Label on QToolBar, possible? - qt

Is is possible to have labels in a QToolBar? Something like the green text I draw on top of the app screenshot.
I would like to have a set of actions in a toolbar, all them retated to some a system. Then another toolbar with another set of actions related to another system. So each toolbar would have a label named accordingly to the specific system.
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMainWindow *w = new QMainWindow;
QToolBar *barA = new QToolBar;
QAction *actOnA = new QAction("OnA");
QAction *actOffA = new QAction("OffA");
QToolBar *barB = new QToolBar;
QAction *actOnB = new QAction("OnB");
QAction *actOffB = new QAction("OffB");
return a.exec();
I think I saw similar labels in a Microsoft MFC project.

yes, you need to create your custom widget first and then do:
auto b = new QPushButton(this);
connect(b, &QPushButton::clicked, [](){qDebug()<< "ok...";});


QT. Add new layout to QLayout

I create interface dynamically when Application is run.
1) I have QTabWidget with 4 predefined tabs. But i must show only 1 or 2 tabs, in case of user shoice. On StackOverflow i learned, that i must keep all tabs in collection to add and destroit it.
I have QHash: twInputMethodsTabs = new QHash< int, QPair<QWidget*, QString> >();
First argument = index; Second = Tab Widget; Third = Tab Widget Caption Text;
2) I fill the collection like this:
for(int i = 0; i < ui->twInputMethods->children().length(); i++)
twInputMethodsTabs->insert(i, QPair<QWidget*, QString>(ui->twInputMethods->widget(i), ui->twInputMethods->tabText(i)));
3) I add new widget in the tab like this:
4) How can i add new layout to this widget? I want to do like this:
QHBoxLayout *hblParams =new QHBoxLayout();
But it does not work, because layout() returns QLayout which havent addLayout() function. How i can do this?
Or how can i should change architecture of code to do this?
In this following code you get a widget (.first) and then select that widget's layout ->layout() and then add a Widget to that layout ->addWidget().
In the following code you get a widget (.first) and then select that widget's layout ->layout() and try to set the layout on the layout.
Replacing the QLayout
To set the layout on the parent widget, you need to drop the ->layout():
Note that since you are now adding an empty layout to the widget, any widgets current in the previous layout will be lost, so you may need to re-add the widgets to the layout.
Adding new QLayout inside existing QLayout
If you want to add a layout into the existing layout, you cannot do this directly. QLayout can only accept QWidget via .addWidget(). However, you can apply a layout to an empty QWidget() and then add that to the layout. For example:
QWidget *w = new QWidget();
An alternative is to set the layout on the QWidget to a layout that does support .addLayout() such as QHBoxLayout or QVBoxLayout. For example:
QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout();
cmbbCommands.setLayout(l); // Now has a layout that supports .addLayout
Now the following should work because ->layout() returns a QVBoxLayout:
QHBoxLayout *hblParams =new QHBoxLayout();
I Hope, I get what you want to do:
QHBoxLayout *hblParams =new QHBoxLayout();
QWidget *w = new QWidget(twInputMethodsTabs->value(1).first);
I just wrote the code here, so it is untested. However it should give you an idea what I tried to explain in my comment.
Cutted from "working" application:
WidgetA::WidgetA(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
QVBoxLayout *pLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
void WidgetA::buildWidget(QVBoxLayout *layout){
for(int i=0; i<4; ++i){
void WidgetA::buildSegments(QVBoxLayout *layout){
QHBoxLayout *pHbl = new QHBoxLayout();
QLabel *pSegmentSize = new QLabel(this);
pSegmentSize->setText(tr("Segment Size(1,N)"));
QSpinBox *pSegments = new QSpinBox(this);
Read this one: Widgets Tutorial - Nested Layouts

Stop QWidgets from stacking on top of each other dynamically

I create all my QWidgets with code and put them in a tab. However all of the widgets are stacked on top of each other. Is there a way to move widgets dynamic?. It would be possible to move the widgets dynamic to how many there already is in the widget?.As it is know I have to move them with move() which could be hard to keep track on when more objects are added.
QTabWidget* MainWindow::CreateTabWidget(){
QTabWidget* tabWidget = new QTabWidget(ui->centralWidget);
tabWidget->setFixedSize(this->size().width(),this->size().height()- 40);
QWidget* tab = new QWidget();
QLabel* label = new QLabel("Sektionnamn",tab);
QLineEdit* line = new QLineEdit(tab);
tabWidget->addTab(tab,"Tab 1");
return tabWidget;
Use QLayout:
QLabel* label = new QLabel("Sektionnamn");
QLineEdit* line = new QLineEdit();
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;

QToolButton with text: Overwrite minimal height to minic regular button height

I am displaying QToolButtons with icon plus text (Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) outside of a tool bar. Each button has a QAction associated with it which determines the used icon and the displayed text. All those buttons are placed inside a QGridLayout. So far so good.
Unfortunately, it looks like that as soon as you add a QAction to a QToolButton, Qt automatically decides to shrink it down to the minimal size, which is not what I want given my QGridLayout. I used the following lines to correct that behavior in the horizontal dimension:
QToolButton* pButton = new QToolButton(0);
pButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
However that still leaves my button with a smaller height than a regular (push) button. I already tried various other size policies without success.
How to best solve this issue? Is there a reliable way to determine the "normal" button height?
One idea I had was to create a regular dummy button, place it in the same layout and then read its size. This size could then be applied to my QToolButton and the dummy button would be destroyed again. Is there a more elegant / reliable way?
I do not understand what do you want to achieve.
Difference between QPushButton and QToolButton is that, QToolButton has implemented PopupMenu ( can be done easily for QPushButton also )
As I understand visual difference is only small arrow in lower right corner of QToolButton, when you use added QActions to QToolButton
This arrow is for me only difference between QToolButton and QPushButton. But maybe I am missing something.
From your examples ( QToolButton with icon + text: How to center both? )
it does not look like you want to use that popup feature. Thats why I do not understand, why to use QToolButton instead of QPushButtons.
In this example shows:
1) Same height of QToolButton and QPushButton
2) PopuMenu for QPushButton
As for me, I do not understand why to use QToolButton and try to make it look like QPushButton when it is simple to use QPushButton as QToolButton
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWidgets>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
// Prepare layout
QMainWindow *window = new QMainWindow;
QWidget *centralWidget = new QWidget(window);
QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(centralWidget);
QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit();
QAction *toolAction = new QAction(window->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaPlay), "ToolButton", window);
QObject::connect(toolAction, &QAction::triggered, [=]() {
qDebug() << "action";
QPushButton *pushButton = new QPushButton(toolAction->icon(), "PushButton1", window);
pushButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
QPushButton *pushButton2 = new QPushButton(toolAction->icon(), "PushButton2", window);
pushButton2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
QPushButton *pushButton3 = new QPushButton(toolAction->icon(), "PushButton2", window);
pushButton3->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
QObject::connect(pushButton3, &QPushButton::released, [window, pushButton3, toolAction](){
QMenu menu;
QPoint pos = window->mapToGlobal(pushButton3->pos());
pos += QPoint(0, pushButton3->height());
QObject::connect(pushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), toolAction, SLOT(trigger()));
QObject::connect(pushButton2, SIGNAL(pressed()), toolAction, SLOT(trigger()));
QToolButton *toolButton = new QToolButton(window);
toolButton->setText("Popup action");
toolButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
QToolButton *toolButton2 = new QToolButton(window);
toolButton2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
grid->addWidget(textEdit ,0,0,1,2);
grid->addWidget(toolButton ,1,0,1,1);
grid->addWidget(pushButton ,1,1,1,1);
grid->addWidget(toolButton2 ,2,0,1,1);
grid->addWidget(pushButton2 ,2,1,1,1);
grid->addWidget(pushButton3 ,3,0,1,2);
return a.exec();

Add widgets to a ScrollArea

I am creating a window dimanica to the downloads list.
But the scrollbar does not work and the "widgets children" are "cut".
Where can I be wrong? Thanks.
QWidget *central = new QWidget;
QScrollArea *scroll = new QScrollArea;
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(scroll);
int i=0;
QWidget *p1 = new QWidget;
QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout(p1);
QLabel *label1 = new QLabel("test");
QLabel *label2 = new QLabel("0%");
QMainWindow *w = new QMainWindow;
Found your mistake, you should set layout to widget central not to scroll:
QWidget *central = new QWidget;
QScrollArea *scroll = new QScrollArea;
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(central);
Your labels already take all available space, if you noticed, label1 begins at left border ends in the middle, where label2 starts and ends at the right border. If I understood you correctly, you want label1 to take all the space available, while label2 with percents to take only what space is needed, no more?
Read about QSizePolicy class and use setSizePolicy() on your labels. Try to insert this line right after label2 declaration:
QLabel *label2 = new QLabel("0%");
And add line layout->addStretch(); right before QMainWindow *w = new QMainWindow;

How to allow a QWidget to expand to an entire tab within a QTabWidget?

I've never been too great when it comes to layouts and size policies, so this is likely a simple answer, but here goes.
When I add a new tab to a QTabWIdget, and set the widget to a QSplitter, the splitter will use the entire amount of space given. However, when I put a QSplitter within a QWidget, and add a tab using the QWidget, it will not use the give space - only what the splitter size is.
I would like to stay away from a QLayout, as I have all necessary widgets within splitters. Just getting my QWidget to use all space in the tab (which should allow the QSplitter to use all space in the QWIdget) is what I need.
I've built a sample below showing the comparison, as well as the result. Long question short - how can I get scenario one (within "Tab One") to appear like scenario two ("Tab Two") and still use a parent QWidget for the Spliiter?
QTabWidget* pTab = new QTabWidget(this);
//Splitter belongs to a QWidget, which belongs to the Tab. Does not use all space
QWidget* pWidget = new QWidget(this);
QSplitter* pSplitter = new QSplitter(pWidget);
QListWidget* pList = new QListWidget(this);
QListWidget* pList2 = new QListWidget(this);
pTab->addTab(pWidget, "Tab One");
//Splitter belongs to the Tab. Uses all space
QListWidget* pList3 = new QListWidget(this);
QListWidget* pList4 = new QListWidget(this);
QSplitter* pSplitter2 = new QSplitter(this);
pTab->addTab(pSplitter2, "Tab Two");
Change this:
QWidget* pWidget = new QWidget(this);
QSplitter* pSplitter = new QSplitter(pWidget);
To this:
QWidget* pWidget = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(pWidget);
QSplitter* pSplitter = new QSplitter(pWidget);
