How to determine tab order in Shiny - r

What determines the user tabbing order in shiny? (Where the cursor goes in the input fields on each tab press).
I've looked for documentation on this but can't find anything.


Simulating button click in Tcl/TK R package

I would like to simulate a button click to switch from one tab to another after a specific action has been performed. I.e. say there are two tabs, and I am currently located in the second tab. I click a button in the second tab which calls a function that changes the second tab to the first tab. I am not sure how to "mimic" the button click that Tcl/TK handles when switching tabs using the mouse. Is there a way to do this? Thank you!
Tab notebooks have a select method that does tab selection. Which tab to switch to can be chosen by a few schemes, but the important ones for most code are:
By index (counting from zero; 0 for the first tab, 1 for the second, ...)
By handle of managed child widget (often a frame, but not necessarily)

Dynamic tab with dynamic select input option- R shiny

I am developing a shiny application. It is almost completed.
I need to hide one tab dynamically. But this tab also has one dynamic selectInput option.
I am able to only hide a tab when it does not have any dynamic input selection.
Here I am confused that if in UI part I am using for example:
for Dynamic tab then where should I mention
for dynamic selectInput option.
Please assist. Let me know if you need more information.

select2 - Loading remote data - always show search field but expand with results/noResults on focus

is it possible in Select2 to while using Loading remote data to have the search input always visible and not expanded only when clicked on the select?
The next thing would be to hide the search results (or no results, or please enter n or more character message) until the user has clicked inside the input.
And the last thing would be to put some placeholder text inside the search field.
I've been playing around with it for some time but can't figure it out.

R: Hover Event in Shiny App

I have a datatable within a Shiny app containing thousands of records and 10 fields. One of the fields, 'Notes', contains the body of a unique email sent to each record. Due to the size of some of the emails, it takes up a lot of room in the datatable. I would like to create an info icon for each row that when hovered over will display the email associated with that row in a popup window which will subsequently go away after moving the mouse off of the icon. Is this possible in Shiny?
Yes. First, you'll need to process that email text as HTML and add the following tags:
<i class='fa fa-info-circle' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='right' title='YOUR EMAIL TEXT'></i>
Depending on the size of your email, that tooltip might become a bit heavy, but this does what you want it to do.
Note that this is assuming you're running shinyDashboard (although I think any of the options - fluidPage, navbarPage etc - will work).
You also need to set escape = FALSE in datatable(x, escape = FALSE)
You can have a look at this implementation. For a table demo, click on GO, then click on the 'Health Behaviors' tab.

track order of selected items in checkboxgroup for variable amount of options in Shiny

I am using checkbox group as a tool for a user to select some parameters. The things displayed in the checkbox group is dynamic based on files some one uploads. I can get the selected checkboxes, but sometimes, the user needs to select them in a specific order, and shiny will only allow one order, the way it currently is. I'm not sure how to go about doing this, or if there is a widget in shiny that can do this for me. Thanks.
