I need to combine some named numeric vectors in R into a data frame. I tried cbind.na as suggestet in another question, but it would not take names into account. Example:
v1 <- c(1,5,6,7)
names(v1) <- c("milk", "flour", "eggs", "sugar")
v2 <- c(2,3)
names(v2) <- c("fish", "chips")
v3 <- c(5,7,4)
names(v3) <- c("chips", "milk", "sugar")
The data frame should look like this
v1 v2 v3
milk 1 NA 7
flour 5 NA NA
eggs 6 NA NA
sugar 7 NA 4
fish NA 2 NA
chips NA 3 5
I can't figure out how to solve this in R.
This is a join, best done with data.table or other add-ins, but (especially for smallish arrays) can readily be performed in base R by creating an array of all the names and using it to index into the input arrays:
s <- unique(names(c(v1,v2,v3)))
x <- cbind(v1=v1[s], v2=v2[s], v3=v3[s])
rownames(x) <- s
v1 v2 v3
milk 1 NA 7
flour 5 NA NA
eggs 6 NA NA
sugar 7 NA 4
fish NA 2 NA
chips NA 3 5
# get vectors into one list
v <- mget(paste0('v', 1:3))
# convert vectors to data frames
l <- lapply(v, stack)
# merge them all sequentially
out <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = 'ind', all = T), l)
# name the columns according to the original vector names
setNames(out, c('ind', names(v)))
# ind v1 v2 v3
# 1 milk 1 NA 7
# 2 flour 5 NA NA
# 3 eggs 6 NA NA
# 4 sugar 7 NA 4
# 5 fish NA 2 NA
# 6 chips NA 3 5
I think this is worse than whuber's solution because it requires creating a bunch of intermediate tables, both in the lapply step and in the Reduce step. Haven't done any benchmarks though.
I would like to convert the following list into a dataframe.
test <- list(list("a",c("b","c","d"),character(0)),list("j",c("r","s"),character(0)),list("h",character(0),"i"))
I tried the following:
df.test <- do.call(rbind,Map(data.frame, V1=sapply(test, "[[", 1),V2=sapply(test, "[[", 2),V3=sapply(test, "[[", 3)))
But this doesn't work with nested lists containing character(0). A satisfactory output looks something like this:
V1 V2 V3
1 a b NA
2 a c NA
3 a d NA
4 j r NA
5 j s NA
6 h NA i
Many thanks in advance.
test %>%
map_df(~.x %>%
map(~if(length(.)) . else NA) %>%
do.call(what = cbind) %>%
V1 V2 V3
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 a b NA
2 a c NA
3 a d NA
4 j r NA
5 j s NA
6 h NA i
I've searched longer than I'd like to admit for shifting leading NA's to the end.
Got close with a few stack questions "Cut out outer NAs in R","Rotate a Matrix in R","na.locf remove leading NAs, keep others [closed]" as well as looking over na.trim function in zoo package. Essentially I want to turn this:
D <- matrix(c(1:9), 3)
D[2,1]<- NA
D[3,1]<- NA
D[3,2]<- NA
D <- as.data.frame(D)
into this:
D1 <- data.frame(V1 = c(1,5,9),
V2 = c(4,8,NA),
V3 = c(7,NA,NA))
Any help is as always, much appreciated!
You can use sort(..., na.last = T) within row-wise apply:
as.data.frame(t(apply(D, 1, sort, na.last = T)))
# V1 V2 V3
#1 1 4 7
#2 5 8 NA
#3 9 NA NA
To avoid ordering non-NA entries, you can do:
# Revised sample data
D <- matrix(c(1:9), 3)
D[2,1]<- NA
D[3,1]<- NA
D[3,2]<- NA
D <- as.data.frame(D)
D[2,2:3] <- c(8, 5);
# V1 V2 V3
#1 1 4 7
#2 NA 8 5
#3 NA NA 9
as.data.frame(t(apply(D, 1, function(x) c(x[!is.na(x)], x[is.na(x)]))))
#V1 V2 V3
#1 1 4 7
#2 8 5 NA
#3 9 NA NA
I have a regular expression that parses a bunch of text, an when doing regmatches(myText,myRegex) it returns a list which looks like:
[1] "a=1" "b=3" "a=9" "c=2" "b=4"
I'd like to build a data.frame or table - whatever suits best - to finally have something like:
a b c
1 3 2
9 4 ...
Is it possible to make this in a simple fashion? What are your suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Its not entirely clear what the general case is here but this works on the data provided.
Assuming this input:
x <- c("a=1", "b=3", "a=9", "c=2", "b=4")
split the values by the names producing s and massage into a data.frame:
s <- split(as.numeric(sub(".*=", "", x)), sub("=.*", "", x))
as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(s, ts)))
a b c
1 1 3 2
2 9 4 NA
No packages needed.
You can either use base R methods
d1 <- read.table(text=gsub("[[:punct:]]", " " , unlist(lst)))
d2 <- transform(d1, indx=ave(seq_along(V1), V1, FUN=seq_along))
res <- reshape(d2, timevar='V1', idvar='indx', direction='wide')[,-1]
colnames(res) <- gsub(".*\\.", "", colnames(res))
# a b c
#1 1 3 2
#3 9 4 2
#6 4 5 NA
#9 9 NA NA
Or using dcast from reshape2 on d2
dcast(d2,indx~V1, value.var='V2')[,-1]
# a b c
#1 1 3 2
#2 9 4 2
#3 4 5 NA
#4 9 NA NA
lst <- list(c('a=1', 'b=3', 'a=9', 'c=2', 'b=4'),
c('a=4', 'c=2', 'b=5', 'a=9'))
Using rex may make this type of extraction task a little simpler.
x <- c("a=1", "b=3", "a=9", "c=2", "b=4", "a=2")
First extract the names and values from the strings.
matches <- re_matches(x,
capture(name="name", letter),
capture(name="value", digit)
#> name value
#>1 a 1
#>2 b 3
#>3 a 9
#>4 c 2
#>5 b 4
#>6 a 2
Then tally the groups using split().
groups <- split(as.numeric(matches$value), matches$name)
#>[1] 1 9 2
#>[1] 3 4
#>[1] 2
If we try to convert directly to a data.frame from split() the groups with fewer members will have their members recycled rather than NA, so instead explicitly fill with NA.
largest_group <- max(sapply(groups, length))
#>[1] 3
groups <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
if (length(group) < largest_group) {
group[largest_group] <- NA
#>[1] 1 9 2
#>[1] 3 4 NA
#>[1] 2 NA NA
Finally we can create the data.frame
do.call('data.frame', groups)
#> a b c
#>1 1 3 2
#>2 9 4 NA
#>3 2 NA NA
Here's an approach using tools from my "splitstackshape" package:
dcast.data.table( ## Makes the long data wide
getanID( ## Adds an ID variable for dcast
## create a single column data.table and split it by the "="
cSplit(as.data.table(unlist(lst)), "V1", "="), "V1_1"),
.id ~ V1_1, value.var = "V1_2")
# .id a b c
# 1: 1 1 3 2
# 2: 2 9 4 2
# 3: 3 4 5 NA
# 4: 4 9 NA NA
This uses #akrun's sample data:
lst <- list(c('a=1', 'b=3', 'a=9', 'c=2', 'b=4'),
c('a=4', 'c=2', 'b=5', 'a=9'))
I need to add many large tables to an existing table, so I use rbind with the excellent package data.table. But some of the later tables have more columns than the original one (which need to be included). Is there an equivalent of rbind.fill for data.table?
aa <- c(1,2,3)
bb <- c(2,3,4)
cc <- c(3,4,5)
dt.1 <- data.table(cbind(aa, bb))
dt.2 <- data.table(cbind(aa, bb, cc))
dt.11 <- rbind(dt.1, dt.1) # Works, but not what I need
dt.12 <- rbind(dt.1, dt.2) # What I need, doesn't work
dt.12 <- rbind.fill(dt.1, dt.2) # What I need, doesn't work either
I need to start rbinding before I have all tables, so no way to know what future new columns will be called. Missing data can be filled with NA.
Since v1.9.2, data.table's rbind function gained fill argument. From ?rbind.data.table documentation:
If TRUE fills missing columns with NAs. By default FALSE. When
TRUE, use.names has to be TRUE, and all items of the input list has to
have non-null column names.
Thus you can do (prior to approx v1.9.6):
data.table::rbind(dt.1, dt.2, fill=TRUE)
# aa bb cc
# 1: 1 2 NA
# 2: 2 3 NA
# 3: 3 4 NA
# 4: 1 2 3
# 5: 2 3 4
# 6: 3 4 5
UPDATE for v1.9.6:
This now works directly:
rbind(dt.1, dt.2, fill=TRUE)
# aa bb cc
# 1: 1 2 NA
# 2: 2 3 NA
# 3: 3 4 NA
# 4: 1 2 3
# 5: 2 3 4
# 6: 3 4 5
Here is an approach that will update the missing columns in
rbind.missing <- function(A, B) {
cols.A <- names(A)
cols.B <- names(B)
missing.A <- setdiff(cols.B,cols.A)
# check and define missing columns in A
if(length(missing.A) > 0L){
# .. means "look up one level"
class.missing.A <- lapply(B[, ..missing.A], class)
nas.A <- lapply(class.missing.A, as, object = NA)
A[,c(missing.A) := nas.A]
# check and define missing columns in B
missing.B <- setdiff(names(A), cols.B)
if(length(missing.B) > 0L){
class.missing.B <- lapply(A[, ..missing.B], class)
nas.B <- lapply(class.missing.B, as, object = NA)
B[,c(missing.B) := nas.B]
# reorder so they are the same
setcolorder(B, names(A))
rbind(A, B)
## aa bb cc
## 1: 1 2 NA
## 2: 2 3 NA
## 3: 3 4 NA
## 4: 1 2 3
## 5: 2 3 4
## 6: 3 4 5
This will not be efficient for many, or large data.tables, as it only works two at a time.
The answers are awesome, but looks like, there are some functions suggested here such as plyr::rbind.fill and gtools::smartbind which seemed to work perfectly for me.
the basic concept is to add missing columns in both directions: from the running master table
to the newTable and back the other way.
As #menl pointed out in the comments, simply assigning an NA is a problem, because that will
make the whole column of class logical.
One solution is to force all columns of a single type (ie as.numeric(NA)), but that is too restrictive.
Instead, we need to analyze each new column for its class. We can then use as(NA, cc) _(cc being the class)
as the vector that we will assign to a new column. We wrap this in an lapply statement on the RHS and use eval(columnName)
on the LHS to assign.
We can then wrap this in a function and use S3 methods so that we can simply call
rbindFill(A, B)
Below is the function.
rbindFill.data.table <- function(master, newTable) {
# Append newTable to master
# assign to Master
# identify columns missing
colMisng <- setdiff(names(newTable), names(master))
# if there are no columns missing, move on to next part
if (!identical(colMisng, character(0))) {
# identify class of each
colMisng.cls <- sapply(colMisng, function(x) class(newTable[[x]]))
# assign to each column value of NA with appropriate class
master[ , eval(colMisng) := lapply(colMisng.cls, function(cc) as(NA, cc))]
# assign to newTable
# identify columns missing
colMisng <- setdiff(names(master), names(newTable))
# if there are no columns missing, move on to next part
if (!identical(colMisng, character(0))) {
# identify class of each
colMisng.cls <- sapply(colMisng, function(x) class(master[[x]]))
# assign to each column value of NA with appropriate class
newTable[ , eval(colMisng) := lapply(colMisng.cls, function(cc) as(NA, cc))]
# reorder columns to avoid warning about ordering
colOrdering <- colOrderingByOtherCol(newTable, names(master))
setcolorder(newTable, colOrdering)
# rbind them!
rbind(master, newTable)
# implement generic function
rbindFill <- function(x, y, ...) UseMethod("rbindFill")
Example Usage:
# Sample Data:
A <- data.table(a=1:3, b=1:3, c=1:3)
A2 <- data.table(a=6:9, b=6:9, c=6:9)
B <- data.table(b=1:3, c=1:3, d=1:3, m=LETTERS[1:3])
C <- data.table(n=round(rnorm(3), 2), f=c(T, F, T), c=7:9)
# Four iterations of calling rbindFill
master <- rbindFill(A, B)
master <- rbindFill(master, A2)
master <- rbindFill(master, C)
# Results:
# a b c d m n f
# 1: 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA
# 2: 2 2 2 NA NA NA NA
# 3: 3 3 3 NA NA NA NA
# 4: NA 1 1 1 A NA NA
# 5: NA 2 2 2 B NA NA
# 6: NA 3 3 3 C NA NA
# 7: 6 6 6 NA NA NA NA
# 8: 7 7 7 NA NA NA NA
# 9: 8 8 8 NA NA NA NA
# 10: 9 9 9 NA NA NA NA
# 11: NA NA 7 NA NA 0.86 TRUE
# 12: NA NA 8 NA NA -1.15 FALSE
# 13: NA NA 9 NA NA 1.10 TRUE
Yet another way to insert the missing columns (with the correct type and NAs) is to merge() the first data.table A with an empty data.table A2[0] which has the structure of the second data.table. This saves the possibility to introduce bugs in user functions (I know merge() is more reliable than my own code ;)). Using mnel's tables from above, do something like the code below.
Also, using rbindlist() should be much faster when dealing with data.tables.
Define the tables (same as mnel's code above):
A <- data.table(a=1:3, b=1:3, c=1:3)
A2 <- data.table(a=6:9, b=6:9, c=6:9)
B <- data.table(b=1:3, c=1:3, d=1:3, m=LETTERS[1:3])
C <- data.table(n=round(rnorm(3), 2), f=c(T, F, T), c=7:9)
Insert the missing variables in table A: (note the use of A2[0]
A <- merge(x=A, y=A2[0], by=intersect(names(A),names(A2)), all=TRUE)
Insert the missing columns in table A2:
A2 <- merge(x=A[0], y=A2, by=intersect(names(A),names(A2)), all=TRUE)
Now A and A2 should have the same columns, with the same types. Set the column order to match, just in case (possibly not needed, not sure if rbindlist() binds across column names or column positions):
setcolorder(A2, names(A))
DT.ALL <- rbindlist(l=list(A,A2))
Repeat for the other tables... Maybe it would be better to put this into a function rather than repeat by hand...
DT.ALL <- merge(x=DT.ALL, y=B[0], by=intersect(names(DT.ALL), names(B)), all=TRUE)
B <- merge(x=DT.ALL[0], y=B, by=intersect(names(DT.ALL), names(B)), all=TRUE)
setcolorder(B, names(DT.ALL))
DT.ALL <- rbindlist(l=list(DT.ALL, B))
DT.ALL <- merge(x=DT.ALL, y=C[0], by=intersect(names(DT.ALL), names(C)), all=TRUE)
C <- merge(x=DT.ALL[0], y=C, by=intersect(names(DT.ALL), names(C)), all=TRUE)
setcolorder(C, names(DT.ALL))
DT.ALL <- rbindlist(l=list(DT.ALL, C))
The result looks the same as mnels' output (except for the random numbers and the column order).
PS1: The original author does not say what to do if there are matching variables -- do we really want to do a rbind() or are we thinking of a merge()?
PS2: (Since I do not have enough reputation to comment) The gist of the question seems a duplicate of this question. Also important for the benchmarking of data.table vs. plyr with large datasets.
I would like to merge multiple data.frame in R using row.names, doing a full outer join. For this I was hoping to do the following:
x = as.data.frame(t(data.frame(a=10, b=13, c=14)))
y = as.data.frame(t(data.frame(a=1, b=2)))
z = as.data.frame(t(data.frame(a=3, b=4, c=3, d=11)))
res = Reduce(function(a,b) merge(a,b,by="row.names",all=T), list(x,y,z))
Warning message:
In merge.data.frame(a, b, by = "row.names", all = T) :
column name ‘Row.names’ is duplicated in the result
> res
Row.names Row.names V1.x V1.y V1
1 1 a 10 1 NA
2 2 b 13 2 NA
3 3 c 14 NA NA
4 a <NA> NA NA 3
5 b <NA> NA NA 4
6 c <NA> NA NA 3
7 d <NA> NA NA 11
What I was hoping to get would be:
V1 V2 V3
a 10 1 3
b 13 2 4
c 14 NA 3
d NA NA 11
The following works (up to some final column renaming):
res <- Reduce(function(a,b){
ans <- merge(a,b,by="row.names",all=T)
row.names(ans) <- ans[,"Row.names"]
ans[,!names(ans) %in% "Row.names"]
}, list(x,y,z))
> res
V1.x V1.y V1
a 10 1 3
b 13 2 4
c 14 NA 3
d NA NA 11
What happens with a row join is that a column with the original rownames is added in the answer, which in turn does not contain row names:
> merge(x,y,by="row.names",all=T)
Row.names V1.x V1.y
1 a 10 1
2 b 13 2
3 c 14 NA
This behavior is documented in ?merge (under Value)
If the matching involved row names, an extra character column called
Row.names is added at the left, and in all cases the result has
‘automatic’ row names.
When Reduce tries to merge again, it doesn't find any match unless the names are cleaned up manually.
For continuity, this is not a clean solution but a workaround, I transform the list argument of 'Reduce' using sapply.
Reduce(function(a,b) merge(a,b,by=0,all=T),
x y.x y.y
1 10 1 3
2 13 2 4
3 14 NA 3
4 NA NA 11
Warning message:
In merge.data.frame(a, b, by = 0, all = T) :
column name ‘Row.names’ is duplicated in the result
For some reason I did not have much success with Reduce. given a list of data.frames (df.lst) and a list of suffixes (suff.lst) to change the names of identical columns, this is my solution (it's loop, I know it's ugly for R standards, but it works):
df.merg <- as.data.frame(df.lst[1])
colnames(df.merg)[-1] <- paste(colnames(df.merg)[-1],suff.lst[[1]],sep="")
for (i in 2:length(df.lst)) {
df.i <- as.data.frame(df.lst[i])
colnames(df.i)[-1] <- paste(colnames(df.i)[-1],suff.lst[[i]],sep="")
df.merg <- merge(df.merg, df.i, by.x="",by.y="", all=T)