I want to perform a transformation using luxon from milliseconds to minutes.
For eg. if i enter 1000 , te output should be 1m 0s.
I am trying Duration.fromMillis(1000).as('minutes') but in return i am getting 0 output. Is there any other way i can achieve the same thing
Duration.fromMillis(150000).toFormat("mm'm' ss's'")
#snickersnack comment should be accepted as answer, as it states a very useful way to play with luxon:
Will create an object:
{ hours: 1, minutes: 15, seconds: 15 }
Than you can do what you need
I am using moment().valueOf() to get unix timestamp and to get the normal time from unix time i'm using moment.unix(unix_time).format('LLL') when the unix value is 1606985226404 getting the anser as May 2, 52893 6:36 AM which is incorrect. What is the issue with this?
According to the documentation of Moment.JS, moment() works with milliseconds.
const unix_time = moment().valueOf(); // return epoc in milliseconds
const now = moment.unix(unix_time / 1000).format('LLL').
That's the trick.
Short question: I need momentjs to humanize 60 minutes into 1 hour instead of an hour. Can't figure out how to get it to work.
Long question:
Just started using momentjs, works great. We are using it to display how often a dashboard is updated.
The timers are set as a integer in minutes. We are using the humanize moment option to display 30 as 30 minutes and 360 as 6 hours etc.
This works great but not in 2 cases. 60 gets humanized to an hour. We need it to be 1 hour. And 1440 is displayed as a day, instead of 1 day.
We need this change because the column is answering the question "How often does your metric update?"
The answer is "every 1 hour". "every an hour" doesn't quite work.
I read through the docs and googled, but couldn't find a way to customize just a few humanized display formats.
We are already setting true as the second parameter to get just the value without the suffix from this question and answer - How to Customize Humanized Moment js Date Result
But the value comes back as 'an hour' instead of '1 hour'.
You can use updateLocale method documented in the Customize -> Relative time section of the docs. This will affect output of from, fromNow, to, toNow and humanize.
In your case you can simply update h and d keys of the relativeTime object.
Here a working sample:
moment.updateLocale('en', {
relativeTime : {
h: "1 hour",
d: "1 day",
var d1 = moment.duration(60, 'm');
var d2 = moment.duration(1440, 'm');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.14.1/moment.min.js"></script>
You can find further examples of relative time customization here and here.
you can use the methods like minutes(), months(), years() available on the duration object and then you can create your own string. the humanize() method gives an approximate value against the duration and not the exact duration.
I need a function that returns the local time in milliseconds on the CPP target.
I tried Haxe's Date class, but Date.now() gives me the time in seconds.
Sys.time() * 1000.0 - http://api.haxe.org/Sys.html#time
Gives the most precise timestamp value (in seconds)
To be clear, I tried this and got millisecond resolution on the cpp target. Sys is available on cpp, cs, java, macro, neko, php and python.
You could try Date.now().getTime(), however:
Returns the timestamp of the date. It might only have a per-second precision depending on the platforms.
A fast way of getting a timestamp would be to use the haxe.Timer.stamp() method.
import haxe.Timer;
var timestamp:Float = Timer.stamp(); // return a timestamp in seconds with fractions
Note that the value itself might differ depending on platforms, only differences between two values make sense.
I'm reading a date in a field, ex: 23/01/2015 11:04:06.265842 I would like to get 23/01/2015 11:04:06.26.
The purpose is to compare two datetime and get the result time, for example 2.16 seconds between the two times.
Actually I'm doing : fields["Date"]=os.date("%c", fields["frame.time_epoch"])
frame.time_epoch come from a .pcap file (wireshark)
You can't get millisecond precision with os.date - the maximum resolution it allows is second (see it here http://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html)
You could try adding it yourself:
local epoch = fields["frame.time_epoch"]
local milliseconds = (epoch - math.floor(epoch))*1000
fields["Date"]=("%s.%03d"):format(os.date("%c", epoch), milliseconds)
I'm trying to modify my nginx access log format to include the request duration, in seconds.
I see two possible variables I could use:
1) $request_time
2) $upstream_response_time
However both of these variables are expressed in microseconds, and I need this value to be rendered in seconds. Is there any way to specify the output as an expression (i.e. $request_time * 1000) or accomplish this in some other way?
The webserver is not a calculator or statistical program. It's logging function is to provide the raw data you can do your analysis with. If you analysis program is incapable of converting microseconds to seconds you should shop around for other software. In any case, it us unrealistic to expect a program's logging function to perform unit conversions for you. The goal of logging is not to format, yet to record what it has done without impacting the performance of it's core functionality.
If you use a reporter like LogStash (ELK stack) you can do some calculation when parsing the log. Here is my example to convert second into millisecond in my Logstash filter for Nginx:
grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{IPORHOST:clientip} %{USER:ident} %{USER:auth} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:logMessage} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}\" %{NUMBER:response} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|-) (?:\"(?:%{URI:referrer}|-)\"|%{QS:referrer}) %{QS:agent} rt=%{NUMBER:duration_sec} cid=%{GREEDYDATA:correlationId}"
mutate { convert => [ "duration_sec", "float" ] }
ruby { code => "event['duration_ms'] = event['duration_sec'].to_f * 1000" }
Hope this helps.
As noted in the comments $request_time is already in seconds, however it is possible to convert to another unit purely in nginx config as follows.
I realise this is an old question but it seems to get a lot of traffic so perhaps the below will help someone else who, like me, might want to convert to a different unit, in my case nanoseconds (though if you want milliseconds then simply omit the 6 trailing zeros).
This is useful for sending to the Elastic event.duration field - to avoid the faff of an ingest pipeline or similar on the Elastic end (to multiply by 1000000) you can instead do some hideous regex as below.
The fact that $request_time is always zero-padded to 3 decimal places helps, so in the common cases you can append 6 zeros - but you also have to handle leading zeros (before & after the decimal point) to make sure the result doesn't end up with any leading zeros:
map $request_time $request_time_nanos {
# Simple case for 0.000
~^0\.000$ 0;
# If 0 before decimal place, must remove leading zeros after it, before adding 6 zeros
~^0\.(?:0*)([^0].*)$ $1000000;
# Otherwise just concatenate the full pre- & post-decimal parts, before adding 6 zeros
~^([^0][^.]*)\.(.*)$ $1$2000000;
Example transformations (commas inserted for readability only):
[sec] [nanoseconds]
0.000 => 0
0.110 => 110,000,000
0.010 => 10,000,000
1.010 => 1,010,000,000