Can not find Data Retention under Usage and Estimated Cost - azure-application-insights

I am following this documentation. However, the Data Retention option is not visible in Azure Portal.

the data retention feature is online now.
This feature(Data Retention option) was temporarily removed because the product team is working on fixing a possible issue. And it will be brought back a few days later. More details is here, in Note section.
A screenshot of the Note section:


Adding ga:adMatchedQuery breaks API request

I have a script that imports data from Google Analytics to my BI. It was working for years. Recently it stopped working.
After investigation, it turns out that removing ga:adMatchedQuery from dimensions solves the issue.
I checked changelogs (,, etc.), and do not see any deprecation notices. Are there?
Nevertheless, are there any alternative way of getting visitor's search term for my adds in Google API?
Further investigation showed that I can make a request if adMatchedQuery is the only dimension. Adding the second dimension (for example, my custom dimention or ga:hour) breaks the request.
For example: produces empty set. gives me results.
The only difference is that I removed ga:hour from the list of dimensions in the second link.
Same here, it seems google made an update on Sept. 1 to restrict search queries that don't meet their higher privacy threshold, however it seems like they completely shut off search query reporting in GA. Hopefully they recognize this bug and fix it.
I had the same issue and here is my solution.
Since Universal Analytics will no longer process new data in standard properties beginning July 1, 2023, Google is asking us to switch over to a Google Analytics 4 property. I guessed that it should be a way to keep us updated. So I updated my property for GA4 and I manage to access that dimension.
The ga:adMatchedQuery now could be found at GA4 as firstUserGoogleAdsQuery,sessionGoogleAdsAdNetworkType or googleAdsQuery.
I also found out that the API changed.
The service in the Google Cloud that used to bring the data was "Google Analytics Reporting API" now you need to use the service "Google Analytics Data API"
That is the quickstart Guide:
Metrics and Dimensions:
I'm coding in Python, and that video helped me a lot:
We had the same issue since 5 September.
I found a solution on github. They say you have to replace the ga:adMatchedQuery with ga:keyword.
This works for me, but not entirely sure if it is the same as adMatchedQuery, but the results look good though.
Hope this helps you too.

Impossible to set the Cloud Firebase daily spending limit

I just purchased a Firebase blaze plan (unlimited) but I tried to setup the daily quota as suggested in their documentation:
The problem is that I can't find this option on my own console, there is no "Set budget" section:
I really need to setup this daily alert to avoid any bad surprises.
Why am I not seeing this option? Thanks
Well it seems they removed the possibility...
The documentation page ( has been updated and they explained:
Important: Cloud Firestore no longer supports new App Engine spending limits. After December 12, 2019, you cannot apply new App Engine spending limits. Spending limits set before December 12 still apply.
Now there is only the monthly budget left to use.
The budget on the Firebase Blaze plan is unlimited and there is not a single way to supervize it on a daily basis...
If available the Daily spending limit shows right at the top of the page, as you can see in this screenshot I just took of one of my projects:
Since this doesn't show up for you, you might want to reach out to Firebase support for personalized help in troubleshooting.
In the meantime, the closest you can get is by setting up billing alerts and then disabling (billing on) the project. While this is not a hard cap, and more work, it should allow you to get pretty close.

Google Analytics API returning no data before 23/09/16

I have a Google Analytics API request that provides full data for any date after 23/09/16, but nothing before.
The metrics/dimensions in use are:
I have created a custom report with the same dimensions/metrics in the web view, and I can confirm that the data does exist there (and is being provided). If I take out deviceCategory (or only have deviceCategory) then results are returned. This suggests to me that before this date, deviceCategory and sourceMedium/campaign were an invalid combination, but I can't find anything in the release notes to suggest this was changed and checking previous versions of the dimension explorer using does not indicate this was the case either.
I have raised a support request with Analytics support but they have said they don't have a team for API related issues.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. We already have a lot of reporting built around this combination and would like to be able to compare historical data.
Edit: I think this has something to do with the data retention settings in Analytics (which default to 26 months). Not sure why this particular combination would be affected as there is no user or event data required here.
You are right, it's because of data retention settings.
"The retention period applies to user-level and event-level data associated with cookies, user-identifiers <...>"
deviceCategory is associated with ClientID.

BigQuery bill breakdown? [duplicate]

Google Cloud billing is not updating with the free trial (on monthly payments) and I can not change it to a faster update cycle. As per the bill should come every month.
It is therefore not easy to see how much of the 300$ is left.
Is there any way to at least see how many TBs my queries used? This should be by far the biggest item on the bill.
I am concerned that I might get 'stuck' between some important queries that I otherwise could have managed better to have at least partial results available after the trial ends.
BigQuery analysis & storage costs should be listed under your GCP billing transactions:<INSERT_YOUR_BILLING_ID_HERE>/history?e=13803970,13803205
Another way to see how much you have queried is by enabling audit logging as described here.

How to remove an e-commerce transaction?

I have implemented google analytics ecommerce tracking in my website. But there was a mistake while passing parameters to google analytics. My order get tracked but product sku code is not set.
Its a dummy order that i dont want show in any google analytics report.
Can you suggest how can i delete this order from google analytics?
I am afraid you cannot remove data from GA once it has been collected.
What you can do is:
hide it: create an Advanced segment, the transaction remains in your GA profile but at least it is not included in the reports.
make a copy: copy the profile and delete the old one (it means you lose historical data)
There is one more option:
1.- You could create a new transaction with the same amount in money, but with a negative sign. For example, if you have recored a transaction for 1,000 dollars, you could recreate it with a "-1000.00" amount. Doing this would "cancell" the wrong transaction.
Important: This will only work when the user sees a long period of time, including the wrong transaction and the fix.
Julien is right. You cannot remove the data.
There're a couple more options in addition to Julien's suggestions though
You can go to "Filters" option of the view and try to see if you can filter it out. Luckily, ecommerce transactions have their own category that can help you narrow down the variable you need to use. (screenshot attached)
Go a little more advanced than filters and use "Data Import" where you import the ecommerce transactions via a spreadsheet thereby overwriting the transactions for that day. So, what you would essentially do is take all the real transactions of ecommerce from your ecommerce application, export them to CSV and then upload it into GA without the test transaction.
Lastly, a tip: create a test profile for things like this.
One of the answers hinted at data imports (but in a way that would probably not have worked). Universal Analytics actually introduced a way to refund transactions (effectively canceling them out) via data imports. However this only works if the data was collected via enhanced e-commerce tracking. As per documentation:
In order to process refunds you need to have collected transaction
data with the ec.js plugin
With standard e-commcerce-tracking Omar Gonzales' answer is still the only working option (I'd like to add the additonal caveat that the negative transaction might be attributed to the wrong channel, so make sure to look at the source/medium/campaign data for the transaction you want to cancel out and supply that data via utm parameters).
