I have a logfile that i want to analyse with kibana. I wrote a Grok pattern that works and creates the fields i looking for. My problem is that the logfile has some lines that look totally different then all other regular events.
My Grok pattern only works for 99% of the lines in the log. I wan not able to find a way to let kibana just ignore those few line with a different pattern. I have tried filters or using several grok patterns but i can't get it to work.
A regular event in my logfile looks like:
12345678 foo foo foo foo
From time to time i got an event with a different pattern in my logfile like
12345678 server down
My grok pattern %(SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{DATA:foo} aso fails because of the different patterns. How can i just ignore the other lines?
Add this section after the grok pattern so the logstash will skip the failed logs.
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
I need to download many files from a server (specifically tectia) ideally using the ssh package. These files all follow the a predictable pattern across multiple sub folders. The filepath is formatted like this
Where A001 counts up alongside the last 3 digits of the filename (/A002/abcde002.csv and so on)
In the vignette for scp_download it states that the files parameter may contain wildcards so I have tried to do something like
scp_download(session, "/directory/subfolder/A.*/abcde.*[.]csv", to=tempdir())
scp_download(session, "directory/subfolder/A\\d{3}/abcde\\d{3}[.]csv", to=tempdir())
but no matter which combination of patterns or wildcards I can think of (which isn't many) I only get something like
Warning: SSH warning: scp: /directory/subfolder/A\d{3}/abcde\d{3}[.]csv: No such file or directory
What I'm hoping to do is either find a way to do pattern matching here, or to find a way to store tectia directories as a string to be read by scp_download. I've made sure that my session is connected properly and it works without attempting to pattern match, which it does.
I had the same problem. The problem is that when you use * in your pattern it gets escaped when you send it to the server. However, when you request a special file name like this /directory/subfolder/A001/abcde001.csv, it works fine.
Finally I changed my code based on the below steps:
I got the list of files/folders using ls command with ssh_exec_wait function and then store them on a variable.
Download files in the variable separately
session <- ssh_connect("username#ip",passwd="password")
files<-capture.output(ssh_exec_wait(session, command = 'ls /directory/subfolder/A001/*'))
dnc1<- scp_download(session, files[1], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
dnc2<- scp_download(session, files[2], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
dnc3<- scp_download(session, files[3], to = paste0(getwd(),"/data/"))
The bottom 3 commands can be done in a loop as this could be hundreds or thousands of records.
I've found few Stack Overflow questions talking about this, but they are all regarding only the :nmap or :noremap commands.
I want a command, not just a keybinding. Is there any way to accomplish this?
When I run :make, I doesn't saves automatically. So I'd like to combine :make and :w. I'd like to create a command :Compile/:C or :Wmake to achieve this.
The general information about concatenating Ex command via | can be found at :help cmdline-lines.
You can apply this for interactive commands, in mappings, and in custom commands as well.
Note that you only need to use the special <bar> in mappings (to avoid to prematurely conclude the mapping definition and execute the remainder immediately, a frequent beginner's mistake: :nnoremap <F1> :write | echo "This causes an error during Vim startup!"<CR>). For custom commands, you can just write |, but keep in mind which commands see this as their argument themselves.
:help line-continuation will help with overly long command definitions. Moving multiple commands into a separate :help :function can help, too (but note that this subtly changes the error handling).
If you want to pass custom command-line arguments, you can add -nargs=* to your :command definition and then specify the insertion point on the right-hand side via <args>. For example, to allow commands to your :write command, you could use
:command -nargs=* C w <args> | silent make | redraw!
You can combine commands with |, see help for :bar:
command! C update | silent make | redraw!
However, there is a cleaner way to achieve what you want.
Just enable the 'autowrite' option to automatically write
modified files before a :make:
'autowrite' 'aw' 'noautowrite' 'noaw'
'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
:next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
:make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a :buffer, CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
'{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
'autowriteall' for that.
This option is mentioned in the help for :make.
I have found a solution after a bit of trial and error.
Solution for my usecase
command C w <bar> silent make <bar> redraw!
This is for compiling using make and it prints output only if there is nonzero output.
General solution
Where COMMAND_TO_RUN can be constructed using more than one command using the following construct.
You can use this multiple times and It is very similar to pipes in shell.
I want to use something like pdfs=$(echo *.pdf) and drop the error message that comes in case of no files present. But the docs have only examples where both outputs are redirected combined.
Standard error is file descriptor 2, if you are actually running a command you expect to produce output to standard error.
pdfs=$(echo *.pdf 2> /dev/null)
However, don't write code like in your example. A flat string cannot usefully store an arbitrary list of file names, because you can't distinguish between filename delimiters and valid characters in a filename. Instead, use an array which doesn't require any separate commands (and thus any need to redirect standard error):
pdfs=( *.pdf(N) ) # You can drop the (N) if you already have NULL_GLOB enabled
Is it possible to graph the query resolution time of bind9 in munin?
I know there is a way to graph it in a unbound server, is it already done in bind? If not how do I start writing a munin plugin for that? I'm getting stats from in the bind9 server.
I don't believe that "query time" is a function of BIND. About the only time that I see that value (with individual lookups) is when using dig. If you're willing to use that, the following might be a good starting point:
case $1 in
cat <<'EOM'
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
exit 0;;
echo -n "time.value "
dig www.redhat.com|grep Query|cut -d':' -f2|cut -d\ -f2
Note that there's two spaces after the "-d\" in the second cut statement. If you save the above as "querytime" and run it at the command line, output should look something like:
root#pi1:~# ./querytime
time.value 189
root#pi1:~# ./querytime config
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
I'm not sure of the value in tracking the above though. The response time can be affected: if the query is an initial lookup, if the answer is cached locally, depending on server load, depending on intervening network congestion, etc.
Note: the above may be a bit buggy as I've written it on the fly, but it should give you a good starting point. That it returned the above output is a good sign.
In any case, recommend reading the following before you write your own: http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/HowToWritePlugins
For me ack is essential kit (its aliased to a and I use it a million times a day). Mostly it has everything I need so I'm figuring that this behavior is covered and I just can't find it.
I'd love to be able to restrict it to specific kinds of files using a type. the problem is that these files have a full filename rather than an extension. For instance I'd like to restrict it to build files for buildr so i can search them with --buildr (Similar would apply for mvn poms). I have the following defined in my .ackrc
The problem is that 'buildfile' is the entire filename, not an extension, and I'd like ack to match completely on this name. However if I look at the types bound to 'buildr' it shows that .buildfile is an extension rather than the whole filename.
--[no]buildr .buildfile .rake
The ability to restrict to a particular filename would be really useful for me as there are numerous xml usecases (e.g. ant build.xml or mvn pom.xml) that it would be perfect for. I do see that binary, Makefiles and Rakefiles have special type configuration and maybe that's the way to go. I'd really like to be able to do it within ack if possible before resorting to custom functions. Anyone know if this is possible?
No, you cannot do it. ack 1.x only uses extensions for detecting file types. ack 2.0 will have much more flexible capabilities, where you'll be able to do stuff like:
# There are four different ways to match
# is: Match the filename exactly
# ext: Match the extension of the filename exactly
# match: Match the filename against a Perl regular expression
# firstlinematch: Match the first 80 characters of the first line
# of text against a Perl regular expression. This is only for
# the --type-add option.
# Rakefiles http://rake.rubyforge.org/
# CMake http://www.cmake.org/
# Perl http://perl.org/
You can see what development on ack 2.0 is doing at https://github.com/petdance/ack2. I'd love to have your help.