Comparator circuit outputs error when equal Logisim - logical-operators

For a homework assignment I'm supposed to implement a basic one bit comparator which will be used in a larger circuit to compare two 4 bit numbers. I've implemented the one bit comparator but on the larger circuit, when the 4 bit values are equal the circuit outputs error. When one of the 4 bit values is larger than the other the circuit behaves as intended.
The first image shows my one bit comparator. The second image shows the 4bit comparator.
I'm wondering why it's outputting error when the circuit is equal to each other.
Note: I forgot to label the outputs on the 4 bit comparator circuit. However, the outputs are the same as that of the 1 bit comparator. Greater than (gt) on the furthest up, Equal (eq) in the middle and Less than (lt) on the bottom


Convention for comparing NCR/PCR values as ahead/behind

DVB-S2X satellite data communications has a Network Clock Reference. MPEG streams have a Program Clock Reference. In both cases they're a number of ticks on a 27MHz clock that wraps around at 300*2^33 because the number is defined as a 33-bit "base" plus a 9-bit "extension" with the latter running from 0..299 and the former incrementing by one tick each time the latter wraps around.
My question is this: given 2 NCR counter values A and B, is there a standards-defined method for determining whether A is "behind" or "ahead of" B?
For example, if A is 20 and B is 30 then intuitively you can see that A is behind B by 10 ticks.
Conversely, if A is 10 and B is 300*2^33-10 then intuitively A is ahead of B by 20 ticks with the counter having wrapped around as it incremented from 300*2^33-1 to 0.
Previously when I've worked with things like data packet sequence numbers, we've taken by convention that if max(A,B)-min(A,B) < WRAPVALUE/2 then the larger number is ahead of the smaller, otherwise it’s behind and the difference is given by min(A,B)+WRAPVALUE-max(A,B) (draw some number lines if you don't follow this).
Is this half ahead/behind heuristic simply a convention I've picked up over the years, or is there something more concrete in an ETSI spec somewhere mandating that this is how NCR/PCR values are to be compared and the difference between them calculated? Or any other wraparound number types, for that matter.

Lookup table for load cell calibration doesn't like negative numbers

I have a load cell connected to an HX711 which all works fine. I am attempting to create a calibration table with 10 points holding the raw sensor output and the calibrated value using a set of weights. The load cell is bi-directional so it works in any direction so the output is positive and negative counts but the zero is not necessarily 0 output.
This all works fine when the numbers are all positive or all negative in each lookup table but fails when there is negative & positive numbers in the captured points. Eg, the output from the HX711 is positive 28,000 with no load. Add a load of 1kg and get a reading of -56,000. The next reading for 1Kg is say, -83,000. These are stored as {28,000, -56000, 83,000} in an array with the the calibrated {0, 1, 2} in another array.
Normally I interpolate the result based on finding which 2 numbers the raw count falls between. Everything works when the numbers are less than -56,000 and I get readings of 1 to 2kg. When the reading is greater than -56,000, it fails to calculate the reading and I end up with NAN.
It can also be the other way around with negative and then positive. (-56,000, 28,000, 55,000} for example.
How to handle this situation?
I worked this out not long after I posted the question and thought that the answer would help anyone else with this same issue. By comparing the 2 values for negative or positive as I stepped through the table and then swapping them around in the calculation, it works. The difference between 28,000 and -56,000 comes out as 84,000 and using this to do the maths works. I confirmed operation by applying 1kg and 2kd test loads. It reads in both directions pos or neg.

rounding to the nearest zero, bitwise

I just wonder how can i round to the nearest zero bitwise? Previously, I perform the long division using a loop. However, since the number always divided by a number power by 2. I decide to use bit shifting. So, I can get result like this:
can I do this by performing the long division like usual?
if I use this kind of bit shifting, are the behavior different for different compiler? how about rounding up? I am using visual c++ 2010 compiler and gcc. thx
Bitwise shifts are equivalent to round-to-negative-infinity divisions by powers of two, meaning that the answer is never bigger than the unrounded value (so e.g. (-3) >> 1 is equal to -2).
For non-negative integers, this is equivalent to round-to-zero.

Driving Dual 7 Segment Display Using Arduino

Okay, so I am trying to drive a 7 segment based display in order to display temperature in degrees celcius. So, I have two displays, plus one extra LED to indicate positive and negative numbers.
My problem lies in the software. I have to find some way of driving these displays, which means converting a given integer into the relevant voltages on the pins, which means that for each of the two displays I need to know the number of tens and number of 1s in the integer.
So far, what I have come up with will not be very nice for an arduino as it relies on division.
tens = numberToDisplay / 10;
ones = numberToDisplay % 10;
I have admittedly not tested this yet, but I think I can assume that for a microcontroller with limited division capabilities this is not an optimal solution.
I have wracked my brain and looked around for a solution using addition/subtraction/bitwise but I cannot think of one at all. This division is the only one I can see.
For this application it's fine. You don't need to get bothered with performance in a simple thermometer.
If however you do need something quicker than division and modulo, then bitwise operations come to help. Basically you would use bitwise & operator, to compare your value to display with patterns describing digits to be displayed on the display.
See the project here for example:
You might also try using a 7-seg display driver chip to simplify your output and save pins. The MC14511BCP (a "4511") is a good one. It'll translate binary coded decimal (BCD) to the appropriate 7-seg configuration. Spec sheets are available here and they can be commonly found at electronics parts stores online.

error correction code upper bound

If I want to send a d-bit packet and add another r bits for error correction code (d>r)
how many errors I can find and correct at most?
You have 2^d different kinds of packets of length d bits you want to send. Adding your r bits to them makes them into codewords of length d+r, so now you have 2^d possible codewords you could send. The receiver could get 2^(d+r) different received words(codewords with possible errors). The question then becomes, how do you map those 2^(d+r) received words to the 2^d codewords?
This comes down to the minimum distance of the code. That is, for each pair of codewords, find the number of bits where they differ, then take the smallest of those values.
Let's say you had a minimum distance of 3. You received a word and you notice that it isn't one of the codewords. That is, there's an error. So, for the lack of a better decoding algorithm, you flip the first bit, and see if its a codeword. If it isn't you flip it back and flip the next one. Eventually, you get a codeword. Since all codewords differ in 3 positions, you know this codeword is the "closest" to the received word, since you would have to flip 2 bits in the received word to get to another codeword. If you didn't get a codeword from flipping just one bit at a time, you can't figure out where the errors are, since there are multiple codewords you could get to by flipping two bits, but you know there are at least two errors.
This leads to the general principle that for a minimum distance md, you can detect md-1 errors and correct floor((md-1)/2) errors. Calculating the minimum distance depends on the details of how you generate the codewords, otherwise known as the code. There are various bounds you can use to figure out an upper limit on md based on d and (d+r).
Paul mentioned the Hamming Code, which is a good example. It achieves the Hamming bound. For the (7,4) Hamming code, you have 4 bit messages and 7 bit codewords, and you achieve a minimum distance of 3. Obviously*, you are never going to get a minimum distance greater than the number of bits you are adding so this is the very best you can do. Don't get too used to this though. The Hamming code is one of the few examples of a non-trivial perfect code, and most of those have a minimum distance that is less than the number of bits you add.
*It's not really obvious, but I'm pretty sure it's true for non-trivial error correcting codes. Adding one parity bit gets you a minimum distance of two, allowing you to detect an error. The code consisting of {000,111} gets you a minimum distance of 3 by adding just 2 bits, but it's trivial.
You should probably read the wikipedia page on this:
It sounds like you specifically want a Hamming Code:
Using that scheme, you can look up some example values from the linked table.
