How can one get count, with a where condition in DynamoDB - amazon-dynamodb

Let us say, We have a situation where instead of getting the total count in a table, get the count of records with a particular status.
We know DynamoDb is schemaless and still has to count each record one by one to get the total count.
And yet, How can we leverage the above need using dynamoDb queries?

While normally "Query" or "Scan" requests return all the matching items, you can pass the Select=COUNT parameter and ask to retrieve only the number of matching items, instead of the actual items. But before you go doing that, there are a few things you should know:
DynamoDB will still be reading - and you will still be paying for - all the data, even if just for being counted. Doing a "Scan" with a filter is in almost all cases out of the question, because it will read the entire data set every time. With a "Query" you can ask to read just one partition, or a contiguous range of sort-keys in one partition, which in some cases may be reasonable enough (but please think if it is, in your use case).
Even if you're not actually reading the data, and just counting, DynamoDB still does Scan and Query with "paging", i.e., your reads request will read just 1MB of data from disk, return you the partial count, and ask you to submit another request to resume the scan. Your DynamoDB library probably has a way to automate this resumption, so for example it can run thousands or whatever number of queries needed until finally finishing the scan and calculating the total sum.
In some cases, it may make sense for to maintain a counter in addition to the data. Writes will be more expensive (e.g., each write adds data and increments the counter), but reads that need this counter will be hugely cheaper - so it all depends on how much of each your workload needs.


new count() aggregation function performance

Firestore introduced the new aggregation query count() which is pretty useful for me. I'm trying to understand the speed and cost of it.
The documentation mentions performance:
Performance depends on your index configuration and on the size of the
Most queries scale based on the on the size of the result set,
not the dataset. However, aggregation queries scale based on the size
of the dataset and the number of index entries scanned.
and also the pricing:
you are charged one document read for each batch of up to 1000 index
entries matched by the query.
Now imagine I have 2 collections, the first one with 100'000 documents, and the second one with 1'000'000 documents. I run a someQuery.count() on both collections and both return 1500. Here are some questions:
Will both queries be charged the same (2 document reads)?
Will the second query take longer than the first query, since the second collection has more documents? If yes - how much longer (linear, log, etc.)?
What does the documentation mean by performance depends on your index configuration? Can I configure the collections and their indexes to make count work faster?
Would be great to get some answers, I'm relying on count heavily (I know, it's still in preview).
The charge for COUNT() queries is based on the number of index entries that are matched by that query. Essentially:
take the count you get back,
divide by 1000, rounding up,
if the result is 0, add 1.
That's the number of document reads you're charged.
The performance of a COUNT() query depends on the number of items you count. Counting more items will take longer as the database has to match a large number of index entries.
This is similar to if you'd actually retrieve the documents rather than just their count: getting more documents would also take more time. Of course: counting the documents will be faster than actually getting them, but counting more documents still takes more time than counting fewer documents.
Some queries may be possible even when you don't have a specific index for the exact field combination you use, due to Firestore's ability to perform a zig-zag-merge-join across the indexes (that feature might have a different name now, but it's pretty much still doing something similar). That reduces the number of indexes you'd need for a database, and thus reduce the associated cost. It could also affect the performance of the count, but not in a way that you can easily calculate. I recommend not trying to optimize here until you actually need it, i.e. when you notice certain queries being slower than other similar queries in your database.

Storing and querying for announcements between two datetimes

I have to design a table to store announcements in DynamoDB. Each announcement has the following structure:
"announcementId": "(For the frontend to identify an announcement to the backend)",
"author": "(id of author)",
"displayStartDatetime": "",
"displayEndDatetime": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"image": "(A url to an image)",
"link": "(A single url to another page)"
As we are still designing the table, alterations to the structure are permitted. In particular, announcementId, displayStartDatetime and displayEndDatetime can be changed.
The main access pattern is to find the current announcements. Users have a webpage which they can see all current announcements and their details.
Every announcement has a date for when to start showing it (displayStartDatetime) and when to stop showing it (displayEndDatetime). The announcement is should still be kept in the table after the current datetime is past displayEndDatetime for reference for admins.
The start and end datetime are precise to the minute.
Ideally, I would like a way to query the table for all the current announcements in one query.
However, I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to fuse two datetimes in one sort key because it is impossible to order two pieces of data of equal importance (e.g. storing the timestamps as a string will mean one will be more important/greater than the other).
Hence, as a compromise, I would like to sort the table values by displayEndDatetime so that I can filter out past announcements. This is because, as time goes on, there will be more past announcements than future announcements, so it will be more beneficial to optimise that.
Compromised Solution
Currently, my (not very good) solutions are:
Use one "hot" partition key and use the displayEndDatetime as the sort key.
This allows me to filter out past announcements, but it also means that all the data is in a single partition. I could run a scheduled job every now and then to move the past announcements to a different spaced out partitions.
Scan through the table
I believe Scan will look at every item in the table before it performs any filtering. This solution doesn't seem as good as 1. but it would be the simplest to implement and it would allow me to keep announcementId as the partition key.
Scan a GSI of the table
Since Scan will look through every item, it may be more efficient to create a GSI (announcementId (PK), displayEndDatetime (SK)) and scan through that to retrieve all the announcementIds which have not passed. After that, another request could be made to get all the announcements.
What is the most optimised solution for storing all announcements and then finding current announcements when using DynamoDB?
Although I have listed a few possible solutions for sorting the displayEndDatetime, the main point is still finding announcements between the start and end datetime.
Here are the answers to #tugberk's questions on the background:
What is the rate of writes you anticipate receiving (i.e. peak writes per second you need to handle)?
I am uncertain of how the admins will use this system, announcements can be very regular (about 3/day) or very infrequent (about 3/month).
How much new data do you anticipate storing daily, and how do you think this will grow?
As mentioned above, this could be about 3 announcements a day or 3 a month. This is likely to remain the same for as long as I should be concerned about.
What is the rate of reads (e.g. peak reads per second)?
I would expect the peak reads per second to be around 500-1000 reads/s. This number is expected to grow as there are more users.
How many announcements a user can see at a time (i.e. what's avg/max number of announcements will be visible at any point in time)? Practically thinking, this shouldn't be more than a few (e.g. 10-20 at most).
I would expect the maxmimum number of viewable announcements to be up to 30-40. This is because there could be multiple long-running announcements along with short-term announcements. On average, I would expect about 5-10 announcements.
What is the data inconsistency gap you are happy to have here (i.e. do you need seconds level precision, or would you be happy to have ~1min delay on displaying and hiding announcements)?
I think the speed which the announcement starts showing is important, especially if the admins decide that this is a good platform for urgent announcements (likely urgent to the minute). However, when it stops showing is less important, but to avoid confusing the users the announcement should stop display at most 4 hours after it is past its display end datetime.
This type of questions are always hard to answer here as there is so many assumptions on the answer as it's really hard to have all the facts. But I will try to give you so ideas, which may help you think about your data storage choice as well as giving you further options.
I know what I am doing, and really need to use DynamoDB
Edited this answer based on the OP's answers to my original questions.
As you really need to us DynamoDB for this for internal reasons, I think it's more suitable to store the data in two DynamoDB tables for both serving reads and writes as nearly all access patterns I can think of will hit multiple partitions if you have one table. You can get away with a GSI, but it's not too straight forward how to do it, and I am not sure whether there is any advantage to doing it that way.
The core thing you need to optimize for is the reads as you mentioned it can go up to 2K/rps which is big enough to make this the part where you optimize your architecture against. Based on your assumptions of having 3 announcements a day, it's nothing to worry about as far as the writes are concerned.
General idea is this:
I would consider using one DynamoDB table to handle writes where you can configure author identifier as the partition key, and announcement identifier as the sort key (and make your primary key as the combination of both). This will allow you to query all the announcements for a given author easily.
I would also have a second DynamoDB table to handle reads, where you will only store active announcements which your application can query and retrieve all of it with a Scan query (i.e. O(N)), which is not a concern as you mentioned there will only be 30-40 active announcments at any point in time. Let's imagine this to be even 500, you are still OK with this structure. In terms of partition and sort key, I would just have an active boolean field as the partition key, which you will always have it as true, you can have the announcement id as the sort key, and make the combination of both as the primary key. If you care about the sort of these announcements, you can adjust the sort key accordingly but make sure it's unique (i.e. consider concatenating the announcement identifier, e.g. {displayBeginDatetime-in-yyyyMMddHHmmss-format}-{announcementId}. With this way you will guarantee that you will only hit one partition. However, you can actually simplify this and have the announcement identifier as the partition key and primary key as I am nearly sure that DynamoDB will store all your data in one partition as it's going to be so small. Better to confirm this though as I am not 100% sure. The point here is that you are much better of ensuring hitting one partition with this query.
Here is how this may work, where there are some edge cases I am overlooking:
record the write inside the first DynamoDB for an announcement. When an announcement is written, configure displayEndDatetime as the TTL of that row, with the assumption that you don't need this record in this table when an announcement expires.
have a job running for N minute (one or more, depending on the data inconsistency gap you can handle), which will Scan the entire DynamoDB table across partitions (do it in a paginated way), and makes decisions on which announcements are currently visible. Then, write your data into the second DynamoDB table, which will handle the reads, in the structure we have established above so that your consumer can read from this w/o worrying about any filtering as the data is already filtered (e.g. all the announcements here are visible ones). Note that Scan is fine here as you are running this once every N minutes, with the assumption that you are ok with at least 1 minute + processing time data inconsistency gap. I would suggest running this every 10 minutes or so, if you don't have strong data consistency requirements.
On the read storage system, also configure displayEndDatetime as the TTL for the row so that it gets automatically deleted.
Configure DynamoDB streams on the first DynamoDB table, which has 24 hours retention and exactly once delivery guarantee, and have a lambda consumer of this stream, which to handle when an item is deleted (will happen when TTL kicks in for a particular row) to keep a record of this announcements somewhere else, for longer retention reasons, and will need to expose it through different access pattern (e.g. show all the announcements per author so that they can reenable old announcements), as you mentioned in you question. You can configure a lambda event sourcing with DynamoDb streams, which will allow you to handle failures with retries, etc. Make sure that your logic in these lambdas are idempotent so that you can retry safely.
The below is the parts from my original question, which are still relevant to anyone who might be trying to achieve the same. So, I will leave them here but they are less relevant as the OP needs to use DynamoDB.
Why DynamoDB?
First of all, I would question why you need DynamoDB for this, as it seems like your requirements are more read heavy than it's being write heavy, where I think DynamoDB shines the most due to its partitioned out of the box nature.
Below questions would help you understand whether you really need DynamoDB for this, or can you get away with a more flexible data storage system:
what is the rate of writes you anticipate receiving (i.e. peak writes per second you need to handle)?
how much new data do you anticipate storing daily, and how do you think this will grow?
what is the rate of reads (e.g. peak reads per second)?
How many announcements a user can see at a time (i.e. what's avg/max number of announcements will be visible at any point in time)? Practically thinking, this shouldn't be more than a few (e.g. 10-20 at most). This will help you understand whether you need will be OK pulling all the visible announcements in one go, or need a pagination system.
What is the data inconsistency gap you are happy to have here (i.e. do you need seconds level precision, or would you be happy to have ~1min delay on displaying and hiding announcements)?
Actually, I don't need DynamoDB
Based on my assumptions on your consumption and admin needs for this use case, I believe you don't need DynamoDB for this with the assumption of not having high number of writes for this (which might be wrong), and if these assumptions are correct, the above is a super over engineered solution for you. Let's say it's correct, I think you are better of using PostgreSQL for this, which can give you easy ability to change your access pattern as you see fit with further indexing, and for the current access pattern you have, you can have a range query over the start and end times.

What is the best way to query only primary key in amazon dynamodb?

We have a dynamodb table with close to 5000 items. The primary key for this table is a column called "serialNumber". We have to run a scheduled job that picks up all the serial numbers and does some processing. What is the most optimized way to query for this data? We only need the serial numbers and not any other columns. Should I use scan/LSI/paginated query, or something else?
instead of query all your data, i recommend to use dynamodb stream with lambda. you will be able to get only your primary key value, and do as ever you need.
If you need to repeatedly get the list of all the serial numbers in the table you might do a scan with a projection of only the serial number. For a table with 5000 items this will execute really fast and won't consume a ton of capacity (you're probably looking at about 20 IOPs for the scan). For trivial loads and infrequent access (ie. once an hour, or once a day) a scan is the way to go - no need for excessive complexity.
However, if you expect that your table's contents will change all the time and you need near-real time updates then a Dynamo Stream to Lambda with potentially a cache would be the way to go.

How to retrieve a row's position within a DynamoDB global secondary index and the total?

I'm implementing a leaderboard which is backed up by DynamoDB, and their Global Secondary Index, as described in their developer guide,
But, two of the things that are very necessary for a leaderboard system is your position within it, and the total in a leaderboard, so you can show #1 of 2000, or similar.
Using the index, the rows are sorted the correct way, and I'd assume these calls would be cheap enough to make, but I haven't been able to find a way, as of yet, how to do it via their docs. I really hope I don't have to get the entire table every single time to know where a person is positioned in it, or the count of the entire table (although if that's not available, that could be delayed, calculated and stored outside of the table at scheduled periods).
I know DescribeTable gives you information about the entire table, but I would be applying filters to the range key, so that wouldn't suit this purpose.
I am not aware of any efficient way to get the ranking of a player. The dumb way is to do a query starting from the player with the highest point, move downward, keep incrementing your counter until you reach the target player. So for the user with lowest point, you might end up scanning the whole range.
That being said, you can still get the top 100 player with no problem (Leaders). Just do a query starting from the player with the highest point, and set the query limit to 100.
Also, for a given player, you can get 100 players around him with similar points. You just need do two queries like:
query with hashkey="" and rangekey <= his point, limit 50
query with hashkey="" and rangekey >= his point, limit 50
This was the exact same problem we were facing when we were developing our app. Following are two solutions we had come with to deal with this problem:
Query your index with scanIndex->false that will give you all top players (assuming your score/points key in range) with limit 1000. Then applying this mathematical formula y = mx+b where you can take 2 iteration, mostly 1 and last value to find out m and b, x-points, and y-rank. Based on this you will get the rank if you have user's points (this will not be exact rank value it would be approximate, google does the same if we search some thing in our mail it show
and not exact value in first call.
Get all the records and store it in cache until the next update. This is by far the best and less expensive thing we are using.
The beauty of DynamoDB is that it is highly optimized for very specific (and common) use cases. The cost of this optimization is that many other use cases cannot be achieved as easily as with other databases. Unfortunately yours is one of them. That being said, there are perfectly valid and good ways to do this with DynamoDB. I happen to have built an application that has the same requirement as yours.
What you can do is enable DynamoDB Streams on your table and process item update events with a Lambda function. Every time the number of points for a user changes you re-compute their rank and update your item. Even if you use the same scan operation to re-compute the rank, this is still much better, because it moves the bulk of the cost from your read operation to your write operation, which is kind of the point of NoSQL in the first place. This approach also keeps your point updates fast and eventually consistent (the rank will not update immediately, but is guaranteed to update properly unless there's an issue with your Lambda function).
I recommend to go with this approach and once you reach scale optimize by caching your users by rank in something like Redis, unless you have prior experience with it and can set this up quickly. Pick whatever is simplest first. If you are concerned about your leaderboard changing too often, you can reduce the cost by only re-computing the ranks of first, say, 100 users and schedule another Lambda function to run every several minutes, scan all users and update their ranks all at the same time.

Get an object from a bucket in riak without knowing its key

I am using a riak bucket to store a list of messages, using a UUID as the key and a json message as value. This is working fine.
What I need is an efficient way to get a single message from the bucket without knowing its key, at least in one of these two scenarios:
Get the last inserted object (this is my prefered approach).
Get a random object from the bucket (if the first alternative is not possible).
Is there any efficient way to achieve that?
I think one alternative could be to retrieve the keys in the bucket and then get the first one. But this means making two calls to riak, one to obtain all the keys (just to discard all but one) and a second one to obtain the object. It does not seem very efficient.
As Riak is a key-value store, the by far most efficient way to retrieve data is through the keys. Listing or retrieving all keys in a bucket, even if you only end up using the one returned first, is one of the least efficient operations you can perform as it causes Riak to scan ALL keys in the system (not just the bucket), and it is usually recommended NEVER to use this on a production system.
The most efficient way to get the last inserted object would probably be to store the id in a separate, known record in a different bucket. This would however require you to perform two writes on every insert and two reads for every read, but would do so in the most efficient way. You could possibly implement a post-commit hook (would have to be in Erlang as it is not currently not possible to write records using JavaScript functions) on the bucket containing messages to get the system to perform the update for you, which would remove the need for the last write.
If you write a lot of data to the bucket containing messages, you may want to adjust the separate bucket so that it does not allow multiple values and that the last value wins. This way you would reduce the risk of having lots of siblings created due to frequent updates to this single record across the system. This would always give you one of the last written records, but not necessarily the last one (especially if you frequently write messages to the database), as Riak does not support any type of atomicity and is an eventually consistent database.
You could also create one or more secondary indexes if you are using the leveldb backend, and use this to limit your scan to only recent records, which would be more efficient than a scann of all keys. You could then either select the most recent key or a random one through mapreduce, but this would be much less efficient than the previously described approach.
I can not think of any efficient way to retrieve a random record in a bucket from Riak unless you know the range of keys you have inserted and can decide randomly on the client which one to get. One way to do this would be to generate all keys in sequence rather than using a UUID, but that is naturally not a good idea in a highly concurrent distributed system.
1st task is pretty easy to implement:
Add post-commit hook that will write the last inserted key to some predefined key/bucket place
Get the key from that predefined key/bucket and issue a get query using them
It's still two operations but both are just gets that are fast. Plus additional overhead on hook but nothing too heavy either.
2nd scenario is also easy, but it is way too inefficient to be used practically:
Get all keys (extremely expensive operation)
Pick random
Issue get
I have come up with the same scenario. In My scenario I have to save the users. For that I required an auto increment Id. So what I did is, I placed the last inserted key in a separate bucket as like mentioned by "Christian Dahlqvist", every time I want to insert new record I fetch the last inserted key from that key bucket. Here we have only one value in that bucket with the key as "LastKey" which is always known to us. And I incremented the key based on the fetched key and again updated the key bucket. So always the key bucket contains the latest key in it.
