SaltStack: "require: previous_state" needed? - salt-stack

I have a sls script which was written by a college. The next state always requires the previous state.
- name: apache2
- enable: True
- require:
- pkg: apache
- name: /etc/apache2/sites-available/server.conf
- require:
- pkg: apache
- names:
- server
- require:
- file: server.conf
Question: Is this "require" needed?
I guess it is not needed, since salt executes one state after the other.
I care for readabilty and would like to keep the file as small as possible.

Normally Salt executes states in the order in which they are specified, in 'imperative' order. In the same file, it means from top to bottom.
Require/Watch/Require_in/Watch_in and others can be used to assure a specific order between some states and changes this default "linear" order. This is the 'declarative' order.
See and
I tend to absolutely use requisites between independent states (like formulas) when a specific order is needed, and sometimes I also write requisites in the same state file.


How to debug what variables are needed in a template

We want to change the way we do the frontends in symfony and we'd like some level of "reflection":
We want the system to be able to detect "Template displayProduct.html.twig needs xxxx other file, defines yyyy block and uses the zzzz variable".
I would like a command similar to:
php bin/console debug:template displayProduct.html.twig
that responds something like this:
Template: displayProduct.html.twig
Requires: # And tells us what other files are needed
- widgetPrice.html.twig
- widgetAvailability.html.twig
Defines: # And tells us what {% block xxxx %} are defined
- body
- title
- javascripts_own
- javascripts_general
Uses these variables: # <= This is the most important for us now
- productTitle
- price
- stock
- language
We are now visually scanning complex templates for needed variables and it's a killer. We need to automatically tell "this template needs this and that to work".
PD: Functional tests are not the solution, as we want to apply all this to dynamically generated templates stored in databases, to make users able to modify their pages, so we can't write a test for every potential future unknown template that users will write.
Does this already exist somehow?

Create a list within Ansible var file, and have all items be called for reference in plays

Sorry If this has been asked before. I've looked all over and can't quite seem to find anything on it. I'm relatively new to the ansible/coding world, so I apologize ahead of time if my terminology is incorrect.
So, I want to take a list of IP addresses, and assign them all to one variable. As an example, write a host_var file, create one variable, and have a bunch of items called to that one variable.
Then, within the playbook, I want to run a command, and have the output of that command be compared to every line within that {{ prefixes }} variable.
Is this possible? How would this be done? If so, can you also limit it to specific items within that variable?
Thank you!
You already defined the variable in your example.
Just continue your playbook and use {{ with_items }}. Also read the documentation here.
- name: Test Playbook
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Debug prefixes
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ prefixes }}"

Reusing salt state snippets

In my salt state files I have several occurrences of a pattern which consists of defining a remote repository and importing a gpg key file definition, e.g.
- name: rpm --import
- unless: rpm -q gpg-pubkey-1abd1afb-54176598
- baseurl:
- humanname: Packman (Essentials)
- refresh: 1
- cmd: import_packman_gpg_keygpg-pubkey-1abd1afb-54176598
I would like to abstract these away as a different state, e.g.
- gpg_key_id: 1abd1afb-54176598
- gpg_key_src:
- repo_url:
- repo_name: Packman (Essentials)
which will in turn expand to the initial declarations above. I've looked into custom salt states ( see ) but I only found references on how to create one using Python. I'm looking for one which is based only on state definitions, as writing code for my specific problem looks overkill.
How can I create a custom state which reuses the template I've been using to manage package repositories?
This is what macros are for
Here is an example of simple macros for some heavily used by me constructs
However in your example, why do you to import key?
pkgrepo.managed seems to support gpgkey option to download the key

How to make salt execution fail if a file exist

Lets say in below salt call. I want the salt not to execute anymore further if a file exist.
In below example. It should execute run-aerospike-mem_disk-check but once if it detects file exist in check_bad_conf. It shouldn't execute run-aerospike-config and get some RED color in salt as failed. How to achieve it.
Lets say in below salt call. I want the salt not to execute anymore further if a file exist.
In below example. It should execute run-aerospike-mem_disk-check but once if it detects file exist in check_bad_conf. It shouldn't execute run-aerospike-config and get some RED color in salt execution as failed. How to achieve it.
- name: /var/local/
- watch:
- file: /var/local/aero_config
file.exist : /tmp/badconf
- failhard : yes
- name: /var/local/
- watch:
- file: /var/local/aero_config.yml
Make it more clear please.
Why you are so badly after "RED"?
You have disk-check to be run only if the bad file exists?
If so it must not run aerospike-config?
Run once no matter if the file still exists?
cmd.wait accepts onlyif argument in which you can run command to assert file absence/presence/anything (it is exit code-driven).
However you need to know that if onlyif is not satisfied the state turns GREEN not RED
There is also creates argument that is designed exactly for running the command if the given file exists.
Refer to cmd manual
As you probably want aerospike-config to be run only if the disk-check was not run maybe it is sufficient to use file.missing like so:
- name: /tmp/badconf
- name: /var/local/
- watch:
- file: /var/local/aero_config.yml
- require:
- file: check
Read more about Salt requisites here
If you want your run-aerospike-mem_disk-check script to be run exactly once, why don't you use cmd.script and add stateful argument to prohibit further executions?
I actually never really used it but you can use some kind of "if-statement". Check this out:
Check file exists and create a symlink
I think in your case file.present or file.absent would fit.
Hope that helps.

"You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence" when running phpunit in symfony

I'm getting the following errors when I try to run phpunit on my symfony project:
$ phpunit -c app
1) [...]\DefaultControllerTest::testIndex
Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLoaderLoadException: Cannot import resource "/srv/http/typeform/app/config/config.yml" from "/srv/http/typeform/app/config/config_dev.yml".
Caused by
Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence in "\/srv\/http\/typeform\/app\/config\/config.yml"
It seems that it crash when I call static::createClient();
Here's my config_test.yml
- { resource: config_dev.yml }
The errors you are getting suggest that the app is failing to parse your 'config.yml' because "You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence".
This means that in a yml file when defining array values you cannot provide both mapping entries in the form "key: value" and sequence entries in the form "- item" - all values must be either one or the other form.
So, this is ok:
key: value
key: value
This is also ok:
- item
- item
This is not ok:
key: value
- item
The errors suggest that there is an occurrence of the last form in your config.yml, although if this is the case it ought to cause problems running your app in the browser and not just under phpunit.
Additionally, to redbirdo's answer, you should be aware that you might need to use - under the required tag's items. For example:
type: "object"
- email
- password
basicAuth: [] .......
