Importing files into R if filename matches specified criteria - r

Using R I am trying to loop the import of csv files iff the filename contains a specific string
For example, I have a list of files with names 'file01042016_abc.csv', 'file020142016_abc.csv', 'file03042016_abc.csv'...'file26092019_abc.csv' and I have a list of specific values in the format '01042016', '05042016', '09042016', etc.
I would like to only import the files if the filename contains the string value in the second list.
I can import them altogether (shown below) but there are several thousand files and takes a considerable amount of time so would like to reduce it by importing only the files needed based on condition mentioned above.
files <- list.files(path)
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
assign(paste("Df", files[i], sep = "_"), read.csv(paste(path, files[i], sep='')))
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Using regex along with grepl:
files <- list.files(path)
formats <- c("01042016", "05042016", "09042016")
regex <- paste(formats, collapse="|")
sapply(files, function(x) {
if (grepl(regex, x)) {
assign(paste("Df", x, sep = "_"), read.csv(paste(path, x, sep='')))
The strategy here is to generate a single regex alternation containing all numeric filename fragments which would whitelist a file as a candidate to be read. For the sample data given above, regex would become:
Then, we call grepl on each file to see if it matches one of the whitelisted patterns. Note that I switched to using sapply as files.list returns a character vector of filenames.

We can just prefilter the files vector, and then loop as normal.
files0 <- c('file01042016_abc.csv', 'file020142016_abc.csv',
'file03042016_abc.csv', 'file26092019_abc.csv',
k <- c('01042016', '05042016', '09042016')
pat <- paste(k, collapse="|")
files <- grep(pat, files0, value=TRUE)
# [1] "file01042016_abc.csv" "file09042016_abc.csv"


Opening dataframe in R from it's name

I load all .csv files from a given folder and store all the names in the filenames variable.
# Loading files
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$"))
# Reading files
for(i in filenames)
assign(i, read.csv(paste(i, ".csv", sep = ""), sep = ","))
Now I'd like to access any dataframe with name that is in filenames. How can I do that?
I would not recommend using the function get() as this can have bad consequences. I'd suggest using a more structured approach by mean of a list containing all you csv files. I don't have any data here so I will build upon your code.
# Loading files
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$"))
# create a list with NULL
file_list = vector("list", length(filenames))
# name each element according to filenames
names(file_list) = filenames
# Loop over the list
# Please note that the iterator "i" now loops over the elements
# and does not take the real values in filenames
for (i in seq_along(file_list)) {
current_file = read.csv(paste0(i, ".csv"))
file_list[[ i ]] = current_file
Now you can access each element either with the standard indexing ([[) or via the names with the $ operator.
For an example about why you should avoid get(), please refer to this SO post.

How to 'read.csv' many files in a folder using R?

How can I read many CSV files and make each of them into data tables?
I have files of 'A1.csv' 'A2.csv' 'A3.csv'...... in Folder 'A'
So I tried this.
link <- c("C:/A")
listA <- c()
for(x in filename) {
temp <- read.csv(paste0(link , x), header=FALSE)
listA <- list(unlist(listA, recursive=FALSE), temp)
And it doesn't work well. How can I do this job?
Write a regex to match the filenames
reg_expression <- "A[0-9]+"
files <- grep(reg_expression, list.files(directory), value = TRUE)
and then run the same loop but use assign to dynamically name the dataframes if you want
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(file, "_df"),read.csv(file))
But in general introducing unknown variables into the scope is bad practice so it might be best to do a loop like
dfs <- list()
for(index in 1:length(files)){
file <- files[index]
dfs[index] <- read.csv(file)
Unless each file is a completely different structure (i.e., different columns ... the number of rows does not matter), you can consider a more efficient approach of reading the files in using lapply and storing them in a list. One of the benefits is that whatever you do to one frame can be immediately done to all of them very easily using lapply.
files <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
list_of_frames <- lapply(files, read.csv)
# optional
names(list_of_frames) <- files # or basename(files), if filenames are unique
Something like sapply(list_of_frames, nrow) will tell you how many rows are in each frame. If you have something more complex,
new_list_of_frames <- lapply(list_of_frames, function(x) {
# do something with 'x', a single frame
The most immediate problem is that when pasting your file path together, you need a path separator. When composing file paths, it's best to use the function file.path as it will attempt to determine what the path separator is for operating system the code is running on. So you want to use:
read.csv(files.path(link , x), header=FALSE)
Better yet, just have the full path returned when listing out the files (and can filter for .csv):
filename <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
Combining with the idea to use assign to dynamically create the variables:
link <- c("C:/A")
files <-list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(basename(file), "_df"), read.csv(file))

Appending a list in a loop (R)

I want to use a loop to read in multiple csv files and append a list in R.
path = "~/path/to/csv/"
file.names <- dir(path, pattern =".csv")
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
datatmp <- read.csv(file.names[i],header=TRUE, sep=";", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
listtmp = datatmp[ ,6]
finallist <- append(mylist, listtmp)
For each csv file, the desired column has a different length.
In the end, I want to get the full appended list with all values in that certain column from all csv files.
I am fairly new to R, so I am not sure what I'm missing...
There are four errors in your approach.
First, file.names <- dir(path, pattern =".csv") will extract just file names, without path. So, when you try to import then, read.csv() doesn't find.
Building the path
You can build the right path including paste0():
path = "~/path/to/csv/"
file.names <- paste0(path, dir(path, pattern =".csv"))
Or file.path(), which add slashes automaticaly.
path = "~/path/to/csv"
file.names <- file.path(path, dir(path, pattern =".csv"))
And another way to create the path, for me more efficient, is that suggested in the answer commented by Tung.
file.names <- list.files(path = "~/path/to/csv", recursive = TRUE,
pattern = "\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
This is better because in addition to being all in one step, you can use within a directory containing multiple files of various formats. The code above will match all .csv files in the folder.
Importing, selecting and creating the list
The second error is in mylist <- c(). You want a list, but this creates a vector. So, the correct is:
mylist <- list()
And the last error is inside the loop. Instead of create other list when appending, use the same object created before the loop:
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
datatmp <- read.csv(file.names[i], sep=";", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
listtmp = datatmp[, 6]
mylist <- append(mylist, list(listtmp))
Another approach, easier and cleaner, is looping with lapply(). Just this:
mylist <- lapply(file.names, function(x) {
df <- read.csv(x, sep = ";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df[, 6]
Hope it helps!

For loop with file names in R

I have a list of files like:
As you can see, the name of the files is the same with the exception of 'sbj' (the number of the subject) which is not consecutive.
I need to run a for loop, but I would like to retain the original number of the subject. How to do this?
I assume I need to replace length(file) with something that keeps the original number of the subject, but not sure how to do it.
file = list.files(pattern="\\.csv$")
for(i in 1:length(file)){
Output = paste("e_sbj", i, "_e2.Rdata")
The code above gives me as output:
Instead, I would like to obtain:
Drop the extension "csv", then add "Rdata", and use filenames in the loop, for example:
myFiles <- list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$")
for(i in myFiles){
myDf <- read.csv(i)
outputFile <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(i), ".Rdata")
outputFile <- gsub("nE_pT_", "e_", outputFile, fixed = TRUE)
save(myDf, file = outputFile)
Note: I changed your variable names, try to avoid using function names as a variable name.
If you use regular expressions and sprintf (or paste0), you can do it easily without a loop:
fls <- c('nE_pT_sbj01_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj02_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj04_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj05_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj09_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj10_e2_2.csv')
[1] "e_sbj01_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj02_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj04_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj05_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj09_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj10_e2.Rdata"
You can easily feed the vector to a function (if possible) or feed the function to the vector with sapply or lapply
fls_new <- sprintf('e_%s_e2.Rdata',regmatches(fls,regexpr('sbj\\d{2}',fls)))
res <- lapply(fls_new,function(x) yourfunction(x))
If I understood correctly, you only change extension from .csv to .Rdata, remove last "_2" and change prefix from "nE_pT" to "e". If yes, this should work:
Output = sub("_2.csv", ".Rdata", sub("nE_pT, "e", file[i]))

Extracting file numbers from file names in r and looping through files

I have a folder full of .txt files that I want to loop through and compress into one data frame, but each .txt file is data for one subject and there are no columns in the text files that indicate subject number or time point in the study (e.g. 1-5). I need to add a line or two of code into my loop that looks for strings of four numbers (i.e. each file is labeled something like: "4325.5_ERN_No_Startle") and just creates a column with 4325 and another column with 5 that will appear for every data point for that subject until the loop gets to the next one. I have been looking for awhile but am still coming up empty, any suggestions?
I also have not quite gotten the loop to work:
path = "/Users/me/Desktop/Event Codes/ERN task/ERN text files transferred"
out.file <- ""
file <- ""
file.names <- dir(path, pattern =".txt")
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
file <- read.table(file.names[i],header=FALSE, fill = TRUE)
out.file <- rbind(out.file, file)
which runs okay until I get this error message part way through:
Error in read.table(file.names[i], header = FALSE, fill = TRUE) :
no lines available in input
Consider using regex to parse the file name for study period and subject, both of which are then binded in a lapply of list.files:
path = "path/to/text/files"
file.names <- list.files(path, pattern="*[0-9]{4}\\.[0-9]{1}.*txt", full.names=TRUE)
dfList <- lapply(file.names, function(x) {
if (file.exists(x)) {
data.frame(period=regmatches(x, gregexpr('[0-9]{4}', x))[[1]],
subject=regmatches(x, gregexpr('\\.[0-9]{1}', x))[[1]],
read.table(x, header=FALSE, fill=TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <-, dfList)
df['subject'] <- sapply(df['subject'],
function(x) gsub("\\.", "", x))
You can try to use tryCatchwhich basically would give you a NULL instead of an error.
file <- tryCatch(read.table(file.names[i],header=FALSE, fill = TRUE), error=function(e) NULL))
