Using the results of the output of one query as table names - azure-data-explorer

I have written the following code which extracts the names of tables which have used storage in Sentinel. I'm not sure if Kusto is capable of doing the query but essentially I want to use the value stored in "Out" as names of tables. e.g union(Out) or search in (Out) *
let MyTables =
| where Quantity > 0
| summarize by DataType ;
let Out =
| summarize makelist(DataType);

No, this is not possible. The tables referenced by the query should be known during query planning. A possible workaround can be generating the query and invoking it using the execute_query plugin.


join kusto database with a function from another database

Below are more details about what I am trying to achieve.
I have 1 cluster with two databases. Database1 contains Table1 with the below info
DB2 contains a table with the below info:
UniqueID contains the same data as userID on table1.
In DB2, I have a function that performs some filtering on Unique ID.
I know that I can join both tables as the below screenshot, but my production example is way more complex than that and requires me to use the function.
My goal is to run the Table1 query, and pass the the userID to the function getuserproperties, to get a merged output.
Something Like this which does not work :)
Finally found it :) It was very simple :)
let UID = 7;
| join kind=leftouter database('db2').Table2 on $left.userID==$right.UniqueID
| where userID == toscalar(getUserProperties(UID))

Kusto KQL query to Extend multiple entities

I need to parse out the users names from multiple alerts within azure.
If i use the following extend i can get the data from '0'
| extend Name = tostring(parse_json(Entities)[0].Name)
but sometimes the data is at 6 or 9 ect, i can simple add a new line with "name2 = ...." but id need to know exactly how many entities there may be and this number might unmanageable.
Is there a way i can KQL to parse through all entities and create a new column for each .name entities
you can use mv-expand or mv-apply

Use views and table valued functions as node or edge tables in match clauses

I like to use Table Valued functions in MATCH clauses in the same way as is possible with Node tables. Is there a way to achieve this?
The need for table valued functions
There can be various use cases for using table valued functions or views as Node tables. For instance mine is the following.
I have Node tables that contain NVarChar(max) fields that I would like to search for literal text. I need only equality searching and no full text searching, so I opted for using a index on the hash value of the text field. As suggested by Remus Rusanu in his answer to SQL server - worth indexing large string keys? and A table valued function handles using the CHECKSUM index; see Msg 207 Invalid column name $node_id for pseudo column in inline table valued function.
Example data definitions
[tag] NVarChar(max),
) as Node;
[endPoint] NVarChar(max),
) as Node;
CREATE TABLE [Links] as Edge;
CREATE INDEX [IX_TagsByName] ON [Tags]([tagHash]);
#tag NVarChar(max))
$node_id AS [NodeId],
FROM [dbo].[Tags]
WHERE [tagHash] = CHECKSUM(#tag) AND
[tag] = #tag;
[TagsByName] returns the $node_id with an alias NodeId as suggested by However, real Node tables contain two more internal columns which I do not know how to export.
Desired query
I would like to query the database similar to this:
FROM [TagsByName]('important') as t,
[Sites] as s,
[Links] as l
WHERE MATCH ([t]-([l])->[s])
However, this results in the error1:
Msg 13901, Level 16, State 2, Line ...
Identifier 't' in a MATCH clause is not a node table or an alias for a node table.
I there a way to do this?
PS. There are some workarounds but they do not look as elegant as the MATCH-query; especially considering that my actual query involves matching more relations and more string equality tests. I will post these workarounds as answers and hope that someone comes with a better idea.
1 This gives a very specific difference between views and tables for Difference between View and table in sql; which only occurs in sql-server-2017 and only when using SQL Graph.
Revert to traditional relational joins via JOIN clauses or FROM with <table_or_view_name> and WHERE clauses. In queries that match on more relations, the latter has the advantage that sql-server-2017-graph can MATCH on FROM <table_or_view_name> but not on FROM <table_source> JOIN <table_source>.
FROM [TagsByName]('important') as t
[Sites] as s,
[Links] as l
WHERE t.NodeId = l.$from_id AND
l.$to_id = s.$node_id;
Add the Node table twice to the from clause: once as table and once as table valued function and join them via the $node_id in the where clause:
FROM [TagsByName]('important') as t1,
[Tags] as t2,
[Sites] as s,
[Links] as l
WHERE MATCH ([t2]-([l])->[s]) AND
t1.[NodeId] = t2.$node_id
Does this affect performance?
Do not use the table valued function, but include its expression in the WHERE clause:
FROM [Tags] as t,
[Sites] as s,
[Links] as l
WHERE MATCH ([t]-([l])->[s]) AND
[t].[tagHash] = CHECKSUM('important') AND
[t].[tag] = 'important'
Downside: This is easy to get wrong; for example by forgetting to join on the CHECKSUM

How to use concat in web2py dal select query?

I've a table like below,
| id | Name |
| 1 | foo |
| 2 | bar |
I want to write a select query which should return some prep-ended text before the id. So my output should be something like, val_1 & val_2.
I couldn't see any concat method in web2py select query. To achieve my requirement I need to manipulate the result separately. Is there a way to form the select query in web2py to use SQL concat?
The .select() method can take SQL expressions as arguments in addition to fields, so you can do:
val = "'val_' ||"
rows = db(db.mytable).select(val)
print rows[0][val]
Note, when using an expression in the select, the resulting value is stored in the row object with a key equivalent to the SQL expression itself, hence the use of [val] to extract the value from the row object.
As an alternative to the above approach, you might instead consider using a computed field or a virtual field.

What's the best way to retrieve this data?

The architecture for this scenario is as follows:
I have a table of items and several tables of forms. Rather than having the forms own the items, the items own the forms. This is because one item can be on several forms (although only one of each type, but not necessarily on any). The forms and items are all tied together by a common OrderId. This can be represented like so:
OrderItems | Form A | Form B etc....
---------- |--------- |
ItemId |FormAId |
OrderId |OrderId |
FormAId |SomeField |
FormBId |OtherVar |
FormCId |etc...
This works just fine for these forms. However, there is another form, (say, FormX) which cannot have an OrderId because it consists of items from multiple orders. OrderItems does contain a column for FormXId as well, but I'm confused about the best way to get a list of the "FormX"s related to a single OrderId. I'm using MySQL and was thinking maybe a stored proc was the best way to go on this, but I've never used a stored proc on MySQL and don't really know the best way to go about it. My other (kludgy) option was to hit the DB twice, first to get all the items that are for the given OrderId that also have a FormXId, and then get all their FormXIds and do a dynamic SELECT statement where I do something like (pseudocode)
SELECT whatever FROM sometable WHERE FormXId=x OR FormXId=y....
Obviously this is less than ideal, but I can't really think of any other way... anything better I could do either programmatically or architecturally? My back-end code is ASP.NET.
Thanks so much!
In response to the request for more info:
Sample input:
OrderId = 1000
Sample output
FormXId | FieldA | FieldB | etc
1003 | value | value | ...
1020 | ... .. ..
1234 | .. . .. . . ...
You see the problem is that FormX doesn't have one single OrderId but is rather a collection of OrderIds. Sometimes multiple items from the same order are on FormX, sometimes it's just one, most orders don't have any items on FormX. But when someone pulls up their order, I need for all the FormXs their items belong on to show up so they can be modified/viewed.
I was thinking of maybe creating a stored proc that does what I said above, run one query to pull down all the related OrderIds and then another to return the appropriate FormXs. But there has to be a better way...
I understand you need to get a list of the "FormX"s related to a single OrderId. You say, that OrderItems does contain a column for FormXId.
You can issue the following query:
OrderItems.FormXId = FormX.FormXId
OrderItems.OrderId = #orderId
You need to pass #orderId to your query and you will get a record set with FormX records related to this order.
You can either package this query up as a stored procedure using #orderId paramter, or you can use dynamic sql and substitute #orderId with real order number you executing your query for.
