How do i display the page of externaly selected row by index? - react-table

I'm simultaneously displaying some data in a react-table component and on a interactive map. I'm trying to implement a feature where items can be selected by clicking the table row or the object on the map.
Here is what that looks like.
In my component's state there is a selectedIndex property that holds the array index of currently selected item.
I managed to handle the click events both on react-table row and on the interactive map object and set the appropriate value to the selectedIndex property.
I managed to highlight both the row that displays the selected item and the object that represents the selected item on the map.
getTrProps={(s: any, rowInfo: RowInfo) => {
if (rowInfo == null) {
return {};
return {
onClick: (e: any, handleOriginal: any) => {
if (handleOriginal) {
style: rowInfo.index === this.state.selectedIndex ?
{background: '#00AFEC', color: 'white'} : {}
click={(e, point: [number, number, number]) => this.handleSelectedIndexPress(point[2])}
color={{r: 1, g: 0, b: 1}}
{state.selectedIndex != null &&
position={state.reportPoints[state.selectedIndex] as any}
The only problem is that when the user selects a item by clicking on it on the interactive map, sometimes, the item dose not get highlighted on the table since its not on the currently displayed page.
When that happens I would like to jump to the page where the selected item is.
I know that there is the page property on the ReactTable component with witch I can programmatically control the currently displayed page.
The problem is that when I handle the click event on the interactive map I only have access to the index of the selected element.
handleSelectedIndexPress = (index: number) => {
// Here i need to figure out the page number that the row with index "index" is in.
const selectedIndex = index !== this.state.selectedIndex ? index : null;
this.setState({selectedIndex: selectedIndex});
How do I figure out what page number that index is in so that I can set the currently displayed page properly? Keep in mind that react-table rows can be sorted in many different ways so the index is not mathematically linked to the page number.


Adding button to lightningchart

I am adding UIelement by using following code
legendBox = chart[unique].addUIElement(UILayoutBuilders.Column.setBackground( UIBackgrounds.Rectangle ))
.setPosition({ x: 0, y: 100 })
Right now I am able to add series to it by following code
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.CheckBox);
Instead , can I add the button with some value ? On clicking of that button I need call an function with that value.
For example if I add button with value
<button val="22">Click<button>
Now when i click that button , I need a callback function returning 22.Is it possible ?
In your case, the entry variable is of type UICheckBox.
To apply a custom action when clicking it, the onSwitch method should do it.
series.attach(entry); is only required if you want the button to hide/restore the series, you can remove this code if you want that only your custom action is triggered.
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.CheckBox)
entry.onSwitch((_, checked) => {
console.log('clicked', checked)
See also UIElementBuilders.ButtonBox if you want to add automatic bounce-back.
entry = legendBox.addElement(UIElementBuilders.ButtonBox)
entry.onSwitch((_, checked) => {
if (checked) {
console.log('button pressed')

Persist checkbox in gridview while custom paging

I have a created a gridview and added a checkbox in item template. This grid has few columns along with DataKey (primary key). Due to performance gain, this grid will fetch the next set of recrods on each page change based on the page number click. So that is done.
Now when user selects a checkbox in page one and then go to page 2 and coming back to page one, then user will not see the checkbox checked as the user did earlier.
So is there a good way to persist the checkbox when user move page to page?
This checkbox be used as a flag to select the rows that can be deleted later by a button outside the grid.
Since you receive a new set each time a paging is selected, I suggest the following approach:
Create an array[] object via javascript that will add to list the datakey whenever a checkbox is selected and in turn remove it if the checkbox is deselected. Something like this:
var selectedDataKeys = [];
$('.checkboxclass').on('change', function() {
// Considering you assign the data key as id for the checkbox otherwise implement a way to retrieve the id.
var dataKey = $(this).prop('id');
// Determine if the dataKey is in the selected data keys array
var isContained = (selectedDataKeys.indexOf(dataKey) > -1 );
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
// If is contained is false - add to the array
if (!isContained)
} else {
// If is contained is true - remove to the array
if (isContained){
selectedDataKeys = $.grep(selectedDataKeys, function(value) {
return value != dataKey;
From this point on the client user will have an active list of selected items, now its up to you to use that list to manipulate your grid display page. Either modify the display on document ready by comparing all the item on the grid display with the selectedDataKeys array or sending those keys and do the comparison server side.
Hope this helps.

Disabling a row in a DOJO / Gridx grid

I have a grid I created in Gridx which lists a bunch of users. Upon clicking a ROW in the grid (any part of that row), a dialog pops up and shows additional information about that user and actions that can be done for that user (disable user, ignore user, etc.) - when one of these options is selected from the pop up, I want to DISABLE that row. The logic for getting the row, etc. I can take care of, but I can't figure out how to make a grid row actually "appear" disabled and how to make that row no longer clickable.
Is there a simple way to do this? If you aren't familiar with gridx, solutions that apply to EnhancedGrids or other Dojo grids are also appreciated.
Alright now that I have a little more information here is a solution:
Keep a list of all the rows you have disabled so far either inside the Grid widget or in its parent code. Then on the onRowClick listener I would write code like this:
on(grid, "onRowClick", function(e) {
if(disabledRows[rowIndex]) {
// Do whatever pop up stuff you want and after
// a user selects the value, you can "disable"
// your row afterwards by adding it to the disabled
// list so that it can no longer be clicked on.
var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
disabledRows[rowIndex] = true;
// This is just some random class I made up but
// you can use css to stylize the row however you want
var rowNode = e.rowNode;
domClass.add(rowNode, "disabled");
Note that domClass is what I named "dojo/dom-class". Hope this helps!
This is perhaps not exactly what you are seaching for:
If you want to hide one or more rows by your own filterfunction you could just add to these rows in the DOM your own class for nodisplay. Here I show you a function for display only those rows which have in a choiceable field/column a value inside your filterlist.
function hideRowFilter(gridId, fieldName, filterList)
var store =;
var rowId;
rowId = gridId.row(,true).node();
if (filterList.indexOf(object[fieldName]) == -1)
domClass.add(rowId, "noDisplay"); // anzeigen
domClass.remove(rowId, "noDisplay"); // verstecken
.noDisplay { display: none; }
So I can for example display only the entries with a myState of 3 or 4 with this call:
hideRowFilter(gridId, 'myState', [3, 4]);
Note that domClass is what I named "dojo/dom-class"

KnockOut JS - Binding a button to an item in a collection

This is a slightly tricky question to put into words. Basically I've been trying to build a shopping cart page in KnockoutJS based on one of the examples in the the KnockoutJS website ( However I wanted to make use of jQueryUI sliders so that I could adjust the values of each product in my cart.
This I've managed to get working OK and I can add a product (in this case Motorcars) to my basket and adjust the value and also increase/decrease the value depending on whether the car has a sports kit or is a convertible.
However, instead of adding a product (the "Add Car" button) and then choosing the car type, I want to be able to add a specific type (eg BMW, Ford) to the cart at the click of the button (eg clicking on the "Add BMW" button - this does nothing at the moment).
However my simple brain cant work out how to bind the button to a specific car in the collection. I think I can retrieve the car by creating a function that iterates over the collection and finds the car that has the type that matches a string, e.g.
function GetCar(carType) {
for (var i = 0; i < sampleCars.length; i++) {
if (sampleCars[i].Type == carType) {
return sampleCars[i];
So basically I want to know how I can bind the click event of "Add BMW" button to a particular car in the collection and have that added to my cart.
If you plan on making multiple buttons, you can create a function which can create your event handlers which can take in a car type.
self.addSpecificCarLine = function (carType) {
return function () {
var car = ko.utils.arrayFirst(sampleCars, function (car) {
return car.Type === carType;
var cartLine = new CartLine();;
Then you can bind to the handlers like so:
<button data-bind='click: addSpecificCarLine("BMW")'>Add BMW</button>
Updated fiddle

show different item on selectionchange on a grid

i have a grid and a form, i need to show different items on the form each time we select a row on that grid
i ve been looking on how to do this, and found
Ext.getCmp('myform').hide() // or .show()
listeners: { selectionchange: function () {...}
now i dont know which row is selected so i can specify which item to show
You get the selected rows as second parameter in the selectionchange event handler:
listeners: {
selectionchange: function (view, selections, options) {
console.log(view, selections, options);
So the first selected row is the first element in the selections array:
record = selections[0]
This is described in the Ext JS 4 API documentation for the selectionchange event.
Try to following code in your grid.
itemclick:function(view, record, item, index, e ) {
var v = record.get('firstName');
firstName will be your dataindex of colums in your grid.
You can get value of any field like this.
