How to get the fresh request.auth.token of user in security rules when he sent request with old one - firebase

I'm updating customClaims via auto trigger cloud function and am not able to access such new customClaims in security rules
I'm working on chat web app. with sending friend request feature and I want to limit the number of friends for each user so I use cloud function auto trigger when new document (conversation that define new friendship) get created then increase friendsNumber customclaims for been able to control the permission of limited friends, so each time user add friends friendsNumber get increase by 1, but in security rules I always got request.auth.token.friendsNumber == 0.
I know that the request was sent by old token and by forcerefresh I could get a new one. But that want works with me because I update friendsNumber customClaims via auto trigger cloud function.
Is there any methods to get latest token or a way to access such new customClaims?

According to the documentation:
After new claims are modified on a user via the Admin SDK, they are
propagated to an authenticated user on the client side via the ID
token in the following ways:
A user signs in or re-authenticates after the custom claims are modified. The ID token issued as a result will contain the latest
An existing user session gets its ID token refreshed after an older token expires.
An ID token is force refreshed by calling currentUser.getIdToken(true).
You will need to either force a refresh of the token, or wait out the period of time when the client app refreshes the token for itself. Until then, any changes to the claims will not be visible in the client or in security rules.


Is there a way to log out a specific user using firebase auth go sdk?

background of this question
I'm using firebase auth for user authentication on my app.
I realized that firebase doesn't have a log of user information changes, so I can't answer user questions about it.
So, I'm planning to move the feature of changing user account info (like email, display name, and password) from using the client-side firebase auth library to using server-side firebase auth SDK for the purpose of taking logs of these changes to use for user support. Also, I'd like to make logout a user who changes account info.
I've looked for the appropriate API on the document and found UpdateUser function. The struct UserToUpdate which is a parameter of UpdateUser can set a new email address, new password and new display name, but I can't find to set the parameter to make a user logout.
my question
Is there a way to log out a specific user by firebase auth go SDK?
Firebase Authentication's client-side sign-in is based on ID tokens, which are valid until their built-in expiration (by default: an hour after they are minted). Since no server keeps a list of all the ID tokens it has minted, there is no way to mark a token as invalid on such a list either.
The common approach to revoke access for a user is to:
Revoke the refresh token, so that they can no longer mint new ID tokens with it.
Add the ID token(s) of the user to a self-managed list of revoked ID tokens.
Detect the presence of an ID token in this list from your server-side code and security rules.
Optionally detect the refresh token revocation on the client
Instead of logging the user out, you can also force-refresh their ID token/profile on the client to get the latest information from the server.

Synchronize users created with Firebase Auth to my custom backend

I want to use Firebase Auth for my user login/registration process. Everything else should be handled by my own backend (spring boot app + postgres db).
Now I'm asking myself how I can synchronize a new created user to my user table in postgres. I thought about the following:
REST call through client - Everytime I get a success event from the firebase sdk I call an additional request to my backend which sends uid, username etc.
Problem: What if my backend call fails but the register process was successful ? That would lead to an inconsistent state since (at least thats what I understanded) I can't easily rollback. That would lead to situations where a user can login into my app without my backend knowing the user. This would crash/ invalidate all my following queries (e.g. search after user xyz would lead to no result even though he/she exists)
Check the existence of the user in the postgres database
Here I would query the uid from the database (which I got from the jwt) and create a new user if it doesn't exists in every incoming request.
Problem: The user query is a unnessecary overhead for every incoming request.
Trigger with cloud functions - When I understood it right firebase auth is firing events when a new user is created in cloud functions. This could be used to make the external api call.
Problem: I dont know what happens when my external rest call fails at this point. Can I rollback the registration ? Will I be ever catch this event again ? I also proably would have an eventual consistency situation, since I dont know when the cloud function triggers. Furthermore I would prefer not to include cloud functions to my stack
Is there any way how I could do this in a transactional manner ? Did anyone else tried is using sth simular ?
Thanks for every help!
The easiest way is actually to not synchronize auth data, but instead decode and verify the ID token of the user in your backend code.
This operation is (by design) stateless, although Firebase's own backend services often implement a cache of recently decoded tokens to speed up future calls with the same ID token.
Apparently, I finally came up with a different solution:
Register user per Firebase SDK (e.g. with email + pw method)
Make a post-call to my own registration api including the resulting uid from the previous step and some metadata
API creates a new user including a column with the UID + Fetches the firebase token of the user and adds an internal claim that references to the internal Postgres UUID via Admin SDK.
Frontend gets the created user and hard refreshes (very important, since the previously fetched token won't contain the newly added claim !) the firebase token and verifies that it contains the token. If it does -> everything is cool, if not some oopsie happened :) That will require a request retry.
Later when you start your app you can just check if the passed token contains the custom claim, if not open the sign up/sign in page.
Every endpoint except the one for registration should check if the claim is set. If not just forbid the request.
How to set custom claims:
You can use the Firebase Admin SDK to create the user account from your back-end instead of from the client.
So first you create the user in your database, then grab the ID and use it to create a user with the same ID in Firebase.
If all goes well, send a confirmation to the client and sign it in using the same credentials they entered.
Why not creating an endpoint in your backend service and call this endpoint when a client side authentication succeeds?
This method should do 2 things:
decode token to get access to Firebase user object (Firebase Admin)
Compare Firebase user with your internal user table. if it doesn't exist you can create it using firebase user object, otherwise do nothing.
This solution allows you to do other nice things as well (Syncing user info between Firebase and your internal db, providing a way to let a frontend know if this user is new or not, ...) at a relative small cost (1 get call per sign in)

Firebase custom claims are not update in rules [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Firebase custom claim how to set?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to prevent storage abuse.My goal is like limit a user upload operation per day.So I deploy a storage onFinalize trigger and once a file uploladed the function detect a counter that using firestore is hit the limit or not.If is, store a millisec to CustomUserClaims like this:
//the user need to wait after this time to continue upload files (timeToUnlock = currentTime + additionalTime)
setCustomUserClaims(uid, {
timeToUnlock: 1570509112055
And compare in rules
allow create: if request.time.toMillis() >= request.auth.token.timeToUnlock;
But every time when setCustomUserClaims i need to logout and login client again to update claims or claims won't update it just keeping previous value.I print customClaims to console the parameter are updated but seems parameter in rules are not updated.Anyone have better idea to fix this? Because if this doesn't work i have no idea to prevent this thank for any help.
console.log((await admin.auth().getUser(uid)).customClaims);
What you're seeing is the expected behavior. Your backend code that updates the claims doesn't have the ability to force the client to see those claims immediately. According to the documentation:
After new claims are modified on a user via the Admin SDK, they are
propagated to an authenticated user on the client side via the ID
token in the following ways:
A user signs in or re-authenticates after the custom claims are modified. The ID token issued as a result will contain the latest
An existing user session gets its ID token refreshed after an older token expires.
An ID token is force refreshed by calling currentUser.getIdToken(true).
The best you can do is write your client such that a change on the server triggers a change on the client to force a refresh of the ID token that will use the new claims. But that doesn't necessarily stop the client from using the old token until it finally expires.
If you want to limit uploads, it will be more secure and reliable to use a Cloud Functions trigger on each Storage upload, check to see if the file should be allowed, and delete the file if it violates your rules.

Are "Firebase Auth" custom claims eventually consistent?

I am using Firebase Auth for SMS login and I want to add to new users a custom "countryCode" claim to the token.
After the Android app validate the SMS code, it invoke the account service in my backend to create the new account and
in that step add the custom claim with Firebase Admin SDK.
The app need to do a force refresh token to get the new claim.
I need to know if after adding the "claim" the update is eventually consistent or not.
If it is eventually consistent I can't guarantee that the refreshed token have the new claim.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "eventually consistent" in this context, but you can be sure that these two situations are reliable:
After writing the claims successfully using the Firebase Admin SDK, an immediate call to re-read the claims using the SDK will return the same previously written claims.
A client token refresh that happens after a change to custom claims on the backend will result in the client seeing the new claims. You will need to make sure that the client doesn't refresh until the claims are successfully committed, so that there is no race condition. This could involve the backend signaling to the frontend by changing something in Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore to indicate to the listening client that it's time to refresh the claims. You could use a timestamp that indicates the time of the last write of claims for the user, and the client could compare that to the time it last refreshed.

How to logout the user using Firebase Admin SDK?

So, I have created a cloud function using Firebase Admin SDK. The purpose of that function is to disable the user and after successfully disabling it, I want that user to be logged out from my application. I have disabled user but can't figure out how to log out the user.
I was wondering if there is any function of a workaround to achieve this?
A user that is signed in to your app has a ID token that is valid for up to an hour. Once that token has been created, there is no way to revoke it.
The typical way to handle your use-case is to also flag the user in a server-side database once you disable their account, and then check that flag in any operations.
For example, if your using the Firebase Realtime Database, and disable the user with Node.js, the code to also flag the user in the database could look like this:
// Disable the user in Firebase Authentication to prevent them from signing in or refreshing their token
admin.auth().updateUser(uid, {
disabled: true
}).then(function() {
// Flag the user as disabled in the database, so that we can prevent their reads/writes
And you can then check this in the server-side security rules with something like this:
"rules": {
".read": "auth.uid !== null && !root.child('blacklist').child(auth.uid).exists()"
This rule allows all users that are signed in (auth.uid !== null) full read access to the database, but blocks users who you've flagged (!root.child('blacklist').child(auth.uid).exists()).
For an (even) more elaborate example of this approach, see the documentation on session management.
There are two main types of tokens used in Firebase Auth that are relevant to your question here:
Refresh token
ID token (aka, access token)
Firebase ID tokens are short lived and last for an hour; the refresh token can be used to retrieve new ID tokens. Refresh tokens expire only when one of the following occurs:
The user is deleted
The user is disabled
A major account change is detected for the user. This includes events like password or email address updates.
So in your case, when you disable the user, the refresh token will be automatically revoked. This means that once the short-lived ID token expires, they won't be able to retrieve a new one.
But you want them to be logged out immediately after being disabled. There are two main considerations here:
if you control the well-behaved client application, you can voluntarily log them out in the client
if you want to truly protect against malicious actors, you can revoke the ID token on the backend
Voluntarily logging out in a well-behaved client
If the token is revoked via the Admin SDK, the client is informed of the revocation and the user is expected to reauthenticate or is signed out:
However, the docs are very misleading here. There is no built-in behaviour to automatically inform the client of a revocation. Instead, you can follow the suggestions in this thread ( which talk about how to implement this behaviour. The two main options presented are:
Use Firebase Realtime Database to build your own real-time "push" mechanism to detect revocations
Use currentUser.getIdToken(true) to force-fetch a new id token, which will detect the refresh token revocation, and log the user out (you should get an even on the onAuthStateChanged listener).
For option 2, note the parameter true passed in to forceRefresh. This is generally not a good option - you don't want to force refresh on every API request, but if you don't, it's hard to know when to do a force refresh.
When you refresh the page, the Firebase client SDK will typically automatically perform a force refresh.
Server-side detection
When a user's ID token is to be verified, the additional checkRevoked boolean flag has to be passed to verifyIdToken. If the user's token is revoked, the user should be signed out on the client or asked to reauthenticate using reauthentication APIs provided by the Firebase Authentication client SDKs.
Note that using the checkRevoked=true option results in a network request from your backend to Firebase's backend, which is expensive. Again, it's hard to know when it's worth using checkRevoked. Perhaps it's worth the cost to always perform the network check on a small subset of highly sensitive APIs.
You should read through the docs in full ( and see which approach suits you best.
Frank van Puffelen has already covered the other standard option - using rules to guard Firebase backend services.
But in general, there isn't anything that helps out of the box. If you understand the concept behind refresh tokens and id tokens, you'll notice that it's fundamentally not possible to revoke the ID token while retaining the performance benefits (ie, reducing network traffic) that is the entire reason for using the refresh+id model to begin with.
I'd just let the token expire, and accept that any "disable" can be delayed by up to 1 hour.
