How to overlay 3 functions on one plot using R - r

I have three functions and a plot code:
f1 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*10-0.00330*100-0.000406*10}
f2 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*16.53-0.00330*(16.53^2)-0.000406*16.53}
f3 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*20-0.00330*400-0.000406*20}
I wish to plot all three of these on the same graph. I currently have:
plot(f1(1:1000), type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", main="the plot :)")
plot(f2(1:1000), type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", add = T)
So far this produces just f1 on a plot as opposed to f1 and f2. I believe I am taking the wrong approach because I am producing another plot and trying to add it to a pre-existing plot. I am unsure whether to use geom_line or something similar and just overlay it.
Is there a straight forward way to plot multiple functions and overlay them in the same plot?

geom_line is for ggplot2, which is an entirely different plotting system.
If you start with plot(), you can use lines() to draw lines on your current plot. Your lines are pretty close together, so it doesn't matter much here, but with base plot you usually want to calculate the maximum range in advance so your can set your plot window up right from the start:
x = 1:1000
y1 = f1(x)
y2 = f2(x)
y3 = f3(x)
y_range = range(c(y1, y2, y3))
plot(x, y1, ylim = y_range, type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", main="the plot :)", col = "red")
lines(x, y2, col = "blue")
lines(x, y3, col = "chartreuse")
ggplot2 is made to work with data in data frames - particularly long-format data frames. Here's how we might approach the problem with ggplot. (Note that, unlike above, ggplot calculates the plot limits and gives a nice legend automatically.)
dd = data.frame(x, y1, y2, y3)
d_long = reshape2::melt(data = dd, id.vars = "x", = "fun", = "y")
ggplot(d_long, aes(x = x, y = y, color = fun)) +

OR sticking with base R plotting like your code, you can just add the extra functions using lines
plot(f1(1:1000), type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", main="the plot :)")
lines(1:1000, f2(1:1000))
lines(1:1000, f3(1:1000))

If you want two plots one right next to the other, you have to set the parameter of your palette. Use par(mfrow=c(1,2)) after the png() command.
plot(f1(1:1000), type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", main="the plot :)")
plot(f2(1:1000), type="l", xlab="x", ylab="y", add = T)

For functions you can also use curve:
f1 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*10-0.00330*100-0.000406*10}
f2 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*16.53-0.00330*(16.53^2)-0.000406*16.53}
f3 <- function(c){0.187*c-0.000236*c^2+0.194*20-0.00330*400-0.000406*20}
c0 <- 1
c <- 1000
curve(f1, c0, c, main = 'the plot :)', xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y')
curve(f2, c0, c, add = T)
curve(f3, c0, c, add = T)
As #Gregor noted, geom_line() is a ggplot() call. To go all into the tidyverse, you can do:
#or with ggplot / geom_line
map_df(list(f1 =f1,f2 = f2,f3 = f3), exec, 1:1000)%>%
mutate(x = 1:1000)%>%
gather(key = fx,value = value, -x)%>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value, col = fx)) + geom_line()
Finally, you may be interested in facet_grid as well:
map_df(list(f1 =f1,f2 = f2,f3 = f3), exec, 1:1000)%>%
mutate(x = 1:1000)%>%
gather(key = fx,value = value, -x)%>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value)) + geom_line() +
facet_grid(rows = vars(fx))


How to draw two curves in one plot / graph

I have two functions, with a range-specific argument. I can’t get them on one chart in any way.
f1 = function(x1){
return (sqrt(64-x1^2))
f2 = function(x2){
return (cos(x2) - x2)
plot(f1,-5, 1)
plot(f2,-pi/2, pi/2)
I just started to learn this language, and I do not quite understand how this process can be performed.
If I execute the code, I get the following:
I need these curves to be on the same graph
You can use ggplot2 and stat_function to draw multiple functions and to restrict the range of each of them:
ggplot() +
stat_function(fun = function(x) cos(x) - x, color = "red", xlim = c(-pi/2,pi/2)) +
stat_function(fun = function(x) sqrt(64-x^2), xlim = c(-5,1)) +
You wan still add ylim (as I did) and xlim to restrict the main panel range, but the inside-functions xlim will restrict the computation of the functions to theses ranges
You can try the lines() argument to add to an existing plot:
f1 = function(x1){
return (sqrt(64-x1^2))
f2 = function(x2){
return (cos(x2) - x2)
x <- c(-5:5) # choose your x value range here
y1 <- mapply(FUN = f1,x1 = x) # lets get the y values before plotting
y2 <- mapply(FUN = f2,x2 = x) # lets get the y values before plotting
plot(x,y1, type = "l", col = "red", ylim = c(-5,10))
lines(x, y2, col = "blue", type = "l")
Giving you this:
Using curve might be quite efficient.
curve(sqrt(64 - x^2), col=2, xlim=c(-5, 1), ylim=c(-5, 10))
curve(cos(x) - x, col=4, add=TRUE)
f1 = function(x1){
return (sqrt(64-x1^2))
f2 = function(x2){
return (cos(x2) - x2)
x = seq(-5, 1, len=20)
y = cbind(y1=f1(x), y2=f2(x))
matplot(x, y, col=1:2, type="l", lty=1)
legend('topright', legend=c(expression(f[1]), expression(f[2])), col = 1:2, lty=1, bty = "n")

Plotting two Poisson processes on one plot

I have two Poisson processes:
n <- 100
x <- seq(0, 10, length = 1000)
y1 <- cumsum(rpois(1000, 1 / n))
y2 <- -cumsum(rpois(1000, 1 / n))
I would like to plot them in one plot and expect that y1 lies above x-axis and y2 lies below x-axis. I tried the following code:
plot(x, y1)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x, y2, col = "red",
axes = FALSE,
xlab = '', ylab = '',
xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(min(y2), max(y1)))
but it did not work. Can someone please tell me how to fix this? (I am working with R for my code)
Many thanks in advance
How about
plot(x,y1, ylim=range(y1,y2), type="l")
lines(x, y2, col="red")
I would suggest trying to avoid multiple calls to plot with par(new=TRUE). That is usually very messy. Here we use lines() to add to an existing plot. The only catch is that the x and y limits won't change based on the new data, so we use ylim in the first plot() call to set a range appropriate for all the data.
Or if you don't want to worry about limits (like MrFlick mentioned) or the number of lines, you could also tide up your data and using melt and ggplot
df <- data.frame(x, y1, y2)
mdf <- melt(df, "x")
ggplot(mdf, aes(x, value, color = variable)) +

Plotting x-axis values at intervals

I will like to plot some data, with the x-axis data plotted at intervals
plotM<- function( dat, m ) {
plot(data$X, data$Y,
log="x", pch=20, cex=0.7,
col = ifelse( data$Y < m, "red", "black" ),
xlab = "Y", ylab = expression(Log[2]~Fold~Change))
Function call:
plotM(dat, .05)
How can I plot the data with the following sequence in x-axis:
10, 100, 1000, 2000
You need to create a plot with no axes then add them manually.
Using some example data
x = 10^(0:3)
y = 0:3
We plot x and y and specify no axis are to be plotted:
plot(x, y, log="x", axes=FALSE, frame=TRUE)
Then add on the x and y axis manually
## See ?axis for more details
axis(1, 10^(0:3), 10^(0:3))
Alternatively, we can be a bit more fancy with the axis labels to get
axis(1, 10^(0:3), c(expression(10^0),
to get
Try this... I have used ggplot2, much used graphical package of R.
It will create x axis on log scale using ggplot..
ggplot(data = data) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y)) + scale_x_log10()
This is how results will look like...

draw one or more plots in the same window

I want compare two curves, it's possible with R to draw a plot and then draw another plot over it ? how ?
With base R, you can plot your one curve and then add the second curve with the lines() argument. Here's a quick example:
x <- 1:10
y <- x^2
y2 <- x^3
plot(x,y, type = "l")
lines(x, y2, col = "red")
Alternatively, if you wanted to use ggplot2, here are two methods - one plots different colors on the same plot, and the other generates separate plots for each variable. The trick here is to "melt" the data into long format first.
df <- data.frame(x, y, y2)
df.m <- melt(df, id.var = "x")
qplot(x, value, data = df.m, colour = variable, geom = "line")
qplot(x, value, data = df.m, geom = "line")+ facet_wrap(~ variable)
Using lattice package:
x <- seq(-3,3,length.out=101)
xyplot(dnorm(x) + sin(x) + cos(x) ~ x, type = "l")
There's been some solutions already for you. If you stay with the base package, you should get acquainted with the functions plot(), lines(), abline(), points(), polygon(), segments(), rect(), box(), arrows(), ...Take a look at their help files.
You should see a plot from the base package as a pane with the coordinates you gave it. On that pane, you can draw a whole set of objects with the abovementioned functions. They allow you to construct a graph as you want. You should remember though that, unless you play with the par settings like Dr. G showed, every call to plot() gives you a new pane. Also take into account that things can be plot over other things, so think about the order you use to plot things.
See eg:
x <- 1:10
y <- x^2
y2 <- x^3
yse <- abs(runif(10,2,4))
plot(x,y, type = "n") # type="n" only plots the pane, no curves or points.
# plots the area between both curves
# plot both curves
lines(x, y2, col = "red")
# add the points to the first curve
points(x, y, col = "black")
# adds some lines indicating the standard error
# adds some flags indicating the standard error
This gives you :
Have a look at par
> ?par
> plot(rnorm(100))
> par(new=T)
> plot(rnorm(100), col="red")
ggplot2 is a great package for this sort of thing:
x <- 1:10
y1 <- x^2
y2 <- x^3
df <- data.frame(x = x, curve1 = y1, curve2 = y2)
df.m <- melt(df, id.vars = 'x', variable_name = 'curve' )
# now df.m is a data frame with columns 'x', 'curve', 'value'
ggplot(df.m, aes(x,value)) + geom_line(aes(colour = curve)) +
You get the plot coloured by curve, and with different piont marks for each curve, and a nice legend, all painlessly without any additional work:
Draw multiple curves at the same time with the matplot function. Do help(matplot) for more.

Plotting functions on top of datapoints in R

Is there a way of overlaying a mathematical function on top of data using ggplot?
## add ggplot2
# function
eq = function(x){x*x}
# Data
x = (1:50)
y = eq(x)
# Make plot object
p = qplot(
x, y,
xlab = "X-axis",
ylab = "Y-axis",
# Plot Equation
c = curve(eq)
# Combine data and function
p + c #?
In this case my data is generated using the function, but I want to understand how to use curve() with ggplot.
You probably want stat_function:
eq <- function(x) {x*x}
tmp <- data.frame(x=1:50, y=eq(1:50))
# Make plot object
p <- qplot(x, y, data=tmp, xlab="X-axis", ylab="Y-axis")
c <- stat_function(fun=eq)
print(p + c)
and if you really want to use curve(), i.e., the computed x and y coordinates:
qplot(x, y,, geom="line")
Given that your question title is "plotting functions in R", here's how to use curve to add a function to a base R plot.
Create data as before
eq = function(x){x*x}; x = (1:50); y = eq(x)
Then use plot from base graphics to plot the points followed by curve with the add=TRUE argument, to add the curve.
plot(x, y, xlab = "X-axis", ylab = "Y-axis")
curve(eq, add=TRUE)
