Kusto sub query selection using toscalar - returns only last matching record - azure-application-insights

I am referring sqlcheatsheet - Nested queries
Query 1:
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where message contains "some-text"
| project itemId=substring(itemId,indexof(itemId,"-"),strlen(itemId))
Result :
Query 2:
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where itemId has toscalar(
| where customDimensions.Domain == "someDomain"
| where message contains "some-text"
| project itemId=substring(itemId,indexof(itemId,"-"),strlen(itemId)))
Result for the second query returns records matching only last record of sub query
ie:) > -c580-11e9-9b01-c3be0f4a2bf2
Question :
How get entire result set that has matching with all the three items.
My requirement is to take entire sequence of logs for a particular request.
To get that I have below inputs, I could able to take one log, from that I can find ItemId
The itemId looks like "b5066283-c7ea-11e9-9e9b-2ff40863cba4". Rest of all logs related to this request must have "-c7ea-11e9-9e9b-2ff40863cba4" this value. Only first part will get incremented like b5066284 , b5066285, b5066286 like that.

toscalar(), as its name implies, returns a scalar value.
Given a tabular argument with N columns and M rows it'll return the value in the 1st column and the 1st row.
For example: the following will return a single value - 1
let T = datatable(a:int, b:int, c:int)
print toscalar(T)
If I understand the intention in your 2nd query correctly, you should be able to achieve your requirement by using has_any.
For example:
let T = datatable(item_id:string)
| where item_id has_any (
| parse item_id with * "-" item_id


Kusto - If else condition with Kusto

I am trying to convert the below Splunk query to Kusto.
| eval result=if(Match(Status,"Success|Passed"), "succeess","failed")
Below is the example from Kusto that is not clear . How do I modify this Kusto example as per the above Splunk Query pls. Thanks
| extend day = iff(floor(Timestamp, 1d)==floor(now(), 1d), "today", "anotherday")
You could try this:
| summarize success = countif(Status in ("Success", "Passed")), total = count()
| project success, failure = total - success
in case the values in the column named Status can have different casing, you can use in~()
in case the values in the column named Status are longer strings, which you want to look for substring in, you can use, for example: Status contains "Success" or Status contains "Passed"

Improve Kusto Query - mailbox audit log search

I am trying to identify shared mailboxes that aren't in use. Checked "Search-MailboxAuditLog" already and some mailboxes do not return any results even tho auditing enabled, but can see activity in Azure sentinel.
Is there a way to improve below Kusto code? (During testing tried mailboxes with activities but sometimes do not get any results from the query)
With Kusto, Is there a way to loop through "mbs" like powershell "foreach ( $item in $mbs)"?
let mbs = datatable (name: string)
| where OfficeWorkload == "Exchange" and TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where MailboxOwnerUPN in~ (mbs)
| distinct MailboxOwnerUPN
Update : Need help with the query
Input would be list of shared mailbox UPNs
Output would be list of shared mailboxes with any activity, example MBs with any action in “Operation" filed
"in" doesn't work on datatables (tabular inputs) like that; it is not a "filter", it is an "operator". The "where" is effectively the "foreach" you are referring to.
Given the sample input, the query could probably be written as:
OfficeActivity //tabular input with many records
| TimeGenerated > ago(30d) //Filter records to window of interest first
| where OfficeWorkload == "Exchange" //foreach row
| where MailboxOwnerUPN in~ ( //foreach row
| distinct MailboxOwnerUPN
You can see it in the docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/inoperator#arguments where "col" is the "column to filter"

Summarizing amount of times options are selected true/false in a concatenated string

I'm pretty new to KQL and I'm having a difficult time with it (I don't have a background in stats, and I'm not very good at SQL either). I have telemetry data coming in from Microsoft AppCenter that I want to parse out into some charts but I'm trying to first figure out how to split a concatenated string that is essentially a dictionary that has two possible values: true and false. I want to count the number of each, so every key would have 2 values (true/false) which would also each have a numerical count value.
The input string I'm trying to get this data from is of the format Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=False - unique items are split by ; and each pair is split by =. I am trying to figure out which options my users are using this way. The example string here would be split into:
Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding = True (count 1)
Disable Aim Assist = False (count 1).
If a new item came in that was Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=True the summarized data would be
Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding = True (count 2)
Disable Aim Assist = False (count 1).
Disable Aim Assist = True (count 1).
So far I've got a query that selects a single item, but I don't know how to count this across multiple rows:
| where timestamp > ago(7d)
| where name == "Installed a mod"
| extend Properties = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.Properties))
| where isnotnull(Properties.["Alternate Options Selected"])
| extend OptionsStr = Properties.["Alternate Options Selected"] //The example string in above
| extend ModName = Properties.["Mod name"]
| where ModName startswith "SP Controller Support" //want to filter only to one mod's options
| extend optionsSplit = split(OptionsStr, ";")
| summarize any(optionsSplit)
I'm not sure how to make counts of it in a dictionary though. If anyone has any suggestions or tips or examples on something like this, I would really appreciate it, thanks.
Here you go:
let MyTable = datatable(Flags:string) [
"Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=False",
"Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=True"
| extend Flags = split(Flags, ";")
| mv-expand Flag = Flags to typeof(string)
| summarize Count = count() by Flag
The output of this is:
| Flag | Count |
| Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True | 2 |
| Disable Aim Assist=False | 1 |
| Disable Aim Assist=True | 1 |
First you split every input string (that contains multiple flags) into substrings, so that each will only have a single flag - you achieve this by using split.
Now your new Flags column has a list of strings (each one containing a single flag), and you want to create a record with every string, so you use the mv-expand operator
Lastly, you want to count how many times every key=value pair appears, and you do it with summarize count() by Flag
In case you want to see one record (in the output) per Key, then you can use the following query instead:
let MyTable = datatable(Flags:string) [
"Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=False",
"Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding=True;Disable Aim Assist=True"
| extend Flags = split(Flags, ";")
| mv-expand Flag = Flags to typeof(string)
| parse Flag with Key "=" Value
| project Key, Value
| evaluate pivot(Value, count(Value))
Its output is:
| Key | False | True |
| Remove Splash/Main Menu Branding | 0 | 2 |
| Disable Aim Assist | 1 | 1 |
You wrote that you're new to KQL, so you might find the following free Pluralsight courses interesting:
How to start with Microsoft Azure Data Explorer
Basic KQL
Azure Data Explorer – Advanced KQL
P.S. In the future please provide sample input in datatable format (if you're using Kusto Explorer, just select the relevant query results, right-click on the selection, and click Copy as datatable() literal), and also the expected output in a table format, so that it will be easier to understand what you want to achieve.

Replacing empty string column with null in Kusto

How do I replace empty (non null) column of string datatype with null value?
So say the following query returns non zero recordset:-
mytable | where mycol == ""
Now these are the rows with mycol containing empty strings. I want to replace these with nulls. Now, from what I have read in the kusto documentation we have datatype specific null literals such as int(null),datetime(null),guid(null) etc. But there is no string(null). The closest to string is guid, but when I use it in the following manner, I get an error:-
mytable | where mycol == "" | extend test = translate(mycol,guid(null))
The error:-
translate(): argument #0 must be string literal
So what is the way out then?
| summarize myset=make_set(s) by n
If you execute this, you can see that empty strings are being considered as part of sets. I don't want this, no such empty strings should be part of my array. But at the same time I don't want to lose value of n, and this is exactly what will happen if I if I use isnotempty function. So in the following example, you can see that the row where n=12 is not returned, there is no need to skip n=12, one could always get an empty array:-
| where isnotempty(s)
| summarize myset=make_set(s) by n
There's currently no support for null values for the string datatype: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/query/scalar-data-types/null-values
I'm pretty certain that in itself, that shouldn't block you from reaching your end goal, but that goal isn't currently clear.
[update based on your update:]
| summarize make_set(todynamic(s)) by n

Query to find 'most watched' [COUNT()] from one table while returning the results from another

The question probably is quite confusing.
In affect i have the following:
WatchList table
UserId | FilmId
| 3 77
| etc etc
these are foreign keys for the following tables
FilmDB - Film_title, Film_plot, Film_Id etc.
aspnet_memberships - UserId, Username etc..
Now, i presume i will need to use a join but i am struggling with the syntax.
I would like to use 'Count' on the 'WatchList' and return the most frequent filmId's and their counterpart information, but i'd then like to return the REST of the FilmDB results, essentially giving me a list of ALL films, but with those found in the WatchedList my frequently sorted to the top.
Does that make sense? Thanks.
FROM filmdb
SELECT filmid, count(*) AS cnt
FROM watch_list
GROUP BY filmid) AS a
ON filmdb.film_id = a.filmid
ORDER BY isnull(cnt, 0) DESC;
You did not specify if the query should be grouped by film_id or user_id. The example I have provided is grouped by user if you change that to film_id then you will get the watch count for all users per film.
You need to use a subquery to get the count and then order the results by the count descending to get an ordered list.
INNER JOIN FilmDB ON FilmDB.Film_Id=WatchList.Film_Id
WatchCount DESC
