How to create a new Project using the 'project.edit' Conduit API call - phabricator

Using Conduit, I would like to create a new project.
However, the Conduit documentation is rather cryptic, and the Transaction Types of 'project.edit' don't really give a clue on what transaction(s) are required/optional, to establish this.
I realize that there is a 'project.create' but is marked as to be deprecated.
Could any of you help me out here?

Basically if you don't specify an objectIdentifier, project.edit will create a new project. Probably the name is mandatory, I don't think that anything else is for projects.


Realm Query - RealmResults<SuperclassType>

Quite new to Realm, but off the bat I like it.
With that said, since progging in Java, I'm using inheritance/polymorphism extensively.
Does anyone know if Realm supports querying for saved data by using a superclass type that extends realm object?
final RealmResults result = iRealm.where(SuperclassType.class).findAll();
Thanks Kindly
It is not supported right now. You can follow for that. Until then you need to use composition over inheritance:

Symfony: Dynamic configuration file loading

Here is the context :
Each user of my application belongs to a company.
Parameters for each company are defined inside "company.yml" configuration files, all of them sharing the exact same structure.
These parameters are then used to tweak the application behavior.
It may sound trivial, but all I'm looking for is the proper way to load these specific YAML files.
From what I understood so far, using an Extension class isn't possible, since it has no knowledge about current user.
Using a custom service to manage these configurations rather than relying on Symfony's parameters seems more appropriate, but I can't find how to implement validation (using a Configuration class) and caching.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your inputs!
Using the Yaml, Processor and Configuration components of Symfony2 should fit your needs.
Define your "CompanyConfiguration" class as if you were in the DependencyInjection case
Create a new "CompanyLoader" service
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Processor;
$companies = Yaml::parse('company.yml');
$processor = new Processor();
$configuration = new CompanyConfiguration();
$processor->processConfiguration($configuration, $companies);
Now you should be able to use your companies array to do what you want
Have a look at as well as If that's not the correct answer you'll have to be more specific on what your company.yml configuration contains.

Where can Symfony services be useful?

There is the example of creating and using a service in the official documentation. At start we create some class, then register it in config/services.yml an then we can use it in our code like this:
$result = $this->get('app.myservice')->myMethod($arg);
//(In the [example][1] it is little bit other code:)
//$slug = $this->get('app.slugger')->slugify($post->getTitle());
But WHAT FOR? while I can just do the SAME like this:
use MyServiceNamespace/MyService
$result = (new MyService())->myMethod($arg);
Where is profit of using Services? Is this just syntax sugar?
Nope. Far from syntax sugar.
You need to have a working understanding of what dependency injection means. Perhaps start by skimming through here:
Let's suppose your service needs a doctrine repository to do it's job. Which is better?
class MyController
$userManager = $this->get('user.manager');
$userRepository = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('MyBundle::User');
$userManager = new UserManager($userRepository);
Your choice but once you have worked through the mechanics of how to add a service then you will never look back.
I should also point out that your sluglfy example requires a use statement and ties you code directly to a specific implementation. If you ever need to adjust your slugification then you need to go back and change all the places where it is used.
// These lines make your code more difficult to maintain
use Something\Slugify;
$slugify = new Slugify();
AS Opposed to
$slugify = $this->get('slugify');
'tIn this case, it's not really relevant. But from a simple design concern, services allow to make a better dependency management.
For instance, if you declare a service relaying on another one, then you won't have to instanciate both of them. Symfony will take care of it.
And since your declaration is centralized, any modification on the way you decide to create your service (= declare it), you won't have to change all the references to the services you changed since symfony will take care of the way it's instanciated when needed.
Another point is the scope of services. This information might be checked, but I think symfony instanciate service once (Singleton) which mean a better memory usage.

ResolvedParameter in Unity. Can somebody explain to when to use it?

I am sort of new to Unity all seems to be fine but I am kind of lost when to use
ResolvedParameter in Unity.
Googled and looked on MSDN but still cannot understand when to use it.
Do you have a simple example that could illustrate it's use.
Thanks a lot for your help
You may wish to configure a Type with constructor parameters of a resolved service and a string. In this case you would use ResolvedParameter.
Container.RegisterType<IRepository, Repository>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new ResolvedParameter<IClassifier>(),
It's for method injection; see Entering Configuration Information on MSDN. Scroll down to "Dynamically Configuring Constructor, Property, and Method Injection" and note that the ResolvedParameter is actually a parameter to the InjectionMethod constructor.
I've never encountered a need to use it. Constructor injection will solve 95% of your issues, and property injection will solve the other 5%. (Caveat: I've only used Unity on a couple of projects, so I don't claim to be an expert.)
As I see it its to be used when you have a constructor where at least one parameter can not be obtained from the container while the rest can. In such a situation you declare how to resolve each ctor parameter when actually creating a new instance of that type.
Container.RegisterSingleton<IConnectionManager, ConnectionManager>(new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<INetworkClientFactory>(), Container.Resolve<IBackoffAlgorithm>(), 10));
In my example, the IConnectionManager instance obtains the first parameter from the container (via ResolvedParameter), the 2nd one via Container.Resolve<>, and the 3rd one is a hard-coded integer.
ResolvedParameter should behave equal to a direct Container.Resolve<> but looks a tad cleaner.

MSAA COM-based?

I'm wondering if MSAA is COM-based, then one should be able to use CreateObject("Accessibility") to create an instance and call its methods. I had no success doing that. I have "OLEACC.DLL" in SYSTEM32 and it's registered with Windows. But the CreateObject fails.
Any thoughts?
I would like to use functions like AccessibleObjectFromPoint() to get the IAccessible object of the control at the given point.
Has anybody had such an experience?
Any input would be highly appreciated,
MSAA is COM based. However, there is no co-creatable class exposed, it exposes only interfaces. That's the reason you can't do CreateObject().
The MSAA-exposed APIs, like AccessibleObjectFromPoint and AccessibleObjectFromWindow are dll-exported C++ methods. You can use them from C++ by linking the proper lib or doing LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress with the function name. From C#, you can get the P/nvoke declaration for these from For example, here's the DllImport for AccessibleObjectFromWindow.
