Using selectors with ngrx data - ngrx

how can we use memoization capabilty of selectors using ngrx data with their capabality?
How to create selectors from ngrx data "entityCache" state inside store?
Thank you

Can you clarify what kind of selector you are looking for? The EntityCollectionService has a bunch of preset selectors, though the documentation is not extensive. Here is a list of the "built-in" selectors per the source code.
/** Observable of the collection as a whole */
readonly collection$: Observable<EntityCollection> | Store<EntityCollection>;
/** Observable of count of entities in the cached collection. */
readonly count$: Observable<number> | Store<number>;
/** Observable of all entities in the cached collection. */
readonly entities$: Observable<T[]> | Store<T[]>;
/** Observable of actions related to this entity type. */
readonly entityActions$: Observable<EntityAction>;
/** Observable of the map of entity keys to entities */
readonly entityMap$: Observable<Dictionary<T>> | Store<Dictionary<T>>;
/** Observable of error actions related to this entity type. */
readonly errors$: Observable<EntityAction>;
/** Observable of the filter pattern applied by the entity collection's filter function */
readonly filter$: Observable<string> | Store<string>;
/** Observable of entities in the cached collection that pass the filter function */
readonly filteredEntities$: Observable<T[]> | Store<T[]>;
/** Observable of the keys of the cached collection, in the collection's native sort order */
readonly keys$: Observable<string[] | number[]> | Store<string[] | number[]>;
/** Observable true when the collection has been loaded */
readonly loaded$: Observable<boolean> | Store<boolean>;
/** Observable true when a multi-entity query command is in progress. */
readonly loading$: Observable<boolean> | Store<boolean>;
/** ChangeState (including original values) of entities with unsaved changes */
readonly changeState$:
| Observable<ChangeStateMap<T>>
| Store<ChangeStateMap<T>>;

For me at the beginning was a little bit confusing as well. The selectors are used behind a Facade Pattern.
Have a look at this article, it may help you for having a better understanding.
ngrx/data uses by default that pattern (that's not ngrx, although you can create your own facade as in the article is explained).
----------------- ngrx -----------------
----------------- ngrx/data -----------------
you can find more in
Your component also subscribes to one or more of the service's Observable selectors in order to reactively process and display entity state changes produced by those commands.
However, again from documentation seems very confuse...
Have a look to this picture
from, good read either.
In this last picture as #bkelley said, you can use EntityCollectionService, it is the Facade in ngrx/data
Hope this help


Doctrine Events: How can I track additions / removals to a ManyToMany collection?

I have an Application entity that has a ManyToMany relationship to the SortList entity. The owning side is Application. There's a simple join table that creates the mapping for this relationship.
Here's how the Application entity looks with regards to managing the collection:
* Add sortLists
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\SortList $sortList
* #return Application
public function addSortList(SortList $sortList)
$this->sortLists[] = $sortList;
return $this;
* Remove sortLists
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\SortList $sortList
public function removeSortList(SortList $sortList)
* Get sortLists
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getSortLists()
return $this->sortLists;
I want to track when SortLists have been added or removed from an Application.
I've already learned that I can't use postUpdate lifecycle event to track these changes collections.
Instead, it seems I should use onFlush and then $unitOfWork->getScheduledCollectionUpdates() and $unitOfWork->getScheduledCollectionDeletions().
For updates, I see I can use the "internal" method getInsertDiff to see which items in the collection were added and getDeleteDiff to see which items in the collection were removed.
But I have a couple concerns:
If all items in the collection were removed, there's no way to see which items were actually removed since $unitOfWork->getScheduledCollectionDeletions() doesn't have this information.
I'm using methods that are marked as "internal"; it seems like they could "disappear" or be refactored some point in the future without me knowing?
I solved this empty getDeleteDiff in
The reason this is sometimes empty is an old but still existing problem. The solution at the moment is to fetch the data again yourself.
public function onFlush(OnFlushEventArgs $args)
$uow = $args->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork();
foreach ($uow->getScheduledCollectionDeletions() as $collection) {
* "getDeleteDiff" is not reliable, collection->clear on PersistentCollection also clears the original snapshot
* A reliable way to get removed items is: clone collection, fetch original data
$removedData = $collection->getDeleteDiff();
if (!$removedData) {
$clone = clone $collection;
$clone->setOwner($collection->getOwner(), $collection->getMapping());
// This gets the real data from the database into the clone
// The actual removed items!
$removedData = $clone->toArray();
I think the examples below cover everything you would need so you just need to implement which ever you want/need in your app.
For tracking persist operations, you can use prePersist and
postPersist event listener on an entity or prePersist and
postPersist event subscriber on an entity examples. PrePersist
won't give you the ID cos it doesn't exist in DB yet whereas
PostPersist will as shown in the example.
For tracking remove operations, you can use preRemove and
postRemove event listener on an entity example.
For tracking update operations which is the tricky one, you can use
preUpdate event listener on an entity example but pay attention
how it is done.
For inserting, updating and removing operations, you can use
onFlush event listener on an entity example which covers
UnitOfWork getScheduledEntityInsertions,
getScheduledEntityUpdates and getScheduledEntityDeletions
There are many other useful listener examples in that website so just use search feature for listener keyword. Once I did same thing as you wanted for M-N associations but cannot find the example. If I can I'll post it but not sure if I can!

Symfony 2 JMS Serializer Bundle - Serialize only IDs for User friends

I have a question about the JMS Serializer Bundle in Symfony 2.
I want to serialize a User entity, which has a many-to-many relation with itself called "friends".
While I want to expose a bunch of property from the original User, I only want the ids from the friend objects, which are also User entities.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Okay, while I wrote the question, I also solved it.
The solution is to use the #VirtualProperty annotation.
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\VirtualProperty;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation\SerializedName;
// ...
* #VirtualProperty
* #SerializedName("friends")
public function getFriendIdsOnly()
$friendIds = array();
foreach ($this->friends as $friendEntity) {
$friendIds[] = $friendEntity->getId();
return $friendIds;
With this, the "friends" key will contain an array of User ids.
Or maybe you could use the #Groups annotation.
class User
* #JMS\Groups({"user_id", "friend_id"})
* #JMS\Groups({"user_friends"})
And when you want to serialize you set up the ["user_friends", "friend_id"] groups. The difference with your solution is the format of the return (if we talk about json)
// You
{"id":, "friends":["id", "id"]}
// Me
{"id":, "friends":[{"id":}, {"id":}]}
The solution with the groups allow a more manageable return. If one day you want to send back the username for instance, you just need to change the groups annotations.

Extending entities in Symfony2 with Doctrine2

I'm having trouble finding a way to appropriately extend an Entity across bundles in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 as the ORM.
Currently there are three methods that I've found to extending entities in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 as the ORM. Mapped Superclass, Single Table Inheritance and Class Table Inheritance. None of these work for what I'm looking to do.
I have two Bundles: UserBundle and BlogBundle. I want to be able to use the UserBundle in projects that do not have the BlogBundle, but the BlogBundle will always be used in projects that have the User Bundle. It's ok if the BlogBundle has dependencies on the UserBundle, but not the other way around.
I have two entities:
BlogBundle\Entity\Post and
There needs to be a One to Many relationship between Users and Blog Posts. This is achieved through a Author_ID property (column) on the BlogBundle\Entity\Post object (table) which is mapped to UserBundle\Entity\
The Problem:
I can call the UserBundle\Entity\User entity directly from within the BlogBundle and achieve what I'm looking for using a Uni-Directional mapping. This does not allow me to access all posts by a user from within a User object. I can access the data via custom queries but this is not as clean as accessing posts by a user through the user object.
What I'd like to do is extend the UserBundle\Entity\User object from within the BlogBundle, and add the methods and properties to this object that establish the One to Many mapping used within the BlogBundle. None of this is persisted, it simply defines the relationship and allows me to logically access all posts created by a user in an application that implements both the BlogBundle and UserBundle by adding needed functionality to the User object within the blog bundle (thus avoiding a dependency from the UserBundle to the BlogBundle).
When I create a BlogBundle\Entity\User object and extend UserBundle\Entity\User I must declare #ORM\Table(name="usertablename"). If I don't, any attempt to access the BlogBundle\Entity\User object will fail to access the database. Since none of the additions in the extended object persist, this works fine across bundles. The issue with this is when I call "php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force", there is a conflict since two entities try to map to & create the same table. I have tried using the ResolveTargetEntityListener feature that was recently implemented but this, along with Mapped Superclas, STI and CTI all force a dependency on the BlogBundle from the UserBundle.
Below are my objects to help illustrate my my setup. They have been abbreviated for clarity. I realize some of the semantics aren't correct but it's intended to communicate the ideas & configuration.
class User implements UserInterface
class Post
#ORM\Column(name="author_id", type="integer")
protected $author_id;
#ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="\App\BlogBundle\Entity\User", inversedBy="posts")
#ORM\JoinColumn(name="author_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $author;
use App\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser
class User extends BaseUser
#ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\BlogBundle\Entity\Post", mappedBy="author")
protected $posts;
public function __construct()
$this->posts = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
/* Getters & Setters, nothing that defines #ORM\Column, nothing persisted */
This works but the problem is that I'm mapping two entities in the project to the same table. The extended object doesn't grab the #ORM\Table(name="app_user") from it's parent so it must be defined in BlogBundle\Entity\User. If not any reference to this object from a controller will not access the database. Since nothing is persisted from the extended object nothing is broken except for when I try to update the database schema from the console.
I can use a unidirectional relationship, but this limits how I can access the data from within a controller.
You can see in this link to know about inheritance:
You must declare in UserBundle\Entity\User:
* #Entity
* #InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
* #DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
* #DiscriminatorMap({"baseuser" = "UserBundle\Entity\User", "blogUser" = "BlogBundle\Entity\User"})
class User implements UserInterface
And BlogBundle\Entity\User
use App\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
* #ORM\Entity
class User extends BaseUser
I think you could find this Bundle interesting:
It allows you to define by parameters what files are mapping your entities, allowing to override every entity of your generic bundles.
For example:
# Mapping information
test_bundle.entity.user.class: "TestBundle\Entity\User"
test_bundle.entity.user.mapping_file_path: "#TestBundle/Mapping/Class.orm.yml"
test_bundle.entity.user.entity_manager: default
test_bundle.entity.user.enable: true
The only contra I see is that you have to define all the next entities the same way cause you disabled auto_mapping...

Symfony/Doctrine 2 - Use config parameter in Entity

I have a tree of Employee objects (they are in a tree-like hierarchy, with everyone having one leader, and all leaders having more employees). All the Employees have a integer parameter called units.
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\Table(name="employees")
class Employee
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Employee", mappedBy="leader")
protected $employees;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity("Employee", inversedBy="employees")
protected $leader;
I need to get all the employees, who have at most N units, where N is defined in config.yml. At first, I was trying to push $configContainer into $GLOBALS, and use it in ArrayCollection::filter()'s Closure. Now I found a method, so I can use variables in the Closure:
public function getBestEmployees(&$configContainer)
return $this->getAllEmployees()->filter(
function bestEmployees($employee) use ($configContainer)
return ($employee->getUnits() >= $configContainer->getParameter('best_unit_count'));
Now I wonder if there is any other way to access the configuration parameters from an Entity, or do I really have to pass the whole configContainer as a reference? Or am I doing it totally wrong?
You shouldn't be accessing the service container at all inside entities. The value itself should be passed instead
public function getBestEmployees($bestUnitCount)
return $this->getAllEmployees()->filter(function ($employee) use ($bestUnitCount) {
return $employee->getUnits()->count() >= $bestUnitCount;
Of course, we haven't actually solved the problem yet: the parameter still needs to be fetched from the container somewhere. If this method gets invoked mostly in controller actions, I wouldn't bother doing any extra work to make things cleaner and would pass the container parameter straight in the controller action.
However, should there be a need to get the best employees in a Twig template, for example, it would be nice if it wouldn't be necessary to pass the parameter. One possibility would be using a setter method and passing the parameter down beforehand to each and every entity that gets retrieved from the database. You could do this either in repositories or entitiy managers. The most advanced solution would be to listen to the postLoad event and pass the parameter in an event listener.

How do I build something like query inheritance with Doctrine2?

I'm building a small website with Symfony2 and Doctrine2. There are blog posts, events and press releases. Each of these is so similar that I decided to use single table inheritance (STI) with a parent table called 'Node'.
Nodes have:
a 'published' field, which is boolean
a 'locale' field, which is a string and says 'this is only to be shown in this locale'. (The locale is passed in via the request).
By default, I only want to display published nodes that are from the current locale.
Obviously, I could create lots of queries in the repository that look something like:
->where('Node.published = 1')
->where('Node.locale = :locale')
but this doesn't seem very DRY.
So how do I build a default query which other queries can 'inherit' from? This should include default Doctrine queries based on relations.
Inheritance is probably overkill.
Why not just create a little factory method that gives you a preconfigured queryBuilder?
class NodeRepository extends Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository {
public function getLocalizedNodeQueryBuilder($type,$locale){
return $this->getQueryBuilder($type)
->where('Node.published = 1')
->where('Node.locale = :locale')
You could do the same thing, and simply override getQueryBuilder if you're sure you always want your querybuilder configured that way.
You don't need to build anything like that into your repository classes. If you set up single table inheritance with a "Discriminator Map" you'll end up with seperate classes (Entities). Doctrine will take care of filtering by your "node type" when it interacts with the DBAL.
For example..
namespace MyProject\Model;
* #Entity
* #InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
* #DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
* #DiscriminatorMap({"node" = "Node", "blogpost" = "Blogpost", "events" = "Events"})
class Node
// ...
* #Entity
class Blogpost extends Node
// ...
* #Entity
class Events extends Node
// ...
// get me all the blogposts
$blogposts = $em->getRepository('Blogpost')->findAll();
// get me all the events
$events = $em->getRepository('Events')->findAll();
This is especially beneficially as you'll be able to encapsulate your "Blogpost" logic into its own entity, rather than trying to represent it with its parent class "Node".
