This is the header file for my treeItem.
class TreeItem
explicit TreeItem( Container *data , TreeItem *parent = 0 );
TreeItem *parent();
void appendChild(TreeItem *child);
TreeItem& operator = (const TreeItem &item);
TreeItem *child(int iNumber);
int childCount() const;
int childNumber() const;
Container data() const ;
Container* GetContainer();
bool setData(Container* data , QVariant value);
void setContainer( Container* data);
bool insertChildren(int position, int count );
bool removeChildren( int position , int count );
void removeChild(int row);
void removeChild(TreeItem* itm);
QList<TreeItem*> children();
std::string getChildName(int row);
std::string getName();
int row() const;
void insertChild(int pos, TreeItem *child);
QList<TreeItem*> childItems;
Container* itemData;
TreeItem* parentItem;
Container class data .
class Container : public QObject
std::string stdstrContainerName;
std::string stdstrPluginType;
Geometry* Geom;
Sum_Material Material;
Transformation transformation;
Transformation transformationPrev;
Sum_Texture_2D texture;
Sum_Texture_2D texture2;
Sum_Texture_CubeMap cubeMapTexture;
float OpacityPercent;
SumTransformationDecl::TransformationMode mode;
WavefrontRenderer* wavefrontrenderer;
bool bDrawBoundingBox;
float boundingBoxOffset;
std::vector< SumChannel* > Channels;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Sum_Function> > Functions;
BlendMode containerBlend;
I want to save all the items in the model to a file and should be able to reload the tree model from the file.
I don't have any clue how to do this.
1) what should be the file format , can i create my own format for this ?
2) TreeItem contains a Container object as data item but currently i want to just save the tree structure and load it as step 1.
The items in the tree view hold a instance of class container.
I want to implement drag and drop functionality in the view.
According to the QT tutorial for the data to copy i need specify the mime type and than write the Mimedata and dropMimeData functions.
The QT Example is dealing with a simple string so i am totally clueless of how to implement these function in case of custom objects.
1) What should be the mime type in my case ?
2) How to implement the current mimedata function for Container object data?
3) How to implement the current dropmimedata function for Container object data?
class Container
std::string stdstrContainerName;
std::string stdstrPluginType;
int iSegments;
float fRadius;
Container(std::string , std::string , int , float);
Container(const Container& obj);
std::string GetName();
std::string GetType();
void SetName(std::string stdstrName);
QMimeData *DragDropListModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes)
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData();
QByteArray encodedData;
QDataStream stream(&encodedData, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) {
if (index.isValid()) {
QString text = data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
// I have a GetContainer function which returns the Container
//object and i can use the GetContainer instead of data function.
stream << text;
mimeData->setData("application/vnd.text.list", encodedData);
return mimeData;
bool DragDropListModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data,
Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex
if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction)
return true;
if (!data->hasFormat("application/vnd.text.list"))
return false;
if (column > 0)
return false;
int beginRow;
if (row != -1)
beginRow = row;
else if (parent.isValid())
beginRow = parent.row();
beginRow = rowCount(QModelIndex());
QByteArray encodedData = data->data("application/vnd.text.list");
QDataStream stream(&encodedData, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QStringList newItems;
int rows = 0;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
QString text;
stream >> text;
newItems << text;
insertRows(beginRow, rows, QModelIndex());
foreach (const QString &text, newItems) {
QModelIndex idx = index(beginRow, 0, QModelIndex());
setData(idx, text);
return true;
The header file for TreeItem.
class TreeItem
explicit TreeItem( const Container &data , TreeItem *parent = 0 );
TreeItem *parent();
void appendChild(TreeItem *child);
TreeItem *child(int iNumber);
int childCount() const;
int childNumber() const;
Container data() const;
bool setData(const Container &data , QVariant value);
void setContainer(const Container &data);
bool insertChildren(int position, int count );
bool removeChildren( int position , int count );
QList<TreeItem*> childItems;
Container itemData;
TreeItem* parentItem;
You can add your custom mime types to specify the type of container you want to drag/drop. See this post for details.
The QDrag object constructed by the source contains a list of MIME types that it uses to represent the data (ordered from most appropriate to least appropriate), and the drop target uses one of these to access the data.
First of all, try to find a compatible standard mime type. Those are the most common one assigned by the IANA.
If the one you are looking for is not in the list, then you can label your custom one and serialize your data into a QByteArray to share it.
QByteArray output;
// do whatever
mimeData->setData("my-awesome-mime-type", output);
Now, in your custom widget, don't forget to accept the drops of this mime type:
void Window::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) {
if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("my-awesome-mime-type"))
You can find a complete example in this project.
This is my Container class defination
class Container
std::string stdstrContainerName;
std::string stdstrPluginType;
std::string stdstrPluginName;
int iSegments;
float fRadius;
explicit Container(std::string strContainerName , std::string
strPluginName , std::string strPluginType, int segments , float
radius );
std::string GetName();
std::string GetType();
void SetName(std::string stdstrName);
I want the nodes of the TreeView to hold object of Container class as data.
This is the header file for the TreeItem class.
class TreeItem
explicit TreeItem( const Container &data , TreeItem *parent = 0 );
TreeItem *parent();
TreeItem *child(int iNumber);
int childCount() const;
int childNumber() const;
Container data() const;
bool setData(const Container &data);
bool insertChildren(int position, int count );
bool removeChildren( int position , int count );
QList<TreeItem*> childItems;
Container itemData;
TreeItem* parentItem;
The problem i am facing is while implementing the TreeModel functions.
how can i use Container as the data type instead of QVariant.
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &undex, int role) const override;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setData( const QModelIndex &index , const QVariant &value , int
role = Qt::EditRole) override;
You can't use Container instead of QVariant, but you can use Container inside a QVariant. Have a look at Q_DECLARE_METATYPE.
Add it in the header file after the declaration of Container:
class Container
// ...
// ...
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Container); // You only need this once, so here is a good place
When you created the Container meta type, you can return it like this:
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override {
TreeItem *item = ...;
return QVariant::fromValue(item->data());
And in your view you retrieve the Container like this:
QVariant v = model()->data(index, role);
Container c = v.value<Container>();
Beware that this only works within the same thread, else you'd need to register Container with qRegisterMetaType() and maybe even write a converter function from / to QVariant.
This doesn't apply to your situation, though, because model and view are not designed to live in different threads.
This is my Header file for Container object.
class Container
std::string stdstrContainerName;
std::string stdstrPluginType;
int iSegments;
float fRadius;
Container(std::string , std::string , int , float);
Container(const Container& obj);
std::string GetName();
std::string GetType();
void SetName(std::string stdstrName);
I use Container as the datatype in TreeItem.
class TreeItem
explicit TreeItem( const Container &data , TreeItem *parent = 0 );
TreeItem *parent();
TreeItem *child(int iNumber);
int childCount() const;
int childNumber() const;
Container data() const;
bool setData(const Container &data);
bool insertChildren(int position, int count );
bool removeChildren( int position , int count );
QList<TreeItem*> childItems;
Container itemData;
TreeItem* parentItem;
The problem is that when i add rows to the Tree Structure the rows gets added but with no text on them.
I want to set the data in stdstrContainerName as the data on the row.
if i try to write something it does not stay.
i think the problem is with my functions which set the data to TreeItem object
Container TreeItem::data() const
return itemData;
bool TreeItem::setData(const Container &data , QVariant value )
itemData = data;
itemData.SetName(value.toString().toStdString() );
return true;
Data Function for Tree Model
QVariant TreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QVariant();
if (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole)
return QVariant();
TreeItem *item = getItem(index);
return QString::fromStdString(item->data().GetName());
bool TreeModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &val, int
role )
if (role != Qt::EditRole)
return false;
Container c = val.value<Container>();
TreeItem *item = getItem(index);
bool result = item->setData(c);
if (result)
emit dataChanged(index, index, { role });
return result;
I can also post any additional code of the project.
What's missing here is the code of your view.
A QAbstractItemView derived view cannot display Container QVariants by itself.
Either you implement your view in such a way that it
interprets Container-QVariants and displays e.g. its GetName()
provides an editor that can manipulate Container-QVariants
or (simpler method) you shift the concretion layer into your model and
return item->GetName(), ->GetType() depending on role and index.column()
manipulate the Container instance in the TreeItem from the text passed in QVariant val
I have class called List to print a list
class List : public QAbstractListModel
enum Roles {
address = Qt::UserRole + 1,
DeviceList(QObject *parent = 0);
void addrows(const Manager &client);
int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;
QList< Manager > m_client;
And another class Manager as
class Manager : public QObject
Manager(const QString &address, const QString &name);
QString address() const;
QString name() const;
virtual List* getList() = 0;
QString m_address;
QString m_name;
Now i am trying to addrows in manager.cpp as
void List::addrows(const Manager &client)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());
m_client << client; // **i am getting error here**
My intention is to implement getlist in manager.cpp file
List* Manager :: getList()
List* list = new List();
return list;
In order to use the operator << you have to override the operator = in the class Manager. Instead of doing that use List and handle list elements as pointer.
i got a godgiven list of xyz (the code says int, just an example) glued into a QList (to big to move anywhere). How can I create a Model View for that? I allready read the Qt doc which tells me, I have to reimplement data, index, parent, rowCount, columnCount functions. But the preprocessor/compiler cries for more reimplemented functions? I allready read a chapter in my Qt Book but it did not help either. Here my hacked away code:
class XModel : public QAbstractListModel
explicit XModel(QList<int> *valuelist, QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~XModel();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const;
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const;
QModelIndex index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
QList<int>* blah;
public slots:
XModel::XModel(QList<int> *valuelist, QObject *parent) :
int XModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return blah->size();
int XModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return 1;
QModelIndex XModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
return createIndex(row, column, (void)&(blah->at(row)));
QModelIndex XModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
return createIndex(index->row(), index->column(), NULL);
QVariant XModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
return QVariant(blah->at(index.row()));
Do I even have to use QAbstractItemModel or does QAbstractListModel work the exact same way? How do I give the Model the source of the actual data? Is this only within data function? Please tell me what I am doing wrong, I do not see it and give advice on howto do it properly, (good) howtos welcome.
This is fixed, but...
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent),
xm(&valuelist) //xm = XModel
view = new QListView(this);
//how to force the XModel to reread the QList`?
Add to and remove data from XModel and have XModel modify the underlying list (reference?) for you:
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent),
xm(&valuelist) //xm = XModel
view = new QListView(this);
xm.append(10); // should call beginInsertRows, append to valuelist, and call endInsertRows.
Otherwise, you could perhaps create a mix of QObject and QList that can emit signals to notify XModel of changes, but I think the first approach is better.
Here is a silly example. It will create a list-backed model that will append more elements to the list every second:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QListView>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractListModel>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
class ListBackedModel : public QAbstractListModel
QList<int>* m_list;
ListBackedModel(QList<int>* list, QObject* parent = 0)
: QAbstractListModel(parent)
, m_list(list)
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const
return m_list->size();
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (index.row() >= rowCount()) { return QVariant(); }
if (index.row() < 0) { return QVariant(); }
int element = m_list->at(index.row());
if (Qt::DisplayRole == role) {
return QString::number(element);
if (Qt::ToolTipRole == role) {
return tr("%1 is element #%2").arg(element).arg(index.row() + 1);
return QVariant();
void append(int element)
First is the new index of the first element that will be inserted.
Last is the new index of the last element that will be inserted.
Since we're appending only one element at the end of the list, the
index of the first and last elements is the same, and is equal to
the current size of the list.
int first = m_list->size();
int last = first;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
void startAddingMoreElements()
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(addMoreElements()));
private slots:
void addMoreElements()
append(qrand() % 100);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QList<int> list;
list << 1 << 10 << 34 << 111;
ListBackedModel model(&list);
QListView listView;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"