name of repository being appended to URL - jfrog-cli

Im trying to upload a file to my repo using the following command in JFrog CLI:
jfrog rt u ".\Builds\mybuild.apk" buildrepo-generic-local --url= --user=myuser --password=mypass --build-name BuildName --build-number=0000
but it appends the name of the repo on the url so it actually gets uploaded to:
and not where i want it which is:
Im new so its probably me doing something wrong, anyone help here?

The second argument of the upload command is the destination path in Artifactory. In your case that is:
The url flag is the url of your Artifactory without path:
For more details, see the JFrog CLI documentation.


Artifcatory: Error when using artifactory docker bitbucket pipeline

I am passing the following
- pipe: JfrogDev/artifactory-docker:0.2.12
DOCKER_TARGET_REPO: "local-containers"
And I am getting back the following
Status: Downloaded newer image for
INFO: Starting pipe execution...
jfrog rt config --url=$JFROG_URL --user=$JFROG_USER --password=$JFROG_PASSWORD --interactive=false
[Error] Wrong number of arguments. You can read the documentation at
It can’t find anything wrong based on the documentation, it looks like the pipeline makes a cli call and that call is failing
It looks like there is an issue when trying to config the server without the mandatory server-id argument:
Instead, you can use the new jfrog-setup-cli pipe. This pipe downloads and configures the JFrog CLI.
For example, in your case:
- pipe: jfrog/jfrog-setup-cli:1.0.0
- source ./
- jfrog rt docker-push "xxxx/web-interface:${BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER}" local-containers
It requires to populate one secured environment variable prefixed by JF_ARTIFACTORY_ (i.e. JF_ARTIFACTORY_MYSERVER) with a JFrog CLI server token. This token created locally in your machine using the jfrog rt config export command.
Read more about this pipe here.
Read more about the jfrog rt config export command here.

with rstudio and github, issue with renamed repo

I had a repository named tags, I renamed it to tag.
I then created a new repository named tags (the old name of the first one).
Now when commiting from R Studio both projects try to commit to the same repository (tags).
I initiated my projects with :
shell("git remote add origin", intern = TRUE)
shell("git push -u origin master",intern = TRUE)
shell("git remote add origin",intern = TRUE)
shell("git push -u origin master",intern = TRUE)
And after this I only committed through Rstudio's API and usethis functions, I don't know much more than that about git.
Links to the packages :
How can I sort this out ?
I'm hesitant to throw this out as an answer, but: you can manually edit the ./.git/config file to update the [remote ...] section to change the remote URL. I have done this confidently enough with an empty repo ...
Check for presence of the tag with grep -rli tags.git .git/*; if all you get is .git/config, then you're good to edit and move on. If you find other files, though, I don't know for certain that they will be updated as you continue with your git remote work. In that case, it might be helpful to look at in order to formally change the URL.

SBT Basic Auth Problems

I'm setting up SBT on our buildserver (bamboo) for multiple buildagents. For this I created for each agent a separate directory which contains the agent specific config and the .ivy home to make sure agent isolation is fullfilled.
The build itself is call like this:
/sbt-launcher-packaging-0.13.13/bin/sbt -java-home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79 -Dsbt.repository.config=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/sbt/sbt.conf -Dsbt.ivy.home=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/.ivy2 clean compile dist
The credentials (basic realm) are store under the user home which is starting the bamboo server (~/.sbt/.credentials and ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/credentials.sbt)
Each sbt.conf contains the agent-specific repos e.g the agent specific local maven repo and urls for the remote artifactory.
local-buildagent-mvn: file:///data/bamboo/home/.m2/AGENT-xxxxxxxx/repository/
ivy-release: http://xxx/artifactory/ivy-release/, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
mvn-release: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-release/
mvn-snapshot: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-snapshot/
ivy-home: file:///data/bamboo/localbuildagents/xxxxxxxx/.ivy2/
I'm encountering login problems while sbt is checking the remote artifactory repos (first http error 401 and then surprisingly 403). A curl with the same credentials and repo url is working as expected (first 401 and then 200).
I guess, that if -D switches are used for sbt startup, the credentials are not considered. I'm really stuck any advise warmly welcome...
From your question I don't see if you specified where your credentials are defined. In case you didn't do it, you must add something like this to your build definition (documentation):
// inline
credentials += Credentials("Some Nexus Repository Manager", "", "admin", "admin123")
// file
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")

SBT not passing credentials when publishing to Artifactory

I am coding a Java project and I'm automating the build and the publishing to JFrog Artifactory using SBT.
Whenever it's time to publish to Artifactory I want to do it using the Ivy directory layout and obviously publish the Ivy XML file along with the jar. I managed to achieve this by using the following lines in the build.sbt file:
crossPaths := false
publishTo := Some("Artifactory Realm" at "http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory/")
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")
publishMavenStyle := false
However it only works when anonymous users are allowed to deploy into Artifactory. I realized that sbt is not really passing my credentials to Artifactory but, instead, logging in as anonymous.
My $HOME/.ivy2/.credentials file looks like this:
realm=Artifactory Realm
host=http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory/
user=<my user name>
password=<my user name>
However, if I change the Artifactory configuration in order to prevent anonymous users from deploying new Artifacts, when I run "sbt publish" I get the following output:
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Artifactory Realm # <Artifactory IP>]. Access to URL http://<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory Port>/artifactory// was refused by the server: Unauthorized
The Artifactory request.log file then contains:
I have also tried passing the credentials manually instead of using a file:
credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "localhost", "<USERNAME>", "<PASS>")
But I am getting the same result.
Any idea what I might be missing?
host=<Artifactory IP>
old answer (doesn't work):
host=<Artifactory IP>:<Artifactory port>
I had a different problem: I had the wrong realm set on my .credentials file.
Looking at the error output from sbt, I was able to figure out that I should use:
realm=Artifactory Realm
Error shows the expected values for realm and host:
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Artifactory Realm # myhost].

JGit PullCommand Exception

We are using git to maintain our source. URL like git#xx.xx.xx.xx:XYZ.git. I'm using JGit to pull the changes.
UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider user = new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider("xxxx", "xxxx");
localPath = "E:\\murugan\\Test\\GIT_LOCALDEPY";
Git git = new Git(localRepo);
PullCommand pcmd = git.pull();
I'm getting the following exception when I execute the code.
org.eclipse.jgit.errors.UnsupportedCredentialItem: ssh://git#xx.xx.xx.xx:22:
org.eclipse.jgit.transport.CredentialItem$StringType:Passphrase for C:\Users\Murugan.SOLVER\.ssh\id_rsa
If username/password security is not an issue, you can specify the credentials as part of the connection in the .git/config file of the local Git repo:
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://<user>:<pwd>#<host>:22/<remote-path-to-repo>/
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
You have to configure your SSH parameters on your machine before using Git. Here is a link, from github, for configuring it.
especially this one:
This will help you set up everything properly (you should adapt everything, since you are probably not connecting to GitHub)
