-10-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Another option is to use as.character in the if_else
dplyr::if_else(wk1$home_score < wk1$away_score,


dplyr arrange is not working while order is fine

I am trying to obtain the largest 10 investors in a country but obtain confusing result using arrange in dplyr versus order in base R.
give the following results
# A tibble: 6 x 3
`Main counterparts` `Number of projects` `Total registered capital (Mill. USD)(*)`
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 TOTAL 1818 38854.3
2 Singapore 231 11358.66
3 Korea Rep.of 377 7679.9
4 Japan 204 4325.79
5 Netherlands 24 4209.64
6 China, PR 216 3001.79
fdi_partner %>%
rename("Registered capital" = "Total registered capital (Mill. USD)(*)") %>%
mutate_at(c("Number of projects", "Registered capital"), as.numeric) %>%
arrange("Number of projects") %>%
give almost the same result
# A tibble: 6 x 3
`Main counterparts` `Number of projects` `Registered capital`
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 TOTAL 1818 38854.
2 Singapore 231 11359.
3 Korea Rep.of 377 7680.
4 Japan 204 4326.
5 Netherlands 24 4210.
6 China, PR 216 3002.
while the following code is working fine with base R
fdi_numeric <- fdi_partner %>%
rename("Registered capital" = "Total registered capital (Mill. USD)(*)") %>%
mutate_at(c("Number of projects", "Registered capital"), as.numeric)
head(fdi_numeric[order(fdi_numeric$"Number of projects", decreasing = TRUE), ], n=11)
which gives
# A tibble: 11 x 3
`Main counterparts` `Number of projects` `Registered capital`
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 TOTAL 1818 38854.
2 Korea Rep.of 377 7680.
3 Singapore 231 11359.
4 China, PR 216 3002.
5 Japan 204 4326.
6 Hong Kong SAR (China) 132 2365.
7 United States 83 783.
8 Taiwan 66 1464.
9 United Kingdom 50 331.
10 F.R Germany 37 131.
11 Thailand 36 370.
Can anybody help explain what's wrong with me?
dplyr (and more generally tidyverse packages) accept only unquoted variable names. If your variable name has a space in it, you must wrap it in backticks:
test <- data.frame(`My variable` = c(3, 1, 2), var2 = c(1, 1, 1), check.names = FALSE)
#> My variable var2
#> 1 3 1
#> 2 1 1
#> 3 2 1
# Your code (doesn't work)
test %>%
arrange("My variable")
#> My variable var2
#> 1 3 1
#> 2 1 1
#> 3 2 1
# Solution
test %>%
arrange(`My variable`)
#> My variable var2
#> 1 1 1
#> 2 2 1
#> 3 3 1
Created on 2023-01-05 with reprex v2.0.2

How to create a loop code from big dataframe in R?

I have a data series of daily snow depth values over a 60 year period. I would like to see the number of days with a snow depth higher than 30 cm for each season, for example from July 1980 to June 1981. What does the code for this have to look like? I know how I could calculate the daily values higher than 30 cm per season individually, but not how a code could calculate all seasons.
I have uploaded my dataframe on wetransfer: Dataframe
Thank you so much for your help in advance.
Something like this would work
df<-read.csv('BayrischerWald_Brennes_SH_daily_merged.txt', sep=';')
df_season <-df %>%
mutate(season=(Day %>% ymd() - days(181)) %>% floor_date("year") %>% year())
df_group_by_season <- df_season %>%
filter(!is.na(SHincm)) %>%
group_by(season) %>%
summarize(days_above_30=sum(SHincm>30)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 61 × 2
#> season days_above_30
#> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 1961 1
#> 2 1962 0
#> 3 1963 0
#> 4 1964 0
#> 5 1965 0
#> 6 1966 0
#> 7 1967 129
#> 8 1968 60
#> 9 1969 107
#> 10 1970 43
#> # … with 51 more rows
Created on 2022-01-15 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Here is an approach using the aggregate() function. After reading the data, convert the Date field to a date object and get rid of the rows with missing values for the date:
snow <- read.table("BayrischerWald_Brennes_SH_daily_merged.txt", header=TRUE, sep=";")
snow$Day <- as.Date(snow$Day)
# 'data.frame': 51606 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ Day : Date, format: "1961-11-01" "1961-11-02" "1961-11-03" "1961-11-04" ...
# $ SHincm: int 0 0 0 0 2 9 19 22 15 5 ...
snow <- snow[!is.na(snow$Day), ]
# 'data.frame': 21886 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ Day : Date, format: "1961-11-01" "1961-11-02" "1961-11-03" "1961-11-04" ...
# $ SHincm: int 0 0 0 0 2 9 19 22 15 5 ...
Notice more than half of your data has missing values for the date. Now we need to divide the data by ski season:
brks <- as.Date(paste(1961:2022, "07-01", sep="-"))
lbls <- paste(1961:2021, 1962:2022, sep="/")
snow$Season <- cut(snow$Day, breaks=brks, labels=lbls)
Now we use aggregate() to get the number of days with over 30 inches of snow:
days30cm <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, subset=snow$SHincm > 30, length)
colnames(days30cm)[2] <- "Over30cm"
head(days30cm, 10)
# Season Over30cm
# 1 1961/1962 1
# 2 1967/1968 129
# 3 1968/1969 60
# 4 1969/1970 107
# 5 1970/1971 43
# 6 1972/1973 101
# 7 1973/1974 119
# 8 1974/1975 188
# 9 1975/1976 126
# 10 1976/1977 112
In addition, you can get other statistics such as the maximum snow of the season or the total cm of snow:
maxsnow <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, max)
totalsnow <- aggregate(SHincm~Season, snow, sum)

Why does R throw an error on iterative calculation

I'm looking at covid-19 data to calculate estimates for the reproductive number R0.
# Get COVID cases, available from:
url <- "https://static.usafacts.org/public/data/covid-19/covid_confirmed_usafacts.csv"
DoubleCOV <- read.csv(url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(DoubleCOV)[1] <- "countyFIPS"
DoubleCovid <- pivot_longer(DoubleCOV, cols=starts_with("X"),
names_sep="X") %>%
mutate(infected = as.Date(date_infected, format="%m.%d.%y"),
countyFIPS = str_pad(as.character(countyFIPS), 5, pad="0"))
#data is by county, summarise for the state of interest
stateData <- DoubleCovid %>% filter(State == "AL") %>% filter(cases != 0) %>%
group_by(infected) %>% summarise(sum(cases)) %>%
mutate(DaysSince = infected - min(infected))
names(stateData)[2] <- "cumCases"
#3 day moving average to smooth a little
stateData <- stateData %>% mutate(MA = runMean(cumCases,3))
#calculate doubling rate (DR) and then R0 infectious period/doubling rate
for(j in 4:nrow(stateData)){
stateData$DR[j] <- log(2)/log(stateData$MA[j]/stateData$MA[j-1])
stateData$R0[j] <- 14/stateData$DR[j]
CDplot <- stateData %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = as.numeric(DaysSince), y = R0)) +
geom_line(color = "firebrick")
So in the above the state of interest is Alabama, hence filter(State == "AL") and this works.
But if I change the state to "NY" I get
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "DR", value = c(NA, NA, NA, 0.733907206043719 :
replacement has 4 rows, data has 39
head(stateData) yields
infected cumCases DaysSince MA
<date> <int> <drtn> <dbl>
1 2020-03-02 1 0 days NA
2 2020-03-03 2 1 days NA
3 2020-03-04 11 2 days 4.67
4 2020-03-05 23 3 days 12
5 2020-03-06 25 4 days 19.7
6 2020-03-07 77 5 days 41.7
The moving average values in rows 3 and 4 (12 and 4.67) would yield a doubling rate of 0.734 which aligns with the value in the error message value = c(NA, NA, NA, 0.733907206043719 but why does it throw an error after that?
Bonus question: I know loops are frowned upon in R...is there a way to get the moving average and R0 calculation without one?
You have to initialise the new variables before you can access them using the j index. Due to recycling, Alabama, which has 28 rows (divisible by 4), does not return an error, only the warnings about uninitialised columns. New York, however, has 39 rows, which is not divisible by 4 so recycling fails and R returns an error. You shouldn't ignore warnings, sometimes you can, but it's not a good idea.
Try this to see what R (you) is trying to do:
You should get all rows of the 4th column, not the 4th row.
Solution: initialise your DR and R0 columns first.
stateData$DR <- NA
stateData$R0 <- NA
for(j in 4:nrow(stateData)){
stateData$DR[j] <- log(2)/log(stateData$MA[j]/stateData$MA[j-1])
stateData$R0[j] <- 14/stateData$DR[j]
For the bonus question, you can use lag in the same mutate with MA:
stateData <- stateData %>% mutate(MA = runMean(cumCases,3),
DR = log(2)/log(MA/lag(MA)),
R0 = 14 / DR)
# A tibble: 28 x 6
infected cumCases DaysSince MA DR R0
<date> <int> <drtn> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2020-03-13 5 0 days NA NA NA
2 2020-03-14 11 1 days NA NA NA
3 2020-03-15 22 2 days 12.7 NA NA
4 2020-03-16 29 3 days 20.7 1.42 9.89
5 2020-03-17 39 4 days 30 1.86 7.53
6 2020-03-18 51 5 days 39.7 2.48 5.64
7 2020-03-19 78 6 days 56 2.01 6.96
8 2020-03-20 106 7 days 78.3 2.07 6.78
9 2020-03-21 131 8 days 105 2.37 5.92
10 2020-03-22 167 9 days 135. 2.79 5.03
# ... with 18 more rows
I'm using Alabama's data.

Run a function and store it's calculated value and the input value in new data frame

I need to run a function which will perform calculation using certain value store the calculated value in new data frame and the value which is use to perform that calculation.
mar <- seq(18,40, by = 1)
ma <- 1+mar
The output should be a data frame
mar ma
18 19
19 20
Does this help?
original_dataframe <- data.frame(mar = 18:40)
new_dataframe <- within(data = original_dataframe,
expr =
ma <- (1 + mar)
#> mar ma
#> 1 18 19
#> 2 19 20
#> 3 20 21
#> 4 21 22
#> 5 22 23
#> 6 23 24
#> 7 24 25
#> 8 25 26
#> 9 26 27
#> 10 27 28
#> 11 28 29
#> 12 29 30
#> 13 30 31
#> 14 31 32
#> 15 32 33
#> 16 33 34
#> 17 34 35
#> 18 35 36
#> 19 36 37
#> 20 37 38
#> 21 38 39
#> 22 39 40
#> 23 40 41
Created on 2019-09-07 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
If you want to use dplyr:
original_dataframe <- data.frame(mar = 18:40)
new_dataframe <- original_dataframe %>% mutate(ma = (1 + mar))
The function could be designed in a number of ways or possibly you could do without a function at all. Here are some alternatives.
1) Create a function with argument mar and then set the two columns using it:
myfun <- function(mar) data.frame(ma = 1 + mar, mar)
# test
mar <- 18:40
ma mar
1 19 18
2 20 19
2) or perhaps you want to pass the bounds for mar:
myfun2 <- function(lower, upper) {
stopifnot(lower <= upper)
mar <- seq(lower, upper)
data.frame(ma = 1 + mar, mar)
# test
myfun2(18, 40)
3) or we could create a function which accepts either signature:
myfun3 <- function(...) {
stopifnot(..length() == 1 || (..length() == 2 && ..1 <= ..2)
mar <- if (...length() == 1) ..1 else seq(..1, ..2)
data.frame(ma = 1 + mar, mar)
# test
myfun3(18, 40)
4) or if you don't need to create a function at all then it could be done directly:
mar <- 18:40
data.frame(ma = 1 + mar, mar)

How to group by in base R

I would like to express the following SQL query using base R (without any particular package):
select month, day, count(*) as count, avg(dep_delay) as avg_delay
from flights
group by month, day
having count > 1000
It selects the mean departure delay and the number of flights per day on busy days (days with more than 1000 flights). The dataset is nycflights13 containing information of flights departed from NYC in 2013.
Notice I can easily write this in dplyr as:
flights %>%
group_by(month, day) %>%
summarise(count = n(), avg_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(count > 1000)
Since I was reminded earlier about the elegance of by (tip of the hat to #Parfait), here is a solution using by:
res <- by(flights, list(flights$month, flights$day), function(x)
if (nrow(x) > 1000) {
month = unique(x$month),
day = unique(x$day),
count = nrow(x),
avg_delay = mean(x$dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE))
# Store in data.frame and order by month, day
df <- do.call(rbind, res);
df <- df[order(df[, 1], df[, 2]) ,];
# month day count avg_delay
#[1,] 7 8 1004 37.296646
#[2,] 7 9 1001 30.711499
#[3,] 7 10 1004 52.860702
#[4,] 7 11 1006 23.609392
#[5,] 7 12 1002 25.096154
#[6,] 7 17 1001 13.670707
#[7,] 7 18 1003 20.626789
#[8,] 7 25 1003 19.674134
#[9,] 7 31 1001 6.280843
#[10,] 8 7 1001 8.680402
#[11,] 8 8 1001 43.349947
#[12,] 8 12 1001 8.308157
#[13,] 11 27 1014 16.697651
#[14,] 12 2 1004 9.021978
as commented you can use a combi of subset and aggregate. Changed the order of day & month to recieve the same order as your dplyr approach. Using na.action = NULL to count rows inclunding NAs.
#> Warning: Paket 'nycflights13' wurde unter R Version 3.4.4 erstellt
subset(aggregate(dep_delay ~ day + month, flights,
function(x) cbind(count=length(x), avg_delay=mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
na.action = NULL),
dep_delay[,1] > 1000)
#> day month dep_delay.1 dep_delay.2
#> 189 8 7 1004.000000 37.296646
#> 190 9 7 1001.000000 30.711499
#> 191 10 7 1004.000000 52.860702
#> 192 11 7 1006.000000 23.609392
#> 193 12 7 1002.000000 25.096154
#> 198 17 7 1001.000000 13.670707
#> 199 18 7 1003.000000 20.626789
#> 206 25 7 1003.000000 19.674134
#> 212 31 7 1001.000000 6.280843
#> 219 7 8 1001.000000 8.680402
#> 220 8 8 1001.000000 43.349947
#> 224 12 8 1001.000000 8.308157
#> 331 27 11 1014.000000 16.697651
#> 336 2 12 1004.000000 9.021978
Created on 2018-04-05 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).
Not a particularly elegant solution, but this will do what you want using Base R
flights_split <- split(flights, f = list(flights$month, flights$day))
result <- lapply(flights_split, function(x) {
if(nrow(x) > 1000) {
data.frame(month = unique(x$month), day = unique(x$day), avg_delay = mean(x$dep_delay, na.rm = T), count = nrow(x))
} else {
do.call(rbind, result)
# month day mean_delay n
# 12.2 12 2 9.021978 1004
# 8.7 8 7 8.680402 1001
# 7.8 7 8 37.296646 1004
# 8.8 8 8 43.349947 1001
# 7.9 7 9 30.711499 1001
# 7.10 7 10 52.860702 1004
# 7.11 7 11 23.609392 1006
# 7.12 7 12 25.096154 1002
# 8.12 8 12 8.308157 1001
# 7.17 7 17 13.670707 1001
# 7.18 7 18 20.626789 1003
# 7.25 7 25 19.674134 1003
# 11.27 11 27 16.697651 1014
# 7.31 7 31 6.280843 1001
Here is my solution:
grp <- expand.grid(mth = unique(flights$month), d = unique(flights$day))
out <- mapply(function(mth, d){
sub_data <- subset(flights, month == mth & day == d)
df <- data.frame(
month = mth,
day = d,
count = nrow(sub_data),
avg_delay = mean(sub_data$dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE)
df[df$count > 1000]
}, grp$mth, grp$d)
res <- do.call(rbind, out)
This is a lot slower than the dplyr solution.
