"Unexpected error determining execution environment" when running Firebase emulator - firebase

Everything works correctly when I deploy my functions, but running the same code locally with the Firebase emulator gives me the following error:
"message": "Unexpected error determining execution environment: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTDOWN - Local (",
"type": "system",
"errno": "EHOSTDOWN",
"code": "EHOSTDOWN",
"config": {
"url": "",
"headers": {
"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"
"retryConfig": {
"noResponseRetries": 0,
"currentRetryAttempt": 0,
"retry": 3,
"retryDelay": 100,
"httpMethodsToRetry": [
"statusCodesToRetry": [
"responseType": "text",
"timeout": 3000,
"params": {},
"method": "GET"
What should I do to be able to test my code with the emulator?

If your cloud function requires admin rights, then you need to configure a service account for the cloud functions to run under.
Follow the instructions here:
The mains steps are:
1) Create a Service Account and download the .json private key files (keep this secret)
In the console where you will run your emulator:
2) Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the absolute path of the private key file saved in step 1. For example export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/Users/..../...account.json"
3) Now run your emulator firebase emulators:start --only functions
Now the locally emulated function knows the environment. So when you do something like admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); it gets configured properly.


Do Firebase Scheduled Functions run automatically on the emulator?

I am trying to build a scheduled function on Firebase using the emulator. I've set things up as shown and have verified that PubSub is running on my emulator. However, nothing happens.
I have the following function:
exports.scheduledFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
return null;
I can verify the function works using firebase functions:shell:
firebase functions:shell
i functions: Loaded functions: createUserDocument, newSlackUserNotify, scheduledFunction
⚠ functions: The following emulators are not running, calls to these services will affect production: firestore, database, pubsub, storage, eventarc
firebase > scheduledFunction()
'Successfully invoked function.'
firebase > > This will be run every 5 minutes!
My firebase.json:
"firestore": {
"rules": "firestore.rules",
"indexes": "firestore.indexes.json"
"emulators": {
"auth": {
"port": 9099,
"host": ""
"firestore": {
"port": 8080,
"host": ""
"functions": {
"port": 5001,
"host": ""
"pubsub": {
"port": 8085,
"host": ""
"ui": {
"enabled": true
"singleProjectMode": true
"functions": [
"source": "apps/functions",
"codebase": "default",
"ignore": ["node_modules", ".git", "firebase-debug.log", "firebase-debug.*.log"],
I can see here that someone suggests using a trigger, but shouldn't scheduled functions "just work"?
I have also verified that the scheduled function works when deployed, so this seems to be an emulator-specific thing.
The only possible thing is that SLF4J seems to have not loaded, per pubsub-debug.log:
This is the Google Pub/Sub fake.
Implementation may be incomplete or differ from the real system.
Jan 13, 2023 2:09:25 PM com.google.cloud.pubsub.testing.v1.Main main
INFO: IAM integration is disabled. IAM policy methods and ACL checks are not supported
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Jan 13, 2023 2:09:26 PM com.google.cloud.pubsub.testing.v1.Main main
INFO: Server started, listening on 8085
Jan 13, 2023 2:09:31 PM io.gapi.emulators.netty.HttpVersionRoutingHandler channelRead
INFO: Detected HTTP/2 connection.
As Chris mentioned in above comment.Emulator doesn't support scheduled functions yet. There is a feature request raised for Support for scheduled functions in emulator in github. You can also add your concern over there. You need to trigger them manually using the firebase functions:shell command .You can run the scheduled functions on a interval:
firebase > setInterval(() => yourScheduledFunc(), 60000)
//This will run your functions every 60 seconds.
You can also check this stackoverflow thread1 & thread2

First time deploying meteor app with meteor-up

This is the first time i am deploying from Meteor-up and I followed the docs to deploy a dummy application first. I am deploying on a shared linux server. Everything is going great but i can't find my app on ROOT_URL. My domain is pointing to the server and that very domain is also my ROOT_URL. when I hit the domain link it goes to the index of file explorer on the server instead of my web app. I tried to find logs but logs command and --verbose flag returned no log and the command simply run as usual.
Mup version (``1.5.3`):
Mup config
{ "servers": {
"one": {
"host": "",
"username": "totalti1",
"password": "password",
"opts": {
"port": 2083
} }, "proxy": {
"servers": {
"one": {}
"domains": "host.com,subdomain.host.com",
"shared": {
"httpPort": 80,
"httpsPort": 443
} }, "app": {
"name": "my-app",
"path": "../.",
"deployCheckWaitTime": 300,
"servers": {
"one": {}
"buildOptions": {
"serverOnly": true
"env": {
"ROOT_URL": "https://host.com",
"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://mongodb:27017/my-app",
"MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://localhost/local",
"VIRTUAL_HOST": "host.com,subdomain.host.com",
"HTTPS_METHOD": "noredirect",
"docker": {
"image": "abernix/meteord:node-12-base",
"prepareBundle": false,
"stopAppDuringPrepareBundle": true,
"imagePort": 3000,
"args": [
"enableUploadProgressBar": true,
"type": "meteor" }, "mongo": {
"version": "3.4.1",
"servers": {
"one": {}
"dbName": "DemoApp" } }
the port of my host is 2083 and I am not sure if that is causing a problem. I am not sure if the deployment was unsuccessful or the URL had a mistake. I was able to get some log after setting the debug Environmental variable. And here is it.
Output of command
$ DEBUG=mup* mup reconfig --verbose
mup:updates checking for updates +0ms
mup:updates Packages: [ { name: 'mup', path: '/usr/lib/node_modules/mup/package.json' } ] +2ms
mup:updates retrieving tags for mup +2ms
mup:api Running command default.reconfig +0ms
mup:module:default exec => mup reconfig +0ms
mup:api Running command meteor.envconfig +2ms
mup:module:meteor exec => mup meteor envconfig +0ms
Started TaskList: Configuring App [] - Pushing the Startup Script
mup:updates finished update check for mup +1s
I am looking for some instant help as i am stuck on this deployment for three days now. Thanks in Advance
Is there a way to know that the deployment was successful or not. Also is there something wrong with my ROOT_URL? Root url contains the IP of server on which i have hosted the app. The domain also points to the IP. When I access by IP it says
IP changed or server misconfig or site may have moved to different ip. Contact your hosting provider.
When i access via domain it shows the empty directory the default domain is set to.

Running Firebase Deploy gives JSON error trying to load file

Getting an error when deploying to firebase. I manually edited .firebaserc file to add other projects.
$ firebase deploy --project staging --only hosting:admin
⚠ JSON error trying to load /some/path/to/.firebaserc
"projects": {
"production": "myapp-8879",
"staging": "myapp-c8499"
"targets": {
"myapp-8879": {
"admin": [
"app": [
"myapp-c8499": {
"admin": [
"app": [
To solve this problem, JSON error trying to load /some/path/.firebaserc you must make sure JSON format is correct.
There is an extra comma, so firebase deploy will throw an error.
If you manually edit your .firebaserc on VSCODE then just change the Language Mode to JSON or use any online json formatter tool.

How do I connect to my local Realtime Database emulator in my Flutter app?

I am using the Realtime Database and Functions for my Flutter app. I've set up local emulators for both Database and Functions, so I can test Functions locally without the deployment cost. Now I want to connect my Flutter app to these local emulators, but I am having some trouble finding out how to do it.
The FlutterFire docs describes how to do this for Firestore (https://firebase.flutter.dev/docs/firestore/usage#emulator-usage), but not for the Realtime Database. Surely there must be a way to connect to the emulators, even though I am using the Realtime Database?
I have tried the following:
String host = Platform.isAndroid ? '' : 'localhost:4000';
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase(
app: Firebase.app(),
databaseURL: host,
But that gives me the error:
Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(error, Invalid Firebase Database url specified:, null)
I am using the firebase_core and firebase_database packages on pub.
Digging deeper into Firebase Java SDK, I've found that .useEmulator() only sets host and port for creating the databaseURL and in short is just a refactoring wrapper.
Code below should work with FlutterFire Realtime Database package:
String host = Platform.isAndroid ? '' : 'http://localhost:9000';
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase(
app: Firebase.app(),
databaseURL: host,
Also, do check your firebase.json for the correct port to use. Default should be 9000 for database.
"firestore": {
"rules": "firestore.rules",
"indexes": "firestore.indexes.json"
"functions": {
"predeploy": [
"npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint",
"npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run build"
"source": "functions"
"storage": {
"rules": "storage.rules"
"emulators": {
"auth": {
"port": 9099
"functions": {
"port": 5001
"firestore": {
"port": 8080
"database": {
"port": 9000
"ui": {
"enabled": true
According to the Firebase documentation for Android, using the Realtime Database emulator requires a call database.useEmulator("", 9000). A quick search of the FlutterFire code shows no such calls, so it seems that emulator usage isn't implemented in FlutterFire yet.
I also couldn't find an open issue for it, so you might want to file a feature request.
Following code worked for me. Its almost similar to #Florin Stan answer. Just the namespace of the database was missing.
String host = Platform.isAndroid ? '' : 'http://localhost:9000';
dbInstance= FirebaseDatabase(
databaseURL: '$host?ns=YOUR_DATABASE_NAMESPACE',
Database namespace can be found in firebase realtime database emulator UI.

What constitute/determines Zeit serverless functions count

I recently moved a Nextjs project to Zeit platform. Until I configured environment setup I could deploy with no issue. After the environment setup which is very minimal as
"version": 2,
"name": "<....>",
"alias": "<...>",
"routes": [
"src": "^/service-worker.js$",
"dest": "/_next/public/service-worker.js",
"headers": {
"cache-control": "public, max-age=43200, immutable",
"Service-Worker-Allowed": "/"
"builds": [{ "src": "package.json", "use": "#now/next" }],
"env": {
"SENTRY_DNS": "<...>",
"DEV_BASE_URL": "<...>",
"PROD_BASE_URL": "<...>",
"NODE_ENV": "<...>"
I get this error when I deploy
As seen in the stub configuration, I have no server API setup, so I am confused about what could cause the function count
I had this same issue just trying to deploy my app for the first time. I believe every /pages creates a serverless function. There's some info on it here: https://vercel.com/docs/v2/serverless-functions/introduction
I tried removing some of my pages to test the theory and was able to get ti deploying by cutting down to 12 pages.
