A monad is a mathematical structure which is heavily used in (pure) functional programming, basically Haskell. However, there are many other mathematical structures available, like for example applicative functors, strong monads, or monoids. Some have more specific, some are more generic. Yet, monads are much more popular. Why is that?
One explanation I came up with, is that they are a sweet spot between genericity and specificity. This means monads capture enough assumptions about the data to apply the algorithms we typically use and the data we usually have fulfills the monadic laws.
Another explanation could be that Haskell provides syntax for monads (do-notation), but not for other structures, which means Haskell programmers (and thus functional programming researchers) are intuitively drawn towards monads, where a more generic or specific (efficient) function would work as well.
I suspect that the disproportionately large attention given to this one particular type class (Monad) over the many others is mainly a historical fluke. People often associate IO with Monad, although the two are independently useful ideas (as are list reversal and bananas). Because IO is magical (having an implementation but no denotation) and Monad is often associated with IO, it's easy to fall into magical thinking about Monad.
(Aside: it's questionable whether IO even is a monad. Do the monad laws hold? What do the laws even mean for IO, i.e., what does equality mean? Note the problematic association with the state monad.)
If a type m :: * -> * has a Monad instance, you get Turing-complete composition of functions with type a -> m b. This is a fantastically useful property. You get the ability to abstract various Turing-complete control flows away from specific meanings. It's a minimal composition pattern that supports abstracting any control flow for working with types that support it.
Compare this to Applicative, for instance. There, you get only composition patterns with computational power equivalent to a push-down automaton. Of course, it's true that more types support composition with more limited power. And it's true that when you limit the power available, you can do additional optimizations. These two reasons are why the Applicative class exists and is useful. But things that can be instances of Monad usually are, so that users of the type can perform the most general operations possible with the type.
By popular demand, here are some functions using the Monad class:
ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM c x y = c >>= \z -> if z then x else y
whileM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
whileM p step x = ifM (p x) (step x >>= whileM p step) (return x)
(*&&) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
x *&& y = ifM x y (return False)
(*||) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
x *|| y = ifM x (return True) y
notM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool
notM x = x >>= return . not
Combining those with do syntax (or the raw >>= operator) gives you name binding, indefinite looping, and complete boolean logic. That's a well-known set of primitives sufficient to give Turing completeness. Note how all the functions have been lifted to work on monadic values, rather than simple values. All monadic effects are bound only when necessary - only the effects from the chosen branch of ifM are bound into its final value. Both *&& and *|| ignore their second argument when possible. And so on..
Now, those type signatures may not involve functions for every monadic operand, but that's just a cognitive simplification. There would be no semantic difference, ignoring bottoms, if all the non-function arguments and results were changed to () -> m a. It's just friendlier to users to optimize that cognitive overhead out.
Now, let's look at what happens to those functions with the Applicative interface.
ifA :: Applicative f => f Bool -> f a -> f a -> f a
ifA c x y = (\c' x' y' -> if c' then x' else y') <$> c <*> x <*> y
Well, uh. It got the same type signature. But there's a really big problem here already. The effects of both x and y are bound into the composed structure, regardless of which one's value is selected.
whileA :: Applicative f => (a -> f Bool) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> f a
whileA p step x = ifA (p x) (whileA p step <$> step x) (pure x)
Well, ok, that seems like it'd be ok, except for the fact that it's an infinite loop because ifA will always execute both branches... Except it's not even that close. pure x has the type f a. whileA p step <$> step x has the type f (f a). This isn't even an infinite loop. It's a compile error. Let's try again..
whileA :: Applicative f => (a -> f Bool) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> f a
whileA p step x = ifA (p x) (whileA p step <*> step x) (pure x)
Well shoot. Don't even get that far. whileA p step has the type a -> f a. If you try to use it as the first argument to <*>, it grabs the Applicative instance for the top type constructor, which is (->), not f. Yeah, this isn't gonna work either.
In fact, the only function from my Monad examples that would work with the Applicative interface is notM. That particular function works just fine with only a Functor interface, in fact. The rest? They fail.
Of course it's to be expected that you can write code using the Monad interface that you can't with the Applicative interface. It is strictly more powerful, after all. But what's interesting is what you lose. You lose the ability to compose functions that change what effects they have based on their input. That is, you lose the ability to write certain control-flow patterns that compose functions with types a -> f b.
Turing-complete composition is exactly what makes the Monad interface interesting. If it didn't allow Turing-complete composition, it would be impossible for you, the programmer, to compose together IO actions in any particular control flow that wasn't nicely prepackaged for you. It was the fact that you can use the Monad primitives to express any control flow that made the IO type a feasible way to manage the IO problem in Haskell.
Many more types than just IO have semantically valid Monad interfaces. And it happens that Haskell has the language facilities to abstract over the entire interface. Due to those factors, Monad is a valuable class to provide instances for, when possible. Doing so gets you access to all the existing abstract functionality provided for working with monadic types, regardless of what the concrete type is.
So if Haskell programmers seem to always care about Monad instances for a type, it's because it's the most generically-useful instance that can be provided.
First, I think that it is not quite true that monads are much more popular than anything else; both Functor and Monoid have many instances that are not monads. But they are both very specific; Functor provides mapping, Monoid concatenation. Applicative is the one class that I can think of that is probably underused given its considerable power, due largely to its being a relatively recent addition to the language.
But yes, monads are extremely popular. Part of that is the do notation; a lot of Monoids provide Monad instances that merely append values to a running accumulator (essentially an implicit writer). The blaze-html library is a good example. The reason, I think, is the power of the type signature (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. While fmap and mappend are useful, what they can do is fairly narrowly constrained. bind, however, can express a wide variety of things. It is, of course, canonized in the IO monad, perhaps the best pure functional approach to IO before streams and FRP (and still useful beside them for simple tasks and defining components). But it also provides implicit state (Reader/Writer/ST), which can avoid some very tedious variable passing. The various state monads, especially, are important because they provide a guarantee that state is single threaded, allowing mutable structures in pure (non-IO) code before fusion. But bind has some more exotic uses, such as flattening nested data structures (the List and Set monads), both of which are quite useful in their place (and I usually see them used desugared, calling liftM or (>>=) explicitly, so it is not a matter of do notation). So while Functor and Monoid (and the somewhat rarer Foldable, Alternative, Traversable, and others) provide a standardized interface to a fairly straightforward function, Monad's bind is considerably more flexibility.
In short, I think that all your reasons have some role; the popularity of monads is due to a combination of historical accident (do notation and the late definition of Applicative) and their combination of power and generality (relative to functors, monoids, and the like) and understandability (relative to arrows).
Well, first let me explain what the role of monads is: Monads are very powerful, but in a certain sense: You can pretty much express anything using a monad. Haskell as a language doesn't have things like action loops, exceptions, mutation, goto, etc. Monads can be expressed within the language (so they are not special) and make all of these reachable.
There is a positive and a negative side to this: It's positive that you can express all those control structures you know from imperative programming and a whole bunch of them you don't. I have just recently developed a monad that lets you reenter a computation somewhere in the middle with a slightly changed context. That way you can run a computation, and if it fails, you just try again with slightly adjusted values. Furthermore monadic actions are first class, and that's how you build things like loops or exception handling. While while is primitive in C in Haskell it's actually just a regular function.
The negative side is that monads give you pretty much no guarantees whatsoever. They are so powerful that you are allowed to do whatever you want, to put it simply. In other words just like you know from imperative languages it can be hard to reason about code by just looking at it.
The more general abstractions are more general in the sense that they allow some concepts to be expressed which you can't express as monads. But that's only part of the story. Even for monads you can use a style known as applicative style, in which you use the applicative interface to compose your program from small isolated parts. The benefit of this is that you can reason about code by just looking at it and you can develop components without having to pay attention to the rest of your system.
What is so special about monads?
The monadic interface's main claim to fame in Haskell is its role in the replacement of the original and unwieldy dialogue-based I/O mechanism.
As for their status in a formal investigative is merely an iteration of a seemingly-cyclic endeavour which is now (2021 Oct) approximately one half-century old:
During the 1960s, several researchers began work on proving things about programs. Efforts were
made to prove that:
A program was correct.
Two programs with different code computed the same answers when given the
same inputs.
One program was faster than another.
A given program would always terminate.
While these are abstract goals, they are all, really, the same as the practical goal of "getting the
program debugged".
Several difficult problems emerged from this work. One was the problem of specification: before
one can prove that a program is correct, one must specify the meaning of "correct", formally and
unambiguously. Formal systems for specifying the meaning of a program were developed, and they
looked suspiciously like programming languages.
The Anatomy of Programming Languages, Alice E. Fischer and Frances S. Grodzinsky.
(emphasis by me.)
...back when "programming languages" - apart from an intrepid few - were most definitely imperative.
Anyone for elevating this mystery to the rank of Millenium problem? Solving it would definitely advance the science of computing and the engineering of software, one way or the other...
Monads are special because of do notation, which lets you write imperative programs in a functional language. Monad is the abstraction that allows you to splice together imperative programs from smaller, reusable components (which are themselves imperative programs). Monad transformers are special because they represent enhancing an imperative language with new features.
Why is the Haskell implementation so focused on linked lists?
For example, I know Data.Sequence is more efficient
with most of the list operations (except for the cons operation), and is used a lot;
syntactically, though, it is "hardly supported". Haskell has put a lot of effort into functional abstractions, such as the Functor and the Foldable class, but their syntax is not compatible with that of the default list.
If, in a project I want to optimize and replace my lists with sequences - or if I suddenly want support for infinite collections, and replace my sequences with lists - the resulting code changes are abhorrent.
So I guess my wondering can be made concrete in questions such as:
Why isn't the type of map equal to (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b?
Why can't the [] and (:) functions be used for, for example, the type in Data.Sequence?
I am really hoping there is some explanation for this, that doesn't include the words "backwards compatibility" or "it just grew that way", though if you think there isn't, please let me know. Any relevant language extensions are welcome as well.
Before getting into why, here's a summary of the problem and what you can do about it. The constructors [] and (:) are reserved for lists and cannot be redefined. If you plan to use the same code with multiple data types, then define or choose a type class representing the interface you want to support, and use methods from that class.
Here are some generalized functions that work on both lists and sequences. I don't know of a generalization of (:), but you could write your own.
fmap instead of map
mempty instead of []
mappend instead of (++)
If you plan to do a one-off data type replacement, then you can define your own names for things, and redefine them later.
-- For now, use lists
type List a = [a]
nil = []
cons x xs = x : xs
{- Switch to Seq in the future
-- type List a = Seq a
-- nil = empty
-- cons x xs = x <| xs
Note that [] and (:) are constructors: you can also use them for pattern matching. Pattern matching is specific to one type constructor, so you can't extend a pattern to work on a new data type without rewriting the pattern-matchign code.
Why there's so much list-specific stuff in Haskell
Lists are commonly used to represent sequential computations, rather than data. In an imperative language, you might build a Set with a loop that creates elements and inserts them into the set one by one. In Haskell, you do the same thing by creating a list and then passing the list to Set.fromList. Since lists so closely match this abstraction of computation, they have a place that's unlikely to ever be superseded by another data structure.
The fact remains that some functions are list-specific when they could have been generic. Some common functions like map were made list-specific so that new users would have less to learn. In particular, they provide simpler and (it was decided) more understandable error messages. Since it's possible to use generic functions instead, the problem is really just a syntactic inconvenience. It's worth noting that Haskell language implementations have very little list-speficic code, so new data structures and methods can be just as efficient as the "built-in" ones.
There are several classes that are useful generalizations of lists:
Functor supplies fmap, a generalization of map.
Monoid supplies methods useful for collections with list-like structure. The empty list [] is generalized to other containers by mempty, and list concatenation (++) is generalized to other containers by mappend.
Applicative and Monad supply methods that are useful for interpreting collections as computations.
Traversable and Foldable supply useful methods for running computations over collections.
Of these, only Functor and Monad were in the influential Haskell 98 spec, so the others have been overlooked to varying degrees by library writers, depending on when the library was written and how actively it was maintained. The core libraries have been good about supporting new interfaces.
I remember reading somewhere that map is for lists by default since newcomers to Haskell would be put off if they made a mistake and saw a complex error about "Functors", which they have no idea about. Therefore, they have both map and fmap instead of just map.
EDIT: That "somewhere" is the Monad Reader Issue 13, page 20, footnote 3:
3You might ask why we need a separate map function. Why not just do away with the current
list-only map function, and rename fmap to map instead? Well, that’s a good question. The
usual argument is that someone just learning Haskell, when using map incorrectly, would much
rather see an error about lists than about Functors.
For (:), the (<|) function seems to be a replacement. I have no idea about [].
A nitpick, Data.Sequence isn't more efficient for "list operations", it is more efficient for sequence operations. That said, a lot of the functions in Data.List are really sequence operations. The finger tree inside Data.Sequence has to do quite a bit more work for a cons (<|) equivalent to list (:), and its memory representation is also somewhat larger than a list as it is made from two data types a FingerTree and a Deep.
The extra syntax for lists is fine, it hits the sweet spot at what lists are good at - cons (:) and pattern-matching from the left. Whether or not sequences should have extra syntax is further debate, but as you can get a very long way with lists, and lists are inherently simple, having good syntax is a must.
List isn't an ideal representation for Strings - the memory layout is inefficient as each Char is wrapped with a constructor. This is why ByteStrings were introduced. Although they are laid out as an array ByteStrings have to do a bit of administrative work - [Char] can still be competitive if you are using short strings. In GHC there are language extensions to give ByteStrings more String-like syntax.
The other major lazy functional Clean has always represented strings as byte arrays, but its type system made this more practical - I believe the ByteString library uses unsafePerfomIO under the hood.
With version 7.8, ghc supports overloading list literals, compare the manual. For example, given appropriate IsList instances, you can write
['0' .. '9'] :: Set Char
[1 .. 10] :: Vector Int
[("default",0), (k1,v1)] :: Map String Int
['a' .. 'z'] :: Text
(quoted from the documentation).
I am pretty sure this won't be an answer to your question, but still.
I wish Haskell had more liberal function names(mixfix!) a la Agda. Then, the syntax for list constructors (:,[]) wouldn't have been magic; allowing us to at least hide the list type and use the same tokens for our own types.
The amount of code change while migrating between list and custom sequence types would be minimal then.
About map, you are a bit luckier. You can always hide map, and set it equal to fmap yourself.
import Prelude hiding(map)
map :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
map = fmap
Prelude is great, but it isn't the best part of Haskell.
Basically, I know how to create graph data structures and use Dijkstra's algorithm in programming languages where side effects are allowed. Typically, graph algorithms use a structure to mark certain nodes as 'visited', but this has side effects, which I'm trying to avoid.
I can think of one way to implement this in a functional language, but it basically requires passing around large amounts of state to different functions, and I'm wondering if there is a more space-efficient solution.
You might check out how Martin Erwig's Haskell functional graph library does things. For instance, its shortest-path functions are all pure, and you can see the source code for how it's implemented.
Another option, like fmark mentioned, is to use an abstraction which allows you to implement pure functions in terms of state. He mentions the State monad (which is available in both lazy and strict varieties). Another option, if you're working in the GHC Haskell compiler/interpreter (or, I think, any Haskell implementation which supports rank-2 types), another option is the ST monad, which allows you to write pure functions which deal with mutable variables internally.
If you were using haskell, the only functional language with which I am familiar, I would recommend using the State monad. The State monad is an abstraction for a function that takes a state and returns an intermediate value and some new state value. This is considered idiomatic haskell for those situations where maintaining a large state is necessary.
It is a much nicer alternative to the naive "return state as a function result and pass it as a parameter" idiom that is emphasized in beginner functional programming tutorials. I imagine most functional programming languages have a similar construct.
I just keep the visited set as a set and pass it as a parameter. There are efficient log-time implementations of sets of any ordered type and extra-efficient sets of integers.
To represent a graph I use adjacency lists, or I'll use a finite map that maps each node to a list of its successors. It depends what I want to do.
Rather than Abelson and Sussman, I recommend Chris Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures. I've linked to Chris's dissertation, but if you have the money, he expanded it into an excellent book.
Just for grins, here's a slightly scary reverse postorder depth-first search done in continuation-passing style in Haskell. This is straight out of the Hoopl optimizer library:
postorder_dfs_from_except :: forall block e . (NonLocal block, LabelsPtr e)
=> LabelMap (block C C) -> e -> LabelSet -> [block C C]
postorder_dfs_from_except blocks b visited =
vchildren (get_children b) (\acc _visited -> acc) [] visited
vnode :: block C C -> ([block C C] -> LabelSet -> a)
-> ([block C C] -> LabelSet -> a)
vnode block cont acc visited =
if setMember id visited then
cont acc visited
let cont' acc visited = cont (block:acc) visited in
vchildren (get_children block) cont' acc (setInsert id visited)
where id = entryLabel block
vchildren bs cont acc visited = next bs acc visited
where next children acc visited =
case children of [] -> cont acc visited
(b:bs) -> vnode b (next bs) acc visited
get_children block = foldr add_id [] $ targetLabels bloc
add_id id rst = case lookupFact id blocks of
Just b -> b : rst
Nothing -> rst
Here is a Swift example. You might find this a bit more readable. The variables are actually descriptively named, unlike the super cryptic Haskell examples.
Most functional languages support inner functions. So you can just create your graph representation in the outermost layer and just reference it from the inner function.
This book covers it extensively
I would love to hear about some really clever technique, but I think there are two fundamental approaches:
Modify some global state object. i.e. side-effects
Pass the graph as an argument to your functions with the return value being the modified graph. I assume this is your approach of "passing around large amounts of state"
That is what's done in functional programming. If the compiler/interpreter is any good, it will help manage memory for you. In particular, you'll want to make sure that you use tail recursion, if you happen to recurse in any of your functions.
Closures are poor man's objects and vice versa.
I have seen this statement at many places on the web (including SO) but I don't quite understand what it means. Could someone please explain what it exactly means?
If possible, please include examples in your answer.
Objects are poor man's closures.
Consider Java. Java is an object-oriented programming language with no language level support for real lexical closures. As a work-around Java programmers use anonymous inner classes that can close over the variables available in lexical scope (provided they're final). In this sense, objects are poor man's closures.
Closures are poor man's objects.
Consider Haskell. Haskell is a functional language with no language level support for real objects. However they can be modeled using closures, as described in this excellent paper by Oleg Kiselyov and Ralf Lammel. In this sense, closures are poor man's objects.
If you come from an OO background, you'll probably find thinking in terms of objects more natural, and may therefore think of them as a more fundamental concept than closures. If you come from a FP background, you might find thinking in terms of closures more natural, and may therefore think of them as a more fundamental concept than objects.
Moral of the story is that closures and objects are ideas that are expressible in terms of each other, and none is more fundamental than the other. That's all there is to the statement under consideration.
In philosophy, this is referred to as model dependent realism.
The point is that closures and objects accomplish the same goal: encapsulation of data and/or functionality in a single, logical unit.
For example, you might make a Python class that represents a dog like this:
class Dog(object):
def __init__(self):
self.breed = "Beagle"
self.height = 12
self.weight = 15
self.age = 1
def feed(self, amount):
self.weight += amount / 5.0
def grow(self):
self.weight += 2
self.height += .25
def bark(self):
print "Bark!"
And then I instantiate the class as an object
>>> Shaggy = Dog()
The Shaggy object has data and functionality built in. When I call Shaggy.feed(5), he gains a pound. That pound is stored in variable that's stored as an attribute of the object, which more or less means that it's in the objects internal scope.
If I was coding some Javascript, I'd do something similar:
var Shaggy = function() {
var breed = "Beagle";
var height = 12;
var weight = 15;
var age = 1;
return {
feed : function(){
weight += amount / 5.0;
grow : function(){
weight += 2;
height += .25;
bark : function(){
stats : function(){
window.alert(breed "," height "," weight "," age);
Here, instead of creating a scope within an object, I've created a scope within a function and then called that function. The function returns a JavaScript object composed of some functions. Because those functions access data that was allocated in the local scope, the memory isn't reclaimed, allowing you to continue to use them through the interface provided by the closure.
An object, at its simplest, is just a collection of state and functions that operate on that state. A closure is also a collection of state and a function that operates on that state.
Let's say I call a function that takes a callback. In this callback, I need to operate on some state known before the function call. I can create an object that embodies this state ("fields") and contains a member function ("method") that performs as the callback. Or, I could take the quick and easy ("poor man's") route and create a closure.
As an object:
class CallbackState{
object state;
public CallbackState(object state){this.state = state;}
public void Callback(){
// do something with state
void Foo(){
object state = GenerateState();
CallbackState callback = new CallbackState(state);
This is pseudo-C#, but is similar in concept to other OO languages. As you can see, there's a fair amount of boilerplate involved with the callback class to manage the state. This would be much simpler using a closure:
void Foo(){
object state = GenerateState();
PerformOperation(()=>{/*do something with state*/});
This is a lambda (again, in C# syntax, but the concept is similar in other languages that support closures) that gives us all the capabilities of the class, without having to write, use, and maintain a separate class.
You'll also hear the corollary: "objects are a poor man's closure". If I can't or won't take advantage of closures, then I am forced to do their work using objects, as in my first example. Although objects provide more functionality, closures are often a better choice where a closure will work, for the reasons already stated.
Hence, a poor man without objects can often get the job done with closures, and a poor man without closures can get the job done using objects. A rich man has both and uses the right one for each job.
EDITED: The title of the question does not include "vice versa" so I'll try not to assume the asker's intent.
The two common camps are functional vs imperative languages. Both are tools that can accomplish similar tasks in different ways with different sets of concerns.
Closures are poor man's objects.
Objects are poor man's closures.
Individually, each statement usually means the author has a some bias, one way or another, usually rooted in their comfort with one language or class of language vs discomfort with another. If not bias, they may be constrained with one environment or the other. The authors I read that say this sort of thing are usually the zealot, purist or language religious types. I avoid the language religious types if possible.
Closures are poor man's objects. Objects are poor man's closures.
The author of that is a "pragmatist" and also pretty clever. It means the author appreciates both points of view and appreciates they are conceptually one and the same. This is my sort of fellow.
Just so much sugar, as closures hide anonymous objects under their skirts.
"Objects are a poor man's closures" isn't just a statement of some theoretical equivalence — it's a common Java idiom. It's very common to use anonymous classes to wrap up a function that captures the current state. Here's how it's used:
public void foo() {
final String message = "Hey ma, I'm closed over!";
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
This even looks a lot like the equivalent code using a closure in another language. For example, using Objective-C blocks (since Objective-C is reasonably similar to Java):
void foo() {
NSString *message = #"Hey ma, I'm closed over!";
[[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
printf("%s\n", [message UTF8String]);
The only real difference is that the functionality is wrapped in the new Runnable() anonymous class instance in the Java version.
That objects can be used as a replacement for closures is quite easy to understand, you just place the captured state in the object and the calling as a method. Indeed for example C++ lambda closures are implemented as objects (things are sort of tricky for C++ because the language doesn't provide garbage collection and true closures with mutable shared state are therefore hard to implement correctly because of the lifetime of captured context).
The opposite (closures can be used as objects) is less observed but it's IMO a very powerful technique... consider for example (Python)
def P2d(x, y):
def f(cmd, *args):
nonlocal x, y
if cmd == "x": return x
if cmd == "y": return y
if cmd == "set-x": x = args[0]
if cmd == "set-y": y = args[0]
return f
The function P2d returns a closure that captured the two values of x and y. The closure then provide access for reading and writing to them using a command. For example
p = P2d(10, 20)
p("x") # --> 10
p("set-x", 99)
p("x") # --> 99
so the closure is behaving like an object; moreover as any access is going through the command interface it's very easy to implement delegation, inheritance, computed attributes etc.
The nice book "Let Over Lambda" builds over this idea using Lisp as a language, but any language that supports closures can use this technique (in Lisp the advantage is that you can also bend the syntax using macros and read macros to improve usability and automatically generate all boilerplate code). The title of the book is exactly about this... a let wrapping a lambda:
(defun p2d (x y)
(let ((x x) (y y))
(lambda (cmd &rest args)
((eq cmd 'x) x)
((eq cmd 'y) y)
((eq cmd 'set-x) (setq x (first args)))
((eq cmd 'set-y) (setq y (first args)))))))
Actually I'm not sure I agree with the "poor" adjective in this approach.
How good is 'pure' functional programming for basic routine implementations, e.g. list sorting, string matching etc.?
It's common to implement such basic functions within the base interpreter of any functional language, which means that they will be written in an imperative language (c/c++). Although there are many exceptions..
At least, I wish to ask: How difficult is it to emulate imperative style while coding in 'pure' functional language?
How good is 'pure' functional
programming for basic routine
implementations, e.g. list sorting,
string matching etc.?
Very. I'll do your problems in Haskell, and I'll be slightly verbose about it. My aim is not to convince you that the problem can be done in 5 characters (it probably can in J!), but rather to give you an idea of the constructs.
import Data.List -- for `sort`
stdlistsorter :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
stdlistsorter list = sort list
Sorting a list using the sort function from Data.List
import Data.List -- for `delete`
selectionsort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
selectionsort [] = []
selectionsort list = minimum list : (selectionsort . delete (minimum list) $ list)
Selection sort implementation.
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) =
let smallerSorted = quicksort [a | a <- xs, a <= x]
biggerSorted = quicksort [a | a <- xs, a > x]
in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
Quick sort implementation.
import Data.List -- for `isInfixOf`
stdstringmatch :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
stdstringmatch list1 list2 = list1 `isInfixOf` list2
String matching using isInfixOf function from Data.list
It's common to implement such basic
functions within the base interpreter
of any functional language, which
means that they will be written in an
imperative language (c/c++). Although
there are many exceptions..
Depends. Some functions are more naturally expressed imperatively. However, I hope I have convinced you that some algorithms are also expressed naturally in a functional way.
At least, I wish to ask: How difficult
is it to emulate imperative style
while coding in 'pure' functional
It depends on how hard you find Monads in Haskell. Personally, I find it quite difficult to grasp.
1) Good by what standard? What properties do you desire?
List sorting? Easy. Let's do Quicksort in Haskell:
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = sort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ sort (filter (>= x) xs)
This code has the advantage of being extremely easy to understand. If the list is empty, it's sorted. Otherwise, call the first element x, find elements less than x and sort them, find elements greater than x and sort those. Then concatenate the sorted lists with x in the middle. Try making that look comprehensible in C++.
Of course, Mergesort is much faster for sorting linked lists, but the code is also 6 times longer.
2) It's extremely easy to implement imperative style while staying purely functional. The essence of imperative style is sequencing of actions. Actions are sequenced in a pure setting by using monads. The essence of monads is the binding function:
(Monad m) => (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
This function exists in C++, and it's called ;.
A sequence of actions in Haskell, for example, is written thusly:
putStrLn "What's your name?" >>=
const (getLine >>= \name -> putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name))
Some syntax sugar is available to make this look more imperative (but note that this is the exact same code):
do {
putStrLn "What's your name?";
name <- getLine;
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name);
Nearly all functional programming languages have some construct to allow for imperative coding (like do in Haskell). There are many problem domains that can't be solved with "pure" functional programming. One of those is network protocols, for example where you need a series of commands in the right order. And such things don't lend themselves well to pure functional programming.
I have to agree with Lothar, though, that list sorting and string matching are not really examples you need to solve imperatively. There are well-known algorithms for such things and they can be implemented efficiently in functional languages already.
I think that 'algorithms' (e.g. method bodies and basic data structures) are where functional programming is best. Assuming nothing completely IO/state-dependent, functional programming excels are authoring algorithms and data structures, often resulting in shorter/simpler/cleaner code than you'd get with an imperative solution. (Don't emulate imperative style, FP style is better for most of these kinds of tasks.)
You want imperative stuff sometimes to deal with IO or low-level performance, and you want OOP for partitioning the high-level design and architecture of a large program, but "in the small" where you write most of your code, FP is a win.
See also
How does functional programming affect the structure of your code?
It works pretty well the other way round emulating functional with imperative style.
Remember that the internal of an interpreter or VM ware so close to metal and performance critical that you should even consider going to assember level and count the the clock cycles for each instruction (like Smalltalk Dophin is just doing it and the results are impressive).
CPU's are imperative.
But there is no problem to do all the basic algorithm implementation - the one you mention are NOT low level - they are basics.
I don't know about list sorting, but you'd be hard pressed to bootstrapp a language without some kind of string matching in the compiler or runtime. So you need that routine to create the language. As there isn't a great deal of point writing the same code twice, when you create the library for matching strings within the language, you call the code written earlier. The degree to which this happens in successive releases will depend on how self hosting the language is, but unless that's a strong design goal there won't be any reason to change it.