Cant access specific page in wp-admin wordpress - wordpress

I have moved a website from one hosting server to another, webpage works with no problem but when i access wp-admin / edit page a receive an error.
I have already tried to add some code in comments but then another error appears. All errors coming are in same mode, cant find function or file.
class 'WP_Privacy_Policy_Content' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 286, referer:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_reset_vars() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 133, referer:

You need to re-upload wp-includes and wp-admin folders and try again or you can upload fresh wp-includes and wp-admin folders.


Joomla 3.10 Error 500 Fatal error: Class 'JHtml' not found cms.php

I have installed and configured Joomla site on one of my domains (in sub folder), and it works great there, so now, I wanted to move it to original domain where it has to be, so in WHM I created new account for new domain, and moved my Joomla files and DB to new account, in config file, I've changed user and DB data, also changed path for log and temp and when I run Joomla on new domain, I get this error:
Fatal error: Class 'JHtml' not found in /home/newsite/public_html/libraries/cms.php on line 12
The line 12 in that file is:
if (!defined('JPATH_PLATFORM'))
but since it works on old domain, that should not be a problem?
Everything stayed on same server and folders and files in root directory have same permissions
I've added this code to index.php, before that I just got blank page
ini_set('display_errors','On'); error_reporting(E_ALL);

Unable to get to wp-admin log in page

Hi I have recently tried to log in to my site and I keep getting the following error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
on line 1210
I have not made any changes to website. The website itself works fine however I cannot get to wordpress dashboard either via wp-login and wp-admin.
Any idea? Thank you
Open base_functions.php & try and add following code on top.
<?php ob_start(); ?>
You have already marked path to file: /homepages/6/d700752663/htdocs/clickandbuilds/OnyxMotorsCompany/wp-content/themes/cardealer/includes/base_functions.php
I hope it will help.

Can't access WP-Admin page because of error

I am trying to edit a website I made in Wordpress, but when I go to the to get to the Admin,
I get the errors, and so there is no way to go into Wordpress to edit the site.
I even changed the WP Theme back to the default TwentyTen through PHPMyAdmin, but that didn't help.
What can I do? Here is what I get when I try to go to wp-admin page:
Notice: register_uninstall_hook was called incorrectly. Only a static
class method or function can be used in an uninstall hook. Please see
Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added
in version 3.1.) in
/home/content/80/13163980/html/ybk/wp-includes/functions.php on line
Notice: Undefined index: page in
on line 45
Notice: Undefined index: page in
on line 55
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
/home/content/80/13163980/html/ybk/wp-includes/functions.php:3547) in
/home/content/80/13163980/html/ybk/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line
I just set WP_DEBUG mode to false and that skipped it all and got me to the WP-Admin login page.
Just find the pluggable.php and after <?php please add this ob_start(); and save. That should work.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
Removing "blank lines" from function.php file and check it now issue is as it is than after check plugin folder >> disable plugin and check
Refresh your Browser, and the original error message Should go away.

unable to access wp-admin after change theme on wordpress

i cannot access wp-admin, and i search on internet and it suggest me to delete the first blank space on file function.options.php, but there it not blankspace. how should i do ?
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
in /home/voalahui/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1207
when i open function.option.php
if (!function_exists('of_options'))
line 1 there is not blank space to deleted
so, i reupload again my file to hosting, and make sure there is not file who failed, and it's fixed

Moving Wordpress website to another server

A friend of mine asked me to move wordpress website from development server to production. I've copied all the files, backed up and restored database. After that I'd changed sitename and home values in database (_options table) to new domain and it started. Though only home page is working fine. When I navigate to any other page it gives me 500 error. In error_log I got following errors:
1423021301: /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/ssv3_payload_extractor-r0Xkqq2xFD.php startup
[24-Feb-2015 19:16:59 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/include/classes/core/class-vc-sort.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/js_composer.php on line 168
[24-Feb-2015 19:16:59 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/include/classes/core/class-vc-sort.php' (include_path='.:/usr/php/54/usr/lib64:/usr/php/54/usr/share/pear') in /home1/crankst1/public_html/fish-dev-site/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/js_composer.php on line 168
Paths that cause errors are related to development server and I can't find where to change them. I'm not very good with wordpress, so I suppose that solution should be very simple.
I'm sure there is an issue with a plugin try to see if there are any hardcoded paths on the plugin dashboard.
Delete your .htaccess file then go to the permalinks page change to another permalink type save page then change back to permalink you had this will force wordpress to recreate the .htaccess file and it will allow all pages you have to show correctly on the site. :-)
