What are some different ways to do a for loop in Julia 1.0+? - julia

I am looking for different ways of writing for loops in Julia! I know this is a basic question but I'm wondering what some of the different options are and if there are advantages/disadvantages with respect to performance.

For loop
Pro: fully flexible has break and continue
Con: no return, must specify iterator at start
While loop
Pro: fully flexible has break and continue
Con: no return, if iterator must be handled manually
Please don't use this for loops
Generator comprehension/Vector comprehension
Pro: Has return value, continue is expressed with filter clause, comes in lazy (generator) and eager forms (vector), can create multidimensional return vale
Con: really ugly for anything long, no break
Pro: express transform of multiple input susictly, has return value with output structure matching what it should be. Can be expressed with just a dot and supports loop fusion.
Con: no break no contine. Writing body means writing a function. Wrapping things you want to broadcast as scalar in Ref is a bit ugly
Written in do-block form
Pro: can easily change to run distributed or asynchronously, had a return value
Con: no break, no continue
foreach function
It is a lot like map but no return value. So save on allocating that.
Other than that same pros and cons

This is straight from the Julia docs:
The for loop makes common repeated evaluation idioms easier to write. Since counting up and down like the above while loop does is so common, it can be expressed more concisely with a for loop:
julia> for i = 1:5
Here the 1:5 is a range object, representing the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The for loop iterates through these values, assigning each one in turn to the variable i. One rather important distinction between the previous while loop form and the for loop form is the scope during which the variable is visible. If the variable i has not been introduced in another scope, in the for loop form, it is visible only inside of the for loop, and not outside/afterward. You'll either need a new interactive session instance or a different variable name to test this:
julia> for j = 1:5
julia> j
ERROR: UndefVarError: j not defined
See Scope of Variables for a detailed explanation of the variable scope and how it works in Julia.
In general, the for loop construct can iterate over any container. In these cases, the alternative (but fully equivalent) keyword in or ∈ is typically used instead of =, since it makes the code read more clearly:
julia> for i in [1,4,0]
julia> for s ∈ ["foo","bar","baz"]
Various types of iterable containers will be introduced and discussed in later sections of the manual (see, e.g., Multi-dimensional Arrays).


Why do loops in Julia introduce their own scope

As a novice to Julia, I, like many others, am perplexed by the fact that loops in Julia create their own local scope (but not on the REPL nor within functions). There is much discussion online about this topic, but most of the questions here are about the particulars of this behaviour, such as why doing a=1 inside the loop doesn't affect variable a outside the loop, but a[1]=1 works. I get how it works now, for the most part.
My question is why was Julia implemented with this behaviour. Is there a benefit to this from the prespective of the user? I cannot think of one. Or was it necessary for some technical reason?
I appologise if this has been asked already, but all the questions and answers I've seen so far were about how this works and how to deal with it, but I am curious about WHY Julia was implemented this way.
Firstly, loops in Julia only introduce a new scope of the sort that hides variables existing outside the loop (as per your complaint) if the scope outside the loop is global scope. So, for instance
function foo()
a = 0
# Loop does not hide existing variable `a`, will work just fine
for i = 100
a += i^2
return a
julia> foo()
in other words
# Anywhere other than global scope
a = 0
for i = 100
a += i^2
a == 10000 # TRUE
This is because in Julia, as in many many other languages, global scope may be considered harmful. At the very least, a for loop with global scope would encounter significant performance penalties. For instance, consider the following:
julia> a = 0
julia> #time for i=1:100
# Technically this "global" keyword is superfluous since we're running this at the repl, but doesn't hurt to be explicit
global a += rand()^2
0.000022 seconds (200 allocations: 3.125 KiB)
julia> function bar()
a = 0
for i=1:100
a += rand()^2
return a
bar (generic function with 1 method)
julia> #time bar()
0.000002 seconds
Note the massive difference in allocations (the bottom version has zero) and the ~10x time difference.
Now, you may have noticed I used a special keyword global there in the global example, but since this was being run in the REPL, that doesn't actually do anything other than make it explicit what is happening.
That brings us to the other significant difference you have noticed: when run in the REPL, for loops appear not to introduce a new scope, even though the REPL is certainly global scope. This is because it turns out to be a huge pain when debugging to have to add a bunch of global qualifiers to code you have copy-pasted from somewhere deeper in your program (say within a function, where loops do not hide outside variables). So for the sake of convenience when debugging, the REPL effectively adds those global keywords for you, making the presumption that if you cared about performance you wouldn't just be pasting raw loops into the REPL, and if you are just pasting raw loops into the REPL, you're probably debugging or something.
In a script, however, it is presumed that you do care about performance, so you will get an error if you try to use a global variable within a loop without explicitly declaring it as such.
The details are substantially more complicated, as the other answer explains in more technically correct terms. Some of this complication, as far as I know, is due to a reversal on the decision of whether or not global variables should or should not be accessible by default within a loop in the REPL that happened around the time of Julia v0.7.
for loops in Julia introduce a so called local (soft) scope, see https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/variables-and-scoping/#man-scope-table.
The rules for local (soft) scope are (quoting):
If x is not already a local variable and all of the scope constructs containing the assignment are soft scopes (loops, try/catch blocks, or struct blocks), the behavior depends on whether the global variable x is defined:
if global x is undefined, a new local named x is created in the scope of the assignment;
if global x is defined, the assignment is considered ambiguous:
in non-interactive contexts (files, eval), an ambiguity warning is printed and a new local is created;
in interactive contexts (REPL, notebooks), the global variable x is assigned.
So your statement:
why doing a=1 inside the loop doesn't affect variable a outside the loop
is only true in non-interactive contexts if the for loop is not inside a hard local scope (typically if for loop is in a global scope), and the variable you assign to is defined in global scope. However, you will get a warning then.
Now the crucial part of your question is I think:
My question is why was Julia implemented with this behaviour. Is there a benefit to this from the prespective of the user?
The answer is that for loop creates a new binding for a variable that is defined within its scope. To see the consequence consider the following code (I assume that variable x is not defined in enclosing scope so that x is defined in local scope):
julia> v = []
julia> for i in 1:2
x = i
push!(v, () -> x)
julia> v[1]()
julia> v[2]()
Whe have created two anonymous functions and all works as you probably expected.
Now let us check what would happen in Python:
>>> v = []
>>> for i in range(1, 3):
... x = i
... v.append(lambda: x)
>>> v[0]()
>>> v[1]()
The result might surprise you. Both anonymous functions return 2. This is a consequence of not creating a local variable with a new binding in each iteration of the loop.
However, if in Julia you were working in REPL and x were defined in global scope you would get:
julia> x = 0
julia> v = []
julia> for i in 1:2
x = i
push!(v, () -> x)
julia> v[1]()
julia> v[2]()
just like in Python.
The other consideration, as explained in the other answer is performance. But most likely performance critical code is written inside a function anyway, and the discussed performance considerations are only relevant in global scope.
This is a design choice of Matlab, quoting from https://research.wmz.ninja/articles/2017/05/closures-in-matlab.html:
When an anonymous function is created, the immediate values of the referenced local variables will be captured. Hence if any changes to the referenced local variables made after the creation of this anonymous function will not affect this anonymous function.
So as you can see in Matlab there is a difference of anonymous function vs. a closure, which does something different:
When a nested function is created, the immediate values of the referenced local variables will not be captured. When the nested function is called, it will use the current values of the referenced local variables.
In Julia there is no such difference as you can see in the examples above.
And quoting the documentation of Matlab https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/anonymous-functions.html:
Because a, b, and c are available at the time you create parabola, the function handle includes those values. The values persist within the function handle even if you clear the variables:
(but I think it is not as explicit as the explanation I linked above)

Perl 6 calculate the average of an int array at once using reduce

I'm trying to calculate the average of an integer array using the reduce function in one step. I can't do this:
say (reduce {($^a + $^b)}, <1 2 3>) / <1 2 3>.elems;
because it calculates the average in 2 separate pieces.
I need to do it like:
say reduce {($^a + $^b) / .elems}, <1 2 3>;
but it doesn't work of course.
How to do it in one step? (Using map or some other function is welcomed.)
TL;DR This answer starts with an idiomatic way to write equivalent code before discussing P6 flavored "tacit" programming and increasing brevity. I've also added "bonus" footnotes about the hyperoperation Håkon++ used in their first comment on your question.5
Perhaps not what you want, but an initial idiomatic solution
We'll start with a simple solution.1
P6 has built in routines2 that do what you're asking. Here's a way to do it using built in subs:
say { sum($_) / elems($_) }(<1 2 3>); # 2
And here it is using corresponding3 methods:
say { .sum / .elems }(<1 2 3>); # 2
What about "functional programming"?
First, let's replace .sum with an explicit reduction:
.reduce(&[+]) / .elems
When & is used at the start of an expression in P6 you know the expression refers to a Callable as a first class citizen.
A longhand way to refer to the infix + operator as a function value is &infix:<+>. The shorthand way is &[+].
As you clearly know, the reduce routine takes a binary operation as an argument and applies it to a list of values. In method form (invocant.reduce) the "invocant" is the list.
The above code calls two methods -- .reduce and .elems -- that have no explicit invocant. This is a form of "tacit" programming; methods written this way implicitly (or "tacitly") use $_ (aka "the topic" or simply "it") as their invocant.
Topicalizing (explicitly establishing what "it" is)
given binds a single value to $_ (aka "it") for a single statement or block.
(That's all given does. Many other keywords also topicalize but do something else too. For example, for binds a series of values to $_, not just one.)
Thus you could write:
say .reduce(&[+]) / .elems given <1 2 3>; # 2
$_ = <1 2 3>;
say .reduce(&[+]) / .elems; # 2
But given that your focus is FP, there's another way that you should know.
Blocks of code and "it"
First, wrap the code in a block:
{ .reduce(&[+]) / .elems }
The above is a Block, and thus a lambda. Lambdas without a signature get a default signature that accepts one optional argument.
Now we could again use given, for example:
say do { .reduce(&[+]) / .elems } given <1 2 3>; # 2
But we can also just use ordinary function call syntax:
say { .reduce(&[+]) / .elems }(<1 2 3>)
Because a postfix (...) calls the Callable on its left, and because in the above case one argument is passed in the parens to a block that expects one argument, the net result is the same as the do4 and the given in the prior line of code.
Brevity with built ins
Here's another way to write it:
<1 2 3>.&{.sum/.elems}.say; #2
This calls a block as if it were a method. Imo that's still eminently readable, especially if you know P6 basics.
Or you can start to get silly:
<1 2 3>.&{.sum/$_}.say; #2
This is still readable if you know P6. The / is a numeric (division) operator. Numeric operators coerce their operands to be numeric. In the above $_ is bound to <1 2 3> which is a list. And in Perls, a collection in numeric context is its number of elements.
Changing P6 to suit you
So far I've stuck with standard P6.
You can of course write subs or methods and name them using any Unicode letters. If you want single letter aliases for sum and elems then go ahead:
my (&s, &e) = &sum, &elems;
But you can also extend or change the language as you see fit. For example, you can create user defined operators:
#| LHS ⊛ RHS.
#| LHS is an arbitrary list of input values.
#| RHS is a list of reducer function, then functions to be reduced.
sub infix:<⊛> (#lhs, *#rhs (&reducer, *#fns where *.all ~~ Callable)) {
reduce &reducer, #fns».(#lhs)
say <1 2 3> ⊛ (&[/], &sum, &elems); # 2
I won't bother to explain this for now. (Feel free to ask questions in the comments.) My point is simply to highlight that you can introduce arbitrary (prefix, infix, circumfix, etc.) operators.
And if custom operators aren't enough you can change any of the rest of the syntax. cf "braid".
1 This is how I would normally write code to do the computation asked for in the question. #timotimo++'s comment nudged me to alter my presentation to start with that, and only then shift gears to focus on a more FPish solution.
2 In P6 all built in functions are referred to by the generic term "routine" and are instances of a sub-class of Routine -- typically a Sub or Method.
3 Not all built in sub routines have correspondingly named method routines. And vice-versa. Conversely, sometimes there are correspondingly named routines but they don't work exactly the same way (with the most common difference being whether or not the first argument to the sub is the same as the "invocant" in the method form.) In addition, you can call a subroutine as if it were a method using the syntax .&foo for a named Sub or .&{ ... } for an anonymous Block, or call a method foo in a way that looks rather like a subroutine call using the syntax foo invocant: or foo invocant: arg2, arg3 if it has arguments beyond the invocant.
4 If a block is used where it should obviously be invoked then it is. If it's not invoked then you can use an explicit do statement prefix to invoke it.
5 Håkon's first comment on your question used "hyperoperation". With just one easy to recognize and remember "metaop" (for unary operations) or a pair of them (for binary operations), hyperoperations distribute an operation to all the "leaves"6 of a data structure (for an unary) or create a new one based on pairing up the "leaves" of a pair of data structures (for binary operations). NB. Hyperoperations are done in parallel7.
6 What is a "leaf" for a hyperoperation is determined by a combination of the operation being applied (see the is nodal trait) and whether a particular element is Iterable.
7 Hyperoperation is applied in parallel, at least semantically. Hyperoperation assumes8 that the operations on the "leaves" have no mutually interfering side-effects -- that is to say, that any side effect when applying the operation to one "leaf" can safely be ignored in respect to applying the operation to any another "leaf".
8 By using a hyperoperation the developer is declaring that the assumption of no meaningful side-effects is correct. The compiler will act on the basis it is, but will not check that it is true. In the safety sense it's like a loop with a condition. The compiler will follow the dev's instructions, even if the result is an infinite loop.
Here is an example using given and the reduction meta operator:
given <1 2 3> { say ([+] $_)/$_.elems } ;

Parameters of function in Julia

Does anyone know the reasons why Julia chose a design of functions where the parameters given as inputs cannot be modified?  This requires, if we want to use it anyway, to go through a very artificial process, by representing these data in the form of a ridiculous single element table.
Ada, which had the same kind of limitation, abandoned it in its 2012 redesign to the great satisfaction of its users. A small keyword (like out in Ada) could very well indicate that the possibility of keeping the modifications of a parameter at the output is required.
From my experience in Julia it is useful to understand the difference between a value and a binding.
Each value in Julia has a concrete type and location in memory. Value can be mutable or immutable. In particular when you define your own composite type you can decide if objects of this type should be mutable (mutable struct) or immutable (struct).
Of course Julia has in-built types and some of them are mutable (e.g. arrays) and other are immutable (e.g. numbers, strings). Of course there are design trade-offs between them. From my perspective two major benefits of immutable values are:
if a compiler works with immutable values it can perform many optimizations to speed up code;
a user is can be sure that passing an immutable to a function will not change it and such encapsulation can simplify code analysis.
However, in particular, if you want to wrap an immutable value in a mutable wrapper a standard way to do it is to use Ref like this:
julia> x = Ref(1)
julia> x[]
julia> x[] = 10
julia> x
julia> x[]
You can pass such values to a function and modify them inside. Of course Ref introduces a different type so method implementation has to be a bit different.
A variable is a name bound to a value. In general, except for some special cases like:
rebinding a variable from module A in module B;
redefining some constants, e.g. trying to reassign a function name with a non-function value;
rebinding a variable that has a specified type of allowed values with a value that cannot be converted to this type;
you can rebind a variable to point to any value you wish. Rebinding is performed most of the time using = or some special constructs (like in for, let or catch statements).
Now - getting to the point - function is passed a value not a binding. You can modify a binding of a function parameter (in other words: you can rebind a value that a parameter is pointing to), but this parameter is a fresh variable whose scope lies inside a function.
If, for instance, we wanted a call like:
x = 10
change a binding of variable x it is impossible because f does not even know of existence of x. It only gets passed its value. In particular - as I have noted above - adding such a functionality would break the rule that module A cannot rebind variables form module B, as f might be defined in a module different than where x is defined.
What to do
Actually it is easy enough to work without this feature from my experience:
What I typically do is simply return a value from a function that I assign to a variable. In Julia it is very easy because of tuple unpacking syntax like e.g. x,y,z = f(x,y,z), where f can be defined e.g. as f(x,y,z) = 2x,3y,4z;
You can use macros which get expanded before code execution and thus can have an effect modifying a binding of a variable, e.g. macro plusone(x) return esc(:($x = $x+1)) end and now writing y=100; #plusone(y) will change the binding of y;
Finally you can use Ref as discussed above (or any other mutable wrapper - as you have noted in your question).
"Does anyone know the reasons why Julia chose a design of functions where the parameters given as inputs cannot be modified?" asked by Schemer
Your question is wrong because you assume the wrong things.
Parameters are variables
When you pass things to a function, often those things are values and not variables.
for example:
function double(x::Int64)
2 * x
Now what happens when you call it using
What is the point of the function modifying it's parameter x , it's pointless. Furthermore the function has no idea how it is called.
Furthermore, Julia is built for speed.
A function that modifies its parameter will be hard to optimise because it causes side effects. A side effect is when a procedure/function changes objects/things outside of it's scope.
If a function does not modifies a variable that is part of its calling parameter then you can be safe knowing.
the variable will not have its value changed
the result of the function can be optimised to a constant
not calling the function will not break the program's behaviour
Those above three factors are what makes FUNCTIONAL language fast and NON FUNCTIONAL language slow.
Furthermore when you move into Parallel programming or Multi Threaded programming, you absolutely DO NOT WANT a variable having it's value changed without you (The programmer) knowing about it.
"How would you implement with your proposed macro, the function F(x) which returns a boolean value and modifies c by c:= c + 1. F can be used in the following piece of Ada code : c:= 0; While F(c) Loop ... End Loop;" asked by Schemer
I would write
function F(x)
boolean_result = perform_some_logic()
return (boolean_result,x+1)
flag = true
c = 0
(flag,c) = F(c)
while flag
(flag,c) = F(c)
"Unfortunately no, because, and I should have said that, c has to take again the value 0 when F return the value False (c increases as long the Loop lives and return to 0 when it dies). " said Schemer
Then I would write
function F(x)
boolean_result = perform_some_logic()
if boolean_result == true
return (true,x+1)
return (false,0)
flag = true
c = 0
(flag,c) = F(c)
while flag
(flag,c) = F(c)

Operations on Clojure collections

I am quite new to Clojure, although I am familiar with functional languages, mainly Scala.
I am trying to figure out what is the idiomatic way to operate on collections in Clojure. I am particularly confused by the behaviour of functions such as map.
In Scala, a great care is taken in making so that map will always return a collection of the same type of the original collection, as long as this makes sense:
List(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == List(2, 4, 6)
Set(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == Set(2, 4, 6)
Vector(1, 2, 3) map (2 *) == Vector(2, 4, 6)
Instead, in Clojure, as far as I understand, most operations such as map or filter are lazy, even when invoked on eager data-structures. This has the weird result of making
(map #(* 2 %) [1 2 3])
a lazy-list instead of a vector.
While I prefer, in general, lazy operations, I find the above confusing. In fact, vectors guarantee certain performance characteristics that lists do not.
Say I use the result from above and append on its end. If I understand correctly, the result is not evaluated until I try to append on it, then it is evaluated and I get a list instead of a vector; so I have to traverse it to append on the end. Of course I could turn it into a vector afterwards, but this gets messy and can be overlooked.
If I understand correctly, map is polymorphic and it would not be a problem to implement is so that it returns a vector on vectors, a list on lists, a stream on streams (this time with lazy semantics) and so on. I think I am missing something about the basic design of Clojure and its idioms.
What is the reason basic operations on clojure data structures do not preverse the structure?
In Clojure many functions are based on the Seq abstraction.
The benefit of this approach is that you don't have to write a function for every different collection type - as long as your collection can be viewed as a sequence (things with a head and possibly a tail), you can use it with all of the seq functions. Functions that take seqs and output seqs are much more composable and thus re-usable than functions that limit their use to a certain collection type. When writing your own function on seq you don't need to handle special cases like: if the user gives me a vector, I have to return a vector, etc. Your function will fit in just as good inside the seq pipeline as any other seq function.
The reason that map returns a lazy seq is a design choice. In Clojure lazyness is the default for many of these functional constructions. If you want to have other behavior, like parallelism without intermediate collections, take a look at the reducers library: http://clojure.com/blog/2012/05/08/reducers-a-library-and-model-for-collection-processing.html
As far as performance goes, map always has to apply a function n times on a collection, from the first to the last element, so its performance will always be O(n) or worse. In this case vector or list makes no difference. The possible benefit that laziness would give you is when you would only consume the first part of the list. If you must append something to the end of map's output, a vector is indeed more efficient. You can use mapv (added in Clojure 1.4) in this case: it takes in a collection and will output a vector. I would say, only worry about these performance optimizations if you have a very good reason for it. Most of the time it's not worth it.
Read more about the seq abstraction here: http://clojure.org/sequences
Another vector-returning higher order function that was added in Clojure 1.4 is filterv.

modifying an element of a list in-place in J, can it be done?

I have been playing with an implementation of lookandsay (OEIS A005150) in J. I have made two versions, both very simple, using while. type control structures. One recurs, the other loops. Because I am compulsive, I started running comparative timing on the versions.
look and say is the sequence 1 11 21 1211 111221 that s, one one, two ones, etc.
For early elements of the list (up to around 20) the looping version wins, but only by a tiny amount. Timings around 30 cause the recursive version to win, by a large enough amount that the recursive version might be preferred if the stack space were adequate to support it. I looked at why, and I believe that it has to do with handling intermediate results. The 30th number in the sequence has 5808 digits. (32nd number, 9898 digits, 34th, 16774.)
When you are doing the problem with recursion, you can hold the intermediate results in the recursive call, and the unstacking at the end builds the results so that there is minimal handling of the results.
In the list version, you need a variable to hold the result. Every loop iteration causes you to need to add two elements to the result.
The problem, as I see it, is that I can't find any way in J to modify an extant array without completely reassigning it. So I am saying
try. o =. o,e,(0&{y) catch. o =. e,(0&{y) end.
to put an element into o where o might not have a value when we start. That may be notably slower than
o =. i.0
o =. (,o),e,(0&{y)
The point is that the result gets the wrong shape without the ravels, or so it seems. It is inheriting a shape from i.0 somehow.
But even functions like } amend don't modify a list, they return a list that has a modification made to it, and if you want to save the list you need to assign it. As the size of the assigned list increases (as you walk the the number from the beginning to the end making the next number) the assignment seems to take more time and more time. This assignment is really the only thing I can see that would make element 32, 9898 digits, take less time in the recursive version while element 20 (408 digits) takes less time in the loopy version.
The recursive version builds the return with:
e,(0&{y),(,lookandsay e }. y)
The above line is both the return line from the function and the recursion, so the whole return vector gets built at once as the call gets to the end of the string and everything unstacks.
In APL I thought that one could say something on the order of:
a[1+rho a] <- new element
But when I try this in NARS2000 I find that it causes an index error. I don't have access to any other APL, I might be remembering this idiom from APL Plus, I doubt it worked this way in APL\360 or APL\1130. I might be misremembering it completely.
I can find no way to do that in J. It might be that there is no way to do that, but the next thought is to pre-allocate an array that could hold results, and to change individual entries. I see no way to do that either - that is, J does not seem to support the APL idiom:
a<- iota 5
a[3] <- -1
Is this one of those side effect things that is disallowed because of language purity?
Does the interpreter recognize a=. a,foo or some of its variants as a thing that it should fastpath to a[>:#a]=.foo internally?
This is the recursive version, just for the heck of it. I have tried a bunch of different versions and I believe that the longer the program, the slower, and generally, the more complex, the slower. Generally, the program can be chained so that if you want the nth number you can do lookandsay^: n ] y. I have tried a number of optimizations, but the problem I have is that I can't tell what environment I am sending my output into. If I could tell that I was sending it to the next iteration of the program I would send it as an array of digits rather than as a big number.
I also suspect that if I could figure out how to make a tacit version of the code, it would run faster, based on my finding that when I add something to the code that should make it shorter, it runs longer.
lookandsay=: 3 : 0
if. 0 = # ,y do. return. end. NB. return on empty argument
if. 1 ~: ##$ y do. NB. convert rank 0 argument to list of digits
y =. (10&#.^:_1) x: y
f =. 1
assert. 1 = ##$ y NB. the converted argument must be rank 1
NB. yw =. y
f =. 0
NB. e should be a count of the digits that match the leading digit.
if. f do.
o=. e,(0&{y),(,lookandsay e }. y)
assert. e = 0&{ o
10&#. x: o
e,(0&{y),(,lookandsay e }. y)
I was interested in the characteristics of the numbers produced. I found that if you start with a 1, the numerals never get higher than 3. If you start with a numeral higher than 3, it will survive as a singleton, and you can also get a number into the generated numbers by starting with something like 888888888 which will generate a number with one 9 in it and a single 8 at the end of the number. But other than the singletons, no digit gets higher than 3.
I did some more measuring. I had originally written the program to accept either a vector or a scalar, the idea being that internally I'd work with a vector. I had thought about passing a vector from one layer of code to the other, and I still might using a left argument to control code. With I pass the top level a vector the code runs enormously faster, so my guess is that most of the cpu is being eaten by converting very long numbers from vectors to digits. The recursive routine always passes down a vector when it recurs which might be why it is almost as fast as the loop.
That does not change my question.
I have an answer for this which I can't post for three hours. I will post it then, please don't do a ton of research to answer it.
assignments like
arr=. 'z' 15} arr
are executed in place. (See JWiki article for other supported in-place operations)
Interpreter determines that only small portion of arr is updated and does not create entire new list to reassign.
What happens in your case is not that array is being reassigned, but that it grows many times in small increments, causing memory allocation and reallocation.
If you preallocate (by assigning it some large chunk of data), then you can modify it with } without too much penalty.
After I asked this question, to be honest, I lost track of this web site.
Yes, the answer is that the language has no form that means "update in place, but if you use two forms
x =: x , most anything
x =: most anything } x
then the interpreter recognizes those as special and does update in place unless it can't. There are a number of other specials recognized by the interpreter, like:
That combined operation is modular exponentiation. It never calculates the whole exponentiation, as
would - that just ends as _ without the #.
So it is worth reading the article on specials. I will mark someone else's answer up.
The link that sverre provided above ( http://www.jsoftware.com/jwiki/Essays/In-Place%20Operations ) shows the various operations that support modifying an existing array rather than creating a new one. They include:
myarray=: myarray,'blah'
If you are interested in a tacit version of the lookandsay sequence see this submission to RosettaCode:
las=: ,#((# , {.);.1~ 1 , 2 ~:/\ ])&.(10x&#.inv)#]^:(1+i.#[)
5 las 1
11 21 1211 111221 312211
