I am trying to embed Facebook oath as one of the signin methods to my web application that is using Google's firebase as a backend service.
At the moment, my app is not deployed - so I am still using localhost URL. My problem is redirecting from login to the dashboard of my app. The firefox console shows this log when I try to log in using facebook oath.
code: "auth/popup-closed-by-user"
message: "The popup has been closed by the user before finalizing the operation."
stack: ""
On the front-end : snippet for .js
//login with facebook
const facebookButton = document.querySelector('#facebookLogin');
facebookButton.addEventListener('click', (e)=>{
const provider = new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider();
console.log("Successful Facebook Sign in");
console.log("Login failed");
Snippet for .html file - it's just a button
<button id="facebookLogin">Login with Facebook</button>
​Has anyone experienced something like this? How did you work around it?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm really lost here so any help would be great. My app works with a DOTNET6 API backend and a Vue3 frontend.
I'm registering users via Google Sign In directly from my frontend (Vue3) with this code:
async googleLogIn() {
const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider;
var gUser;
await signInWithPopup(getAuth(), provider)
.then((result) => {
gUser = result.user;
.catch((error) => {
The user gets correctly saved in Firebase, and that should be all. The thing is, even though I'm not interacting with my DOTNET API, said API gets shut down without specifying the error. The message displayed in VS Debug Console is : ...\my_api.exe (process 32400) exited with code -1.
I believe the ports used by my API might be the problem (already tried changing them but it keeps failing), but I don't understand why the Google Sign In would interfere with my local API.
working on a .NET MAUI app and am trying to implement Firebase Authentication with the help of WebAuthenticator in MAUI. I get to the login form in a browser, but after logging in get the error
Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared.
This is the code that calls the authenticator
await client.SignInWithRedirectAsync(FirebaseProviderType.Google, async uri =>
var options = new WebAuthenticatorOptions
Url = new Uri(uri),
CallbackUrl = new Uri("com.companyname.myappname://callback/"),
PrefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession= true
var res = await WebAuthenticator.Default.AuthenticateAsync(options);
I think the problem could be the callback URL, but I'm not sure how to write it differently since I'm not using a backend API. Does anyone have any suggestions?
P.S. This happens with bost Firebase Google auth and Facebook login
You can try to clear the chrome browser data and reload the page to see if it works. This is a known problem of firebase. You can continue to follow up this github iissue: Unableto process request due to missing initial state.
I'm building a site with emberfire and using firebase. Everything seems to be set up fine regarding credentials, and I can read/write to the firebase database while developing locally, but every time I try to authenticate via the Google Popup it pops up fine with my Google accounts listed, and when I select my account it errors with this error object:
code: "auth/network-request-failed", message: "A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred."
I assume I'm simply missing a setting somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find it. Here's the code to get the popup and response:
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
this.firebaseApp.auth().then(auth => {
/* Firebase SDK calls */
auth.signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(error) {
I am using EmberJS with emberfire.
In my environment I had host: 'api', and when removing that authentication works, so it must be one of the adapters that is used.
Is it possible?
I read a bit on https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/phone-auth but it mentions OAuth redirect domains all the time, not sure if chrome extension domains are valid for this?
They don't work in a chrome extension, but you could render the reCAPTCHA verifier in a web page, get the verification ID and code and pass it to your chrome extension using something like postMessage and then sign in through your chrome extension as:
// You get verificationId from reCAPTCHA rendered on web page.
// You ask the user to provide the 6 digit code.
var cred = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, code);
.then(function(result) {
// User signed in.
.catch(function(error) {
// Error occurred.
Problem: When used via 3rd-party app built-in browser (e.g. LINE, Twitter or Facebook messenger), the signInWithPopup returns auth/popup-blocked. The explanation by Firebase docs is:
auth/popup-blocked: Thrown if the popup was blocked by the browser, typically when this operation is triggered outside of a click handler.
Typical sequence triggering this error is: Link of my web app is sent to LINE, Twitter or Facebook messenger. When user uses mobile device and opens that link in those apps, their built-in browser is opened. Calling signInWithPopup then returns the error. The behavior is slightly different in iOS and Android but at least iOS/LINE combination results the error.
I am using Angular and building a web app. The error message is Unable to establish a connection with the popup. It may have been blocked by the browser. which comes from the firebase.js - not my own text.
When used in a normal browser, the signup works just fine.
Any ideas why the built-in browsers and signInWithPopup do not work together?
Firebase authentication should start with some user interaction, such as click on button. This solved the problem for me.
Many in-app embedded browsers block popups. I ran into the issue on instagram. Try using signInWithRedirect instead of signInWithPopup when kicking off the Oauth call.
Firebase documentation on usage of both methods can be found here - https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.Auth#signInWithPopup
signInWithPopup() is for the browser, however, if you're running iOS or Andriod emulator or device, you need to call signInWithCredential.
signInWithFacebook() {
if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {
return this.fb.login(['email', 'public_profile']).then(res => {
const facebookCredential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(res.authResponse.accessToken);
return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(facebookCredential);
else {
return this.afAuth.auth
.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider())
.then(res => console.log(res));
If you're using Ionic + Firebase, you can find more info here
I have the same issue, with my web app on facebook ads campaign. I change my code from popup to redirect.
googleAuth() {
.then(function(result) {
this.showLoading = true;
if (result.credential) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
var user = result.user;
this.showLoading = true;
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
The problem now is save my utms from campaigns, because with redirect you lose them.