Alfresco share customization - adding styles - alfresco

I would like to change primary button style from Save and Close button to Task completed button.
Where are css classes added to DOM elements?
I know i can edit task-list-toolbar.js to delete alf-primary-button class from Save and close button but how can I add class to Task completed button?
I have checked transitions.ftl and transitions.js but there is nothing.

transitions.ftl and transitions.js , this 2 files are responsible for rendering the buttons.Buttons are rendered dynamically.So you will not find static text inside it.If required You can extend same file for your workflow task and customize it as per your requirement.


How to highlight at DOM the last row added to state variable with VueJS

I am making a small CMS with Vue-Router and Firebase. The CMS has a section with the post list. When the user press the button to create new post, open a child component with the editor.
When the user saves the post, the child leaves and returns to the post list. I would like the added row to have a color highlight applied with CSS for a few seconds.
I know how to do the highlight effect with CSS class but I do not know how to apply that CSS class only to that new row with VueJS. Do you give me any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Simply your question: do sth in parent when sth has been handled in child component.
See vm.$emit

How to use spinner in multiple components

I have multiple components.i created spinner on clicking button it's working fine but how to use spinner multiple components like drop down and radio button only one html code to be use another components in angular.I don't want to use plugins.
Thank you
You should created a shared Spinner Component and placed inside shared folder. Using Subject you can emit an event say 'show/hide' from your source component. Listen for events in Spinner component and display/hide the spinner.

Missing Dropdown in Component Styles Tab in CQ5

In the TextImage component, the Style tab has lost the css selection dropdown that used to show up when editing the component. It now just shows a blank area. It should have a dropdown for image alignment (left or right are your choices). This doesn't appear anymore.
This tab is xtype componentstyles (String), so I don't know where it references the source for the dropdown values. My local instance of CQ5 works just fine.
I cannot just add an xtype selection and feed it values because the css that gets added to the JSP code is outside the component's .jsp-specific page
It looks like the componentstyles xtype is driven by the CQ design that is associated to the page. Designs are stored underneath /etc/designs and are assigned through a page's Page properties dialog (cq:designPath property)
Let's look at an example in the Geometrixx website. If you navigate to the English homepage # /content/geometrixx/en.html and add an instance of the TextImage component to the page, you will notice that the Styles tab is empty in the component dialog. Now navigate to the 'Discover Geometrixx' page # /geometrixx/en/company/discover_geometrixx.html and examine one of the two pre-existing instances of the TextImage component. The Styles tab has the image dropdown you mentioned!
So what is the difference between the instances on the 'Discover Page' and the 'Home' page? The answer is in the design definition. If you open up CRXDE Lite and navigate to the Geometrixx design page for the Content Page template (which the 'Discover Geometrixx' page adopts), you will see the following nodes:
The design for the Homepage template (which the 'Home' page adopts) is missing this definition.
If you want to continue to use the out of box TextImage component, it seems you will need to have this design configuration set up on all the paragraph systems and templates where the component can go. So for example, if you want these styles to be available to the TextImage component when it is added to the par paragraph system of the Homepage template, you would add similar style nodes to:
Alternatively you could just overlay the component and/or create your own. Then for this custom component you could create your own Styles dialog that is independent of the design. You can simulate the out of box behavior by examining the saved JCR property and setting the appropriate CSS class name in your render script.
The problem is that a design path variable went missing. We don't know why or how, but the solution is as follows.
Open up Content Repository
Go to /content/-sitefolder-/ and expand
Click on jcr:content and view properties
Check for attribute cq:designPath and its value
/etc/designs/-sitefolder-; add to properties if it doesn't exist

Flex 3 Panel titleIcon click event

I would like to add an title Icon image to a Panel, but cant find the click event on that icon,
The titleIconObject of the Panel class is declared as an mx_internal variable, so if you want to do anything with it you will probably have to extend Panel and override it and some of the methods that reference it.
#seismael: Actually, upon further review, a better way would be to override commitProperties and handle it there. Open up the Panel class in the SDK and look for the section beginning if (_titleIconChanged) (in the current SDK I'm using it's line 1168). Just do super.commitProperties() and then adjust that conditional block to add your event listener for _titleIcon, etc

Highlighting an active tab - CSS

I have a small tabbed navigation setup using CSS. When hovering over the tabs the colour changes, great. However when i click a tab and it navigates to the corresponding page, i would like that tab (the active tab?) to remain highlighted, indicating the current page.
I am currently doing this by using a class (.currenttab ) and then using this class in each HTML file. I am not using:
Is there a way for me to use active, rather than using a class in each individual HTML file, or is what i am doing correct?
Thank you in advance.
What you are doing is correct. The :active pseudo selector means something else - the event of activating a control (ie, the time between a user presses the mouse button and releases it).
Using a class to signify the selected item is the way to go.
It's far from ideal, but if you give every page and every tab an id, you can define the highlighting in css instead of html. I ran across a full explanation while looking up the active attribute:
Highlighting Current Page With CSS
A site I designed with this technique (pages, not tabs)
Here are some more examples brainjar Demo
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