Efficient vectors accumulation by group in data frame [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Cumulatively paste (concatenate) values grouped by another variable
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I currently have a large data table and I would like to accumulate a vector column (the classes column) for each group (id) along the years to get all past classes up to the current year in vector format.
EDIT: Previous topics (ie Cumulatively paste (concatenate) values grouped by another variable) have answerd this question in the case of characters concatenation which I don't want (because analyzing strings forces me to parse it before, which is cumputer intensive on large datasets). I would like to accumulate the vectors and get a column of vectors as well. I think the solution is pretty close but I just can't manage to find the right syntax for it.
Sample data:
id year classes
1 2000 c("A", "B")
1 2001 c("C", "A")
1 2002 "D"
1 2003 "E"
2 2001 "A"
2 2002 c("A", "D")
2 2003 "E"
Expected output :
id year classes cumclasses
1 2000 c("A", "B") c("A", "B")
1 2001 c("C", "A") c("A", "B", "C", "A")
1 2002 "D" c("A", "B", "C", "A", "D")
1 2003 "E" c("A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "E")
2 2001 "A" "A"
2 2002 c("A", "D") c("A", "A", "D")
2 2003 "E" c("A", "A", "D", "E")
My goal is to find an efficient solution because my dataset is fairly large.
For now I have a working (but ultra slow) solution using dplyr and purrr :
dt2 <- dt %>%
setkeyv(c("id", "year")) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(cumclasses = accumulate(classes, append))
I'm looking for a data.table solution of the type:
#not working example
dt2 <- dt[, cumclasses := accumulate(classes, append), by = id]
or even a base R solution, the faster the better !
Thank you!
If you want to reproduce sample data please copy the following code:
dt <- data.table(id =
year =
classes =
list(c('A', 'B'), c('C', 'A'), 'D', 'E', 'A', c('A', 'D'), 'E'), key = 'id')
A working solution is (using data.table and purrr):
dt[, cumClasses := list(accumulate(classes, append)), by = id]

One option would be to group by 'id', loop over the sequence of rows and extract the 'Classes' and paste it to together after unlisting the list column
dt[, cumClasses := sapply(seq_len(.N), function(i) toString(unlist(classes[seq_len(i)]))), id][,
cumClasses := as.list(cumClasses)][]


R - Data.table fast binary search based subset with multiple values in second key

I have come across this vignette at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-keys-fast-subset.html#multiple-key-point.
My data looks like this:
1 A 3 3
1 B 4 4
1 C 5 5
1 Mean 4 4
2 A 10 1
2 B 20 2
2 C 30 3
2 Mean 20 2
When I do this ... all works as expected.
setkey(dt, ID, TYPE)
dt[.(unique(ID), "A")] # extract SD of all IDs with Type A
dt[.(unique(ID), "B")] # extract SD of all IDs with Type B
dt[.(unique(ID), "C")] # extract SD of all IDs with Type C
Whenever I try sth like this, where I want to base the keyed subset on multiple values for the second key, I only get the result of the all combinations of unique values in key 1 with only the first value defined in the vector c() for the second key. So, it only takes the first value defined in the vector and ignores all following values.
# extract SD of all IDs with one of the 3 types A/B/C
dt[.(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C")]
# previous output is equivalent to
dt[.(unique(ID), "A")] # extract SD of all IDs with Type A
# I want/expect
dt[TYPE %in% c("A", "B", "C")]
What am I missing here or is this sth I cannot do with keyed subsets?
To clarify: As I cannot leave out the key 1 in keyed subsets, the vignette calls for inclusion of the first key with unique(key1)
And defining multiple keys in key 1 works also as expected.
dt[.(c(1, 2), "A")] == dt[ID %in% c(1,2) & TYPE == "A"] # TRUE
In the data.table documention (see help("data.table") or https://rdatatable.gitlab.io/data.table/reference/data.table.html#arguments), it is mentioned :
character, list and data.frame input to i is converted into a data.table internally using as.data.table.
So, the classical recycling rule used in R (or in data.frame) applies. That is, .(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C")), which is equivalent to list(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C")), becomes:
as.data.table(list(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C")))
and since the length of the longest list element (length of c("A", "B", "C")) is not a multiple of the shorter one (length of unique(ID)), you will get an error.
If you want each value in unique(ID) combined with each element in c("A", "B", "C"), you should use CJ(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C")) instead.
So what you should do is dt[CJ(unique(ID), c("A", "B", "C"))].
Note that dt[.(unique(ID), "A")] works correctly because you passed only one element for the second key and this gets recycled to match the length of unique(ID).

Exclude common rows in tibbles [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Using anti_join() from the dplyr on two tables from two different databases
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to join two tibbles in a a way to leave rows only unique to the first first tibble or unique in both tibbles - simply those one that do not have any matched key.
Let's see example:
A <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
B <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c"))
With common dplyr::join I am not able to get this:
1 d
2 e
Is there some way within dplyr to overcome it or in general in tidyverse to overcome it?
Use setdiff() function from dplyr library
A <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
B <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c"))
C <- setdiff(A,B)
Just to add.
Setdiff(A,B) gives out those elements present in A but not in B.
dplyr::anti_join will keep only the rows that are unique to the tibble/data.frame of the first argument.
A <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
B <- tibble( A = c("a", "b", "c"))
dplyr::anti_join(A, B, by = "A")
# A
# <chr>
# 1 d
# 2 e
A base R possibility (well except the tibble):
A[!A$A %in% B$A,]
# A tibble: 2 x 1
1 d
2 e

For loop with factor data

I have two vectors of factor data with equal length. Just for examples sake:
observed=c("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "a")
predicted=c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c")
Ultimately, I am trying to generate a classification matrix showing the number of times each factor is correctly predicted. This would look like the following for the example:
name T F
a 1 2
b 1 1
c 1 1
Note that the tables() command doesn't work here because I have 11 different factors, and the output would be 11x11 instead of 11x2. My plan is to create three vectors, and combine them into a data frame.
First, a vector of the unique factor values in the existing vectors. This is simple enough,
Next, a vector of values showing the number of correct predictions. This is where I am running into trouble. I can get the number of correct predictions for an individual factor like so:
correct.a=sum(predicted[which(observed == "a")] == "a")
But this is cumbersome to repeat time and time again, and then combine into a vector like
correct=c("correct.a", "correct.b", correct.c")
Is there a way to use a loop (or other strategy that you can think of) to improve this process?
Also note that the final vector I would create would be something like this:
incorrect.a=sum(observed == "a")-correct.a
t(sapply(split(predicted == observed, observed), table))
#a 2 1
#b 1 1
#c 1 1
I would suggest you use data.table for explicit clean way to define your results:
observed=c("a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c", "a")
predicted=c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c")
dt <- data.table(observed, predicted)
res <- dt[, .(
T = sum(observed == predicted),
F = sum(observed != predicted)),
# observed T F
# 1: a 1 2
# 2: b 1 1
# 3: c 1 1

Counting number of elements in a character column by levels of a factor column in a dataframe

I am a beginner in R. I have a dataframe in which there are two factor columns. One column is a company column, second is a product column. There are several missing values in product column and so I want to count the number of values in product column for each company (or each level of the company variable). I tried table, and count function in plyr package but they only seem to work with numeric variables. Please help!
Lets say the data frame looks like this:
df <- data.frame(company= c("A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"), product = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, NA, NA, NA))
So the output I am looking for is -
A 2
B 2
C 3
D 2
Thanks in advance!!
A dplyr solution.
df %>%
filter(!is.na(product)) %>%
group_by(company) %>%
# A tibble: 4 × 2
comp n
<fctr> <int>
1 A 2
2 B 2
3 C 3
4 D 1
We can use rowsum from base R
with(df, rowsum(+!is.na(prod), comp))
Assuming your df is :
CASE 1) As give in question
Data for df:
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
comp <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D","D" )
prod <- c(1,1,2,3,4,3,3,1,NA,NA)
df <- data.frame(comp=comp,prod=prod)
df$prodflag <- !is.na(df$prod)
tapply(df$prodflag , df$comp,sum)
> tapply(df$prodflag , df$comp,sum)
2 2 3 1
CASE 2) In case stringsAsFactors is on and prod is in characters, even NAs are quoted as characters and marked as factors then you can do:
comp <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D","D" )
prod <- c("a","a","b","c","d","c","c","a","NA","NA")
df <- data.frame(comp=comp,prod=prod,stringsAsFactors = T)
df$prodflag <- as.numeric(!as.character(df$prod)=="NA")
tapply(df$prodflag , df$comp,sum)
CASE 3) In case the prod is a character and stringsAsFactors is on but NAs are not quoted then you can do:
comp <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "B", "C", "C", "D","D" )
prod <- c("a","a","b","c","d","c","c","a",NA,NA)
df <- data.frame(comp=comp,prod=prod,stringsAsFactors = T)
df$prodflag <- as.numeric(!is.na(df$prod))
tapply(df$prodflag , df$comp,sum)
Moral of the story, we should understand our data and then we can the logic which best suits our need.

Subset a data frame using OR when the column contains a factor

I would like to make a subset of a data frame in R that is based on one OR another value in a column of factors but it seems I cannot use | with factor values.
# fake data
x <- sample(1:100, 9)
nm <- c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c")
fake <- cbind(as.data.frame(nm), as.data.frame(x))
# subset fake to only rows with name equal to a or b
fake.trunk <- fake[fake$nm == "a" | "b", ]
produces the error:
Error in fake$nm == "a" | "b" :
operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types
How can I accomplish this?
Obviously my actual data frame has more than 3 values in the factor column so just using != "c" won't work.
You need fake.trunk <- fake[fake$nm == "a" | fake$nm == "b", ]. A more concise way of writing that (especially with more than two conditions) is:
fake[ fake$nm %in% c("a","b"), ]
Another approach would be to use subset() and write
fake.trunk = subset(fake, nm %in% c('a', 'b'))
