How to start with PACT contract testing in java for a newbie - pact

I have to do a POC on contract testing using pact, but I couldn't found anything helpful for a newbie. Can someone help me with the working code, how to install, execute I will be grateful.

I tried to explain below.
Consumer: Contract created by consumer.
Provider: Contracts tested by provider.
Pack Broker: After contracts are created under location (like targer/pacts) defined by you, you must publish the contracts to the common platform where consumer and provider will see.
Consumer side - Create contract for provider
public class CreateContractForProvider {
#Rule //Provider, HostInterface and Port defined with #Rule annotation (Used PactProviderRuleMk2)
public PactProviderRuleMk2 pactProviderRuleMk2 = new PactProviderRuleMk2(
// Provider Application Name
//Mock Server
#Pact(consumer = "ConsumerName") // Consumer Application Name (Our application) - Consumer defined with #Pact annotation(
public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap();
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); //Defined headers
//Defined responses with PactDslJsonBody()
DslPart expectedResultBodyWhenGetPayments = new PactDslJsonBody()
return builder
.uponReceiving("A request for all payments")
.body(expectedResultBodyWhenGetPayments).toPact(); //Response bodyies and headers used in return builder
// We can define more than one endpoint with .uponReceiving or .given
//Then we have to test beacuse contracts are created test stage.
//When we say test with #PactVerification, the server we described above stands up(localhost:8112). İf we get localhost:8112/(definedpathlike/payments) its return expectedResultBodyWhenGetPayments.If the test is successful, the contracts is create.
public void pactVerification() {
int contractNo=((Integer) new ContractTestUtil(pactProviderRuleMk2.getPort()).getContractResponse("/payments","contractNo")).intValue();
assertTrue(contractNo == 854452);
Test Util
public class ContractTestUtil {
int port=8111;
public ContractTestUtil(int port) {
System.out.println("Custom port "+port);
public Object getContractResponse(String path,String object) {
try {
System.setProperty("pact.rootDir", "./target/pacts");
System.setProperty("pact.rootDir", "./target/pacts");
String url=String.format("Http://localhost:%d"+path, port);
System.out.println("using url: "+url);
HttpResponse httpResponse = Request.Get(url).execute().returnResponse();
String json = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity());
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
return jsonObject.get(object);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unable to get object="+e);
return null;
Define Pact Broker
The PactBrokerUr lmust be defined before publishing in pom.
<!-- mvn pact:publish -->
<pactDirectory>./target/pacts</pactDirectory> <!-- Defaults to ${}/pacts -->
<projectVersion>1.1</projectVersion> <!-- Defaults to ${project.version} -->
<trimSnapshot>true</trimSnapshot> <!-- Defaults to false -->
Now, we can publish with pact:puplish command.
Provider Side - Call contracts created by consumer
In this stage you can test with failsafe plugin. Beacuse its integraion test.
#RunWith(PactRunner.class) // Say JUnit to run tests with custom Runner
#Consumer("ConsumerName")// Set up name of tested provider// Provider Application Name
#PactBroker(port = "8113", host = "yourmachine")
public class VerifyContractsWhichCreatedForProviderIT {
private static ConfigurableWebApplicationContext configurableWebApplicationContext;
public static void start() {
configurableWebApplicationContext = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext);
#TestTarget // Annotation denotes Target that will be used for tests
public final Target target = new HttpTarget(8080); //Test Target
Finally,you can create contrats and verify contrast created for you with clean test pact:publish verify command.


How can I invoke the health check of another Spring Boot application from within my Spring Boot health endpoint?

I wonder how I can invoke a custom health indicator:
in the same application
of another Spring Boot application
My application is split into a base application (rather a configuration) A which implements nearly all the functionality (having no main method) and another application B (having a main method ;-) ) having the base configuration as a dependency in the POM.
In A I have implemented a custom HealthIndicator:
public class AdapterDownstreamHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String downStreamUrl = "http://localhost:8081/actuator";
public AdapterDownstreamHealthIndicator(RestTemplate restTemplate, String downStreamUrl) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
this.downStreamUrl = downStreamUrl;
public Health health() {
// try {
// JsonNode resp = restTemplate.getForObject(downStreamUrl + "/health", JsonNode.class);
// if (resp.get("status").asText().equalsIgnoreCase("UP")) {
// System.out.println("JUHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!");
// return Health.up().build();
// }
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// return Health.down(ex).build();
// }
return Health.down().build();
In my I have some actuator properties:
When I enter http://localhost:9091/actuator/health/adapterDownstream in a browser the debugger does not stop in the health() method and I simply get an empty page displayed.
I already tried to extend AbstractHealthIndicator instead of implementing HealthIndicator interface.
What am I doing wrong that the custom health indicator is not recognized?
In the end I want to make some kind of deep health check to test all components being used in my application. Maybe using CompositeHealthContributor should be used???
As I described I have a dependency A which has NO main method which is loaded into my application B as a dependency in the POM. So far I tried to implement the custom healthcheck class/the health indicator in this dependency/module A.
The simple solution is to add a
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "") to the main method of the application.

Using service in Pact consumer test with Java EE

I'd like to implement a Pact consumer test in our Java EE application. This test shall invoke a consumer service method which would trigger the actual REST call.
Here's the Pact test so far:
#PactTestFor(providerName = "my-service")
public class MyServiceConsumerTest {
private MyService myService;
#Pact(consumer = "myConsumer")
public RequestResponsePact mail(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("Content-Type", ContentType.getJSON().asString());
PactDslJsonBody jsonBody = new PactDslJsonBody()
.stringValue("emailAddress", "")
.stringValue("subject", "Test subject")
.stringValue("content", "Test content")
return builder
.uponReceiving("request for sending a mail")
#PactTestFor(pactMethod = "mail")
public void sendMail() {
MailNotification mailNotification = MailNotification.builder()
.subject("Test subject")
.content("Test content")
The interesting part is this line:
As I'm running a consumer unit test, the injection of MyService does not work, i.e. results in myService being null. Moreover I think it would be necessary to tell the service to send its request against the Pact mock serveR?
Of course I could just fire the final REST request in the test but that would ignore the service logic.
I guess I'm missing something here?
Yes, you should hit the mock server in the #PactVerification test. Don't fire without the actual application code, it makes a few sense in case of future changes. Tests should fail if you change an HTTP property of that request

Is it possible to run Spring WebFlux and MVC (CXF, Shiro, etc.) services together in Undertow?

We are looking at implementing a few services using the new Spring 5 "Reactive" API.
We currently use, somewhat dependent on MVC, Apache CXF and Apache Shiro for our REST services and security. All of this runs in Undertow now.
We can get one or the other to work but not both together. It appears when we switch over to the reactive application it knocks out the servlets, filters, etc. Conversely, when we use the MVC-style application it does not see the reactive handlers.
Is it possible to run the Spring 5 Reactive services alongside REST/servlet/filter components or customize the SpringBoot startup to run REST and Reactive services on different ports?
I "seem" to be able to get the reactive handlers working doing this but I don't know if this is the right approach.
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routeGoodbye(TrackingHandler endpoint)
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = RouterFunctions
.and(accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)), endpoint::trackRedirect2);
return route;
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routeHello(TrackingHandler endpoint)
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = RouterFunctions
.and(accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)), endpoint::trackRedirect);
return route;
ContextPathCompositeHandler servletReactiveRouteHandler(TrackingHandler handler)
final Map<String, HttpHandler> handlers = new HashMap<>();
handlers.put("/hello", toHttpHandler((this.routeHello(handler))));
handlers.put("/goodbye", toHttpHandler(this.routeGoodbye(handler)));
return new ContextPathCompositeHandler(handlers);
public ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean(final ContextPathCompositeHandler handlers)
ServletRegistrationBean registrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean<>(
new ReactiveServlet(handlers),
return registrationBean;
TrackingHandler trackingEndpoint(final TrackingService trackingService)
return new TrackingHandler(trackingService,
public class ReactiveServlet extends ServletHttpHandlerAdapter
ReactiveServlet(final HttpHandler httpHandler)
Ok, after playing around with this for too long I finally seemed to be able to cobble together a solution that works for me. Hopefully this is the right way to do what I need to do.
Now, executing normal CXF RESTful routes shows me Undertow using a blocking task and executing my Reactive routes shows me undertow using NIO directly. When I tried using the ServletHttpHandler it looked like it was just invoking the service as a Servlet 3 async call.
The handlers are running completely separate from each other and allows me to run my REST services beside my reactive services.
1) Create an annotation that will be used to map the RouterFunction to an Undertow Handler
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface ReactiveHandler
String value();
2) Create an UndertowReactiveHandler "Provider" so that I can lazily get the injected RouterFunction and return the UndertowHttpHandler when I configure Undertow.
final class UndertowReactiveHandlerProvider implements Provider<UndertowHttpHandlerAdapter>
private ApplicationContext context;
private String path;
private String beanName;
public UndertowHttpHandlerAdapter get()
final RouterFunction router = context.getBean(beanName, RouterFunction.class);
return new UndertowHttpHandlerAdapter(toHttpHandler(router));
public String getPath()
return path;
public void setPath(final String path)
this.path = path;
public void setBeanName(final String beanName)
this.beanName = beanName;
3) Create the NonBLockingHandlerFactory (implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor). This looks for any of my #Bean methods that have been annotated with "ReactiveHandler" and then dynamically creates a "UndertowReactiveHandlerProvider" bean for each annotated router function which is used later to provide the handlers to Undertow.
public void postProcessBeanFactory(final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory configurableListableBeanFactory) throws BeansException
final BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry)configurableListableBeanFactory;
final String[] beanDefinitions = registry.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String name : beanDefinitions)
final BeanDefinition beanDefinition = registry.getBeanDefinition(name);
if (beanDefinition instanceof AnnotatedBeanDefinition
&& beanDefinition.getSource() instanceof MethodMetadata)
final MethodMetadata beanMethod = (MethodMetadata)beanDefinition.getSource();
final String annotationType = ReactiveHandler.class.getName();
if (beanMethod.isAnnotated(annotationType))
//Get the current bean details
final String beanName = beanMethod.getMethodName();
final Map<String, Object> attributes = beanMethod.getAnnotationAttributes(annotationType);
//Create the new bean definition
final GenericBeanDefinition rxHandler = new GenericBeanDefinition();
//Set the new bean properties
MutablePropertyValues mpv = new MutablePropertyValues();
mpv.add("beanName", beanName);
mpv.add("path", attributes.get("value"));
//Register the new bean (Undertow handler) with a matching route suffix
registry.registerBeanDefinition(beanName + "RxHandler", rxHandler);
4) Create the Undertow ServletExtension. This looks for any UndertowReactiveHandlerProviders and adds it as an UndertowHttpHandler.
public class NonBlockingHandlerExtension implements ServletExtension
public void handleDeployment(DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, final ServletContext servletContext)
deploymentInfo.addInitialHandlerChainWrapper(handler -> {
final WebApplicationContext ctx = getWebApplicationContext(servletContext);
//Get all of the reactive handler providers
final Map<String, UndertowReactiveHandlerProvider> providers =
//Create the root handler
final PathHandler rootHandler = new PathHandler();
rootHandler.addPrefixPath("/", handler);
//Iterate the providers and add to the root handler
for (Map.Entry<String, UndertowReactiveHandlerProvider> p : providers.entrySet())
final UndertowReactiveHandlerProvider provider = p.getValue();
//Append the HttpHandler to the root
//Return the root handler
return rootHandler;
5) Under META-INF/services create a "io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension" file.
6) Create a SpringBoot AutoConfiguration that loads the post processor if Undertow is on the classpath.
public class UndertowAutoConfiguration
BeanFactoryPostProcessor nonBlockingHandlerFactoryPostProcessor()
return new NonBlockingHandlerFactoryPostProcessor();
7) Annotate any RouterFunctions that I want to map to an UndertowHandler.
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routeTracking(TrackingHandler handler)
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = RouterFunctions
.nest(path("/api/rx/service"), route(
GET("/{cid}.gif"), handler::trackGif).andRoute(
GET("/{cid}"), handler::trackAll));
return route;
With this I can call my REST services (and Shiro works with them), use Swagger2 with my REST services, and call my Reactive services (and they do not use Shiro) in the same SpringBoot application.
In my logs, the REST call shows Undertow using the blocking (task-#) handler. The Reactive call shows Undertow using the non-blocking (I/O-# and nioEventLoopGroup) handler

ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection inside Startup.Configure

I am using the Cookie Middleware to authenticate the user. I have been following this official tutorial.
Inside my Startup class, an excerpt from my Configure method looks like this:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
// ...
// Cookie-based Authentication
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions()
AuthenticationScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
Events = new CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents(app),
// ...
The CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents class is defined as follows:
public class CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents : CookieAuthenticationEvents
private IApplicationBuilder _app;
private IMyService _myService = null;
private IMyService MyService
if(_myService != null)
return _myService;
} else
return _myService = (IMyService) _app.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(IMyService));
public CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents(IApplicationBuilder app)
_app = app;
public override async Task ValidatePrincipal(CookieValidatePrincipalContext context)
string sessionToken = context.Principal.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Sid)?.Value;
LogonSession response = null;
var response = await MyService.CheckSession(sessionToken);
if (response == null)
await context.HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
Since the dependency injection is not available at Startup.Configure (the services are not even registered at that point), I made a bit of a workaround:
Pass IApplicationBuilder service to the CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents class
Fetch IMyService upon first request inside a read-only property (singleton pattern)
My solution works, but it's ugly. There is no dependency injection involved, as it is not possible at that time.
The essence of the problem is that I must instantiate CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents. As far as I have read the source code, there is no way around this, because the UseCookieAuthentication throws an exception if I omit the options parameter.
Any suggestion how can one make my current solution nicer?
Startup.ConfigureServices() is called before Startup.Configure() (see for more information). So Dependency Injection is available at that time ;)
As a consequence, you can resolve your dependence in your configure method like this:
You should be really careful when you resolve services inside middleware. Your current approach (and the one suggested by #arnaudauroux) can result in difficulties when you use/need/require scoped services (i.e. usage of DbContext).
Resolving via app.ApplicationServices results in static (singleton) services, when the service is registered as scoped (transient are resolved per call, so they are not affected). It would be better to resolve your service during the request from HttpContext inside ValidatePrincipal method.
public override async Task ValidatePrincipal(CookieValidatePrincipalContext context)
string sessionToken = context.Principal.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Sid)?.Value;
LogonSession response = null;
var myService = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IMyService >();
var response = await myService.CheckSession(sessionToken);
if (response == null)
await context.HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
With this approach you don't need to pass any dependencies inside your CustomCookieAuthenticationEvents class at all. HttpContext.RequiredServices is made specifically for such classes (any other can be solved via constructor injection, but not middleware and http context related pipeline, as there is no other otherway to correctly resolve scoped services in middlewares - Middleware instance is static and only instantiated once per request)
This way you won't have lifetime issues with your scoped services.
When you resolve transient services, they will be disposed at the end of request. Whereas transient services resolved via app.ApplicationServices will be resolved at some point in future after the request is finished and when garbage collection triggers (means: your resources will be freed at the earliest possible moment, which is when the request ends).

Windsor container: how to replace ISpecialService implementation at resolving time

I have several Windsor Installers at my ASP.NET MVC application. They register controllers and services. Most of them depend on ICurrentService.
Controller example:
public DataStructureController(
IMapper mapper,
DataEntityService dataEntityService,
FieldDefinitionService fieldDefinitionService,
CompanyService companyService,
ICurrentService currentService,
SelectListService selectListService,
EnumResourceService enumResourceService,
WebPreprocessService preprocessService)
: base(preprocessService)
// Initialise variables code here
Service example:
public DataEntityService(DataEntitySpec specification, ICurrentService currentService)
: base(specification)
// Initialise variables code here
In my test classes I have a method, that I call once in [TestInitialize] marked method, or on/many times in [TestMethod] marked methods:
private static ICurrentService MockCurrentUser(User user)
var currentUserSerivceMock = new Mock<ICurrentService>(MockBehavior.Strict);
currentUserSerivceMock.Setup(x => x.UserId).Returns(user.Id);
currentUserSerivceMock.Setup(x => x.CompanyId).Returns(user.CompanyProfile.Id);
return currentUserSerivceMock.Object;
I want to replace ICurrentService implementation when calling the container.Resolve<> method, because it depends on HttpContext, that isn't available when unit tests run. Is it possible and how do I do it with minimum code?
You can simply create a fake HttpContext:
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest(null, "", null),
new HttpResponse(null));
And then in your tests:
public void SetUp()
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest(null, "", null),
new HttpResponse(null));
public void TearDown()
HttpContext.Current = null;
Register your implementation as a Fallback with Windsor. Then in your test register your mock instance. That or just build up a dedicated instance of the container for your test and register what you like.
