How to make pop-up data reflect selected record? - google-app-maker

The case:
I have Activities as datamodel.
I have set Activities to have many-to-many relationship with themselves to represent a Parent / Child relationship.
I have set up an accordion widget. Each row of the accordion contain basic data about the Activity record + some buttons.
I have set one of the button's onClick functions to open a popup, which allows me to edit the Activity detail in a form.
When I click a different record from the same accordion, the form from the popup reflects the data in the selected record.
The problem:
I have nested accordions which represent the "Child" Activities of the Parent Activity.
I have also added a similar button, which opens a popup. I can open the popup, which targets the child records, but cannot make it open the specific record, from which I pressed the button.
So the popup open by default on the first child.
Please help - how can I make the popup change naturally to reflect the datasource / selected record of even nested datasources?
What I tried:
In order to try and make to popup work I have tried to set the datasource based on the relationship:
Activities: Sub_Activities(relation)
This works to the extent of showing the related items, but popup content does not dynamically change on clicking a different child record or clicking the button from a different child record.
In both cases what is shown is the first child record.

What I understand is that you have a set up in which you click a button and a popup shows. The popup should let you view/edit the record referenced in the row where the button is. If that is the case, then probably you already have almost everything setup for the next thing to work. First, add a string custom property to the popup and name it selectedKey. Then, on the onClick event of the button that opens the popup, add something like this:
var key = widget.datasource.item._key; = key;
app.popups.MYPOPUP.visible = true;
Now, go to the popup content and add the following on the onAttach event handler:
var key =;
This is the general idea of how to make it work; However, in order for it to work, your datsources in the widgets should be properly set up. Good luck!


QML ComboBox not saving selection

I have an issue similar to this post:
Where after I make a selection in the dropdown, if I scroll out of view and then back into view, the selection reverts back to the previous selection. I have these combo boxes in a scrollable TableView which apparently reloads elements every time they come back into view. Also, my ComboBox is not editable but I just want to be able to save the new selection I make.
I know I need to handle onAccepted, but I am not sure how to save the new value I select into the current selection that gets displayed if I leave the view then come back to it. I have 2 methods like this:
onDisplayTextChanged: {
console.log("currentText in onDisplayTextChanged: " + currentText)
onAccepted: {
console.log("currentText in onAccepted: " + currentText)
I use onDisplayTextChanged to receive the new value selected that I can pass to a Python 3 script in the future, before calling onAccepted because onAccepted does not trigger for some reason after I click on a new selection. This is definitely not preferable for me though.

Drop dialog on a list page not disappearing automatically

When I add a drop-dialog to a list page, the drop dialog drops down when I click on it, but does not disappear when I click somewhere else.
I am trying to add my own drop-dialog, but I can reproduce this issue with standard Dynamics AX objects. I guess I am just missing some property on an object, but I just cannot figure out which one.
If you want to reproduce my problem in order to solve it, do the following:
Create a new Form. (Form 1)
Change the FormTemplate property to ListPage (Click on Yes)
Add the query MainAccountListPage to the DataSources
Create an ActionPanTab.
Add a Drop-dialog button with the menu item MainAccountListPageBalanceParameters.
Save and open the new List page by right clicking and choosing open. (or open the menu item)
In my case, when I click on Parameters, the drop dialog drops down. When I then click outside the drop-dialog, it disappears as it should.
Create a new display menu item. Set the object to the new list page (Form 1)
Drag the Menu item to any menu. I added mine to General ledger (Common)
Restore, open new workspace. Click on the new menu item in the general ledger menu.
Click on “parameters” and click outside the drop dialog.
When I do this the drop dialog does not disappear again. You can see this same drop dialog working fine on the Main Accounts list page. I have tried changing properties on both menu items, on the menu, on the form etc. I have tried different drop dialogs and different list pages. It always works on the details page and when opened from the AOT.
Am I missing a property? Is the entire way I am adding the drop dialog wrong?
The answer to the above example is.. add the MainAccountDetailPart Form part to the list page's (Form1) Parts.
With my other example, EcoResProductPerCompanyListPage, I had to add the EcoResProductVariantsPerCompanyFactBox to Parts.
I have no idea why this is, but adding a part to a list page fixes the drop dialogs. For example, adding MainAccountDetailPart Form part to a new list page not only fixes the MainAccountListPageBalanceParameters in my example, but it also fixes any other drop dialog that previously did not want to close. Removing the part the breaks all the drop dialogs in the list page again.
Thanks, FH-Inway, for the suggestion, I would have never have found the answer without your method. The solution really surprised me!

How to add data to the grid from another selected record of another grid

I am using RowEditor plugin for my grid. Grid record has three buttons: choose,update,cancel. When I click on choose it will display another grid and user has to click on one record, then some values of that record have to display on the previous grid. How to do this ?
I am using extjs 3.0
Thanks in advance!
When you click on choose - show a modal window popup with grid. When you open that popup pass a callback into constructor of the popup. Then force user to select only one record in grid (using rowselectmodel). On itemclick even of the child grid - call your callback and pass selected data in the parent grid. Update parent's grid record with this data.
Hope I was clear.
To figure out which row the user selected, use the Ext.grid.GridPanel's SelectionModel. The default model is Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel (use selModel config setting to change the default). To grab the selected row, call myGridPanel.getSelectionModel().getSelected(). That will return an Dig into that data to populate the original grid/store.
Thanks for your reply. I have done the required things.
How I have done is, just passed the editor to my function and using selection model, I got the values and have placed them into the editor.
val1 = selectedArray[0].get('val1');
var cm = grid.colModel, fields = editor.items.items, f, val;
f = fields[1];
editor.values[] = val;
This makes my life easier.
But, I have another problem, after placing into the editor. I have to do validation in the afteredit event, if user clicks the update button. In the afteredit event,
afteredit: function(object, changes, record, rowIndex)
// I have to do validation on the changes; but its an object. How will I do it

Flex: ItemEditor losing focus!

Here's an image of what my problem is:
I am using a combo-box as a Datagrid ItemEditor (Not just Renderer, my Renderer is a Label, double clicking on a cell makes the combo-box visible, as is the case with all item editors)
Now, selecting one of the entries in the combo-box is no problem. But my problem is only when i select the "Fruit" , which in turn pops open another layer called "Select Fruit" dialog
How do i keep item editor, while the focus is on the layer; right now as soon as i click on the fruit , my handler popsup the "Select Fruit" dialog and the focus is on the layer. Once the focus goes out of the editor, the ItemEditor goes away and ItemRenderer label comes back.
I want to keep the ItemEditor alive! where do I hook up interms of events like begin/end ItemEdit etc?
You can keep your itemEditor alive by listening for DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END. Then you have a lot more control to do what you want. Some FYI from my blog:
- Dispatched when focus is removed from the cell
- List-based control’s default event listener will
1) use the .editorDataFrield property to deterine the property of the item editor to store the edited data; In a default TextInput control’s item editor, the “text” property would contain the new data.
2) Invoke destoryItemEditor() depending on the reason of the event
You can interrupt the default List-based control’s default event listener by using event.preventDefault() to
a) Modify the data returned from the item editor
b) Examine/Validate the data entered into the item editor; If the data is incorrect, you can halt Flex passing the data back from the item editor into the list-based control
Try losing focus of your ItemEditor. Goto Combo Box Change Listener
protected function comboBox_changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void
// set focus out event on datagrid. Its like clicking outside the datagrid FocusEvent(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT);

Capturing Select Button on Gridview using jQuery

I have two GridViews that list out included and exclude data items respectively.
By clicking "Change Status" (a custom button for each row) Users can change the row status from included to excluded or vice versa.
However before changing the status - users would need to specify the reason and enter a date for when they want something included/excluded. So these are additional operations that need to take place after the "Change Status" button is clicked and before an update occurs.
I want to use jQuery to capture the row id being "changed", save this value and pass back the update to the database.
I will use an absolute div for the menu but I'm running into issues as to how to capture row id and how to pass this back to my C# in codebehind.
I would have a modal dialog to capture the reason and date when the user clicks the "Change" button. On each row, next to the button include a hidden field that contains the row ID, or better yet the key for the record in the db. Then when you launch your modal, use jQuery to select the hidden field next to the button to grab the key value, and submit it as part of your modal form.
the jQuery would look something like:
$(function() {
$(".changeButton").click(function() {
var rowId = $(this).siblings(":hidden").val();
$("#myModal input[name=rowId]").val( rowId );
// do modal popup
