I want to use the selected Timerange in kibana as a "filter value".
So for example if the time range is set to:
From: 2019-10-16 14:00:00.000
To: 2019-10-16 14:15:00.000
I want to use the "To-Value-Timestamp" like the "now" value so i can get all records which are older than one day for example, like "To-Value-Timestamp"-1d.
Is this even possible and if yes, how?
I am looking forward to your answers!
I followed the documentation on filtering.
Used the following code in order to fetch date range data.
It fetches the second filter condition only. It would be great if anyone can help me with this issue.
It was solved once I change the second condition filter name [datefilter] to a different name.
I'm creating a saved search using Kibana Discover. On screen I can select the time range manually (default is "Last 15 minutes"). If I select "Last 24 hours" and Refresh the search, it works fine. However, when I save the search, the time range information is not saved. Whenever I open Kibana Discover and open my saved search, the time range is always the default (last 15 minutes).
I tried adding different conditions (below) to my KQL query, to no avail. :^(
and #timestamp >= "now-24h"
and #timestamp >= now-24h
and timestamp >= "now-24h"
and #timestamp >= "now-1d/d"
I also tried to "Add filter" using the #timestamp field. The only operators available are: is not, is one of, is not one of, is between, is not between, exists, does not exist.
So, I tried between now-24h and now. Yet, no results match the criteria.
However, if I manually change the time range to say, Last 30 days, then my filter works!
How do I include the time range, say last 24 hours, in my KQL saved search so that it overrides the time range that is manually set on screen?
(Motivation: I don't want to change the default manual time range to be larger than the range used in all saved searches. Also, I want to make the saved searches available to a support team with minimal manual configuration.)
(I'm using Kibana v7.10.0.)
I have a custom content type called events in which uses a field called event_date. When I set the date and look at the node, it correctly shows the date I entered:
However, when I do a dpm on node_insert to see the values getting saved, here is what's being reported to me:
As you can see, this is not what I entered in and these are the exact values that gets stored in the database as well.
My questions:
1) How can I get the correct values? (I'd like to get 03/30/2016 and 7:00pm)
2) Why are these values different but the node still shows them correctly? where the time being saved?
I have answer for second question and then you will easier find answer to first one also.
You see offset of -18000.
That is 300 minutes.
Which equals to 5 hours.
2016-03-31 00:00 -(minus) 5 hours is 2016-03-30 07:00pm
So you need to use function to format date that will include that offset also. Check comments and links from: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/a/33686/32059
I must be brain dead today because I cannot get any records to return in a SELECY query. I'm trying to select records for the last 30 days (since 2/8/2016). I know there are records in the database since 2/8/16. This is my selection criteria: >#2/7/2016 11:59:59 PM#. I'm not sure why I'm not getting any records. I've looked at the table and the field I'm trying to select on is Date/Time (General Date format). Any suggestions would be appreciated as this is making me crazy. Thanks for the help.
I would just use the date part of it, without the time. So...
If this is to be variable date for the last 30 days from today, you could also write it as
Hope this helps.
Use this criteria for your date field:
or for a specific date:
or, if 30 days means a month:
Very simple question (hopefully) but I can't find the answer anywhere. I have two seemingly identical date prompts for optional date ranges. One defaults to today's date. The other defaults to 'earliest' and 'latest'. But I can't for the life of me find the setting that controls this.
(I'm not trying to do anything advanced such as dynamical defaults, using javascript.)
Please help. Thanks.
A single-select date prompt with the Required property set to 'No' and the Range property set to 'Yes' will show the Earliest and Latest radio buttons and have them selected as default. When the Required property is set to 'Yes' the date prompts default to the current date. Thus, your two date prompts likely have different settings for the Required property.