executing multiple select statements to pick a value in where condition using Case statement - case

Case statement with select statement as loops in where condition
need to bring values by referring two tables. if the value doesn't exist in table a it has to refer the 2nd table
Sel * from Table A
where city = (case when (sel distinct city from Table A) is null
then (sel city from Table B) end)
expected output is as shown below
Sel * from Table A
where City = 'XYZ'
if value is not present in table A it has to refer Table B statement and show the value in where condition

The one thing you need to be careful with here is to make sure you return a single value in your scalar sub-queries -- (sel distinct city from Table A) and (sel city from Table B). If you can always guarantee that then I think your query will work as is.
A safer way to do it is guarantee you always get one row. Here's one option:
WHERE City = (
-- Get all cities from TableA
SELECT city, 1 AS table_priority
FROM tableA
-- Get all cities from TableB
SELECT city, 2
FROM tableB
) src
QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY src.table_priority, src.city) = 1 -- Return one row


Is it possible to compare value to multiple columns in ''In'' clause?

select m.value
from MY_TABLE m
where m.value in (select m2.some_third_value, m2.some_fourth_value
from MY_TABLE_2 m2
where m2.first_val member of v_my_array
or m2.second_val member of v_my_array_2)
Is it possible to write a select similar to this, where m.value is compared to two columns and has to match at least one of those? Something like where m.value in (select m2.first_val, m2.second_val). Or is writing two separate selects unavoidable here?
No. When there are multiple columns in the IN clause, there must be the same number of columns in the WHERE clause. The pairwise query compares each record in the WHERE clause against the records returned by the sub-query. The statement below
FROM table_main m
WHERE ( m.col_1, m.col_2 ) IN (SELECT s.col_a,
FROM table_sub s)
is equivalent to
FROM table_main m
FROM table_sub s
WHERE m.col_1 = s.col_a
AND m.col_2 = s.col_b)
The only way to search both columns in one SELECT statement would be to OUTER JOIN the second table to the first table.
FROM table_main m
LEFT JOIN table_sub s ON (m.col_1 = s.col_a OR m.col_1 = s.col_b)
WHERE m.col_1 = s.col_a
OR m.col_1 = s.col_b

unique one column adn return all data with mariaDB [duplicate]

My database structure contains columns: id, name, value, dealer. I want to retrieve row with lowest value for each dealer. I've been trying to mess up with MIN() and GROUP BY, still - no solution.
SELECT t1.* FROM your_table t1
SELECT MIN(value) AS min_value, dealer
FROM your_table
GROUP BY dealer
) AS t2 ON t1.dealer = t2.dealer AND t1.value = t2.min_value
Solution2 (recommended, much faster than solution1):
SELECT t1.* FROM your_table t1
LEFT JOIN your_table t2
ON t1.dealer = t2.dealer AND t1.value > t2.value
WHERE t2.value IS NULL
This problem is very famous, so there is a special page for this in Mysql's manual.
Check this: Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum/Minimum of a Certain Column
select id,name,MIN(value) as pkvalue,dealer from TABLENAME
group by id,name,dealer;
here you group all rows by id,name,dealer and then you will get min value as pkvalue.
SELECT MIN(value),dealer FROM table_name GROUP BY dealer;
First you need to resolve the lowest value for each dealer, and then retrieve rows having that value for a particular dealer. I would do this that way:
FROM your_table AS a
JOIN (SELECT dealer,
Min(value) AS m
FROM your_table
GROUP BY dealer) AS b
ON ( a.dealer= b.dealer
AND a.value = b.m )
Try following:
SELECT dealer, MIN(value) as "Lowest value"
FROM value
GROUP BY dealer;
select id, name, value, dealer from yourtable where dealer
in(select min(dealer) from yourtable group by name, value)
These answers seem to miss the edge case of having multiple minimum values for a dealer and only wanting to return one row.
If you want to only want one value for each dealer you can use row_number partition - group - the table by dealer then order the data by value and id. we have to make the assumption that you will want the row with the smallest id.
SELECT ord_tbl.id,
FROM (SELECT your_table.*,
FROM your_table
) AS ord_tbl
WHERE ord_tbl.ROW_NUMBER = 1;
Be careful though that value, id and dealer are indexed. If not this will do a full table scan and can get pretty slow...

Cannot replace a string with several random strings taken from another table in sqlite

I'm trying to replace a placeholder string inside a selection of 10 random records with a random string (a name) taken from another table, using only sqlite statements.
i've done a subquery in order to replace() of the placeholder with the results of a subquery. I thought that each subquery loaded a random name from the names table, but i've found that it's not the case and each placeholder is replaced with the same string.
select id, (replace (snippet, "%NAME%", (select
name from names
where gender = "male"
) )
) as snippet
from imagedata
where timestamp is not NULL
order by random()
limit 10
I was expecting for each row of the SELECT to have different random replacement every time the subquery is invoked.
hello i'm %NAME% and this is my house
This is the car of %NAME%, let me know what you think
instead each row has the same kind of replacement:
hello i'm david and this is my house
This is the car of david, let me know what you think
and so on...
I'm not sure it can be done inside sqlite or if i have to do it in php over two different database queries.
Thanks in advance!
Seems that random() in the subquery is only evaluated once.
Try this:
replace(i.snippet, '%NAME%', n.name) snippet
from (
abs(random()) % (select count(*) from names where gender = 'male') + 1 num
from imagedata
where timestamp is not NULL
order by random() limit 10
) i inner join (
(select count(*) from names where name < n.name and gender = 'male') + 1 num
from names n
where gender = 'male'
) n on n.num = i.num

Query fails to execute after converting a column from Varchar2 to CLOB

I have a oracle query
select id from (
select ID, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by LATEST_RECEIPT order by ID) rownumber
from Table
select LATEST_RECEIPT from Table
having COUNT(1) > 1
) t
where rownumber <> 1;
The data type of LATEST_RECEIPT was earlier varchar2(4000) and this query worked fine. Since the length of the column needs to be extended i modified it to CLOB, after which this fails. Could anyone help me fix this issue or provide a work around?
You can change your inner query to look for other rows with the same last_receipt value but a different ID (assuming ID is unique); if another row exists then that is equivalent to your count returning greater than one. But you can't simply test two CLOB values for equality, you need to use dbms_lob.compare:
select ID
from your_table t1
where exists (
select null from your_table t2
where dbms_lob.compare(t2.LATEST_RECEIPT, t1.LATEST_RECEIPT) = 0
and t2.ID != t1.ID
-- or if ID isn't unique: and t2.ROWID != t1.ROWID
Applying the row number filter is tricker, as you also can't use a CLOB in the analytic partition by clause. As André Schild suggested, you can use a hash; here passing the integer value 3, which is the equivalent of dbms_crypto.hash_sh1 (though in theory that could change in a future release!):
select id from (
select ID, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by dbms_crypto.hash(LATEST_RECEIPT, 3)
order by ID) rownumber
from your_table t1
where exists (
select null from your_table t2
where dbms_lob.compare(t2.LATEST_RECEIPT, t1.LATEST_RECEIPT) = 0
and t2.ID != t1.ID
-- or if ID isn't unique: and t2.ROWID != t1.ROWID
where rownumber > 1;
It is of course possible to get a hash collision, and if that happened - you had two latest_receipt values which both appeared more than once and both hashed to the same value - then you could get too many rows back. That seems pretty unlikely, but it's something to consider.
So rather than ordering you can only look for rows which have the same lastest_receipt and a lower ID:
select ID
from your_table t1
where exists (
select null from your_table t2
where dbms_lob.compare(t2.LATEST_RECEIPT, t1.LATEST_RECEIPT) = 0
and t2.ID < t1.ID
Again that assumes ID is unique. If it isn't then you could still use rowid instead, but you would have less control over which rows were found - the lowest rowid isn't necessarily the lowest ID. Presumably you're using this to dine rows to delete. If you actually don't mind which row you keep and which you delete then you could still do:
and t2.ROWID < t1.ROWID
But since you are currently ordering that probably isn't acceptable, and hashing might be preferable, despite the small risk.

record types that weren't found for a specific value in oracle query

I have this query
Select distinct p_id, p_date,p_city
from p_master
where p_a_id in(1,2,5,8,2,1,10,02)
and my IN clause contains 200 values. How do I get to know which ones weren't returned by the query. Each value in the IN clause may have a record in some cases they don't. I want to know all the records that weren't found for any selected p_a_id type.
Please help
This will do the trick but I'm sure there's an easier way to find this out :-)
with test1 as
(select '1,2,5,8,2,1,10,02' str from dual)
select * from (
select trim(x.column_value.extract('e/text()')) cols
from test1 t, table (xmlsequence(xmltype('<e><e>' || replace(t.str,',','</e><e>')|| '</e></e>').extract('e/e'))) x) cols
left outer join
(Select count(*), p_a_id from p_master where p_a_id in (1,2,5,8,2,1,10,02) group by p_a_id) p
on p.p_a_id = cols.cols
where p_a_id is null
