I have relation data which is in record form:
Record : { Id: 40, Material: test, Size: test, Description: test, Quantity: test, Spec: test, Price:
test, Delivery: test, Quotes_fk: 21},
Record : { Id: 43, Material: test 2, Size: test 2, Description:
test 2, Quantity: test2, Spec: test2, Price: test2, Delivery: test2, Quotes_fk: 21}
I need to present this as a table on a pdf with the headings Id,Material,Size, Description, Quantity, Spec, Price, Delivery and as I am new to coding can’t work it out. I have managed to use Regex format to make it presentable, but it needs to be in table format. So far I can change the data to a string them replace some of the commas with line breaks.
var quotes = questionnaire.QuoteItems;
var quotes2 = quotes.toString();
var quotes3 = quotes2.replace(/{/g , "<br>");
Managed to work through each item in the related record and display using the following code:
for (var i=0; i < questionnaire.QuoteItems.length; i++) {
rows.push([questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Material, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Size, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Description, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Quantity, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Spec, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Price, questionnaire.QuoteItems[i].Delivery]);
My rank command is working fine, iv been trying to add the ability to !rank #user. As you can see i have code there to grab the mentioned user, so it will display the mentioned users name and profile pic but my points (because they are requested from message.author) I'm just unsure how i should get the points from the database for the mentioned user. Any help or advice would be amazing, thanks!
(my database is SQLite)
const member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.member || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0])
score = bot.getScore.get(message.author.id, message.guild.id);
if (!score) {
score = {
id: `${message.guild.id}-${message.author.id}`,
user: message.author.id,
guild: message.guild.id,
points: 0,
level: 1,
let curxp = score.points;
let curlvl = score.level;
let nxtLvlXp = curlvl * 300;
let difference = nxtLvlXp - curxp;
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle("XP / LEVEL")
.addField('**' + "Level" + '**', curlvl, true)
.addField('**' + "XP" + '**', curxp, true)
.setFooter(`${difference} XP til next level up`, bot.user.displayAvatarURL);
return message.channel.send({ embed });
You pretty much already have it
Instead of using message.author.id for the first argument why not just use the member variable which gives the final member?
Also you should have message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) before message.member, since message.member will always exist unless in a DM Channel.
const member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) || message.member;
score = bot.getScore.get(member.id, message.guild.id);
I have created one form in that am getting data only header parts but m not getting data from subsist record please help me. I have used so many APIs but trying to get stored record type.
From testing, the sublist structure in POST data is stored in the request parameters:
var sublistId = 'insertsublistid';
var valuesParam = sublistId + 'data';
var fieldsParam = sublistId + 'fields';
The data are delimited by the following characters:
var SUBLIST_FIELD_DELIM = /\u0001/;
var SUBLIST_LINE_DELIM = /\u0002/;
This is for SS 2.0
var value = context.request.getSublistValue({
group: 'item',
name: 'amount',
line: '2'
See /app/help/helpcenter.nl?fid=section_4314828231.html
I am trying to style just the decimals to look just like this:
Didn't had success, I guess that I need to make my own filter, tried but didn't had success either, I guess it is because I am using it inside a state.
Here the code I am using for the number:
<h2><sup>$</sup>{{salary | number:0}}<sub>.00</sub></h2>
Inside the .app iam using this scope:
$scope.salary = 9000;
Thing is, number can be whatever the user salary is, it get the number from an input, in other places I have more numbers with decimals too.
Possible solutions:
Extract only the decimals from value and print them inside de
Use a filter to do this?
Use a directive that will split the amount and generate the proper HTML. For example:
app.directive('salary', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E'
, scope: {
salary: '#'
, controller: controller
, controllerAs: 'dvm'
, bindToController: true
, template: '<h2><sup>$</sup>{{ dvm.dollar }}<sub>.{{ dvm.cents }}</sub></h2>'
function controller(){
var parts = parseFloat(this.salary).toFixed(2).split(/\./);
this.dollar = parts[0];
this.cents = parts[1];
The easiest solution would be to split out the number into it's decimal portion and the whole number portion:
var number = 90000.99111;
console.log(number % 1);
Use this in your controller, and split your scope variable into an object:
$scope.salary = {
whole: salary,
decimal: salary % 1
Protip: Using an object like this is better than using two scope variables for performance
I want to display key-value pairs stored in an array (derived from a Session-JSON variable) by using the #each template directive. How can I get access (if possible) to the fields of objects in an array.
Sorry, if this is a question that has been already answered, but I didn't find an appropriate answer here.
Here is some sample code (part of a template helper):
attributes: function () {
var attributes = [];
attributes = [{key: test1, value: 1}, {key: test3, value: 2}, {key: test3, value: 3}];
return attributes;
In the template, I used "this" or "this.key". Both didn't work the way as expected.
Thanks for any tipps!
Have you defined variables test1, test3 ? It looks like you put test1 and test3 without ", so it means js is trying to find variables with such names. That's why you couldn't see this.key working.
var attributes = [];
attributes = [{key: "test1", value: 1}, {key: "test2", value: 2}, {key: "test3", value: 3}];
return attributes;
In template:
{{#each attributes}}
{{this.key}} : {{this.value}}<br>
test1 : 1<br>
test2 : 2<br>
test3 : 3<br>
Check here
Say I'm having a plain Backbone.Collection with some models in it:
var Library = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Book
lib = new Library(
[Book1, Book2, Book3, Book4, Book5, Book6]
How can I move a model within a collection - e.g. the 5th one to the 2nd position? So no sorting by a model field but just changing the sort order manually.
Note: I simplified the models Book1, .... They are of course Backbone.Models.
You can directly access the array of models to modify the order. Loosely based on this question Move an array element from one array position to another, something like this should work:
var c = new Backbone.Collection([{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}]);
var from_ix = 4,
to_ix = 1;
c.models.splice(to_ix, 0, c.models.splice(from_ix, 1)[0]);
And a demo http://jsfiddle.net/nikoshr/5DGJs/