Two Mikrotik site's behind NAT to Strongswan with public ip - nat

I am trying to reproduce the schema like in strongswan test net2net-gw, but with "moon" and "sun" behind NAT (see So far CA configured, certs issued, mikrotik's configured, i can establish tunnels and have SA set, but i can't ping one site from another.
Carol config :
connections {
gw-base {
local {
auth = pubkey
certs = carol.crt
id = carol
remote {
auth = pubkey
children {
net {
esp_proposals = aes128-sha1-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048
version = 2
mobike = no
proposals = aes128-sha1-modp2048,aes256-sha256-modp2048
pools = pool-ipv4
gw-moon :{
remote {
id = moon
children {
net {
local_ts =
remote_ts =
updown = /usr/libexec/strongswan/_updown iptables
gw-sun : {
remote {
id = sun
children {
net {
local_ts =
remote_ts =
updown = /usr/libexec/strongswan/_updown iptables
pools {
pool-ipv4 {
addrs =
here is "moon" mikrotik config local subnet :
/ip ipsec mode-config
add name=ike2 responder=no
/ip ipsec policy group
add name=ike2
/ip ipsec profile
set [ find default=yes ] enc-algorithm=aes-128
add dh-group=modp2048 enc-algorithm=aes-128 name=ike2
/ip ipsec peer
add address=carol exchange-mode=ike2 name=ike2 profile=ike2
/ip ipsec proposal
add enc-algorithms=aes-128-cbc name=ike2 pfs-group=modp2048
/ip ipsec identity
add auth-method=digital-signature certificate=moon.p12_0 generate-policy=port-strict mode-config=ike2 notrack-chain=prerouting peer=ike2 policy-template-group=ike2
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address= group=ike2 proposal=ike2 src-address= template=yes
/ip ipsec settings
set accounting=no
here is "sun" mikrotik config local subnet :
/ip ipsec mode-config
add name=ike2 responder=no
/ip ipsec policy group
add name=ike2
/ip ipsec profile
set [ find default=yes ] enc-algorithm=aes-128
add dh-group=modp2048 enc-algorithm=aes-128 name=ike2
/ip ipsec peer
add address=carol exchange-mode=ike2 name=ike2 profile=ike2
/ip ipsec proposal
add enc-algorithms=aes-128-cbc name=ike2 pfs-group=modp2048
/ip ipsec identity
add auth-method=digital-signature certificate=sun.p12_0 generate-policy=port-strict mode-config=ike2 notrack-chain=prerouting peer=ike2 policy-template-group=ike2
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address= group=ike2 proposal=ike2 src-address= template=yes
/ip ipsec settings
set accounting=no
"carol" output for swanctl -l
gw-moon: #12, ESTABLISHED, IKEv2, 278ded8c94f60a25_i dc1ea6a863cbbc3f_r*
local 'carol' # PUBLICIP[4500]
remote 'moon' # NATIP[9860] []
established 1938s ago, rekeying in 11168s
net: #11, reqid 8, INSTALLED, TUNNEL-in-UDP, ESP:AES_CBC-128/HMAC_SHA1_96/MODP_2048
installed 498s ago, rekeying in 2840s, expires in 3462s
in cb0314bb, 0 bytes, 0 packets
out 0159b817, 0 bytes, 0 packets
gw-sun: #11, ESTABLISHED, IKEv2, b972f69efe68b876_i 1c57914f302e627b_r*
local 'carol' # PUBLICIP[4500]
remote 'sun' # NATIP[4500] []
established 1962s ago, rekeying in 11975s
net: #10, reqid 7, INSTALLED, TUNNEL-in-UDP, ESP:AES_CBC-128/HMAC_SHA1_96/MODP_2048
installed 519s ago, rekeying in 2890s, expires in 3441s
in c3a515f5, 2856 bytes, 34 packets, 0s ago
out 0b5614c6, 0 bytes, 0 packets
"carol" iptables have :
-A FORWARD -s -d -i eth0 -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --reqid 8 --proto esp -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -s -d -o eth0 -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --reqid 8 --proto esp -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -s -d -i eth0 -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec --reqid 7 --proto esp -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -s -d -o eth0 -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec --reqid 7 --proto esp -j ACCEPT
"carol" has sysctl
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
"carol" tcpdump net when i run ping from one of workstations behind "sun" :
08:46:57.820968 IP > ICMP echo request, id 30901, seq 357, length 64
08:46:57.821075 IP PUBLICIP > ICMP echo request, id 30901, seq 357, length 64
PUBLICIP = carols public internet ip
NATIP = sun & moon nat ip
whet i try to ping from "sun" i see that packet counter for increases, but no reply,
the same as if i ping from "moon". BUT if i disconnect "sun" and add virtual ip address to carol ip addr add dev eth0 ping from "moon" to succeeds, but strange thing - i cant ping "moon" from carol...
Thank's for any advice in advance :)


Wireshark thinks scapy packet's raw data is DNS (malformed packet)

I'm trying to send a udp packet with scapy to the all the devices in my network with raw data: (hello everyone)
The packet looks like this:
packet = Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / IP(dst="") / UDP(sport=8118) / "hello everyone"
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst = ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
src = (my mac address)
type = IPv4
###[ IP ]###
version = 4
ihl = None
tos = 0x0
len = None
id = 1
flags =
frag = 0
ttl = 64
proto = udp
chksum = None
src =
dst =
\options \
###[ UDP ]###
sport = 8118
dport = domain
len = None
chksum = None
###[ Raw ]###
load = 'hello everyone'
When I send the packet (sendp(packet)), wireshark says this is a malformed DNS packet:
What is the problem?
I believe you're confusing Wireshark, due to you not specifying the destination port. If you don't specify a dport for UDP, it defaults to 53:
class UDP(Packet):
name = "UDP"
fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("sport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortEnumField("dport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortField("len", None),
XShortField("chksum", None), ]
Both ports actually do. 53 is for DNS though, so Wireshark is attempting to interpret your payload as DNS based on the port number.
Specify both sport and dport to ensure that your packet isn't misinterpreted as a DNS packet.

WireGuard could not connect to the internet except server side

I am using wireguard,this is my server config in /etc/wireguard/wireguard.conf :
Address =
# server private key
PrivateKey = GL7AIArkhGTKkz3vSn/ONifC7SKJtspYDDZEtAybyVE=
ListenPort = 51820
# windows client public key
PublicKey = 3omwALzVoZhaqdu6dwL9vpRFlv+1omznmtuQKdwODFE=
AllowedIPs =
This is my client config:
PrivateKey = f4e60OIQXMdny6+hBDwddHB6tGS6a4WKYpG89ERQK+Tk=
Address =
PublicKey = 72Gix3UR/coszkazkVp3ieRrlMTOK8ia2TISnaD1Az4=
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =
The client using tunsafe,and connect successful.The question is:after connect to wireguard,I could not access the internet exception the wireguard server,this is the server ipv4 forward config:
[root#dolphin-xiaoqiang ~]# sysctl -a |grep net.ipv4.ip_forward
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.all.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.default.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.eth0.stable_secret"
sysctl: reading key "net.ipv6.conf.lo.stable_secret"
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward_use_pmtu = 0
Add iptables rule on server side:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

keepalived + nginx Load balancing, cannot access VIP

server A(master): nginx 1.9.9 + keepalived 1.2.19, IP:
server B(backup): nginx 1.9.9 + keepalived 1.2.19, IP:
VIP(virtual IP):
nginx bind on all interfaces.
iptables configuration:
iptables -I INPUT -i eth1 -d -p vrrp -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth1 -d -p vrrp -j ACCEPT
Keepalived configuration:
server A
global_defs {
router_id LVS_MASTER
vrrp_script chk_nginx {
script "killall -0 nginx"
interval 2
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state MASTER
interface eth1
virtual_router_id 51
priority 150
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass my_pass
virtual_ipaddress {
track_script {
server B
global_defs {
router_id LVS_BACKUP
vrrp_script chk_nginx {
script "killall -0 nginx"
interval 2
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
state BACKUP
interface eth1
virtual_router_id 51
priority 100
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass my_pass
virtual_ipaddress {
track_script {
It works fine at beginning when accessing the VIP (, and it also failover to backup node successfully, if stopped keepalived on master node.
Everything seems to be fine, BUT the client failed to access the VIP after some time later, probably several minutes. and if access the server A/B IP(, it works.
Not sure what's the issue, any ideas?

freebsd pf.conf apply to local

i'm working on freebsd 9, and my pf.conf is below
#cat /etc/pf.conf
int_if = "em1"
emi = ""
rdr on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port 12345 -> $emi port 1010
# pfctl -vvvvnf /etc/pf.conf
int_if = "em1"
emi = ""
#0 rdr on em1 inet proto tcp from any to any port = 12345 -> port 1010
and this rules works fine when i tested in other ip -> to local
but i want to apply this rules when local -> local
is this possible ?
Add the same rule for the lo0 interface

How to find the largest UDP packet I can send without fragmenting?

I need to know what the largest UDP packet I can send to another computer is without fragmentation.
This size is commonly known as the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). Supposedly, between 2 computers, will be many routers and modems that may have different MTUs.
I read that the TCP implementation in windows automatically finds the maximum MTU in a path.
I was also experimenting, and I found out that the maximum MTU from my computer to a server was 57712 bytes+header. Anything above that was discarded. My computer is on a LAN, isn't the MTU supposed to be around 1500 bytes?
The following doesn't answer your question directly but you might find it interesting; it says that IP packets can be disassembled/reassembled, and therefore bigger than limit on the underling media (e.g. 1500-byte Ethernet): Resolve IP Fragmentation, MTU, MSS, and PMTUD Issues with GRE and IPSEC
More on this topic:
Re: UDP fragmentation says you should use ICMP instead of UDP to discover MTU
Path MTU Discovery says that a TCP connection might include implicit MTU negotiation via ICMP
I don't know about generating ICMP via an API on Windows: at one time such an API was proposed, and was controversial because people argued that would make it easy to write software that implements denial-of-service functionality by generating a flood of ICMP messages.
No, it looks like it is implemented: see for example Winsock Programmer's FAQ Examples: Ping: Raw Sockets Method.
So, to discover MTU, generate ping packets with the 'do not fragment' flag.
Maybe there's an easier API than this, I don't know; but I hope I've given you to understand the underlying protocol[s].
In addition to all the previous answers, quoting the classic:
IPv4 and IPv6 define minimum reassembly buffer size, the minimum datagram size that we are guaranteed any implementation must support. For IPv4, this is 576 bytes. IPv6 raises this to 1,280 bytes.
This pretty much means that you want to limit your datagram size to under 576 if you work over public internet and you control only one side of the exchange - that's what most of the standard UDP-based protocols do.
Also note that PMTU is a dynamic property of the path. This is one of the things TCP deals with for you. Unless you are ready to re-implement lots of sequencing, timing, and retransmission logic, use TCP for any critical networking. Benchmark, test, profile, i.e. prove that TCP is your bottleneck, only then consider UDP.
This is an interesting topic for me. Perhaps some practical results might be of interest when delivering chunky UDP data around the real world internet via UDP, and with a transmission rate of 1 packet a second, data continues to turn up with minimal packet loss up to about 2K. Over this and you start running into issues, but regularly we delivered 1600+ bytes packets without distress - this is over GPRS mobile networks as well as WAN world wide. At ~1K assuming the signal is stable (its not!) you get low packet loss.
Interestingly its not the odd packet, but often a squall of packets for a few seconds - which presumably is why VoIP calls just collapse occasionally.
Your own MTU is available in the registry, but the MTU in practice is going to the smallest MTU in the path between your machine and the destination. Its both variable and can only be determined empirically. There are a number of RFCs showing how to determine it.
LAN's can internally have very large MTU values, since the network hardware is typically homogeneous or at least centrally administrated.
For UDP applications you must handle end-to-end MTU yourself if you want to avoid IP fragmentation or dropped packets. The recommended approach for any application is to do your best to use PMTU to pick your maximum datagram, or send datagrams < minimum PMTU
Unicast UDP Usage Guidelines for Application Designers "SHOULD NOT send datagrams that exceed the PMTU, SHOULD discover PMTU or send datagrams < minimum PMTU
Windows appears to settings and access to PMTU information via it's basic socket options interface:
You can make sure PMTU discover is on via IP_MTU_DISCOVER, and you can read the MTU via IP_MTU.
Here's a bit of Windows PowerShell that I wrote to check for Path MTU issues. (The general technique is not too hard to implement in other programming languages.) A lot of firewalls and routers are configured to drop all ICMP by people who don't know any better. Path MTU Discovery depends on being able to receive an ICMP Destination Unreachable message with Fragementation Needed set in response to sending a packet with Don't Fragment set. The Resolve IPv4 Fragmentation, MTU, MSS, and PMTUD Issues with GRE and IPsec actually does a really good job of explaining how discovery works.
function Test-IPAddressOrName($ipAddressOrName)
$ipaddress = $null
$isValidIPAddressOrName = [ipaddress]::TryParse($ipAddressOrName, [ref] $ipaddress)
if ($isValidIPAddressOrName -eq $false)
$hasResolveDnsCommand = $null -ne (Get-Command Resolve-DnsName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if ($hasResolveDnsCommand -eq $true)
$dnsResult = Resolve-DnsName -DnsOnly -Name $ipAddressOrName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$isValidIPAddressOrName = $null -ne $dnsResult
return $isValidIPAddressOrName
function Get-NameAndIPAddress($ipAddressOrName)
$hasResolveDnsCommand = $null -ne (Get-Command Resolve-DnsName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$ipAddress = $null
$validIPAddress = [ipaddress]::TryParse($ipAddressOrName, [ref] $ipAddress)
$nameAndIp = [PSCustomObject] #{ 'Name' = $null; 'IPAddress' = $null }
if ($validIPAddress -eq $false)
if ($hasResolveDnsCommand -eq $true)
$dnsResult = Resolve-DnsName -DnsOnly $ipAddressOrName -Type A -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $dnsResult -and $dnsResult.QueryType -eq 'A')
$nameAndIp.Name = $dnsResult.Name
$nameAndIp.IPAddress = $dnsResult.IPAddress
Write-Error "The name $($ipAddressOrName) could not be resolved."
$nameAndIp = $null
Write-Warning "Resolve-DnsName not present. DNS resolution check skipped."
$nameAndIp.IPAddress = $ipAddress
if ($hasResolveDnsCommand -eq $true)
$dnsResult = Resolve-DnsName -DnsOnly $ipAddress -Type PTR -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $dnsResult -and $dnsResult.QueryType -eq 'PTR')
$nameAndIp.Name = $dnsResult.NameHost
return $nameAndIp
Performs a series of pings (ICMP echo requests) with Don't Fragment specified to discover the path MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
Performs a series of pings with Don't Fragment specified to discover the path MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). An ICMP echo request
is sent with a random payload with a payload length specified by the PayloadBytesMinimun. ICMP echo requests of increasing size are
sent until a ping response status other than Success is received. If the response status is PackeTooBig, the last successful packet
length is returned as a reliable MTU; otherwise, if the respone status is TimedOut, the same size packet is retried up to the number
of retries specified. If all of the retries have been exhausted with a response status of TimedOut, the last successful packet
length is returned as the assumed MTU.
.Parameter UseDefaultGateway
If UseDefaultGateway is specified the default gateway reported by the network interface is used as the destination host.
.Parameter DestinationHost
The IP Address or valid fully qualified DNS name of the destination host.
.Parameter InitialTimeout
The number of milliseconds to wait for an ICMP echo reply. Internally, this is doubled each time a retry occurs.
.Parameter Retries
The number of times to try the ping in the event that no reply is recieved before the timeout.
.Parameter PayloadBytesMinimum
The minimum number of bytes in the payload to use. The minimum MTU for IPv4 is 68 bytes; however, in practice, it's extremely rare
to see an MTU size less than 576 bytes so the default value is 548 bytes (576 bytes total packet size minus an ICMP header of 28
.Parameter PayloadBytesMaximum
The maximum number of bytes in the payload to use. An IPv4 MTU for jumbo frames is 9000 bytes. The default value is 8973 bytes (9001
bytes total packet size, which is 1 byte larger than the maximum IPv4 MTU for a jumbo frame, minus an ICMP header of 28 bytes).
Discover-PathMTU -UseDefaultGateway
Discover-PathMTU -DestinationHost ''
Discover-PathMTU -DestinationHost ''
function Discover-PathMtu
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGateway')]
[switch] $UseDefaultGateway,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'IPAddressOrName')]
[ValidateScript({ Test-IPAddressOrName $_ })]
[string] $DestinationHost,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IPAddressOrName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGateway')]
[int] $InitialTimeout = 3000,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IPAddressOrName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGateway')]
[int] $Retries = 3,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IPAddressOrName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGateway')]
$PayloadBytesMinimum = 548,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IPAddressOrName')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DefaultGateway')]
$PayloadBytesMaximum = 8973
$ipConfiguration = Get-NetIPConfiguration -Detailed | ?{ $_.NetProfile.Ipv4Connectivity -eq 'Internet' -and $_.NetAdapter.Status -eq 'Up' } | Sort { $_.IPv4DefaultGateway.InterfaceMetric } | Select -First 1
$gatewayIPAddress = $ipConfiguration.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop
$pingOptions = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions
$pingOptions.DontFragment = $true
$pinger = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$rng = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
$pingIpAddress = $null
if ($UseDefaultGateway -eq $true)
$DestinationHost = $gatewayIPAddress
$nameAndIP = Get-NameAndIPAddress $DestinationHost
if ($null -ne $nameAndIP)
Write-Host "Performing Path MTU discovery for $($nameAndIP.Name) $($nameAndIP.IPAddress)..."
$pingReply = $null
$payloadLength = $PayloadBytesMinimum
$workingPingTimeout = $InitialTimeout
# Use a random payload to prevent compression in the path from potentially causing a false MTU report.
[byte[]] $payloadBuffer = (,0x00 * $payloadLength)
$pingCount = 1
$pingReply = $pinger.Send($nameAndIP.IPAddress, $workingPingTimeout, $payloadBuffer, $pingOptions)
if ($pingReply.Status -notin 'Success', 'PacketTooBig', 'TimedOut')
Write-Warning "An unexpected ping reply status, $($pingReply.Status), was received in $($pingReply.RoundtripTime) milliseconds on attempt $($pingCount)."
elseif ($pingReply.Status -eq 'TimedOut')
Write-Warning "The ping request timed out while testing a packet of size $($payloadLength + 28) using a timeout value of $($workingPingTimeout) milliseconds on attempt $($pingCount)."
$workingPingTimeout = $workingPingTimeout * 2
Write-Verbose "Testing packet of size $($payloadLength + 28). The reply was $($pingReply.Status) and was received in $($pingReply.RoundtripTime) milliseconds on attempt $($pingCount)."
$workingPingTimeout = $InitialTimeout
Sleep -Milliseconds 10
} while ($pingReply.Status -eq 'TimedOut' -and $pingCount -le $Retries)
} while ($payloadLength -lt $PayloadBytesMaximum -and $pingReply -ne $null -and $pingReply.Status -eq 'Success')
if ($pingReply.Status -eq 'PacketTooBig')
Write-Host "Reported IPv4 MTU is $($ipConfiguration.NetIPv4Interface.NlMtu). The discovered IPv4 MTU is $($payloadLength + 27)."
elseif ($pingReply.Status -eq 'TimedOut')
Write-Host "Reported IPv4 MTU is $($ipConfiguration.NetIPv4Interface.NlMtu). The discovered IPv4 MTU is $($payloadLength + 27), but may not be reliable because the packet appears to have been discarded."
Write-Host "Reported IPv4 MTU is $($ipConfiguration.NetIPv4Interface.NlMtu). The discovered IPv4 MTU is $($payloadLength + 27), but may not be reliable, due to an unexpected ping reply status."
return $payloadLength + 27
Write-Error "The name $($DestinationHost) could not be resolved. No Path MTU discovery will be performed."
if ($null -ne $pinger)
if ($null -ne $rng)
