ASP.Net Web.config client endpoint name -

I have a service that has references to other services with some of them being references to different environments of the same service (e.g. prod/test).
I am using the #if precompile directive to include different versions of these references with the using statement. Example:
#if Debug
using ServiceTest
using ServiceProd
In the Web.config file I have two child nodes inside the <client> node. Example:
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="Service"
contract="ServiceTest" name="Service" />
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="Service"
contract="ServiceProd" name="Service" />
Is the above part of the Web.config valid or not? More precisely, can there be any side-effects because of having two endpoints with the same name and binding configurations? The main concern is having a wrong endpoint called (e.g. calling prod endpoint instead of test or the other way around).
Any guidance and advice regarding the above will be really appreciated.

Is the above part of the Web.config valid or not?
Every time when you run your application CLR reads web.config file and deserialize it as an object. To deserialize XML it's uses classes declaration in "configSections" section of your config file.
So, the answer "valid or not" depends on implementation of "client" configuration section. I believe this should be part of your application or code from nuget library. This is why we can't answer you with confidence.
More precisely, can there be any side-effects because of having two endpoints with the same name and binding configurations?
Frankly, I don't understand how this should work. In what manner 3rd library should know that it needs to load first but not second client endpoint?
Possible solutions.
You can use web.config transformation. There are tons of resources about this feature of .NET Framework.
The simplest scenario would be to substitute endpoint address keeping the same endpoint name.
Another common scenario is to give different endpoint names and keep "alive" endpoint name in AppSettings. In this case your code should resolve endpoint name first and then actual endpoint address.


How to force soap header authentication for my scenario?

The problem is: I need to connect to a soap web service; generated by java code; using ASP.Net client via C# through MS Visual Studio 2013.
Try 1, The usual way:
I have added a web service reference using the wsdl and by assigning the credentials like:
Credentials.Username.Username = "test";
Credentials.Password.Password = "test";
When executing, the following exception is being encountered:
The login information is missing!
Try 2:
I have searched for similar problems like:
c# - Client to send SOAP request and received response
I had chosen to generate a proxy class using the wsdl tool, then added the
header attribute, but I have found the following note from Microsoft:
Note: If the Web service defines the member variables representing the SOAP headers of type SoapHeader or SoapUnknownHeader instead of a class deriving from SoapHeader, a proxy class will not have any information about that SOAP header.
Try 3:
I have tried to change the service model in the client web.config:
<binding name="CallingCardServicePortBinding">
<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential" >
<message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>
Then added the credentials like the first try, but the following error appears:
MustUnderstand headers:[{}Security] are not understood
So, now I don't know what to do !
I have no control over the web service and I need to build a client that understands it.
Help Please!
The Soap Request template is the following:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="...">
If the destination web service uses authentication, then just ASMX won't do, since it is not aware of authentication, encryption etc. You have 2 options:
Use Microsoft WSE:
this is nothing but an extension of ASMX which makes it Security/Encryption aware. (and some other features) technically, you'll be adding a reference to the WSE DLL and your Soap Proxy will extend from the WSE SOAP Client instead of the System one.
once you do that, the proxy class will have additional username/password properties that you can use to authenticate properly.
set the properties and see the outgoing request using fiddler. if the header is not what you want (because of namespaces etc.), then you can write a custom outgoing message inspector and modify the soap request nicely.
The other option (preferred) is to use WCF.
ASMX and WSE are older than WCF. WCF tries to bring all the web service nuances under one roof. if you get a WCF service reference, it (svcutil.exe) will automatically create the proxy class and the right bindings for you. (mostly custom)
once you do that, try setting the user name and password.
if that doesn't work, (i have frequently struggled to generate the right soap header for remote java based services that require username/password authentication), you can define a static header chunk in the web.config/app.config, that'll be sent as part of every request.

In, Web Service endpoint is incorrect when client connects to production server

I've been scouring the net for almost two days and must be missing something (possibly basic).
On the test (local) web server I have set up a simple service, and using a client, I discover the service and run it without problems.
Using the same client, I discover the same service, but on the production server using (the real internet address of the service) without problems, but when I try to run it it fails with an EndPointNotFound exception. Upon investigating I find that the client's app.config is incorrect as follows;
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="MyServiceSoap"
contract="MOX24.MyServiceSoap" name="MyServiceSoap" />
i.e., not set up correctly as it reflects ... and not, indicating that the service (discovery) is sending the wrong information to the clients (it is sending the server's name and domain and not the 'web' name).
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!
If your client is a web application, put in the Web.Release.config.

Consuming the Tridion 2011 linking.svc service in ASP.NET

I receive the following error when attempting to add a service reference to /linking.svc in my ASP.NET application:
There was an error downloading http://localhost:82/linking.svc/. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found. Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: http://localhost:82/linking.svc/. There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:82/linking.svc/ that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the solution and adding the service reference again.
I thought I could consume the linking service in the same way as odata (add service reference in Visual Studio) as odata works fine for me. I've checked the web.config of my services installation and both endpoints look correctly configured.
<!-- HTTP support -->
<service name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Webservice.ODataService">
<endpoint behaviorConfiguration="webHttp" bindingConfiguration="HttpBinding" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Webservice.IODataService" />
<service name="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Webservice.LinkingService">
<endpoint behaviorConfiguration="webHttp" bindingConfiguration="HttpBinding" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="Tridion.ContentDelivery.Webservice.Ilinking" />
<service name="Tridi
I assume i'm attempting to consume the linking.svc in an incorrect way.
My question... Am I following the correct procedure for using the linking.svc service in a Visual Studio ASP.NET project? If not, please could you help me to understand how to utilise this api.
Many thanks
Did you consider writing your own client for the linking service? It is a quite simple REST-ful web service, so you can access it with a standard WebClient:
From an example by Mihai Cadariu:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string linkingServiceUrl = "http://tridion.server:8080/services/linking.svc";
string COMPONENT_LINK = "/componentLink?sourcePageURI={0}&targetComponentURI={1}&excludeTemplateURI={2}&linkTagAttributes={3}&linkText={4}&showTextOnFail={5}&showAnchor={6}";
string url = linkingServiceUrl +
return client.DownloadString(url);
Have you read the documentation here (requires login):

How to expose a wcf service to different clients

I am creating a wcf service. When i add the service as a "Web reference" to my web site (I do this by using the url: http://localhost/myservice.svc?wsdl ) and then call the web methods exposed by the service, I get a "Operation has timed out" exception. However when i add the service as a "Service Reference" to the site, the calls work fine.
The reason iam adding it as a web reference is, i want to expose the wcf service to all clients like java, php .....
I have looked at the article in "", but i have not tried converting the wsdl to a typed proxy as suggested by this article.
Any ideas on why i get a time out error when using it as a web reference?
Likely you're using WsHttpBinding rather than BasicHttpBinding. .NET 2.0 web services cannot consume a WsHttpBinding service.
The problem is one of protocol. Web service protocols are constantly changing, adding security, federated identity, and so forth. As they change, older technologies can't communicate using the newer protocols.
Thankfully, WCF will allow you to use multiple protocols in a single service -- just set up separate endpoints for each protocol you want to use. Be wary, however, as some are more secure than others.
Regarding versioning, the MessageVersion class is a good starting point.
Edit: I should have mentioned that you need to use MessageVersion as part of a custom TextMessageEncodingBindingElement binding, like so:
<binding name="MyBinding">
<textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11WSAddressing10"/>

WCF Service support file jsdebug fails to load

I have a WCF service that gets called from client side JavaScript. The call fails with a Service is null JavaScript error. WebDevelopment helper trace shows that the calls to load the jsdebug support file results in a 404 (file not found) error.
Restarting IIS or clearing out the Temp ASP.Net files or setting batch="false" on the compilation tag in web.config does not resolve the problem
From the browser
https://Myserver/MyApp/Services/MyService.svc displays the service metadata
https://Myserver/MyApp/Services/MyService.svc/jsdebug results in a 404.
The issue seems to be with the https protocol. With http /jsdebug downloads the supporting JS file.
Any ideas?
Figured it out!
Here is the services configuration section from web.config
Look at the bindingConfiguration attribute on the endpoint. The value "webBinding" points to the binding name="webBinding" tag in the bindings and that is what tells the service to use Transport level security it HTTPS. In my case the attribute value was empty causing the webservice request to the /js or /jsdebug file over HTTPS to fail and throw a 404 error.
<service name="MyService">
<endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceAspNetAjaxBehavior" binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="webBinding" contract="Services.MyService" />
<binding name="webBinding">
<security mode="Transport">
Note that the bindingConfiguration attribute should be empty ("") if the service is accessed via http instead of https (when testing on local machine with no certs)
Hope this helps someone.
If you still get the same error after all your possible work done. Just add a "AJAX Enabled WCF-Service".
For me the issue was the following; we added MVC to a solution with routing. Our WCF services were not being ignored. I resolved this by adding the following rule (where "WCF" is the folder we keep our services in).
Hope that saves somebody a few hours.
