sharpening charts in [image-charts] - image-charts

We are currently rendering charts with image-charts, but we have issue since we use charts in html templates and the quality of image of image-charts deviates from the other text / images.
Currently we are rendering charts as pngs.

Image-Charts founder here :)
There are currently two solutions:
(free) Ask for a larger image and then let the browser downscale it
Free users can generate charts up to 999x999px. So let say you want a final chart of 450x300px.
First let's ask for a bar chart that has a chs=900x600 (thus 900x600px in size) and label font size of 16px (chxs=1N**K,333333,16%7C0,333333,16).,15,25,30,40,80&chs=900x600&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:%7CMarch%20'18%7CApril%20'18%7CMay%20'18%7CJune%20'18%7CJuly%20'18%7CAugust%20'18%7C&chdl=Visitors%20(in%20thousands)&chf=b0,lg,90,05B142,1,0CE858,0.2&chtt=Visitors%20report&chma=0,0,10,10&chl=%7C%7C%7C%7C+33%25%20!%7Cx2&chxs=1N**K,333333,16%7C0,333333,16
Now, embed it inside an image <img/> tag with a width of 450px and an height of 300px like so:
<img style="height:300px;width:450px;" src=",15,25,30,40,80&chs=900x600&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:%7CMarch%20'18%7CApril%20'18%7CMay%20'18%7CJune%20'18%7CJuly%20'18%7CAugust%20'18%7C&chdl=Visitors%20(in%20thousands)&chf=b0,lg,90,05B142,1,0CE858,0.2&chtt=Visitors%20report&chma=0,0,10,10&chl=%7C%7C%7C%7C+33%25%20!%7Cx2&chxs=1N**K,333333,16%7C0,333333,16"/>
Browser downscaling while create a sharpen picture on high resolution screens.
(enterprise & enterprise+ customers) Use the retina display feature
Leverage icretina=1 and srcset, more informations here.


Trouble with open graph story images not being full width images

Are there any ways of preventing Facebook from automatically resizing open graph story images to the point where they are a small square? We want our images to be full width images. Thanks.

Should you upscale images for mobile using CSS or a photo editing tool?

I want all images for a mobile site to be 640px wide, based on iPhone screen size.
All images should be the full width of the screen when shown img { width: 100%; height: auto; }.
For the images that are smaller than 640px wide, is it better to use the above CSS to scale them up, or should I use Photoshop or something to scale the actual image up? Does it even make a difference?
So does scaling up an image using CSS result in a better or worse image quality than using something like Photoshop to increase the size?
Scaling images up doesn't go well for the quality of said images, you need to sort out your priorities on this one. You can work on those images and increase the quality and size of those images in Photoshop so you don't lose any quality when resizing, but this will increase page loads or you could lose some quality, but improve page loads with smaller but more crappy images.
If you really want to target each device (computer vs mobile) perfectly you can use javascript to switch out the images. This can be done really easily using or similar libraries.
If the images are graphics or icons I might suggest just making them svgs and using those instead as they are crisp at a greater range of resolutions. If you go with this option its best to make their sizes multiples of two.

One image resizes properly, other does not with Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using Bootstrap 2.3.0 on the following website:
The problem I am having is that when the browser window is resized or when a user is using a tablet/phone, the two logos at the very top of the page are not displaying as I would like.
Below I am showing this behaviour using Chrome on my desktop.
Situation #1: full screen display, logos are spread out and full size. I'm happy with this.
Situation #2: screen size is decreased, but logos are still full size. I would like for either the logos to stay on the same line and for the logos to scale (shrink).
Situation #3: this would likely be solved by whatever fixes situation #2, but I just wanted to show that if I shrink the browser width further, the Agrium logo has scaled (yay!) but the AgTracker logo has not (boooo).
Any help with updating the CSS or way I am using Bootstrap that allows for the logos to both scale and remain on the same line would be appreciated.
There are a couple of ways to solve this problem:
At first, you should recognize that the first two images are actually not two but just a single image. Using this technique, you can make a single png or jpg file with all these three images in combined into a single image file. I would not recommend this, so I would like to propose a much more robust solution using CSS. Please look at my second point.
You can use CSS3's in built feature known as CSS3 Media Queries.
This technology allows you to create responsive websites and be able
to dictate how your content appears on a variety of devices like
mobile, tabs or desktops.

How to convert an image to retina display?

I have an 40px by 20px image with 72 Pixels / Inch.
I would like to create a Retina display version.
What should I do? Double the size? Change the resolution?
And in which format should I save it? PNG? JPG? ...
I am using this image on a web site ...
In your image editor, double the size of your image to 80px by 40px.
In your markup set the width to 40 and height to 20.
<img src="example.png" width="40" height="20" />
You should save as png if you need transparency or the image is line art. Save photographs as jpg.
My answer is convert your image into SVG
Do you have Illustrator? If so save your image as SVG (and have a png as a fallback if you want).
<img src="images/logo.svg" alt="" />
<img src="images/logo.png" alt="" />
As long as you use Modernzr which can work to get svg friendly in most browsers.
You can see it here how it's done:
Hope it helps :)
A retina display image (or high-density display image) is double the pixel size of a standard image - its scaling factor is 2.0. This means that yes, for your 40x20 pixel image, you will need to make an 80x40 pixel version (that is then displayed at double pixel density on screen). The format doesn't matter as much, both PNG and JPG will work fine (PNG will not degrade in quality with compression, but the file size will be larger than JPG).
However, the problem with high-density display images is that they take up more bandwidth, and are unnecessary for devices that don't have the high resolution or Retina displays. This means more data transferred over the network, inconveniencing mobile users and those with limited data transfer caps.
One solution is to use something like Retina.js. It's an open-source javascript client script that will automatically load the retina-sized image from your server and swap it in-place for the low-density version, if it exists. It follows Apple's standard for naming high-resolution images - #2x, so you can have HTML code like this:
<img src="/images/my_image.jpg" />
and the script will search your server also for /images/my_image#2x.jpg. If it exists, it will load it and swap it in-place without having to worry about messing with CSS.
Generally as of this writing there are two types of retina displays, hence you should create an image for each type.
For a 2× device, you would need to produce twice the logical pixels' width and height with a resolution of 144 pixels per inch (72 ppi ✕ 2).
For a 3× device, you would need three times the logical pixels with a resolution of 216 pixels per inch (72 ppi ✕ 3).
Examples of 2× devices are the MacBook Pro (released in 2012-2019) and most iPhone since the iPhone 4. Examples of 3×
devices are the iPhone 6 Plus, and the iPhone X. However the iPhone Xr is a 2× device.
Hence for your case you would need images in 80 px ✕ 40 px and 120 px ✕ 60 px for 2× and 3× devices respectively.
Retina displays are not dependent on the specific bitmap image format. You can use the original image format. For websites, you should use JPG for photographs and PNG for line-art graphics saved as bitmaps.
You should not just blindly enlarge images otherwise this would create a blurred results – it would no better than if you don't include any high-resolution versions in the first place. Either obtain the original higher-resolution version of the images (typically from vector graphic source) and downscale them or use a machine-learning based image enhancement solution such as Bigger Picture to "convert" your image into a higher resolution.
Photoshop gives you a couple options for resizing an image. For instance if the image is iPhone size you can increase the image size by 200%. Photoshop gives you a couple options for resampling of the image. Bicubic, bilinear and etc. This will remake the image at a higher resolution and interpolate the missing pixels. Hope this helps.
This is a really interesting article showing a nice option for dealing with high res images:
Basically, it's saying that, if you make the image quite large (width and height) but then save it at quite low quality, it still comes out very sharp on retina displays. It means that you can use the one same image on all devices, and that the file size is very low, too, which is an extra bonus. You can set the width and height of the image in your CSS and/or HTML to set it to the visual dimensions you desire.
This article blew me away, and is my go-to approach for dealing with both retina-friendly and bandwidth-friendly images. Win, win.
You can use CSS opacity option.
This will give you an transparent look of your image based upon the value you set to opacity.
Try learning opacity: sizing the non-sizable

I'm using the charting control, and liking it for the most part. However, I would like my charts to size with the panels they are contained in. I cannot set the width of the chart to 100%, I have to give them an exact size. I don't want to stretch and distort the rendered chart image.
Does anyone have an example of how I might do this, or could you point me in the right direction?
If you don't want to stretch generated chart you can load it via ajax and pass size of current image container in an ajax request (e.g. ). But size of the container may be changed after the user change size of the browser so your chart may become bigger than your container.
With sizing requirement I would consider using flash or silverlight or javascript based charts like amCharts or other. I mean anything not generating static images. These are generated on the client so they can easily adopt to the dedicated space.
