Summary row in table, SumTableControl - eclipse-scout

In table field, in bottom left corner there is search icon, also there is option for aggregation icon (saw in Eclipse Scout Demo)..But how to add that control to table, and make it visible from start.
I have some columns in table that I need to sumarize.

The icons you see in the table footer are a concept called 'table controls'. You can simply activate the aggregation table control like this:
public class MyTable extends AbstractTable {
protected List<Class<? extends ITableControl>> getConfiguredTableControls() {
return Collections.singletonList(AggregateTableControl.class);
protected void execInitTable() {


Prevent a toggle group from not having a toggle selected - Java FX

I have a toggle group with two toggle buttons that should look like this (Yellow toggle is the selected toggle).
However when I click on the selected toggle both toggles become unselected and look like this.
Then if I try to get whether the toggle is selected, I get a nullPointerException.
(Boolean) toggleGroup.getSelectedToggle().getUserData();
Is it possible to prevent the selected toggle from being unselected when it is clicked?
This one works for me. If the new selected element is null that means theres no selected element, therefore just select the previous one (which is the "oldValue")
toggleGroup.selectedToggleProperty().addListener((obsVal, oldVal, newVal) -> {
if (newVal == null)
You can try the following code to create a persistent toggle.
* Create a toggle group of buttons where one toggle will always remain switched on.
class PersistentButtonToggleGroup extends ToggleGroup {
PersistentButtonToggleGroup() {
getToggles().addListener(new ListChangeListener<Toggle>() {
#Override public void onChanged(Change<? extends Toggle> c) {
while ( {
for (final Toggle addedToggle : c.getAddedSubList()) {
((ToggleButton) addedToggle).addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
if (addedToggle.equals(getSelectedToggle())) mouseEvent.consume();
This just reacts to mouse events, so perhaps not ideal if you want to account for keyboard events or changing toggles in code.
A similar, but perhaps more complete approach that I haven't tried may be defined in the blog entry Button of Choice: Use ToggleButtons as RadioButtons.
Perhaps the simplest behavior to accomplish what you desire might be to just use RadioButtons instead of ToggleButtons.
If, additionally, you want the buttons styled like ToggleButtons, instead of RadioButtons, then you can try the styling technique which is outlined in: How to make a RadioButton look like regular Button in JavaFX.
RadioButton radioButton=new RadioButton("Radio");

JavaFX, change css tablecell on sort

I have to change the styleclass of a TableCell in function of the data displayed, for example: if the value of a cell is the same in two contiguous rows, the cell has to be highlighted (i.e.: background red). This must work both adding data to the table and sorting by any column.
To do so, on sorting, I added a listener to tableview.getSortOrder() and in its onChange method the logic to do what I described above. By example:
public void onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends TableColumn> change) {
if (change.getList().size() > 0) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/* set some css on tableview cells */
The problem is that doing so css changes are applied on the next refresh of the table not immediately. My suspects are on doing this inside Platform.runLater but I need it to have the data sorted as they should be, before changing styles.
Did I do anything wrong? Does exist a better way to do what I described?
You could do that if you have a specific css file for it and add it.
final String css = getClass.getResource("the_css.css").toExternalForm();
and add this in the Platform.runLater:
remove if necessary with:
Not exactly sure if this does the trick, but it should change the background color right away and not after a refresh. i hope it's helping you in the right direction.

How to make the entire row of a ListView clickable in wicket

Is it possible to make the entire row of a ListView clickable in wicket?I've seen this example,
But i need a scrollable table instead of pagination. Thats why i am going for a ListView where upon clicking any row of the table, content of the row should be displayed below the table for editing.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
is essentially the same way, you have to pass a model to the list view...
//in ListView class
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<T> item) {
item.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onclick") {
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
T object=item.getModelObject();
//do some stuff or a callback, besides you can use ajax

Dynamic styles for GWT cellTable cells

I'm having an issue using GWT. I'm building the columns of a cellTable and I want the style of a cell to depends of the value of that cell:
Column<MyProxy, MyProxy> editButtonColumn = new Column<MyProxy, MyProxy>(new ActionCell<MyProxy>("", new ActionCell.Delegate<MyProxy>() {
public void execute(MyProxy record) {
if (object.isEditable()) {
})) {
public MyProxy getValue(MyProxy object) {
if (object.isEditable()) {
return object;
I've checked in debug mode the style "editButtonCell" is applied correctly. But in the HTML generated, the style is missing everytime for the FIRST ROW... It looks like a GWT bug, but maybe you folks have a better explanation.
I haven't checked but most probably the opening of the cell has already been generated by the time getValue is called, so setCellStyleNames will only apply to the remaining cells in the column.
The right way to do it is to override getCellStyleNames of the column to return the CSS class name or not depending on the cell value.
BTW, you can then extend IdentityColumn as the getValue then becomes trivial.

How do you add a row listener to a Flextable in GWT?

How do you add a row listener to a specific row, or all rows in a table? I need to add a type of "onMouseOver" listener to the rows so that when you hover over them, it changes the background color of the row, much like getRowFormatter will allow you to do.
// this is click
final FlexTable myTable = new FlexTable();
myTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Cell cell = myTable.getCellForEvent(event);
int receiverRowIndex = cell.getRowIndex(); // <- here!
Supposing GWT 1.5.3:
If you are using FlexTable and you wanted a click event handler, you could use the FlexTable.addTableListener() and register your own TableListener. The TableListener object will need to implement the onCellClicked callback which would give you the row number.
If you need to handle other type of events other than click (say, hover), GWT currently doesn't have a ready interface for that. You pretty much left on your own to implement them yourself. There's two ways of doing it that I can think of now:
The quick and dirty way, is probably by exploiting JSNI, which provides a means for you to inject Javascript into your GWT code. I didn't use much JSNI (apart from really hard workarounds which is not worth the effort writing it in pure GWT) in my code so I can't show you an example; but frankly I won't recommend this as it reduces maintainability and extensibility.
If you wanted a native, GWT interface, you can create a new class that inherits HTMLTable or FlexTable. At the constructor, call the sinkEvents function with your needed events. (e.g. for hover, you'll probably need sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOVER)). Then you'll need the onBrowserEvent function that handles the mouseover.
A quick template of how the code should look like:
public class FlexTableWithHoverHandler
extends FlexTable
public FlexTableWithHoverHandler()
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event)
// Mouse over handling code here
The best of learning how to code this is by looking at the GWT source code itself (search for sinkEvent) and getting the feel on how to do it the GWT way.
I found it much simple to add javascript directly to the TR element. My code assumes that a widgets DOM parent is a TD and the grandparent is the TR so you need to be sure you know your DOM.
Here's my code. Nice and simple, no JSNI or GWT DOM event management required.
TableRowElement rowElement = (TableRowElement) checkbox.getElement().getParentElement().getParentElement();
rowElement.setAttribute("onMouseOver", "this.className='" + importRecordsResources.css().normalActive() + "'");
rowElement.setAttribute("onMouseOut", "this.className='" + importRecordsResources.css().normal() + "'");
I just did it this simple way:
protected void handleRowsSelectionStyles(ClickEvent event) {
int selectedRowIndex = fieldTable.getCellForEvent(event).getRowIndex();
int rowCount = fieldTable.getRowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
Element rowElem = fieldTable.getRowFormatter().getElement(row);
rowElem.setClassName(row == selectedRowIndex ? "row selected" : "row");
You call this method from the cells you want to be clickable
int row = 0;
for (final RowDataProxy rowData : rowDataList) {
Label fieldName = new Label(;
fieldName.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
fieldTable.setWidget(row++, 0, fieldName);
Best Regards,
Zied Hamdi
