graphite web, how do you add a function? Button missing from internet? - graphite

I am using graphite web version 1.1.5. I cannot find any button to use the functions. The documentation says
An Apply Function menu button, which allows functions to be applied to
the currently-selected item in the metrics list...An Apply Function
menu button, which allows functions to be applied to the
currently-selected item in the metrics list
If you look at the attached screen print I don't see any such button. Another version of the documentation says to click an item in the metric tree. No button there either.
So how do you apply a function? Where's the menu item to allow that.
I tried Chrome and Firefox on Ubuntu 18.04.

Add a function by going to Graph Data > select the metric > Apply function


D365 Ribbon Workbench subgrid button not visible

I have a D365 form with two subgrids. I have to add a button on one of the subgrid.
I'm trying to achieve this using ribbon workbench, but facing issues.
Issue 1: How to specify the subgrid on which i want to show my button?
Issue 2: Right now, button is not visible on either of the two subgrid.
Please suggest any solution.
As you mention "D365", I assume your Dynamics version is greater than v9.0. Below suggestion for issue 2 only works for v9.0 or later.
For issue 1: You can add an enable rule for your ribbon, and write some JS function for this enable rule. You can pass primaryControId as a parameter this should be the subgrid name and then use it in your code to determine show/hide your ribbon.
For issue 2: You can use the ribbondebug function to debug your ribbon, you can enable it by adding &ribbondebug=true at the end of the URL. After you refresh your page, at the end of the ribbon area will occur a ribbon called "Command checker", click the "Command checker" and switch to "Command properties" tab, finally you can see all the rules and function results bound to the ribbon, check all the listed result. You can see more info from here

Google Tag Manager Trigger by CSS class

I want to trigger a tag when a link with a certain css class is clicked. I create a trigger based on Clicks > Just Links, but when I go to select the variable, I just get "Page Hostname, Page Path, Page URL, Referrer, New Variable"... no "Click Class" as one would expect.
All the online help shows an outdated version of GTM that don't match the options I see. Even the GTM help docs are outdated.
How does one trigger by css class? (I tried using a custom variable, but didn't work either, and honestly the options didn't make much sense either).
Update: It works if I create a new custom variable "DOM Element has CSS selector" and then go to Trigger, select my custom variable, select "Equals" and enter the text of the link.
But this doesn't make much sense to me, all I want is trigger based on css class, not by the text contents of the tag.
Turns out GTM's "Click Element" built in variable (and many others) is off by default, that's why it was missing from the trigger dropdown. One has to go to Built In Variables > Configure > and tick the "Click Element" variable.
Why would they turn this off by default and offer no clues in the UI, I have no idea.

isotope selected element control

I'm having a little trouble controlling the visual display of my filtering tabs and pagination links using Isotope. I want to fix two issues:
1 How do I class one of my filtering tabs so it looks already selected on page load?
2 When I click on a pagination link in the container, the currently selected tab is declassed, meaning it no longer looks selected?
Please see the demo here and you will understand what I mean.
Regarding the first question; before the code of your Isotope logic proper, you could have this anonymous self-executing function to preset certain things
var selector = $('.classtobefilteredoutonload');
$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
// other things that shall happen too go here, like assigning the right class to you PMTV tab div
return false;
Or failing that, leverage hash history to preset your site.
Regarding the second question, it looks like you're using this CngClass function to toggle the focus for all your clickable "a" elements, so naturally Archive Videos will lose focus when you click on a pagination "a" element. You can see it well in Google Chrome's developer tools while clicking on your tabs and paginators.
Well, you should toggle a "highlighting class" on your pagination separately, with a different function from the one that toggles your tabs. An anonymous self-executing function executes as soon as it is encountered, so it looks like the rest of your DOM is not ready. Try the same function but with on document ready.
You can do it like this.
You can pre-mark your tab or whatever item on screen like this

How do create this gmail app effect on Honeycomb

Attached is the screenshot of the UI that I would like to have in my app. When I click on the listitems on the fragment on the left side I see a arrow pointing(question mark in red) on the list item which was clicked, I would like to know how can we achieve this in UI layout. Any special settings to be set?
I was looking at the same feature.
To implement similar, I'd suggest showing an image on the selected item in the list, this would require code rather than Layout XML, It would be controlled by the list fragment when an item is selected. That way you get the visual effect that the two fragments are related via the arrow image.
Did you end up giving it a go for yourself?

Trouble creating a button matrix in Interface Builder

I am trying to create a matrix of buttons in Interface Builder 3.2.1 but can not find anyway to do it. I read the question and answer posted here:
How to create a NSMatrix of NSImageCell in Interface Builder in 10.6
But following Layout > Embed Objects In, as suggested, I see only View and Scroll View as options, not Matrix. Have I missed something?
I have just tried it on IB 3.2.2: Drag the button on the window, make sure it is selected (only click it once until you can see the eight blue handles around it, not twice!). In this situation the menu Layout -> Embed Objects will have the Matrix option available.
Now you can option-click and drag the lower handle of the button to add more buttons horizontally. Similarly, you can add buttons to the left, to the right or at the top, thereby creating the desired matrix of buttons.
EDIT: This recipe only works when developing for MacOS, not for iPhoneOS. I am not aware of an equivalent of NSMatrix on the iPhone. I guess the UI is simply meant to not include such elements.
