How do I get theme to apply for Hugo/Netlify website? - r

Using the hugo-geo theme and RStudio, I've built a website on Netlify. My code is on GitHub (
Issue I'm having: The initial page works great. Hyperlinks on left pane all work as intended. When selecting individual posts from the left pane (e.g.,, formatting totally craps out. It's as if there's no theme and the site doesn't know what to do. I tried seeing if it's a lack of knitting the markdown pages and when I do that I get errors that the images cannot be found. This is my first stab with Rmarkdown (though I'm used to JupyterNotebook with Python), so any obvious fixes are worth mentioning.
Any help appreciated!

Try the following:
modify this filein the line 23 from
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="public/css/style.css">
If it does not work please notice that your github repository should be the public folder instead of the whole folder where you create your R project and where you are using blogdown.


Website posted on GitHub not formatting my CSS

I have placed my CSS and Images folders and index.html on GitHub. Only the html displays without the CSS formatting. I have cleared my cache and cookies. I'm using Chrome. I can't seem to get the CSS formatting to work.
Can anyone help?
uploaded web files to Github:
I have attached a picture of how the top part of the website should look like. Here is a link to the site from Github that just displays the html:
Rename your folder from CSS to css.
The filesystem used on the servers of Github pages sites is case sensitive.
You'll need to import your css from the CSS folder:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/styles.css">
Also because of the same problem your images will not show up. You will need to specify the path to Images/someimage.jpg instead of images/someimage.jpg
Thank you Mahmoud and Merlin. I changed the folder names to lower case and forever have this issue stuck in my brain. It works great!

Springboot can't find resources! (Suddenly stopped working)

So the thing is, since I moved my resources (css, images, js) to resources/static folder my stuff started working.
Until I created a new .html page (meant to be dynamic) and pasted in resources/templates. Then all my resources (css, images) stopped working (can't be found) and I can't make it work again.
I'm using SpringBoot + Thymeleaf and the code can be found at GitHub
I couldn't manage to find a solution after 3 hours of searching, that's why I'm here. Thank you, hope you guys can help :/
Edit (some images):
My project structure
The link:
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
What happens (was working before, I didn't change anything in the code of listed images)
I'm not sure what happened but after starting deleting/commenting some code I wasn't using anymore I started to get errors and managed to track the next file to "fix" (delete or comment) and after that it worked again.
Looks like something in the application wasn't right and it didn't give me any erros so I had to manually try to find it.
I'll keep updating this thread if I find anything useful related.

Jekyll on Github Pages applying css styles inconsistently

I am not sure what's going on, but my personal site - built with Jekyll and hosted on Github pages - has been exhibiting odd css styles behavior as of the last few weeks or so.
I originally set it up on Jekyll 1.something-or-other. I am aware that it is at 3.something now and for the longest time, through 2 etc. I have not had a problem with the styles, everthing was fine up until less than a month ago.
I have not made any changes to the styles configuration for a couple years, but now it is only rendering the styles for the pages (Homepage, About Page, list pages for archives, etc.). But on the actual posts, it drops all the styles - looks like raw markdown and images and no layout.
I have updated jekyll to 3.1.2 on my local machine, and what's even stranger is that when I run it locally, it builds fine and all, but the problem is the opposite. That is, all the posts are formatted with the appropriate styles, but the pages (again - Homepage, about page, archive list) are unstyled.
Again, no changes in any configurations. Is there some obvious places I should be looking? I am using the jekyll bootstrap theme that's a little customized. but not much.
Site is
I found your repo and poked around. There is a lot going on there, it seems overly complex.
Using Chromes dev tools you can see the problem is with the css loading - on good pages the correct path is: <link href="/assets/themes/the-minimum/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
On posts where it doesn't work it is: <link href="/assets/themes//css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
Note the missing theme name - the-minimum.
In your repo I can't quite figure out the logic, but you could simplify it I think. This file - _includes/themes/the-minimum/default.html I believe contains the head section for all pages.
The line <link href='{{ ASSET_PATH }}/css/style.css' rel="stylesheet" media="all"> I think is the problem, `ASSET_PATH seems to come back with different values. Try just hard coding it to be the correct path like:
<link href="/assets/themes/the-minimum/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
I'm not 100% sure this will fix it, but I think it will.
I would add a link to your repo if this doesn't fix it for you so other people can check it.

jPlayer circle-player demo includes a css link not contained in the distribution

This follows off a previous question.
While trying to put together a simplified application that showed the problem, I went back to the demo which does not show the problem. I tried using this as a model for my simplified demo, when I was brought up short by line 11 of the source of the demo:
<link href="/css/jPlayer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
They are including a root-level stylesheet that is not available in either the latest jPlayer or Circle-Player distributions.
So what is this jPlayer.css and where can I get it? The only idea I have is using one of the skin-flavored jplayer css files.
I am thinking that NOT including this in my application is the reason for the problem I was having with the circle player.
This file is a stylesheet for the site, not the player. It is not required for jPlayer Circle Player to function. It is definitely not the source of the problem you have described in your other question.

Site hosted on dropbox not using CSS

I'm hosting a (very) small website on dropbox. I don't even have a domain name for it, I just need an easy way for my not so technology savvy teacher to access it and using an online service like wordpress or tumblr seemed like too much trouble and not as effective as I would like. I plan on putting it in my public folder and just sending her that link, something I've done in the past to show my friends websites I've made in class.
However, for some reason, CSS formatting isn't working. This is a problem I've noticed in the past but at the time wasn't important. I have it relatively linked in my head tag and it works when I pull up the files saved on my hard drive. Its only when I try to access it through dropbox do I notice this problem.
I've looked and it doesn't seem like anyone else has had this problem, I've only found multiple references to dropbox supporting CSS so I have no idea why this is happening.
This is the link in my code, and it's inside the head tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/format.css" />
Any help would be much appreciated. ^^
EDIT: Here's the page, there's not much on it yet but there's suppossed to be background formatting behind the navigation links in the top.
To give an example expanding on Cfreak's comment, you would need to individually share the CSS file, then reference it in the HTML like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
A much easier way (and more correct) is to put your stylesheet in a folder called css and then have a relative link to it with "./" It gets you out of the long url trouble.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/styles.css">
