Filling not observed observations - r

I want to make a time series with the frequency a date and time is observed. The raw data looked something like this:
dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm
28-2-2018 0:12
28-2-2018 11:16
28-2-2018 12:12
28-2-2018 13:22
28-2-2018 14:23
28-2-2018 14:14
28-2-2018 16:24
The date and time format is in the wrong way for R, so I had to adjust it:
extracted_times <- as.POSIXct(bedrijf.CSV$viewed_at, format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
I ordered the data with frequency in a table using the following code:
timeserieswithoutzeros <- table(extracted_times)
The data looks something like this now:
2018-02-28 00:11:00 2018-02-28 01:52:00 2018-02-28 03:38:00
1 2 5
2018-02-28 04:10:00 2018-02-28 04:40:00 2018-02-28 04:45:00
2 1 1
As you may see there are a lot of unobserved dates and times.
I want to add these unobserved dates and times with the frequency of 0.
I tried the complete function, but the error states that it can't best used, because I use as.POSIXct().
Any ideas?

As already mentinoned in the comments by #eric-lecoutre, you can combine your observations with a sequence begining at the earliest ending at the last date using seq and subtract 1 of the frequency table.
timeseriesWithzeros <- table(c(extracted_times, seq(min(extracted_times), max(extracted_times), "1 min")))-1

Maybe the following is what you want.
First, coerce the data to class "POSIXt" and create the sequence of all date/time between min and max by steps of 1 minute.
bedrijf.CSV$viewed_at <- as.POSIXct(bedrijf.CSV$viewed_at, format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
new <- seq(min(bedrijf.CSV$viewed_at),
by = "1 mins")
tmp <- data.frame(viewed_at = new)
Now see if these values are in the original data.
tmp$viewed <- tmp$viewed_at %in% bedrijf.CSV$viewed_at
tbl <- xtabs(viewed ~ viewed_at, tmp)
sum(tbl != 0)
#[1] 7
Final clean up.
rm(new, tmp)


Converting character to dates with hours and minutes

I'm having trouble converting character values into date (hour + minutes), I have the following codes:
start <- c("2022-01-10 9:35PM","2022-01-10 10:35PM")
end <- c("2022-01-11 7:00AM","2022-01-11 8:00AM")
dat <- data.frame(start,end)
These are all in character form. I would like to:
Convert all the datetimes into date format and into 24hr format like: "2022-01-10 9:35PM" into "2022-01-10 21:35",
and "2022-01-11 7:00AM" into "2022-01-11 7:00" because I would like to calculate the difference between the dates in hrs.
Also I would like to add an ID column with a specific ID, the desired data would like this:
ID <- c(101,101)
start <- c("2022-01-10 21:35","2022-01-10 22:35")
end <- c("2022-01-11 7:00","2022-01-11 8:00")
diff <- c(9,10) # I'm not sure how the calculations would turn out to be
dat <- data.frame(ID,start,end,diff)
I would appreciate all the help there is! Thanks!!!
You can use lubridate::ymd_hm. Don't use floor if you want the exact value.
dat %>%
mutate(ID = 101,
across(c(start, end), ymd_hm),
diff = floor(end - start))
start end ID diff
1 2022-01-10 21:35:00 2022-01-11 07:00:00 101 9 hours
2 2022-01-10 22:35:00 2022-01-11 08:00:00 101 9 hours
The base R approach with strptime is:
strptime(dat$start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p")
[1] "2022-01-10 09:35:00 CET" "2022-01-10 10:35:00 CET"

Remove seconds from some observations to work in HM format using R

I have a column called "time" with some observations in "hours: minutes: seconds" and others only with "hours: minutes". I would like to remove the seconds and be left with only hours and minutes.
So far I have loaded the lubridate package and tried:
format(data$time ,format = "%H:%M")
but no change occurs.
And with:
data$time <- hm(data$time)
all the observations with h:m:s become NAs
What should I do?
You can use parse_date_time from lubridate to bring time into POSIXct format and then use format to keep the information that you need.
data <- data.frame(time = c('10:04:00', '14:00', '15:00', '12:34:56'))
data$time1 <- format(lubridate::parse_date_time(x, c('HMS', 'HM')), '%H:%M')
# time time1
#1 10:04:00 10:04
#2 14:00 14:00
#3 15:00 15:00
#4 12:34:56 12:34

Subsetting Dates and Times Across Multiple Data Frames in R

I'm new to R, so this may very well be a simple problem, but it's causing me a lot of difficulty.
I am trying to subset between two values found across data frames, and I am having difficulty when trying to subset between these two values. I will first describe what I've done, what is working, and then what is not working.
I have two data frames. One has a series of storm data, including dates of storm events, and the other has a series of data corresponding to discharge for many thousands of monitoring events. I am trying to see if any of the discharge data corresponds within the storm event start and end dates/times.
What I have done thus far is as follows:
Example discharge data:
X. DateTime Depth DateTime1 newcol
1 3 8/2/2013 13:15 0.038 2013-08-02 13:15:00 1375463700
2 4 8/2/2013 13:30 0.038 2013-08-02 13:30:00 1375464600
3 5 8/2/2013 13:45 0.039 2013-08-02 13:45:00 1375465500
4 6 8/2/2013 14:00 0.039 2013-08-02 14:00:00 1375466400
Example storm data:
Storm newStart newEnd
1 1 1382125500 1382130000
2 2 1385768100 1385794200
#Make a value to which the csv files are attached
CA_Storms <- read.csv(file = "CA_Storms.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
CA_adj <- read.csv(file = "CA_Adj.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#strptime function (do this for all data sets)
CA_adj$DateTime1 <- strptime(CA_adj$DateTime, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
CA_Storms$Start.time1 <- strptime(CA_Storms$Start.time, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
CA_Storms$End.time1 <- strptime(CA_Storms$End.time, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
#Make dates and times continuous
CA_adj$newcol <- as.numeric(CA_adj$DateTime1)
CA_Storms$newStart <- as.numeric(CA_Storms$Start.time1)
CA_Storms$newEnd <- as.numeric(CA_Storms$End.time1)
This allows me to do the following subsets successfully:
CA_adj[CA_adj$newcol == "1375463700", ]
Example output:
X. DateTime Depth DateTime1 newcol
1 3 8/2/2013 13:15 0.038 2013-08-02 13:15:00 1375463700
CA_adj[CA_adj$newcol == CA_Storms[1,19], ]
X. DateTime Depth DateTime1 newcol
7403 7408 10/18/2013 15:45 0.058 2013-10-18 15:45:00 1382125500
CA_adj[CA_adj$newcol <= CA_Storms[1,20], ]
However, whenever I try to have it move between two values, such as in:
CA_adj[CA_adj$newcol >= CA_Storms[1,19] & CA_adj$newol <= CA_Storms[1,20], ]
it responds with this:
[1] X. DateTime Depth DateTime1 newcol
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
I know this output is incorrect, as, through a cursory look through my large data set, there is at least one value that falls within these criteria.
What gives?
discharge<-data.frame( x=c(3,4,5,6),
DateTime=c("8/2/2013 13:15","8/2/2013 13:30",
"8/2/2013 13:45","8/2/2013 14:00"),
Depth=c(0.038, 0.038, 0.039, 0.039)
discharge$DateTime1<- as.POSIXct(discharge$DateTime, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
storm<-data.frame( storm=c(1,2),
start=c("8/2/2013 13:15","8/2/2013 16:30"),
end=c("8/2/2013 13:45","8/2/2013 16:45")
storm$start<- as.POSIXct(storm$start, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
storm$end<- as.POSIXct(storm$end, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
discharge[(discharge$DateTime1>=storm[1,2] & discharge$DateTime1<=storm[1,3]),]

Adding missing rows

The format of my excel data file is:
day value
01-01-2000 00:00:00 4
01-01-2000 00:01:00 3
01-01-2000 00:02:00 1
01-01-2000 00:04:00 1
I open my file with this:
ts = read.csv(file=pathfile, header=TRUE, sep=",")
How can I add additional rows with zero number in column “value” into the data frame. Output example:
day value
01-01-2000 00:00:00 4
01-01-2000 00:01:00 3
01-01-2000 00:02:00 1
01-01-2000 00:03:00 0
01-01-2000 00:04:00 1
This is now completely automated in the padr package. Takes only one line of code.
original <- data.frame(
day = as.POSIXct(c("01-01-2000 00:00:00",
"01-01-2000 00:01:00",
"01-01-2000 00:02:00",
"01-01-2000 00:04:00"), format="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"),
value = c(4, 3, 1, 1))
library(dplyr) # for the pipe operator
original %>% pad %>% fill_by_value(value)
See vignette("padr") or this blog post for its working.
I think this is a more general solution, which relies on creating a sequence of all timestamps, using that as the basis for a new data frame, and then filling in your original values in that df where applicable.
# convert original `day` to POSIX
ts$day <- as.POSIXct(ts$day, format="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
# generate a sequence of all minutes in a day
minAsNumeric <- 946684860 + seq(0,60*60*24,by=60) # all minutes of your first day
minAsPOSIX <- as.POSIXct(minAsNumeric, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT") # convert those minutes to POSIX
# build complete dataframe
newdata <-
newdata$value <- ts$value[pmatch(newdata$minAsPOSIX, ts$day)] # fill in original `value`s where present
newdata$value[$value)] <- 0 # replace NAs with 0
ts = read.csv(file=pathfile, header=TRUE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=F)
ts.tmp = rbind(ts,list("01-01-2000 00:03:00",0))
ts.out = ts.tmp[order(ts.tmp$day),]
Notice that you need to force load the strings in first column as character and not factors otherwise you will have issue with the rbind. To get the day column to be a factor after than just do:
ts.out$day = as.factor(ts.out$day)
Tidyr offers the nice complete function to generate rows for implicitly missing data. I use replace_na to turn NA values to 0 in second step.
tidyr::complete(day=seq.POSIXt(min(day), max(day), by="min"))%>%
Notice that I set the granularity of the dates to minutes since your dataset expects a row every minute.

How to merge couples of Dates and values contained in a unique csv

We have a csv file with Dates in Excel format and Nav for Manager A and Manager B as follows:
Date,Manager A,Date,Manager B
We want to create a zoo object with the following structure [Dates, Manager A Nav, Manager B Nav].
After reading the csv file with:
data = read.csv("...", header=TRUE, sep=",")
we set an index for splitting the object and use lapply to split
INDEX <- seq(1, by = 2, length = ncol(data) / 2)
data.zoo <- lapply(INDEX, function(i, data) data[i:(i+1)], data = zoo(data))
I'm stuck with the fact that Dates are in Excel format and don't know how to fix that stuff. Is the problem set in a correct way?
If all you want to do is to convert the dates to proper dates you can do this easily enough. The thing you need to know is the origin date. Your numbers represent the integer and fractional number of days that have passed since the origin date. Usually this is Jan 0 1990!!! Go figure, but be careful as I don't think this is always the case. You can try this...
# Excel origin is day 0 on Jan 0 1900, but treats 1900 as leap year so...
data$Date <- as.Date( data$Date , origin = "1899/12/30")
data$Date.1 <- as.Date( data$Date.1 , origin = "1899/12/30")
# For more info see ?as.Date
If you are interested in keeping the times as well, you can use as.POSIXct, but you must also specify the timezone (UTC by default);
data$Date <- as.POSIXct(data$Date, origin = "1899/12/30" )
# Date Manager.A Date.1 Manager.B
# 1 2013-03-13 16:00:00 100 2012-01-24 100.00000
# 2 2013-03-14 16:00:00 100 2012-02-03 99.99999
# 3 2013-03-15 16:00:00 100 2012-02-06 99.99999
# 4 2013-03-18 16:00:00 100 2012-02-07 99.99999
# 5 2013-03-19 16:00:00 100 2012-02-08 100.05144
# 6 2013-03-20 16:00:00 100 2012-02-09 100.04877
