Firebase project notifications with multiple applications - firebase

I currently have two applications: A and B. In both there is a common functionality, a message box. When a message is sent to your mailbox, you receive a notification. If the message is sent from application A, it is sent a notification to application A of the destination. Otherwise, it is sent to application B.
The question is: it's better to have a firebase project for each of the applications or there is some way to have both applications in the same project and know which application each user has installed to send the corresponding notification.

All apps in a Firebase project share all resources of that project. So they all share the same Firebase Authentication users, the same (Firestore or Realtime) Databases, and the same Cloud Messaging keys and audiences.
Firebase projects are meant to host a single logical application. If you have an administrative app and an end-user app, a free and a premium version, and then have iOS, Android, and Web versions of all, you have up to 12 variants of the app inside a project, but they're really all just part of the same application.
There are also limits as to how many apps you can add to a Firebase project. The exact limits have varied a bit over time, but if you have more than 30 apps in a project Firebase may prevent you from adding more.
So: if you app A and B are variants of the same application, it's totally fine (and probably a good idea) to add them to the same project. If you have another use-case, keep the guidance above in mind.


Firebase app limit per project - getting to 1000

I have seen mentioned that there is actually a 1000 app hard limit to Firebase projects as it is the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs that have a limit of 30 and that these can be deleted if not needed.
I have removed the OAuth Client ID for my app from here
My app is a hybrid app (Ionic) and uses firebase auth with email/password via the web app not native one so it appears to work fine.
I am assuming this means I am home free and can add up to 1000 apps if I manually delete the OAuth 2.0 Client ID each time?
I am looking at adding Google and Facebook sign-in on the hybrid mobile apps using a native implementation (just for the google/fb auth) soon would this be something that I would need the native app OAuth 2.0 Client IDs for? Is this just used for Google Auth?
If so I guess this would restrict me back to 30 apps but I could use the web Google Auth (although the UX is not as good).
I will also be using Firebase Cloud messaging if that is related at all.
I am not familiar with OAuth 2.0 Client IDs so any help is appreciated as I don't want to go down this route but find a problem later on once my product has gone to market.
Note: I have read the recommendations from Firebase that each tenant / customer / label should have its own project. This is not how I want to implement my platform as the data is shared between tenants as users can belong to multiple tenants. Plus making a project per tenant seems crazy if I have up to 1000 tenants.
Some of the tenants but not all will have their own branded app. Same app with different branding and in different app store accounts.
It appears the limit for apps has now been reduced to 30.
If you need more than 30, the above FAQ entry states:
In the rare case your project requires more than 30 apps, you can request an app limit increase. Your project must be on the Blaze billing plan to make this request. Visit the Google Cloud Console to make your request and have it evaluated.

Firebase API Key Application Restriction Problem

I received an alarming email from Google a couple of days ago stating that:
[Action Required] Firebase services for your application are malfunctioning due to Application restrictions
I have a Vue based website that uses Firebase for Authorization of users and storing files they are uploading. When I configured the API key that I set up, I restricted this key on the application level, to only work from the address of my website.
I did not impose any API restrictions - Under API Restrictions the radio button with Don't Restrict Key is marked
Having said that, when I try to use my website, I get the following error:
[403] Requests from referer [WEBSITE] are blocked.
The email I got from Google stated that:
Firebase SDK updates on February 27, 2020 (Android) and January 14, 2020 (iOS) replaced the Firebase Instance ID service with a dependency on the Firebase Installations API.
As a result, Firebase services like Firebase Cloud Messaging will malfunction for users who installed your app after it was released with updated Firebase SDKs. Additionally, repeated failing requests to Firebase may slow down the end-user experience of your app.
Application restrictions you have applied to the API key used by your Firebase application need to be updated to allow your application to use the API key.
Inside this mail, there were the following instructions:
Open the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Choose the project you use for your application(s). Open APIs &
Services and select Credentials.
Click Edit API key for the API key in question.
Scroll down to the Application restrictions section.
Change the radio button to None, and click Save, or add your
application to the list of allowed Android apps, iOS apps, or HTTP
referrers, respectively.
If the radio button already shows None you may be looking at the
wrong API key.
You can check which API key is used for the Firebase Installations
API by looking at the service usage page for your project.
Since I do not have any API restrictions and there is also no other API key that I have, I don't understand how to solve this situation.
One option that works is having no application restrictions, but I don't think that is the correct solution.
I also tried changing the API Restrictions to allow only the services from Firebase that I am using, but that did not fix the problem.
Any help or direction to a solution, will be appreciated.

Firebase setup - connect to multiple projects

We have a "white label" mobile app with plans to provide it to multiple customers. We would like to rely on Firebase Crashlytics, Push Notifications, Analytics, In App Messaging, Remote Config, Performance Monitoring and other capabilities. However, this functionality or rather access to some of these capabilities would have to be segregated from our customers. As creators/owners/maintainers, we would like to keep control (and exclusive access) to Crashlytics, Remote Config or Performance Monitoring, among others, while configuring Push Notifications, Analytics, In App Messaging, etc. to be accessible and "owned" by the customer. Is there a way to configure an app with multiple Firebase projects or accomplish the above described separation otherwise? Preferably, there should be a hard separation (e.g. different Firebase projects) vs. a soft one (i.e. permissions within the same project).

Protect API for Mobile app behind Authentication

I am building a react native mobile application, and I'm using the expo Google and Apple sign in libraries to provide authentication. Both libraries use firebase to authenticate, but my database is hosted elsewhere (heroku while in development, but probably migrating to digital ocean in the future). How can I protect my API using the access tokens I receive from the Google and Apple sign in utilities on my non-firebase server? All the code samples I've seen use firebase as the backend. I want to make sure that all the API calls are authenticated, and that the proper storing/refreshing techniques are used on the client, while maintaining the "persistent session" UX for users so they don't have to sign in every time they open the application.
I feel like I should know this, and I have a few ideas, but really don't want to get this aspect of the application wrong.

Can static web apps access outside services?

I have been working on a web app and I am now looking into hosting said app. This app is a client-side app for right now meaning that all of the work is being done on the clients device and it has no backend other than the web server giving the site to the user for the first time.
I was looking into Heroku but that seems expensive for my app. Then I looked into Firebase Hosting and it looks good but requires the site to have static content. For now I'm pretty sure my app fits that criteria but in the future I would like to have users sign up for accounts and then store the info they give for the app data in a database. Would do database calls to a firebase database make the app non-static/dynamic anymore?
I know I could use Digital Ocean or another server provider but I want to be able to have scaling done for me so I can just focus on the app and not the containers themselves.
It sounds like you might want to build your app with Firebase Authentication for user logins, store data in Firebase Realtime Database, and host all the content on Firebase Hosting. You could probably write the code entirely in JavaScript to run in the browser, but if you did need to write some code on the backend, you could use Cloud Functions for Firebase.
