HTTP request via RabbitMQ? - http

I am designing a system, one component of the system gives me approx 50 outputs. I then start up VM instances for each of the 50 outputs, pass the outputs as inputs and run a process which can take 10 - 60 minutes on each of the instances.
Currently, when I get my output data, what I do is add each output to a message queue (rabbitmq) and then send an HTTP request to a cloud function. This cloud function basically creates 'self-destructing' instances for each output. The HTTP request has the "number_of_req_instances" and then each instance acts as a consumer, and picks one task from the queue.
I was wondering, is there any way to send the HTTP request from rabbitmq? Or whats the best practice for handling this sort of use-case? I'm not entirely happy that my 'http-request' to create instances and the population of my queue are two steps.
I not only need to pass the output as input, but I also need to start up the instances. I also like the fact that RabbitMQ works quite well with the acknowledgement of messages, so I'm keen to keep that as part of the system. I could however use HTTP requests to pass all the information and feed it to the metadata of the instances. But that's not ideal since the HTTP response would be direct and I wouldn't know if any of the tasks failed as opposed to using RabbitMQ.
Any suggesstions?

You could look into a solution with Cloud Function being triggered by a Pub/Sub message. The output would be sent to a topic in Pub/Sub. This topic is set as a trigger to launch the Function once a topic is published. The Cloud Function will ingest the Pub/Sub message containing the output and process the output.
You may look more into this documentation for Cloud Function triggered by Pub/Sub. There is also some architecture references you might find interesting. ie The serveless event driven


what is the best practice for handling asynchronous api call that take time

So suppose I have an API to create a cloud instance asynchronously. So after I made an API call it will just return the success response, but the cloud instance will not been initialized yet. It will take 1-2 minutes to create cloud instance and after that it will save the cloud instance information (ex. ip, hostname, os) to db which mean I have to wait 1-2 minutes so I can fetch the data again to show cloud information. At first I try making a loading component, but the problem is that I don't know when the cloud instance is initialized (each instance has different time duration for creating). I'm considering using websocket or using cron or should I redesign my API? Has anyone design asynchronous system before how do you handle such a case.
If the API that you call gives you no information on when it's done with its asynchronous processing, it seems to me that you'll have to check at intervals until you find that the resource is ready; i.e. to poll it.
This seems to me to roughly fit the description and intent of the Polling Consumer pattern. In general, for asynchronous systems design, I can't recommend Enterprise Integration Patterns enough.
As other noted you can either have a notification channel using WebSockets or poll the backend. Personally I'd probably go with the latter for this case and would actually create several APIs, one for initiating the work and get back a URL with "job id" in it where the status of the job can be polled.
RESTfully that would look something like POST /instances to initiate a job GET /instances see all the instances that are running/created/stopped and GET /instances/<id> to see the status of a current instance (initiating , failed , running or whatever)
WebSockets would work, but might be an overkill for this use case. I would probably display a status of 'creating' or something similar after receiving the success response from the API call, and then start polling the API to see if the creation process has finished.

Why do we need a queue when using webhooks?

Can anyone clarify what is the purpose of using queue ?
What i understand is that a webhook is just a URL , you do a POST request to that URL and then do some stuff based on the body/data of the request. So why i need to queue the data and store it in a database then loop through the database again and perform the stuff.
The short answer is, you don't have to use a queue. A webhook is just an HTTP request (typically POST) notifying your application of some type of event. The reason you might want to consider a queue is because of typical issues you could run into.
One of these is because of response time back to the webhook requester (source). Many sources want a response (HTTP status 200) as quickly as possible so they can dequeue the request from their webhook system. If processing the webhook takes some time, a source will typically advise you to use a queue to defer the lengthier process asynchronous to the 200 response to the webhook.
Another possible reason could be for removing duplicate requests. There is no guarantee with webhooks that you will only receive a single request per event. A queue can be used to de-dupe these requests.
I would recommend you stick with a simple request handler if possible, then evolve a more sophisticated handler if you run into issues. Consider queues as a potential design approach if you run into issues like those above.
You need some way to prevent a conflict if the webhook is invoked multiple times very close together.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a queue, though. If the webhook performs database queries and updates, you can use a transaction to ensure that this is atomic for each invocation.
In this respect, it's little different from any other web utility. You should do something similar in scripts that process web forms.

Kafka - Dynamic / Arbitrary Partitioning

I'm in the process of building a consumer service for a Kafka topic. Each message contains a url to which my service will make an http request. Each message / url is completely independent from other messages / urls.
The problem I'm worried about is how to handle long-running requests. It's possible for some http requests to take 50+ minutes before a response is returned. During that time, I do not want to hold up any other messages.
What is the best way to parallelize this operation?
I know that Kafka's approach to parallelism is to create partitions. However, from what I've read, it seems that you need to define the number of partitions up front when I really want an infinite or dynamic number of partitions (ideally each message gets its own partition created on the fly)
As an example, let's say I create 1,000 partitions. If 1,001+ messages are produced to my topic, the first 1,000 requests will be made but every message after that will be queued up until the previous request in that partition finishes.
I've thought about making the http requests asynchronous but then I seem to run into a problem when determining what offset to commit.
For instance, on a single partition I can have a consumer read the first message and make an async request. It provides a callback function which commits that offset to Kafka. While that request is waiting, my consumer reads the next message and makes another async request. If that request finishes before the first it will commit that offset. Now, what happens if the first request fails for some reason or my consumer process dies? If I've already committed a higher offset, it sounds like this means my first message will never get reprocessed, which is not what I want.
I'm clearly missing something when it comes to long-running, asynchronous message processing using Kafka. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have thoughts on how to best solve this? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
You should look at Apache Storm for the processing portion of your consumer and leave the message storage and retrieval to Kafka. What you've described is a very common use case in Big Data (although the 50+ minute thing is a bit extreme). In short, you'll have a small number of partitions for your topic and let Storm stream processing scale the number of components ("bolts" in Storm-speak) that would actual make the http requests. A single spout (the kind of storm component that reads data from an external source) could read the messages from the Kafka topic and stream them to the processing bolts.
I've posted an open source example of how to write a Storm/Kafka application on github.
Some follow-on thoughts to this answer:
1) While I think Storm is the correct platform approach to take, there's no reason you couldn't roll your own by writing a Runnable that performs the http call and then write some more code to make a single Kafka consumer read messages and process them with multiply-threaded instances of your runnable. The management code required is a bit interesting, but probably easier to write than what it takes to learn Storm from scratch. So you'd scale by adding more instances of the Runnable on more threads.
2) Whether you use Storm or your own multi-threaded solution, you'll still have the problem of how to manage the offset in Kafka. The short answer there is that you'll have to do your own complex offset management. Not only will you have to persist the offset of the last message you read from Kafka, but you'll have to persist and manage the list of in-flight messages currently being processed. In this way, if your app goes down, you know what messages were being processed and you can retrieve and re-process them when you start back up. The base Kafka offset persistence doesn't support this more complex need, but it's only there as a convenience for the simpler use cases anyway. You can persist your offsets info anywhere you like (Zookeeper, file system or any data base).

How to force the current message to be suspended and be retried later on from within a custom BizTalk **send** pipeline component?

Here is my scenario. BizTalk needs to transfer a file from a shared/central document library. First BizTalk receives an incoming message with a reference/path to this document in the library. Then it simply needs to read it out from this library and send it (potentially through different adapters). This is in essence, a scenario not so remote from the ClaimCheck EAI pattern.
Some ways to implement a claim check have been documented, noticeably BizTalk ESB Toolkit Claim Check, and BizTalk 2009: Dealing with Extremely Large Messages, Part I & Part II. These implementations do however take the assumption that the send pipeline can immediately read the stream that has been “checked in.”
That is not my case: the document will take some time before it is available in the shared library, and I cannot delay the initial received message. That leaves me with 2 options: either introduce some delay via an orchestration or ensure the send port will later on retry if the document is not there yet.
(A delay can only be introduced via an orchestration, there is no time-based subscriptions in BizTalk. Right?)
Since this a message-only flow I’d figure I could skip the orchestration. I have seen ways on how to have "Custom Retry Logic in Message Only Solution Using Pipeline" but what I need is not only a way to control the retry behavior (as performed by the adapter) but also to enforce it right from within the pipeline…
Every attempt I made so far just ended up with a suspended message that won’t be automatically retried even though the send adapter had retry configured… If this is indeed possible, then where/what should I do?
Oh right… and there is queuing… but unfortunately neither on premises nor in the cloud ;)
OK I may be pushing the limits… but just out of curiosity…
Many thanks for your help and suggestions!
I'm puzzled as to how this could be done without an Orch. The only way I can think of would be along the lines of:
The receive port for the initial messages just 'eats' the messages,
e.g. subscribing these messages to a dummy Send port with the Null Adapter,
ignoring them totally.
You monitor the Shared document library with a receive port, looking for any ? any new? document there.
Any located documents are subscribed by a send port and sent downstream.
An orchestration based approach would be along the lines of:
Orch is triggered by a receive of the Initial notification of an 'upcoming' new file to the library. If your initial notification is request response (e.g. exposed web service, you can immediately and synchronously issue the response)
Another receive port is used to do the monitoring of availability and retrieval of the file from shared library, correlating to the original notification message (e.g. by filename, or other key)
A mechanism to handle the retry if the document isn't available, and potentially an eventual timeout, e.g. if the document never makes it to the shared library.
And on success, a send port to then send the document downstream
Placing the delay shape in the Orch will offer more scalability than e.g. using Thread.Sleep() or similar in custom adapter or pipeline code, since BTS just calculates ad stamps the 'awaken' timestamp on the SQL record and can then dehydrate the orch, freeing up the thread.
The 'is the file there yet?' check can be done with a retry loop, delaying after each failed check, with a parallel branch with a timeout e.g. after an hour or so.
The polling interval can be controlled in the receive location, so I do not understand what you mean by there is no time based subscriptions in Biztalk. You also have a schedule window.
One way to introduce delay is to send that initial message to an internal webservice, which will simply post back the message to Biztalk after a specified time interval.
There are also loopback adapters, which simply post the message back into the messagebox. This can be ammended to add a delay.

In Mate, Sending two or more requests to the server simultaneously?

I'm using Mate's RemoteObjectInvoker to call methods in my FluorineFX based API. However, all requests seem to be sent to the server sequentiality. That is, if I dispatch a group of messages at the same time, the 2nd one isn't sent until the first returns. Is there anyway to change this behavior? I don't want my app to be unresponsive while a long request is processing.
This thread will help you to understand what happens (it talks about blazeds/livecylce but I assume that Fluorine is using the same approach). In a few words what happens is:
a)Flash player is grouping all your calls in one HTTP post.
b)The server(BlazeDs,Fluorine etc) receives the request and starts to execute the methods serially, one after another.
a)Have one HTTP post per method, instead of one HTTP post containing all the AMF messages. For that you can use HTTPChannel instead of AMFChannels (internally it is using instead of You will be limited to the maximum number of parallel connection defined by your browser.
b)Have only one HTTP post but implement a clever solution on the server (it will cost you a lot of development time). Basically you can write your own parallel processor and use message consumers/publishers in order to send the result of your methods to the client.
c)There is a workaround similar to a) on - create your remoteobject by hand and append a random id at the end of the endpoint.
