How Does Firebase Analytics Define Active User? - firebase

This question is for basic Firebase Analytics integration where a dependency is added and nothing else.
How does Firebase Analytics define Active User - does Firebase Analytics count active users as: foreground users as in users who actually opened the app OR background as well (for example if app has background process that runs daily without UI)?

An active user has engaged with an app in the device foreground, and has logged a user_engagement event.
The documentation is here:


How to update xamarin forms subscription status from outside app when using in-app billing?

I am developing Xamarin.Forms application which will be used for Android and iOS. It will have access to full functionality with a paid subscription (monthly or yearly). We plan to use in-app billing for implementing subscription on both stores.
There is a situation if a user buys the subscription in Android app and then wants to use iOS app or vice versa. In this situation, the user should be able to use the other platform app, because the user already purchased the subscription. We are planning to fix this issue by a back-end REST API. When the user purchase the app in android or iOS, we save the subscription details to our back-end. So once the user purchased the subscription in any platform, the user can use the app on other platform and multiple devices.
But if the user cancels the subscription from outside the app like apple or play store, how we can update the status on our back end? Because at this time the action happening on outside the app, so we can't update the status on back-end.
For example, If the user subscribed the app from play store and also using the iOS version. Then the user cancelling the subscription on play store. After that the user is not using the android app. At the same time the status is true on back end. So the user can use the iOS version without a subscription. How we can handle this type of situations?
We research a lot and find out we can call app store and play store via their APIs which will return the entire subscription details. So we will call it from the back end as a cron job and update the latest status once in a day. So if the user cancels the subscription from outside the app, that status will update on the back-end via cron job. Is this possible? Any other better solution for this kind of issues?

Can we search for the user app version and device os by UID in firebase?

I am implementing firebase analytics in my android and iOS apps. Firebase analytics shows the device types, os version etc ... of all the users on its dashboard. I need to get the installed app version and the device os for a specific user. Can firebase can search for the info by filtering on the user uid?
By default Google Analytics for Firebase does not associate events with a specific Firebase user. Instead events are associated with a device token, which is unique to the device/app, but not associated with a specific user.
If you want to associate events with a specific user of your app, you can set a User ID. If you do this, the user ID will show up in BigQuery exports of the analytics data. Last I checked, it won't show up in the Firebase analytics dashboard.
I recommend studying the documentation linked carefully, to ensure you use a user ID that is both allowed, and useful for your needs.

Trying to log in with google with my app, but getting Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app with AWS cognito

I'm working on an app that shows some specific analytics on my calendar, therefore I've implemented a Google Sign In in my app which also requests for calendar read-only permissions.
When I've tried to log in with my Google I got
Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
which totally makes sense, but I remember I had a few apps that used google sign in before it was verified (with calendar API also), but I got another screen that its risky, and the user could bypass it under his responsibility.
The app is currently in development status and I want to start working on it, but currently, I'm stuck due to this block by google.
Also, I got an email from google telling me to change this app type to internal but I want it to be external so other Gmail users could use it if they want to, I don't know where can I respond to this email.
Is there a way to start developing only with my user?
How can I respond to the email from google? could not find anything on support, only billing

Firebase cloud messaging targets are disabled

I need to send push messages, aka “cloud message”, via firebase console.
I have configured everything that the documentation and examples say (Users, User Properties, User Audiences, Events).
But when I try to compose a new notification, and select a target segment, they are disabled.
Attached is screenshot of target picker that should be enabled:
From Firebase support:
If the user properties and audiences are not showing up in the Notifications console, this could mean that your Data-sharing settings is turned off. Please turn this on, and you should start seeing the user properties and audiences in the Notifications console.

app_remove event in Firebase

I am using Firebase Analytics for my Xamarin Forms mobile app. The Firebase documentation says it can track the event "app_remove" . But I cant find that in firebase events dashboard .
Can someone help !
On iOS, when the app is removed by users, users can't go back to the app so that Firebase Analytics can log the app_remove event. In addition, the process is already terminated and there is no way to upload that event even if Analytics can log it. It's nearly impossible to log app_remove events on iOS.
For Android app, please note that the app should be linked to Google Play to report app_remove event on Firebase.
