Subsetting a data set and plotting means - r

I have a data set including Year, Site, and Species Count. I am trying to write a code that reflects in some years, the counts were done twice. For those years I have to find the mean count at each site for each species (there are two different species), and plot those means. This is the code I have generated:
DataSet1 <- subset(channel_islands,
channel_islands$SpeciesName=="Hypsypops ubicundus, adult" |
channel_islands$SpeciesName=="Paralabrax clathratus,adult")
Hypsypops_mean <- NULL
Paralabrax_mean <- NULL
Mean <- NULL
years <- unique(DataSet1$Year)
for(i in 1:length(years)){
data_year <- DataSet1[which(DataSet1$Year == years[i]), ]
Hypsypops<-data_year[which(data_year$SpeciesName=="Hypsypops rubicundus,adult"), ]
Paralabrax<-data_year[which(data_year$SpeciesName=="Paralabrax clathratus,adult"), ]
for(m in 1:(length(UNIQUESITE))){
Meanp <- mean(Hypsypops$Count[Hypsypops$Site==UNIQUESITE[m]])
Hypsypops_mean <- rbind(Hypsypops_mean,
c(UNIQUESITE[m], years[i], round(Meanp,2),
'Hypsypops rubicundus,adult'))
kk <- Paralabrax[Paralabrax$Site==m, ]
Meane <- mean(Paralabrax$Count[Paralabrax$Site==UNIQUESITE[m]])
Paralabrax_mean <- rbind(Paralabrax_mean,
c(UNIQUESITE[m], years[i], round(Meane, 2),
'Paralabrax clathratus,adult'))
Mean<-rbind(Hypsypops_mean, Paralabrax_mean)
Mean<-rbind(DataMean, Hypsypops_mean, Paralabrax_mean)
Mean <-,stringsAsFactors=F)
names(Mean) <- c('Site','Year','mean_count','SpeciesName')
Mean$Site <- as.integer(Mean$Site)
Mean$Year <- as.integer(Mean$Year)
Mean$mean_count <- as.numeric(Mean$mean_count)
par(mfrow=c(5,5), oma=c(4,2,4,2), mar=c(5.5,4,3,0))
for(i in 1:length(years)){
if(any(Mean$Year==years[i])) {
Data_Hr<-year1[year1$SpeciesName=="Hypsypops rubicundus,adult",]
Data_Pc<-year1[year1$SpeciesName=="Paralabrax clathratus,adult",]
xlab=c("Hypsypops rubicundus"),
ylab=c("Paralabrax clathratus"),main=years[i],pch=16)
It's a lot I'm sorry, I'm not sure of a way to streamline the process. But I keep getting an error:
Error in names(Mean) <- c("Site", "Year", "mean_count", "SpeciesName")
: 'names' attribute [4] must be the same length as the vector [0]
Not sure how I can debug this.

Not sure why you want to do this with an elaborate loop code. It sounds like you are trying to summarise your data.
This can be done in different ways. Here is a solution using dplyr:
DataSet1 %>%
group_by(Year, SpeciesName, Site) %>%
summarise(nrecords = n(),
Count = mean(Count))
To get a better answer, it might be helpful to post a subset of the data and the intended result you are after.


Creating a function to loop columns through an equation in R

Solution (thanks #Peter_Evan!) in case anyone coming across this question has a similar issue
(Original question is below)
## get all slopes (lm coefficients) first
# list of subfields of interest to loop through
sf <- c("left_presubiculum", "right_presubiculum",
"left_subiculum", "right_subiculum", "left_CA1", "right_CA1",
"left_CA3", "right_CA3", "left_CA4", "right_CA4", "left_GC-ML-DG",
# dependent variables are sf, independent variable common to all models in the inner lm() call is ICV
# applies the lm(subfield ~ ICV, dataset = DF) to all subfields of interest (sf) specified previously
lm.results <- lapply(sf, function(dv) {
temp.lm <- lm(get(dv) ~ ICV, data = DF)
# returns a list, where each element is a vector of coefficients
#, ) will paste them together
lm.coef <- data.frame(sf = sf,, lm.results))
# tidy up name of intercept variable
names(lm.coef)[2] <- "intercept"
## set up all components for the equation
# matrix to store output
out <- matrix(ncol = length(sf), nrow = NROW(DF))
# name the rows after each subject
row.names(out) <- DF$Subject
# name the columns after each subfield
colnames(out) <- sf
# nested for loop that goes by subject (j) and subfield (i)
for(j in DF$Subject){
for (i in sf) {
slope <- lm.coef[lm.coef$sf == i, "ICV"]
out[j,i] <- as.numeric( DF[DF$Subject == j, i] - (slope * (DF[DF$Subject == j, "ICV"] - mean(DF$ICV))) )
# check output
Original Question:
I have a dataframe (DF) with 13 columns (12 different brain subfields, and one column containing total intracranial volume(ICV)) and 50 rows (each a different participant). I'm trying to automate an equation being looped over every column for each participant.
The data:
structure(list(Subject = c("sub01", "sub02", "sub03", "sub04",
"sub05", "sub06", "sub07", "sub08", "sub09", "sub10", "sub11",
"sub12", "sub13", "sub14", "sub15", "sub16", "sub17", "sub18",
"sub19", "sub20"), ICV = c(1.50813, 1.3964237, 1.6703585, 1.4641886,
1.6351018, 1.5524641, 1.4445532, 1.6384505, 1.6152434, 1.5278011,
1.4788126, 1.4373356, 1.4109637, 1.3634952, 1.3853583, 1.4855268,
1.6082085, 1.5644998, 1.5617522, 1.4304141), left_subiculum = c(411.225013,
456.168033, 492.968477, 466.030173, 533.95505, 476.465524, 448.278213,
476.45566, 422.617374, 498.995121, 450.773906, 461.989663, 549.805272,
452.619547, 457.545623, 451.988333, 475.885847, 490.127968, 470.686415,
494.06548), left_CA1 = c(666.893596, 700.982955, 646.21927, 580.864234,
721.170599, 737.413139, 737.683665, 597.392434, 594.343911, 712.781376,
733.157168, 699.820162, 701.640861, 690.942843, 606.259484, 731.198846,
567.70879, 648.887718, 726.219904, 712.367433), left_presubiculum = c(325.779458,
391.252815, 352.765098, 342.67797, 390.885737, 312.857458, 326.916867,
350.657957, 325.152464, 320.718835, 273.406949, 305.623938, 371.079722,
315.058313, 311.376271, 319.56678, 348.343569, 349.102678, 322.39908,
306.966008), `left_GC-ML-DG` = c(327.037756, 305.63224, 328.945065,
238.920358, 319.494513, 305.153183, 311.347404, 259.259723, 295.369164,
312.022281, 324.200989, 314.636501, 306.550385, 311.399107, 295.108592,
356.197094, 251.098248, 294.76349, 317.308576, 301.800253), left_CA3 = c(275.17038,
220.862237, 232.542718, 170.088695, 234.707172, 210.803287, 246.861975,
171.90896, 220.83478, 236.600832, 246.842024, 239.677362, 186.599097,
224.362411, 229.9142, 293.684776, 172.179779, 202.18936, 232.5666,
221.896625), left_CA4 = c(277.614028, 264.575987, 286.605092,
206.378619, 281.781858, 258.517989, 269.354864, 226.269982, 256.384436,
271.393257, 277.928824, 265.051581, 262.307377, 266.924683, 263.038686,
306.133918, 226.364556, 262.42823, 264.862956, 255.673948), right_subiculum = c(468.762375,
445.35738, 446.536018, 456.73484, 521.041823, 482.768261, 487.2911,
456.39996, 445.392976, 476.146498, 451.775611, 432.740085, 518.170065,
487.642399, 405.564237, 487.188989, 467.854363, 479.268714, 473.212833,
472.325916), right_CA1 = c(712.973011, 717.815214, 663.637105,
649.614586, 711.844375, 779.212704, 862.784416, 648.925038, 648.180611,
760.761704, 805.943016, 717.486756, 801.853608, 722.213109, 621.676321,
791.672796, 605.35667, 637.981476, 719.805053, 722.348921), right_presubiculum = c(327.285242,
364.937865, 288.322641, 348.30058, 341.309111, 279.429847, 333.096795,
342.184296, 364.245998, 350.707173, 280.389853, 276.423658, 339.439377,
321.534798, 302.164685, 328.365751, 341.660085, 305.366589, 320.04127,
303.83284), `right_GC-ML-DG` = c(362.391907, 316.853532, 342.93274,
282.550769, 339.792696, 357.867386, 342.512721, 277.797528, 309.585721,
343.770416, 333.524912, 302.505077, 309.063135, 291.29361, 302.510461,
378.682679, 255.061044, 302.545288, 313.93902, 297.167161), right_CA3 = c(307.007404,
243.839349, 269.063801, 211.336979, 249.283479, 276.092623, 268.183349,
202.947849, 214.642782, 247.844657, 291.206598, 235.864996, 222.285729,
201.427853, 237.654913, 321.338801, 199.035108, 243.204203, 236.305659,
213.386702), right_CA4 = c(312.164065, 272.905586, 297.99392,
240.765062, 289.98697, 306.459566, 284.533068, 245.965817, 264.750571,
296.149675, 290.66935, 264.821461, 264.920869, 246.267976, 266.07378,
314.205819, 229.738951, 274.152503, 256.414608, 249.162404)), row.names = c(NA,
-20L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
The equation:
adjustedBrain(participant1) = rawBrain(participant1) - slope*[ICV(participant1) - (mean of all ICV measures included in the calculation of the slope)]
The code (which is not working and I was hoping for some pointers):
adjusted_Brain <- function(DF, subject) {
subfields <- colnames(select(DF, "left_presubiculum", "right_presubiculum",
"left_subiculum", "right_subiculum", "left_CA1", "right_CA1",
"left_CA3", "right_CA3", "left_CA4", "right_CA4", "left_GC-ML-DG",
out <- matrix(ncol = length(subfields), nrow = NROW(DF))
for (i in seq_along(subfields)) {
DF[i] = DF[DF$Subject == "subject", "i"] -
slope * (DF[DF$Subject == "subject", "ICV"] -
Getting this error:
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Column `i` doesn't exist.
A few notes:
The slopes for each subject for each subfield will be different (and will come from a regression) -> is there a way to specify that in the function so the slope (coefficient from the appropriate regression equation) gets called in?
I have my nrow set to the number of participants right now in the output because I'd like to have this run through EVERY subject across EVERY subfield and spit out a matrix with all the adjusted brain volumes... But that seems very complicated and so for now I will just settle for running each participant separately.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
As others have noted in the comments, there are quite a few syntax issues that prevent your code from running, as well as a few unstated requirements. That aside, I think there is enough to recommend a few improvements that you can hopefully build on. Here are the top line changes:
You likely don't need this to be a function, but rather a nested for loop (if you want to do this with base R). As written, the code isn't flexible enough to merit a function. If you intend to apply this many times across different datasets, a function might make sense. However, it will require a much larger rewrite.
Assuming you are fitting a simple regression via lm, then you can pull out the coefficient of interest via the $ operator and indexing (see below). Some thought will need to go into how to handle different models in the loop. Here, we assume you only need one coefficient from one model.
There are a few areas where the syntax is incorrect and a review of sub setting in base R would be helpful. Others have pointed out in the comments were some of these are.
Here is one approach were we loop through each subject (j) through each feature or subfield (i) and store them in a matrix (out). This is just an approach and will almost certainly need tweaking on your end!
#NOTE: the dataset your provided is saved as x in this example.
#fit a linear model - here we assume there is only one coef. of interest, but you may need to alter
# depending on how the slope changes in each calculation
reg <- lm(ICV ~ right_CA3, x)
# view the coeff.
# pull out the slope by getting the coeff. of interest (via index) from the reg object
slope <- reg$coefficients[[1]]
# list of features/subfeilds to loop through
sf <- c("left_presubiculum", "right_presubiculum",
"left_subiculum", "right_subiculum", "left_CA1", "right_CA1",
"left_CA3", "right_CA3", "left_CA4", "right_CA4", "left_GC-ML-DG",
# matrix to store output
out <- matrix(ncol = length(sf), nrow = NROW(x))
#name the rows after each subject
row.names(out) <- x$Subject
#name the columns after each sub feild
colnames(out) <- sf
# nested for loop that goes by subject (j) and features/subfeilds (i)
for(j in x$Subject){
for (i in sf) {
out[j,i] <- as.numeric( x[x$Subject == j, i] - (slope * (x[x$Subject == j, "ICV"] - mean(x$ICV))) )
# check output

How to detect and remove outliers within loop in R?

Hope someone can send help for a desperate student :-)
I have a set of procedure codes for which I have a different number of surgeries (here: procedures) with their respective durations. I would like to get some descriptive statistics on the durations. For that, I would like my loop to already detect and remove the outliers by IQR function. This is the code without outlier detection and removal:
# variables for output - run before each loop
#loop over all procedure codes
while(Counter0<=number_of_different_procedurecodes) {
#Subset data for the specific procedure
#loop over specific procedure
TimeIn_1_Selected<-as.POSIXct(TimeIn_1_Selected,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TimeIn_2_Selected<-as.POSIXct(TimeIn_2_Selected,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
TimeOut_Selected<-as.POSIXct(TimeOut_Selected,format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
if (TimeIn_1_S>TimeIn_2_S) {
if (TimeIn_1_S<=TimeIn_2_S) {
print (Start_Time)
Duration<-difftime(TimeOut_Selected, Start_Time, units = "mins")
Mean_Time<-mean(Durations, digits=1)
Min_Time<-min(Durations, na.rm=TRUE)
Max_Time<-max(Durations, na.rm=TRUE)
Median_Time<-median(Durations, na.rm=TRUE)
Min_Times<-c(Min_Times, Min_Time)
Max_Times<-c(Max_Times, Max_Time)
Median_Times<-c(Median_Times, Median_Time)
ag_output<-data.frame(Procedure_codes,Number,Min_Times, Max_Times, Average_Times, Median_Times, SD_Times)
This is what I would have liked to add to the loop over specific procedure:
Q<-quantile(Duration, probs=c(.25,.75), na.rm=FALSE)
remove<-Duration>(Q[1]-1.5*iqr) & Durations<(Q[1]-1.5*iqr)
setdiff(Duration, remove)
Does somebody have an idea how I could do this?
Thank you very much in advance!
make it a function?
f.remove_outliers_IQR <- function(Duration)
Q <- quantile(Duration, probs=c(.25,.75), na.rm=FALSE)
iqr <- IQR(Duration)
up <- Q[2]+1.5*iqr
low <- Q[1]-1.5*iqr
remove <- Duration>(Q[1]-1.5*iqr) & Durations<(Q[1]-1.5*iqr)
Duration_out <- setdiff(Duration, remove)
and call it in the main loop, maybe just before Counter1<-Counter1+1?

How to correctly create a list of reactive datasets in a Shiny App?

I currently have several different reactive datasets that are created by my Shiny app and am trying to build a function that will pull the appropriate dataset and renderHTML. I am currently struggling with subsetting this list of reactive datasets that I am creating.
I have tried using a list of reactive datasets (listofsurveydata) below but always get the Error in .subset2: no such index at level 1 error message.
lcSurveyDataSplit <- function(panelnumber){
colind <- grep(input$lcstateselect[panelnumber],colnames(inputTable$data))
predata <- inputTable$data %>%
is.null(input$lccategoryselect)| Category %in% input$lccategoryselect,
is.null(input$lcsubcategoryselect)| Sub_category %in% input$lcsubcategoryselect,
is.null(input$lcquestionselect)| Question %in% input$lcquestionselect
lcsurveydata1 <- reactive({lcSurveyDataSplit(1)})
lcsurveydata2 <- reactive({lcSurveyDataSplit(2)})
lcsurveydata3 <- reactive({lcSurveyDataSplit(3)})
lcsurveydata4 <- reactive({lcSurveyDataSplit(4)})
lcSplitPanel <- function(panelnumber){ # sfnumber stands for "surveyFunction number"
listofsurveydata <- list(lcsurveydata1(), lcsurveydata2(), lcsurveydata3(), lcsurveydata4())
surveyFunction <- listofsurveydata[[panelnumber]]
questioncount <- nrow(surveyFunction)
state <- grep(input$lcstateselect[panelnumber], colnames(inputTable$data))
survey <- character(0)
i = 1
while (i <= questioncount) {
category = surveyFunction[i,2]
subcategory = surveyFunction[i,3]
question = surveyFunction[i,4]
answer = gsub("[\r\n]", "</br>", surveyFunction[i,state])
if (length(grep(category,survey, fixed = T)) > 0) {
survey <- paste0(survey,"</br>",
"</br><b>", subcategory, "</b>",
"</br><b>", question, "</b>",
"</br><i>", answer, "</i>","</br>")
} else {
survey <- paste0(survey,"</br>",
"<b><u>",category, "</u></b>",
"</br></br><b>", subcategory, "</b>",
"</br><b>", question, "</b>",
"</br><i>", answer, "</i>","</br>")
i = i + 1
output$lcstate1 <- renderUI({lcSplitPanel(1)})
output$lcstate2 <- renderUI({lcSplitPanel(2)})
output$lcstate3 <- renderUI({lcSplitPanel(3)})
output$lcstate4 <- renderUI({lcSplitPanel(4)})
I have been able to narrow down the error to these two lines because the code works fine if I don't subset the data and make literal references to the datasets in listofsurveydata:
listofsurveydata <- list(lcsurveydata1(), lcsurveydata2(), lcsurveydata3(), lcsurveydata4())
surveyFunction <- listofsurveydata[[panelnumber]]
Ideally, I don't want to create a new function for each output object so I was wondering how I should go about solving this error?

R: Package topicmodels: LDA: Error: invalid argument

I have a question regarding LDA in topicmodels in R.
I created a matrix with documents as rows, terms as columns, and the number of terms in a document as respective values from a data frame. While I wanted to start LDA, I got an Error Message stating "Error in !all.equal(x$v, as.integer(x$v)) : invalid argument type" . The data contains 1675 documents of 368 terms. What can I do to make the code work?
data_matrix <- data %>%
group_by(documents, terms) %>%
tally %>%
spread(terms, n, fill=0)
doctermmatrix <- as.DocumentTermMatrix(data_matrix, weightTf("data_matrix"))
lda_head <- topicmodels::LDA(doctermmatrix, 10, method="Gibbs")
Help is much appreciated!
# Toy Data
documentstoy <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
meta1toy <- c(3,4,1,12,1,2,3,5,1,4,2,1,1,1,1,1)
meta2toy <- c(10,0,10,1,1,0,1,1,3,3,0,0,18,1,10,10)
termstoy <- c("cus","cus","bill","bill","tube","tube","coa","coa","un","arc","arc","yib","yib","yib","dar","dar")
toydata <- data.frame(documentstoy,meta1toy,meta2toy,termstoy)
So I looked inside the code and apparently the lda() function only accepts integers as the input so you have to convert your categorical variables as below:
documentstoy <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
meta1toy <- c(3,4,1,12,1,2,3,5,1,4,2,1,1,1,1,1)
meta2toy <- c(10,0,10,1,1,0,1,1,3,3,0,0,18,1,10,10)
toydata <- data.frame(documentstoy,meta1toy,meta2toy)
termstoy <- c("cus","cus","bill","bill","tube","tube","coa","coa","un","arc","arc","yib","yib","yib","dar","dar")
toy_unique = unique(termstoy)
for (i in 1:length(toy_unique)){
A = as.integer(termstoy == toy_unique[i])
toydata[toy_unique[i]] = A
lda_head <- topicmodels::LDA(toydata, 10, method="Gibbs")

R: error in t test this is example subset of my data
I try to apply a code that was already working on similar data, now I can't tract where its wrong. The code goes like this:
url <- ''
TCA_subset_GnoG_melt <- read.csv(url)
L <- data.frame()
IDs <- unique(TCA_subset_GnoG_melt$X1)
for (i in 1 : length(IDs)){
temp<- na.omit(temp)
t_test_CTROL_ABC.7<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="CTROL"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.7"])
t_test_CTROL_ABC.8<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="CTROL"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.8"])
t_test_CTROL_ABC.7.8<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="CTROL"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC7.8"])
t_test_ABC.7_ABC.8<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.7"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.8"])
t_test_ABC.7_ABC.7.8<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.7"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC7.8"])
t_test_ABC.8_ABC.7.8<- t.test(temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC.8"], temp$value[temp$X1.1=="ABC7.8"])
LLc <- cbind(as.character(unique(IDs[i])), t_test_CTROL_ABC.7,t_test_CTROL_ABC.8,t_test_CTROL_ABC.7.8, t_test_ABC.7_ABC.8,t_test_ABC.7_ABC.7.8, t_test_ABC.8_ABC.7.8)
L$names <- AA
p_value_TCA <-L[grep("p.value",L$names), ]
df <- apply(p_value_TCA ,2,as.character)
df = as.matrix(df)
the error i get is:
Error in t.test.default(temp$value[temp$X1.1 == "CTROL"], temp$value[temp$X1.1 == :
not enough 'y' observations
I dpm't understand it, when i check the code line by line it goes until the LLc creation and than the df "L" is empty. it makes no sense to me. help!
